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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)

To those who don't get why we are bemoaning the loss of the bots.

Bots weren't just about reducing your Titan timer. Bots filled up the massive maps and made them FEEL fuller and in turn almost cosier despite their size which enhanced your feeling of movement and kicking ass.

They served as a distraction which allowed you to get the jump on a pilot or Titan.

They served as a way to contribute towards your Attrition score. Even someone having a bad game could simply try and avoid death and farm as many bots as they could to feel like they were still contributing to the team.

The Bots were a MASSIVE part of what made Titanfall so special.



I'm not warming up to this like I hoped I would. While I've had fun with it and I think it's a good game in general, I've just about had my fill for now. It's just too much like COD. And while I'm a fan of COD, it's kind of a particular itch for me. I don't feel the need to play it yearly. And since I just played BLOPS3, I'm not terribly hungry for more right now. Blargh. :[


Without a natural regen for the shield you get from a battery it's nothing but some extra HP, it's not doing the job the shield did in titanfall 1 which was a small buffer to react to being shot with before your titan took perma damage.

They completely removed half of what made titans unique in the first and turned them into walking scrap metal.

Imagine taking halo, removing shields but giving the spartans more hp which does not regen after being hit, that's how big of a change the titans are in this beta.

titans are now scrap metal? you are being ridiculous, titans last longer on TF2 if you know how to use them

at least i have last more with the titans on TF2 that i ever did on TF1

TF1 even have a core ability so the exploding titan will do demage because they are fucking expendable on that game
Even in this clip. Super stationary, no movement just spamming while standing around.


Oh I agree, if this was the original Titanfall, then I'd have been rodeoing on one of those Titans and unloading my weapon into its brain.

If I'd have done that on Titanfall 2, I'd have been booted off and likely killed by the other.

Purest 78

To those who don't get why we are bemoaning the loss of the bots.

Bots weren't just about reducing your Titan timer. Bots filled up the massive maps and made them FEEL fuller and in turn almost cosier despite their size which enhanced your feeling of movement and kicking ass.

They served as a distraction which allowed you to get the jump on a pilot or Titan.

They served as a way to contribute towards your Attrition score. Even someone having a bad game could simply try and avoid death and farm as many bots as they could to feel like they were still contributing to the team.

The Bots were a MASSIVE part of what made Titanfall so special.

Yes useless brain dead cannon fodder to make casuals feel like they're helping. I hope they add that for people who want it. I'll certainly pass on that mode, like most did after a couple months.


It's probably doing better than Star Wars Battlefront, and that game isn't even a year old.
Battlefront has 20k players on XBO alone.

Either way, population in TF1 is more than enough to find a game quickly. It's my goto game when playing solo.

EDIT: ah you were talking sales.


Yes useless brain dead cannon fodder to make casuals feel like they're helping. I hope they add that for people who want it. I'll certainly pass on that mode, like most did after a couple months.
lol, what? Attrition was the only mode that had staying power. They added a pilot vs pilot mode and it died out in record time.
This tech test makes me really sad, I just wanna play the first game now but I can't because I have a PS4. I wanted to do crazy wallrun chains but instead all I got was the least fun parts of a CoD game.


Subete no aware
Quoting from Reddit which are quotes from the video.

Edit: For Gaf benefit, it is from a Tech talk about the original Titanfall. The video is from 2015. Respawn talk about how they overcome some of the game play and balance mechanics in the original game.

What changed in 2 years?
This is literally the opposite of the design philosophy of TF2. Wow.
TF1 really does feel like the sequel that fixes all of TF2's problems.

lol, what? Attrition was the only mode that had staying power. They added a pilot vs pilot mode and it died out in record time.
Attrition and LTS were the only really good and original modes of the game.

Battlefront has 20k players on XBO alone.

Either way, population in TF1 is more than enough to find a game quickly. It's my goto game when playing solo.
In relative terms, that's probably comparable considering the age and the IP behind Battlefront. But yeah, I'm surprised it's not completely dead.


Yes useless brain dead cannon fodder to make casuals feel like they're helping. I hope they add that for people who want it. I'll certainly pass on that mode, like most did after a couple months.

I remember this argument when TF1 came out. Didn't make sense then, didn't make sense now.

It's like bitching about creeps in LoL.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Yes useless brain dead cannon fodder to make casuals feel like they're helping. I hope they add that for people who want it. I'll certainly pass on that mode, like most did after a couple months.

You mean Attrition? What the fuck are you talking about?

Respawn already gave us Pilot v Pilot in TF1. Everyone tried it and abandoned it almost immediately.

Which mode has the highest player count in the beta? THE ONE WITH BOTS.


Yes useless brain dead cannon fodder to make casuals feel like they're helping. I hope they add that for people who want it. I'll certainly pass on that mode, like most did after a couple months.

LoL. Casuals. Are CASUALS the only ones that see the use of the bots?? Because I loved them and I'm certainly not a fucking casual.


You mean Attrition? What the fuck are you talking about?

Respawn already gave us Pilot v Pilot in TF1. Everyone tried it and abandoned it almost immediately.

Which mode has the highest player count in the beta? THE ONE WITH BOTS.

Hell attrition is still the highest mode in T1, with campaign after it.

Purest 78

You mean Attrition? What the fuck are you talking about?

Respawn already gave us Pilot v Pilot in TF1. Everyone tried it and abandoned it almost immediately.

Tried it far to late by that time most were gone already. Also those maps were not built with PVP in mind. As I said I hope people who want that mode get it. As for me I play online MP to compete Against other people. Co-op games I don't mind that's the point. In a Multiplayer Shooters It did not work for me.
Been playing it all weekend and as someone who has put around 300 hours into the first game, I have to say I don't like it. Everything I would complain about has already been said repeatedly in this thread.

Movement feels slower and the two maps offered aren't very good, especially Homestead. It's far too open and impossible to run through the whole thing which nearly every map in this first game accomplished.

No A.I. bots, especially in Hardpoint, is a real bummer. That mode is just dull now. Really all my matches have been. Some have talked about the lack of presentation that the first game had. It's very likely that was all done to make up for no single player campaign but now the multiplayer has felt lifeless without it all.

Why is wallhanging a perk? Why? A basic function of the game's movement system has to be a perk now.

Titans feel much weaker and less personal. Getting rid of the timer was a bad idea. The way rodeo works is also quite lame. I can't even hear when someone is getting on my Titan to prepare myself.

This test has been really disappointing. I was so excited for this but I haven't felt anything in my time playing so far. Nothing has excited me and I can hardly tell it's a sequel to one of my favorite shooters in years. I'm really letdown by this.

To those who don't get why we are bemoaning the loss of the bots.

Bots weren't just about reducing your Titan timer. Bots filled up the massive maps and made them FEEL fuller and in turn almost cosier despite their size which enhanced your feeling of movement and kicking ass.

They served as a distraction which allowed you to get the jump on a pilot or Titan.

They served as a way to contribute towards your Attrition score. Even someone having a bad game could simply try and avoid death and farm as many bots as they could to feel like they were still contributing to the team.

The Bots were a MASSIVE part of what made Titanfall so special.
This is a truth post.

Yes useless brain dead cannon fodder to make casuals feel like they're helping. I hope they add that for people who want it. I'll certainly pass on that mode, like most did after a couple months.
What? Forgive us for wanting something to differentiate a shooter from the rest.


Tried it far to late by that time most were gone already. Also those maps were not built with PVP in mind. As I said I hope people who want that mode get it. As for me I play online MP to compete Against other people. Co-op games I don't mind that's the point. In a Multiplayer Shooters It did not work for me.

Titanfall 1 was a game about competing against other people.

The AI were as involved in the battle as a red explosive barrel in Call of Duty 4 multiplayer, once you have a base level of proficiency in navigating the map and taking them down. They weren't there to kill you, but to give you things to shoot at between other players, keep the map feeling alive, and to discourage you from running around on ground level and camping, where AI was more plentiful and could do damage.

You could play Titanfall ignoring the AI entirely if you so chose to.


I played a few hours of the original TF on PC but I can't seem to get into this. Perhaps it's the map. Moving around in Homestead feels like a chore most of the time (I'll be honest, haven't really played anything of the other map on offer). Maybe it's simply familiarity of the original or not spending enough time with it, but feels "samey" (sorry, I know, not the best description). I pretty much gave up wall running. It's there because it's Titanfall but doesn't feel anywhere near as exhilarating as the first which again is familiarity and, I think, the poor map design. Tried the grappling hook but failed miserably on every occasion by bashing into rock or a wall. All the guns again feel very similar which was my main concern with the original. Plus, the screen is over-populated with stuff. I can't keep up in my old age.

I'll definitely give this more of a shot because I know respawn can make a killer map or two but first contact impressions have waned my interest.
How long until the test ends (until it reopens next weekend)

Also, those who got early access, will they be able to play all next week?

Edit: 9pm PST (so 6 hours from now)


Titanfall 1 was a game about competing against other people.

The AI were as involved in the battle as a red explosive barrel in Call of Duty 4 multiplayer, once you have a base level of proficiency in navigating the map and taking them down. They weren't there to kill you, but to give you things to shoot at between other players, keep the map feeling alive, and to discourage you from running around on ground level and camping, where AI was more plentiful and could do damage.

You could play Titanfall ignoring the AI entirely if you so chose to.

Not to mention that decent players used the grunts to their advantage. It was almost a sure way of finding people and/or using them to farm for the titan cool down. You could even use them to lure other players to you.

I played a few hours of the original TF on PC but I can't seem to get into this. Perhaps it's the map. Moving around in Homestead feels like a chore most of the time (I'll be honest, haven't really played anything of the other map on offer). Maybe it's simply familiarity of the original or not spending enough time with it, but feels "samey" (sorry, I know, not the best description). I pretty much gave up wall running. It's there because it's Titanfall but doesn't feel anywhere near as exhilarating as the first which again is familiarity and, I think, the poor map design. Tried the grappling hook but failed miserably on every occasion by bashing into rock or a wall. All the guns again feel very similar which was my main concern with the original. Plus, the screen is over-populated with stuff. I can't keep up in my old age.

I'll definitely give this more of a shot because I know respawn can make a killer map or two but first contact impressions have waned my interest.


One thing I'll second you on is that the UI is fucked in this one. The first UI was so much cleaner, but I find myself getting distracted by it. The Titan UI is even more fucked.
It's staggering the so many (including Respawn) have no idea what made Titanfall Titanfall.

Looks like we got another Bungie/Halo fluke situation.
Agreed on both counts. How can a team that got it right the first time go backwards and make a sequel that feels like a predecessor?


Membero Americo
This is fun and all, but I loved the first Titanfall, with my big negative being the lack of content.

And with this being a demo, they can't really fix that here, so, I'm gonna have to wait.


Should we be surprised though?

MW is better than MW2 as well. Both in SP and MP.

Not sure. In hindsight it may have been better, but when MW2 dropped it was a LOT of fun using the new kill-streaks and gaining rank. Plus, most of the maps were a decent evolution over MW. IW at the time hit the nail on the head in producing a sequel that managed to elevate an already popular formula i.e. progression and RPG-lite elements, in a shooter, and make it even more huge. They knew what made MW so popular and simply expanded on it because back then, it was still fresh. I think their problem with TF2 is they already hit the nail on the head with TF and the rest of their back-catalogue and are now shit out of ideas.

Agreed about solo however.
I made a mistake and went to play Titanfall over the tech test. God dammit, I think I'm gonna cancel my vanguard preorder.

Spyglass is giving me constant updates about my Titan, Blisk is commending me on my Titan kills, there's grunts saying how badass I am, the movement isn't as heavy, Titans have speed and boosts are a faster and stronger, Titan shields, I can actually customize my Titan how I want, the R101C handles a lot better than the newer version, wall hanging isn't a perk, stim actually feels like stim, I'm actually a pilot instead of a spectre, Titan v pilot combat is a lot more fun, the Sidewinder, maps feel alive, the UI is clean and doesn't feel cramped, and no glow around enemy pilots.

EDIT: OH and first person embarks and executions. Nothing like having an enemy Titan rip me out of my cockpit and throw me across the map in first person.

The only thing I missed that I kept trying to do from the tech tests was slide.
Anything above 1000 and it tends to be easy to find games. Several thousand is indeed, plenty, the game doesn't need to be Overwatch or Rocket League to be perfectly playable.

I also hate it when people say that a game is 'dead'. Like, seriously? So long as people can still play it, how is it dead? I can still load up Uncharted 2 and find matches to play. You would be surprised how long people stick with certain games, even if it becomes the popular opinion that everyone has left that game behind.

This x 10000. Can't stand the winner-takes-all nonsense. 'Plenty' it ain't, dead it ain't.

Also love the 'but TF died really fast' as if changing things like wallhang to a perk make a slight bit of difference to that possibility. It's not about the mini changes.
To those who don't get why we are bemoaning the loss of the bots.

Bots weren't just about reducing your Titan timer. Bots filled up the massive maps and made them FEEL fuller and in turn almost cosier despite their size which enhanced your feeling of movement and kicking ass.

They served as a distraction which allowed you to get the jump on a pilot or Titan.

They served as a way to contribute towards your Attrition score. Even someone having a bad game could simply try and avoid death and farm as many bots as they could to feel like they were still contributing to the team.

The Bots were a MASSIVE part of what made Titanfall so special.

They also discouraged camping.

Not sure. In hindsight it may have been better, but when MW2 dropped it was a LOT of fun using the new kill-streaks and gaining rank. Plus, most of the maps were a decent evolution over MW. IW at the time hit the nail on the head in producing a sequel that managed to elevate an already popular formula i.e. progression and RPG-lite elements, in a shooter, and make it even more huge. They knew what made MW so popular and simply expanded on it because back then, it was still fresh. I think their problem with TF2 is they already hit the nail on the head with TF and the rest of their back-catalogue and are now shit out of ideas.

Agreed about solo however.

I'm not an emotional man, but MW2 almost brought a tear to my eye because I hated it compared to MW1. Saddest day of my gaming career.
I made a mistake and went to play Titanfall over the tech test. God dammit, I think I'm gonna cancel my vanguard preorder.

Spyglass is giving me constant updates about my Titan, Blisk is commending me on my Titan kills, there's grunts saying how badass I am, the movement isn't as heavy, Titans have speed and boosts are a faster and stronger, Titan shields, I can actually customize my Titan how I want, the R101C handles a lot better than the newer version, wall hanging isn't a perk, stim actually feels like stim, I'm actually a pilot instead of a spectre, Titan v pilot combat is a lot more fun, the Sidewinder, maps feel alive, the UI is clean and doesn't feel cramped, and no glow around enemy pilots.

EDIT: OH and first person embarks and executions. Nothing like having an enemy Titan rip me out of my cockpit and throw me across the map in first person.

The only thing I missed that I kept trying to do from the tech tests was slide.
This is yet another issue with TF2. The presentation is top notch in Titanfall and makes it all feel like a war. Feedback from everywhere.

Think I'll go back to it tonight.
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