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Titanfall Beta (PC/Xbone) Impressions (No Key Begging/Trading or I will ban you!)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Good fun game. Badly needs some aussie servers though. Sucks being the only guy on the server with a 1 bar connection icon when everyone else has 3 bars.

I feel for you guys. Terrible to have to put up with that garbage.
Good fun game. Badly needs some aussie servers though. Sucks being the only guy on the server with a 1 bar connection icon when everyone else has 3 bars.

Yeah the lack of Aussie servers is making this beta bittersweet for me. Game is hella fun but I don't know if I can justify paying $60 for a MP only FPS where my best case ping is ~150 ms. Azure pls.


Finally finished the download.
It's pretty decent. Got to Lvl3 after two matches.

Now latency from South Africa is pretty scary though. Closest Datacenter is Europe West or something and that has a min latency of 219ms.

Thankfully the game seems to be pretty decent in terms of handling that latency.

However I did notice that minions seems to register the damage immediately where pilots have a slight delay.

Not the end of the world but just annoying knowing that I'll always have a disadvantage when playing.

From the game perspective, teams really get screwed once the whole enemy team bumps out Titans.

In both games I had the game pretty much hit an end point once the enemy Titans are spawned. What's annoying is that most of these people now 'camp' with their titan against the edge of the map. This was more annoying in the more open map I played.

Essentially it ended up that you can only really play in the center of the map as going close to an edge meant some dude camping there shooting everyone that moves.

Enjoying it though but doubt I'll pick it up come launch day. Think I'll wait to see how regions are handled in terms of match making. If I can be paired up with just South Africans, the latency disadvantage would atleast be a semi playing field.



Had to take them with me.

Grenade throwing feels really good in this game.
Just got and used a Stryder Refurb card

holy shit that thing's GOAT. Unlimited Dash as the core ability was the coolest fucking thing ever. Wish I was using extended capacity chain gun when I used it, would've felt unstoppable.



Im using a 770 GTX with the Insane textures, first 20 minutes it was fine and running smooth as butter then all of a sudden it became choppy.

It's vram.Insane textures are to much for 2GB apparently.You can try it without any MSAA but it will stutter after some time I think.

I must say that I really like the look of that map in the city.All that fog and neons are really nice.With good AA this game is really nice looking.It's not Crysis 3 technically of course but its far from ugly for me.I like that art design.


Just downloaded the beta and tried it i cant get a stable connection every 8 seconds i need to load the server and my ping is about 37 i also cant see shit like everyone is a clusterfuck of triangles and metal smashed together and my view is blurred as hell cant see my gun its a mess. Im guessing its my graphics card but i have no issues with my other games.

Edit: looks like this http://imageshack.com/a/img534/9830/5v81.png


Neo Member
It's vram.Insane textures are to much for 2GB apparently.You can try it without any MSAA but it will stutter after some time I think.

I must say that I really like the look of that map in the city.All that fog and neons are really nice.With good AA this game is really nice looking.It's not Crysis 3 technically of course but its far from ugly for me.I like that art design.

arrrr maan! i will give it a shot tonight.


Whelp, just got done with a few matches. I really don't like how bots populate the rounds. I feel like I'm progressing when I'm really not. I may as well be playing by myself. I viewed my score card for my last match and I killed 1 human and 17 bots. That's ridiculous.

Overall, the game's pretty fun. I've only played one mode though. I'll probably do more tomorrow.

a good rule of thumb is pilots are on walls or roofs generaly


Never got any connection issues playing the game and I've had it since Friday night. Weird how everyone else seems to be having trouble.

The more I play it, the more I like it. Domination is a ton of fun and the game type I actually do well in. I barely have a positive K/D in Atrition (I don't count bot kills as kills).

Also, why are Titans so damn tough? It seems like I have a really hard time taking out enemy titans, but everyone beats the shit out of mine with ease. I've seen people as Pilots wreck my shit in a Titan. Im actually a million times better as a pilot. Someone please give me advice on how to take these bitches down


I played like 10 matches yesterday and I really like this game. I will probably get this game on Xbox 360 and PC. To me, it doesn't feel like CoD with Mechs at all. I'm still really suprised, about how fast the gameplay is, with the Titans. It's also pretty cool, that everyone gets a Titan, instead of making it a killstreak. I would say, that the Titans are fairly balanced. Doesn't take forever to kill one, so it's not like the guy with the Titan is OP. The only things, that I don't like this far, is the Smart Pistol and Stealth.


What's the best free way to record a game on PC?

Open Broadcaster Software, which is also used to stream on Twitch etc. Just select local recording instead of streaming to Twitch.


I spent the last few days rolling my eyes at all the bot-hate in this thread and others but it really is kind of justified.

I guess I was theoretically OK with them being a part of the gameplay but once you get into a match and have them casually throwing out benign pot-shots and clogging up your HUD with samey orange tags...it's fairly annoying.

The game is ridiculously fun though. I told myself that I'd just play through the tutorial tonight and ended up going on a five-hour marathon session that will undoubtedly f*ck my day tomorrow.


Time between rounds is way too long.
And matches is way too short.

Never got into the COD rage, so I assume match lengths is pretty standard fair then?


So got to play some yesterday. I like the movement part, but gunplay doesn't feel great and I really feel like ADS is just a bad decision for the game. I really don't care for the bots they aren't adding much to the game. I also don't care to much for titans pilot gameplay is way more fun. The city map lens itself better to the wall run movement then fracture.


extra source of jiggaflops
Played it a little bit. I'm way less hyped now than I was after the first E3 showing.

I think the concept of the AI is straight up garbage, the ADS is completely silly and that it's required or you have ridiculous spread is bad.

I don't hate it but after playing it now, I probably don't need it in my life.

Also I have tearing no matter what settings I use, which is dumb too. Even at approximately the same spot on the screen.


So I though I would ask here rather than make another thread.
Is there any word on if the game will require internet access to play? Yes I know it's a MP game but was wondering if perhaps it will have a bot mode similar to Shadow Run. I know there's the training grounds.


So I though I would ask here rather than make another thread.
Is there any word on if the game will require internet access to play? Yes I know it's a MP game but was wondering if perhaps it will have a bot mode similar to Shadow Run. I know there's the training grounds.

Online only.
So I though I would ask here rather than make another thread.
Is there any word on if the game will require internet access to play? Yes I know it's a MP game but was wondering if perhaps it will have a bot mode similar to Shadow Run. I know there's the training grounds.

Yes, they confirmed you must be connected to the net to even access the game.


Played it a little bit. I'm way less hyped now than I was after the first E3 showing.

I think the concept of the AI is straight up garbage, the ADS is completely silly and that it's required or you have ridiculous spread is bad.

I don't hate it but after playing it now, I probably don't need it in my life.

Also I have tearing no matter what settings I use, which is dumb too. Even at approximately the same spot on the screen.

I'm curious to know what rig you're running. My 7970 OC maxes the game without a hitch.


Formerly Gizmowned
So do we know what the campaign consists of? It mentioned a campaign on a burn card or some unlockable.

Also since the beta is opening how will it run for me on pc.

3930k @ 4.ghz
Asus GTX 680 Top 2gb Top in SLI
16gb 1866 ram


So do we know what the campaign consists of? It mentioned a campaign on a burn card or some unlockable.

Also since the beta is opening how will it run for me on pc.

3930k @ 4.ghz
Asus GTX 680 Top 2gb Top in SLI
16gb 1866 ram


I have:

670 Zotac amp edition
8 gigs of ram

And I have it maxed.
Vsync off, vsync on in nvidia.
AA set to 2x.

60fps solid.


Man the time to death on the PC is horrendously short. It's even worse than CoD, which is saying something. If you get seen there is literally no point attempting to run away: you're fucking dead. Hell I've killing a person from full HP in less than a second, there is no chance to move, what a fucking awful design decision. It serves nothing more than to make shitty players feel good, running should always be an option and considering the life on a titan it feels almost at a polar opposite to pilot heath.

I really hope this gets looked at else the game is going to get really fucking tedious, really fucking quickly.

Edit: I should make clear I'm enjoying the game for what it is, but I feel it has the life expectancy of a coin-op shoot em up. I can see my self ending up, going back to my usual stable of games after a while.


I'm not a big multiplayer guy but this game is just fun. It doesn't take long to get a handle on the controls and once you do everything is so smooth. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop in Angel City and taking guys out along the way is absolutely satisfying. I was pretty skeptical of all the hype but what I've played so far is great. I'm still disappointed it's multiplayer only, just imagine the CoD-style set pieces they could pull off with these mechanics, but I'm interested to see how they manage to integrate multiplayer and campaign.


Alright so I played quite a bit on Xbox One AND on PC for the last two days, and I'm now canceling my Xbox One preorder. I'll get the game on PC.
I was excited to give my Xbox One some action, but I suck WAY to much on the gamepad. I'm always last of my team, it's humiliating. On PC however, I'm much more comfortable and often on top of my team.
I don't have that many friends on Xbox Live and my PC can take it, so it's no big deal, but as an early Xbone adopter, it's a bummer. I'm going PS4 for most multiplat games, so there's isn't much I'm looking forward to on Xbox anymore.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Getting some awful framerate drops on GTX 690 with 3970x, once I take any kind of in-game vsync off however, smooth as butter with horrible tearing, tried using D3Doverrider but wont work with this game for some reason.

I have the same problem. Vsync off is great, but holy shit it tears. Vsync on, stutters a bunch. Seems to be a common problem. Haven't tried any outside solutions.


I have the same problem. Vsync off is great, but holy shit it tears. Vsync on, stutters a bunch. Seems to be a common problem. Haven't tried any outside solutions.

What helped in my case was turning on Vsync in drivers and turning it off in game.Also this game don't like ALT+Tab it starts stutter after that.
Also check how much memory is using your card.


If you go to Personal Stats > Distance, one of the stats is for time spent on ziplines. That's the first I've heard about the game having ziplines usable by players.
Really not digging this so far. Spawn, shoot some bots, meet another human player, have a three second battle, someone dies, spawn, repeat, get Titan, game ends.

After playing 64 player BF4 this seems like a huge step back in time. Probably not going to bother picking it up now
Really not digging this so far. Spawn, shoot some bots, meet another human player, have a three second battle, someone dies, spawn, repeat, get Titan, game ends.

After playing 64 player BF4 this seems like a huge step back in time. Probably not going to bother picking it up now

You could describe any FPS in the same way and it would sound boring.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, has the PC version finally opened to everyone on Origin or is it still "code only" right now?

In BF you walk for a couple minutes or drive/fly whatever, die and have to do it all again. Not really exciting.

No offense, but stop sucking and play with a squad if you don't want to "walk for a couple of minutes and die."

Spotting and the mini-map: Saves your ass.
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