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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune


Hmmmm, bit of both, but more of the former.

I was at that (spoilers)
windy fucking palace/temple section OH MY GOD so good. That is until the shanty town.. gross

YES, FUCK. The atmosphere, the environments. So good. Seriously, Uncharted tried.

I hate comparing but if people want to then it works both ways :p

That was the only part of the game I think felt out of place so far.

It will be a bit calmer in the parts after that one :)

Ahh this is all good to hear, and I agree wholeheartedly. Good to hear it's the only lull thus far.


I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Sure. I just hope this game sells well enough to get a sequel that builds and expands on the game design used here. I haven't finished it yet, but I already know I'm going to be needing more of this in the not too distant future. This is a great action/adventure game with the kind of production values we just don't see enough of.

The mp exists to extend that experience.
Ok GAF - Where is cheapest place to pre-order the PC version of Tomb Raider? I've put off pre-ordering but I'm mentally prepared now for Uncharted-Lara Edition.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Really. Exploration, tomb raiding, all that? Multiplayer is not an "extended" single-player experience, I don't know where the hell you got that from.

Don't know where you got tomb raiding or exploration from, cause the sp don't have that either. And I was referring to staying within the game world to enjoy the atmosphere and gunplay.
Ok so I just had to stop playing to come in and talk about this shit.

*Impressions Below - very mild spoilers*

Soooo just finished the room with the Big Bell thingy. Holy Shit Son! I'm just speechless atm. I'm one of ND's biggest supporters, but damn if this wasn't designed as an Uncharted Killer! I mean seriously, what the hell did I just play!

People who love Uncharted SP are going to flip out and really owe it to themselves to buy the shit out of this.

Some of my key thoughts:
* This game has some of the best visuals on PS3 (yes I went there) there are some incredible things going on here but the art direction and level design are supreme. Don't even get me started on some of the particle, fire and lighting effects in this game. Its visually arresting in places to the point I very, very often find myself stopping and just looking around to soak it all in. Which leads me to my next point.
* The atmosphere in this game is so soooo good. This game has an atmosphere quite unlike anything I've ever felt before, again art direction places a huge rule here.
* The voice acting from Lara. Love it, it feels so raw and you really hear every subtle little gasp and so on. Yes I want to protect her (yep went there too)
* Presentation and Polish for games in this genre have a new very high benchmark. Again not taking anything away from the Uncharted series that I love dearly, but ND stand to gain a lot from playing and taking some cues from this game. I think this game really gets you on an emotional level that Uncharted could use a bit more of.
*The pacing feels god tier for me. The more I think about it, I think its the pacing of its set pieces and how smoothly they are wound into the environment and the general flow, that makes the whole thing work.

So yeah loving this game. Haven't touched the MP yet and I came for the SP anyway and so far I'm thinking this will be a gem long remembered well into next gen.

Oh and so based on the bell thingy can anyone tell me as a rough percentage, how far through I am?

Just finished the game, I would have liked to have stretched it out a little more over the course of a week but I was enjoying it so much I couldn't help but keep playing.

I loved it, and really enjoyed that final level, I was worried some of that combat at the end would be a drag, but it was all lots of fun. By the time the game was over I was really excited about the series' future. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where Crystal Dynamics take the series next gen, they did an excellent, excellent job.

Great game!

Got the Survival edition for Ps3 in the mail this morning. Good lord, these graphics are jaw dropping considering the hardware. It seems to run on the same engine as Hitman, same lighting effect and all. There seems to be no install and the load times are almost nonexistent.

Gameplay is no slouch either. I enjoy TR more than Uncharted so far. Its just the bigger areas, sidetracking, backtracking and other stuff you can do where Uncharted is strictly a shooting gallery with some simple puzzles for a break. TR 2013 is no TR Anniversary in terms of exploration, no, but its better than none at all.

I also like this particular Lara Croft character a lot.

After spending ~5-6 hrs with the game [not my copy], I'm giving it my sea lion of approval. Its phenomenal take on Uncharted game, and people shouldn't be mad because of if. Few recent TR games did not sell well, and this to me looks like it will be perfect reboot. If this game dont sell well, I will be 1000000x more mad than I was with Binary Domain and Singularity.

Zero spoilers ahead, but still inside of spoiler code for those who want to remain pure.

Lara's movements are very nice and there is shitton of land of explore.
- Combat is extremely satisfying and even better than Uncharted [better variety of weapons/tactics, melee is 10x better with no QTE's]
- Upgrade system gives surprisingly good things [both char upgrade and weapons upgrade]
-In few places graphics made my jaw drop [PS3 version], game moves trough several very nice environment shifts.
-Overall, graphics is excellent, PC version should be stunning with higher rez and better textures. Im very curious to find out will her tresstx hair change color in one specific situation.

[Reeeeally small] negatives:
- PS3 version rarely looses good framerate.
- Supporting cast is not really good [except one].
- I'm not interested in hunting animals, so one upgrade skill tree is pointless for me.

Big negative:
So far, all tombs that I found were reeeeally small with just one puzzle in them. However, visual design of few of them was awesome.

My take on new Lara:
She's excellent. End of story. Sure circumstances forced her to become a killer, but she did not have choice. Bastards actively try to kill her and her friends, and Lara is literary the only person in the expedition that can "get shit done". After two really big set piece moments she really became capable and willing to go on the offensive [IMO justifiably].



Lots of overwhelmingly positive responses here (Uncharted killer really?),the wait for the PC version is ridiculous.


Is there a head to head on this yet, 360 vs PS3? My PC's currently in my sisters room (I put the treadmill in my bedroom in it's place lol). Any exclusive DLC with either platform as well?


The way the community idealizes Lara Croft and sometimes goes as far as to even sexualize the voice actor of her, I'd say there's a fat chance of a fat costume.

How does the former exclude the latter? Somehow out there is a BBW fanbase hard at work.


Lots of overwhelmingly positive responses here (Uncharted killer really?),the wait for the PC version is ridiculous.

I guess it depends on how high you put Uncharted.

For me, the peak of the franchise was 2.

But the same things you would complain about Uncharted can similarly be complained about in Tomb Raider - it's just that Tomb Raider does a little bit extra to make it much more enjoyable (for me)
Lots of overwhelmingly positive responses here (Uncharted killer really?),the wait for the PC version is ridiculous.

Other than UC2, it's not a high bar. This definitely is sounding better and better though. Can't wait to play it myself Tuesday.
Already preloaded and ready. Haven't read any reviews, previews or watched videos. Just one question though. I tend to not like monsters, zombies, mutant enemies that are crammed into a game at the end. Halo's Flood, Uncharted 1 & 2 being a few examples.

Is this game free of that stuff?


Unconfirmed Member
Already preloaded and ready. Haven't read any reviews, previews or watched videos. Just one question though. I tend to not like monsters, zombies, mutant enemies that are crammed into a game at the end. Halo's Flood, Uncharted 1 & 2 being a few examples.

Is this game free of that stuff?

No one answer this man outside PM! I don't want to see a black bar since it would easily give it away.
Is there a head to head on this yet, 360 vs PS3? My PC's currently in my sisters room (I put the treadmill in my bedroom in it's place lol). Any exclusive DLC with either platform as well?
No head to head yet, CVG does have a comparison vid that shows the PS3 version having better visuals but it seems suspect because Squeenix has been only showing the 360 version and sending 360 copies for reviews. I'm sure DF will have their head to head posted soon so we will get a definitive answer.

As for DLC, 360 will be getting them first via timed exclusive.


Junior Member
It was more reminiscent of the first Uncharted. The jungle locale, the platforming, etc, it felt like a return to the series roots. I hope it continues and doesn't follow the mainline Uncharted games to become a scripted and ultimate shallow experience.

No. Uncharted is a pure shooter. UC2 is one of the greatest games of all time and the best TPS campaign of this gen. Nothing comes close. I dont want them to abandon that at all.

This is an uncharted clone from top to bottom. Doesn't try to bring its own style, it's a straight up copy. Even the way Lara moves, it's the female version of Nate. There's no exploration to be had, you might get one alternate path here and there, but the bigger areas is just an illusion. Make no mistake you've got one path with plenty of enemies ahead of you. Puzzles consist of open the gas pipe, open the wind tunnels, or rock something back and forth until a scripted event takes place and opens the way forward. Platforming is okay but most of it is very easy jumps that you can't miss, the shimmy across ledges which has been a simple left to right, and climbing up walls with your pick axe. No risk taking.

That was not surprising at all.
No head to head yet, CVG does have a comparison vid that shows the PS3 version having better visuals but it seems suspect because Squeenix has been only showing the 360 version and sending 360 copies for reviews. I'm sure DF will have their head to head posted soon so we will get a definitive answer.

As for DLC, 360 will be getting them first via timed exclusive.

For these reasons, plus controller, I'm going 360.

Not a huge Uncharted fan- I think UC2 was definitely the highlight of the series, but UC3 really soured me on some of the mechanics and character development.

I hope this feels more open!

Naughty Dog fell in love with the idea that big set pieces = quality. So UC3 essentially turned into a 6 hour string of them. Each more lifeless and uninspired than the last. I prefer the more slow, deliberate approach of UC1.


Not a huge Uncharted fan- I think UC2 was definitely the highlight of the series, but UC3 really soured me on some of the mechanics and character development.

I hope this feels more open!


In my opinion if anyone is buying this for multiplayer they are insane. This is coming from some one that is beyond hyped for this game.

It feels completely tacked on- but who knows? Some might enjoy the idea of TPS with some verticality- especially if you haven't played the Uncharted rendition. A lot of friends are getting this, so it'll be fun to party up and see how we fare as well.


No. Uncharted is a pure shooter. UC2 is one of the greatest games of all time and the best TPS campaign of this gen. Nothing comes close. I dont want them to abandon that at all.

That was not surprising at all.

I also want to add that it is the Uncharted series, like it or not is having itself vastly influence other games in the industry (just look at some of the demos of games at E3 last year).

Best TPS campaign this generation I agree with you.


It feels completely tacked on- but who knows? Some might enjoy the idea of TPS with some verticality- especially if you haven't played the Uncharted rendition. A lot of friends are getting this, so it'll be fun to party up and see how we fare as well.

I played the Uncharted multiplayer, and I hated it. I am not a multiplayer guy to begin with, so the MP for a game has to be really special for me to play it. I couldn't care less about the MP for this game.


I'd be in the dick
Glad to hear that the game is good. I was excited for it at first but the terrible marketing had soured me on it until seeing reviews and hearing impressions. Don't have the cash to pick it up right now but I'll definitely be getting it down the line.


It feels completely tacked on- but who knows? Some might enjoy the idea of TPS with some verticality- especially if you haven't played the Uncharted rendition. A lot of friends are getting this, so it'll be fun to party up and see how we fare as well.

I am very forgiving with this kind of thing, but even I can admit that TR feels tacked on.

I need to give it more time though, but lots of people aren't playing and it's not as enjoyable as I was hoping.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Every time I come into this thread it's filled with tons and tons of praise for this game. Either I'm going to have an amazing time when I get the game next week or I'm being trolled super hard.


Every time I come into this thread it's filled with tons and tons of praise for this game. Either I'm going to have an amazing time when I get the game next week or I'm being trolled super hard.

I think we're good =P

Shit, with the amount of people in here liking this, we could keep that MP going for probably an extra week or two.

Trophy whores unite.


Every time I come into this thread it's filled with tons and tons of praise for this game. Either I'm going to have an amazing time when I get the game next week or I'm being trolled super hard.


I expect the game may be ok, but fuck if it is actually a Tomb Raider game based on what I am hearing.


That playthrough of SC conviction to prepare for this isn't going too well. Christ that game is bad. I think I need to find another bad dumbed down TPS but I don't have many on my Steam list.


That playthrough of SC conviction to prepare for this isn't going too well. Christ that game is bad. I think I need to find another bad dumbed down TPS but I don't have many on my Steam list.

Man, you probably played one of THE worst games to keep yourself occupied. You should've at least romped through Neverwinter or Alpha Protocol so the bitterness of Lauara would be easier to swallow come Tuesday.


That playthrough of SC conviction to prepare for this isn't going too well. Christ that game is bad. I think I need to find another bad dumbed down TPS but I don't have many on my Steam list.

It's not that bad. That one mission set in the Third Echelon HQ was ok...I guess.

And, errm...

Yeah, the game sucks.


Man, you probably played one of THE worst games to keep yourself occupied. You should've at least romped through Neverwinter or Alpha Protocol so the bitterness of Lauara would be easier to swallow come Tuesday.

That's for Thursday when I finish this game.
No. Uncharted is a pure shooter. UC2 is one of the greatest games of all time and the best TPS campaign of this gen. Nothing comes close. I dont want them to abandon that at all.

That was not surprising at all.

Hell no.

Max payne (oldie) , binary domain, vanquish (least good of the bunch) and even SMNC (multiplayer) shit all over uncharted 2.

I played through uc1 twice and enjoyed the movie presentation, it ended before the mediocre shooting overstayed its welcome and was decently paced.
UC2 bored me to tears and took the covershooter part to the next level of awful.

I seriously wonder what people's frame of reference is when they make claims like uncharted 2 best game ever...

On topic: to those who have played it: so it is uncharted then? No tomb raider left in it?
I don't have anything against people who enjoy uncharted but I'm not interested in playing games like it hence why I'm asking what it's like.


That's for Thursday when I finish this game.


And I concur with the above opinion that Max Payne 3 shits all over Uncharted 2 in the TPS department. Same with Vanquish.

Uncharted has the characters, story and acting. The gunplay is extremely mediocre to me. Hell, I'll go out on a limb here and say I actually enjoyed Alan Wakes gunplay more Uncharted and there's zero cover mechanics in that. The guns just sound so heavy and good. They have that feel of really packing a punch when you see/hear those Taken explode into a shower of sparks with that final shot.
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