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Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Xbox One / PlayStation 4) - Jan 28 2014


Gold Member
well - this was one of the games that was in my ps3 list of games to get to before i buy a PS4...so now i'll just shift it over.

migrating backlog - it's the future man.


prob going to be full price and the "better" version on ps4, so ill just pass on the one version and get me a cheap ps3 version when this hits i think
I'm sold. Again. Tomb Raider was one of the biggest surprises I've had in gaming. Bought it on a whim, had no interest but thought "meh, I'll try it". Yeah, loved it.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
You didn't have a 360?

I'm oddly amused. Never thought I would see console gamers begging for PC ports of last gen's games for higher prices. Interesting development.

lol... i had a bunch of 360's.

point taken though, and I didn't realize TW2 was released on 360. my bad.


I got TR on black Friday and beat it already. I was shocked at how good looking of a game it is. I'd consider double dipping if the price is right. I don't plan on getting a PS4 until mid-late next year. Maybe I'll pick it up on black Friday again.


I'm thinking GOTY editions for the Last of Us, GTAV, and Bioshock Infinite will hit PS4 once content development ends for each title. I'm particularly keen on seeing this happen for the Last of Us. Still haven't played it yet.


Oh baby! That's how you make money and gamers happy. Did you hear me BioWare? Where's my Mass Effect Definitive Extended Cut Reaper Banderas Edition?


This was a fun game, but I'm not willing to rebuy it for full price. I suppose an upgrade program is out of the question?


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I'm calling it now.

Xbox One version 900p, PS4 version 1080p with smoother frame rates.


It's going to be weird to see a $60 game that looks exactly the same as the beefed up PC version that can be found for less than $10 right now. During the next Steam sale it will probably be $5 when the PS4/XBO version is $60.

They'd be stupid to price them $60.
Isnt TressFX an Nvidia thing? Probably not going to get that on the next gen consoles. 60fps is more important than hair anyway.


Wasn't that hair stuff pretty demanding? I suspect it'll either be 30fps with the hair, or 60 without.

From what I've read TressFX the way it was implemented in the original PC release definitely would be hard to integrate into a PS4/Xbone version at good resolutions and stable framerates. But AMD have optimised it quite a bit since March and maybe Crystal/Nixxes/whoever does the ports did some more work on it to get it to run on consoles themselves. I fully expect to see TressFX hair in the Definitive Edition (certainly not at 60fps, though). There wouldn't really be any point in hyping it up so much if they hadn't even gotten that in there.

Isnt TressFX an Nvidia thing? Probably not going to get that on the next gen consoles. 60fps is more important than hair anyway.

It's an AMD technology but it also runs on Nvidia cards so I expect it should be portable to consoles, too. It doesn't rely on any special hardware.
So as asked above in case anyone missed it, Ultra on PC will still blow this definitive version away, right?

With or without hair!
Awesome game, but I don't see myself double dipping. They'd better not try and sell it for $60.
Yeah. $39.99 or bust. $60 is too much. Dumb to do it. No one will buy it.

But than again, this is Square Enix we're talking about. That says it all.


Lol. Watch it running in 960p with bad framerate on XBO.

You mean like this.
From what I've read TressFX the way it was implemented in the original PC release definitely would be hard to integrate into a PS4/Xbone version at good resolutions and stable framerates. But AMD have optimised it quite a bit since March and maybe Crystal/Nixxes/whoever does the ports did some more work on it to get it to run on consoles themselves. I fully expect to see TressFX hair in the Definitive Edition (certainly not at 60fps, though). There wouldn't really be any point in hyping it up so much if they hadn't even gotten that in there.

I recall a lot of impressions not even being that impressed with the hair, so I kinda hope they shoot for 60 without it.
Kitase's next project: FFXIII Trilogy Definitive Version, but released one at a time at $60!

XBone version still compressed CGI! Not saying XBone can't handle it but speaking of the laziness if SE! :p


Worships the porcelain goddess
If you guys are wanting PC ports of last gen games...shouldn't you also want the prices PC gamers enjoy as well?

This thing is currently $10. Hell, the entire Tomb Raider collection (including this game) can be had for $13. Taking $40 for this seems... well, a bit much.


PC version on high + 30 frames per second?

My favorite game this gen.

So you guys think PC on ULTRA will still blow this away?

Blow it away? Not really. It'll look great on PS4/Xbone I'm sure. Also wouldn't be surprised if it was at least medium-high settings w/o TressFX and 1080p/60fps. I'd be a little surprised otherwise.


It really depends what you're looking for. Because yeah, it's a lot of shooting (too much shooting for a Tomb Raider game if you ask me) but the shooting mechanics are very decent. So if you like third-person shooters, this is definitely the right game for you. Not to mention that there ARE quite a few opportunities for exploration in the hubs and there are the the challenge tombs. So yeah, if you're expecting a classic Tomb Raider experience, you should probably stay away from this but if you just generally like action-adventures or third-person shooters I think it's definitely worth playing. It's not a bad game (except for the story, anyway :p) just a bad Tomb Raider game (but then that shouldn't be anything new to anyone who's played the three TR games before it).
But the combat is very repititive. There is almost no variety in enemies and no tactics. It's very dumb point and shoot against the same enemies over and over as they just rush at you and throw bombs to flush you out of cover. I found the combat extremely monotonous and the only things that kept me playing where the couple of encounters where you could stealth kill everyone and the hope for puzzles that my cat couldn't solve.
If you guys are wanting PC ports of last gen games...shouldn't you also want the prices PC gamers enjoy as well?

This thing is currently $10. Hell, the entire Tomb Raider collection (including this game) can be had for $13. Taking $40 for this seems... well, a bit much.
Retail and shipping + handling.

It's fair at $39.99 especially if no one wants to build a $1500 CPU.
meh, hope this doesn't become a trend
Heh, tis just the beginning! If this sells, expect more definitive versions!


Worships the porcelain goddess
Retail and shipping + handling.

It's fair at $39.99 especially if no one wants to build a $1500 CPU.

You know, I thought I was actually being a bit level headed in asking the question (why shouldn't console gamers have better prices for old games too?) but... I'm outta here.


I'd think that for a next-gen game, they wouldn't want it without Tressfx. As for performance, I'd guess it depends how much CPU power is needed for the game, because that seems to hold the system back a bit in some games.
Not sure what you mean by that. I absolutely think they will charge full price for it.

It'll tank if that happens. Last gen established some sort of accepted price for remasters. With this game it should be $30 since it's a single releases. $40 would be pushing it.


Might actually pick it up this time round, never tried it on the PS3.

Let's hope this leads the way for a few more end of generation games that I missed getting next gen ports.


It'll tank if that happens. This gen established some sort of accepted price for remasters. With this game it should be $30 since it's a single releases. $40 would be pushing it.

When it first leaked and I preordered it, it was 50.41 euro on amazon (Italy).


Was the DLC even anything to write home about?
If I recall it was all pretty small stuff. Regardless if you don't have a Gaming PC and either loved tomb raider or didn't play it this isn't that bad of an announcement.

Square is smart to release it in Jan for all the starving next gen owners currently.


But the combat is very repititive. There is almost no variety in enemies and no tactics. It's very dumb point and shoot against the same enemies over and over as they just rush at you and throw bombs to flush you out of cover. I found the combat extremely monotonous and the only things that kept me playing where the couple of encounters where you could stealth kill everyone and the hope for puzzles that my cat couldn't solve.

Well, how does that differentiate it from any of the other populare third-person shooters last gen? Uncharted, for example. I loved the first two Uncharted games but c'mon. The gameplay was extremely forgettable yet others are raving about it.
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