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Today in Trump: Teaming up with Sarah Palin?

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Donald Trump has been pretty dull lately, which isn’t by his own design. He’s tried hard to keep the fires burning, but those continuous fires burnt American citizens right out. How could Trump resurrect media interest in his political antics? Well, he could choose a firebrand running mate, or at least, he could imply said running mate in advance. All along, folks have suspected that the ballad of Trump and Sarah Palin could come to a roaring crescendo in 2016. Let’s quickly recap the evidence of how this could happen.

Last July, Trump went on record to say he’d “love” to have Palin in his administration. This was shortly after Palin described Trump as her “hero.” Trump then said his people wished to grab onto Palin’s preexisting following. Plus, Palin throws massive ragers on occasion, so the Grand Old Party could gain a whole new meaning. Then in November, Palin promised to run for office again but only if “the door was opened” by God.

This rundown lands in Iowa, and on Monday, conservative talk show host Steve Deace played a role in ushering in the apocalypse. Deace tweeted that Palin will be “Trump’s special guest in Iowa” on Tuesday evening.

Steve Deace said:
Pretty much everybody I know now believes Trump's special guest in Iowa tomorrow night is now going to be Sarah Palin.

- @SteveDeaceShow

So, is this good news or bad news? The entertainment value will be A+. Plus, anyone who worries about Trump taking the White House can take comfort in how Palin did time on a losing ticket. Let’s see what happens on Tuesday night in Iowa. Trump could very well troll the election process for many months to come. You betcha!



Funky Papa

The key has turned, the prophecy fulfilled. The dark trumpets of Azathoth shall now herald the dusk of man.

Iä iä Trump fhtagn.
Yes, please Trump, associate yourself with the woman who couldn't even finish one fucking term as Governor of Alaska before deciding to quit so she could start making money on book and TV deals right away. Even taking away all of the shitty things she's said, that takes the cake. I hate my governor Rick Scott but at least he hasn't quit being governor just so he could make more money and be more famous.

I shouldn't be surprised honestly.


Please, I beg of you, political gods.. let her provide the bump needed to finish this all in Iowa.

Bing bing bong.. Amen.

But seriously.. If Cruz is being hurt at all by his latest dramas and Trump gets a bump from this so that he wins Iowa and then New Hampshire, then the primary is effectively over. At the very least, he gets to dominate the dwindling number of news cycles between today and Iowa. I'm sure he has other stunts up his sleeve.


Trump doesn't like winning now?

Trump's primary concern is media saturation.

Sarah Palin is mesmerizingly goofy and outrageous.

It's genius, really.

Trump - Palin Vs. Clinton - O'Malley. Would love to see that.

I have doubts Trump would choose her as his running mate, just as a huge asset to his campaign with promises to be in his administration.

Hillary's ticket will be Clinton/Castro since he had zero poker face on Colbert's show.

Miles X

Trump's primary concern is media saturation.

Sarah Palin is mesmerizingly goofy and outrageous.

It's genius, really.

I have doubts Trump would choose her as his running mate, just as a huge asset to his campaign with promises to be in his administration.

Hillary's ticket will be Clinton/Castro since he had zero poker face on Colbert's show.

You're likely right, Palin was fantastic for media attention but .. not much else.

Id' love for Bill to be VP but don't think that's possible? I read that it's complicated.
Hillary's ticket will be Clinton/Castro since he had zero poker face on Colbert's show.

Castro would be a hell of a VP pick, to be honest. Puts him in line as the future of the Democratic party. It may be too much, too fast though. He may get a prominent cabinet position though.


Castro would be a hell of a VP pick, to be honest. Puts him in line as the future of the Democratic party. It may be too much, too fast though. He may get a prominent cabinet position though.

The only reservation I have with Castro is obviously his name, since I know American voters are mostly idiots who only know Castro as a Cuban dictator, and the go-to attack on democrats is to equate them to communists, the attack ads write themselves.
The only reservation I have with Castro is obviously his name, since I know American voters are mostly idiots who only know Castro as a Cuban dictator, and the go-to attack on democrats is to equate them to communists, the attack ads write themselves.

Barack HUSSEIN Osama got elected president twice. I wouldn't be too worried.


You couldn't write this shit in a novel and be believable.

Ho Ha this election is a blast.

Well as long as your not an American I suppose. :/
I swear to God he doesn't want to be president. First the Muslim comments now a possible Palin situation. Trump is realizing shit is getting real and he is freaking out.
This is probably just an endorsement. No way he'd pick a proven loser like Palin as his VP, but he'll gladly accept her support. This could totally help him win Iowa.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I'm kinda surprised. Figured Trump wouldn't want to pimp out a woman endorsement as it's not enough testosterone or some shit.


Surprised it's not Ann Coulter.

Lisa Ann retired? I was just thinking that I was ready for that follow up porn parody.


You couldn't write this shit in a novel and be believable.

Ho Ha this election is a blast.

Well as long as your not an American I suppose. :/
I've been thinking similarly for a while. The finest comedy writers in the country couldn't have come up with a more absurd, laugh-aloud sequence of events. It's been one absolutely asinine, unpredictable incident after another. If this were a scripted show, my suspension of disbelief would've been shot a loooong time ago - and we might have another 10 months of this man!
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