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TMZ: Carrie Fisher suffers cardiac arrest on plane (Up: in ICU, condition unknown)

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Please be ok.


Purple Drazi
Is it 10 minutes or 15 minutes without breathing?

That's a rather large difference.

Yeah, I literally just had a friend of mine on Facebook correct 10 to 15, saying it was indeed 15. I'd love an absolute statement on the matter.

15 is... uh, not... good at all.


Purple Drazi
The grim reaper pic is a nice sentiment. :) But it's not really a matter of her not necessarily being in the clear yet. It's more like... the odds are still looking pretty rough. :/


Thank you for the update.

Max, you're on my shit list now. After this I can no longer ignore the negativity that surrounds your name. I read your tweets and I saw your video. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. It's gone now. You piece of shit. I hope she puts you on blast for using her health issue in your attempt to trend.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Despite the grim situation I have to say it's nice to see how many lives she has touched with her role and subsequent career.


sad to hear the news and hoping for the best.

when Joan Rivers suffered cardiac arrest, she was also upgraded to stable condition ...but was later taken off life support. hopefully it works out better for Carrie Fisher. Joan was in her early 80s at the time, so being that Carrie is younger ...maybe that'll help.

hoping for the best anyway.
Yep. That's why I'm still very sad at this point.


Makes me laugh how Max Landis is now getting all righteous about the negativity he's receiving when he prematurely announced the death of a universally-loved actress just so he can be first. I don't excuse internet bullying under any circumstances but this guy can't complain at all. Dude needs to switch his phone off and go think about what he's done for a few days. Think before you speak, motherfucker.
Is it 10 minutes or 15 minutes without breathing?

That's a rather large difference.

In terms of brain damage, I don't think it will matter. 10 minutes is really a long time. Half that would be already bad. Yes, people have survived much longer times, but always in freezing conditions (frozen water, frozen weather), in that situations you body reduces functions. Not the case here. Really worried.
The fastest someone can get CPR on her and/or get an AED going can literally make the difference between life and death. Literally seconds can make a difference.

The first responders on that plane are heroes
To everyone worrying about how long she went without oxygen, that is definitely a big problem. However, CPR is providing oxygen throughout the body. There are crazy cases of people going over an hour after a heart attack with CPR-only to keep them going, who later made full recoveries. I'm not a health professional, so I can't speak fully to this. But I've taken a good amount of first aid classes. Maybe someone with some more knowledge could pipe in.


In terms of brain damage, I don't think it will matter. 10 minutes is really a long time. Half that would be already bad. Yes, people have survived much longer times, but always in freezing conditions (frozen water, frozen weather), in that situations you body reduces functions. Not the case here. Really worried.

I agree with your overall sentiment here, but if 10 minutes is a long time (and it is), 15 is an eternity...
No. After a cardiac arrest like this, stabilized does not mean "back to normal." It means that her vitals are stable, they have her on whatever medications they need for now, and now it's about allowing her brain function and so forth to heal.

In terms of her cerebral function and cognitive recovery, it's MUCH too early to tell. In fact, it's only going to be over the next 48-72 hours where we'll have any idea how much damage was done to the brain and begin to have some understanding in terms of recovery. This is unless we get some news on how the initial reports of her being down for that amount of time weren't accurate or so forth... otherwise we're just going to have to wait.



You can be stable on a ventilator.

Listen to this man. If she wasn't responsive after her return of circulation (good chance she wasn't after that much time) they may have moved to something called target temperature management or hypothermia protocol. They cool the body over 24-48 hours and then slowly rewarm it to hopefully preserved neurological function. Or she may have been placed on something like a balloon pump to facilitate her surely injured and weakened heart. She can also be considered "stable" while on various vasoactive medications that are literally keeping her heart pumping and blood pressure from bottoming out.

Like he said, stable in this case could still very likely mean not actively dying. But from the reports, it sounds bad.
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