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Toriyama wants Lightning Returns' open world to beat Skyrim

I always hate when I hear someone working on a game say "we want our game to be more like ____ game." Make your game phenomenal on it's own terms, and if you do want to make it better then something, then try to make it better then the game's prequel.

Hearing "this game is going to be way better and have more content then the prequel," sounds better then "our game's gonna be like ___."

Even though he said he just wants to beat Skyrim's open world, I still don't like hearing that kind of stuff.
Just my thought on this.


Final Fantasy XII was where they were adopting western design ideas with at least some credibility and finesse...and this was before western games were really taking the lead to boot.

FFXIII and it's ilk do not fit that description to me. I don't hate FFXIII, and I actually thought FFXIII-2 was fun as a game, but seriously, this guy doesn't have what it takes to be in charge of the whole game. He has proven himself to be a terrible director and writer. Some of his ideas are ok, but honestly he should just be one of the contributors on the team, where somebody else is leading and can mold his nonsense into something usable. (See: FFVII)

Kitase used to be good but I think he was reigned in by Sakaguchi, and when you consider he willingly hands Toriyama the reigns...well, there goes his credibility as well. Didn't Toriyama helm FFX and FFX-2? Those were good games, so obviously we are missing some key upper direction here. This guy, when left to his own devices, is a fucking mess. Want him to direct? Ok, but let's get someone in charge of preventing him from creating his own shitty echo chamber.





First it was Call of Duty... now it's Skyrim... how about going back to creating games that people looked to for ideas instead of what you are now, SE?

Judging by The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Lightning Returns, the RPG inspiration torch has now been passed to Bethesda.


Unconfirmed Member
Come on guys, this is Toriyama's game and he can do whatever he wants. It's his little waifu sidegame. Let him go crazy. It's not like most of you were going to buy it anyway.

Let him do his own thing, as long as XV and XVI are good I don't care. I will be buying this game tho, looks interesting to me.

..it's his third waifu game. Third.

And he's also threatening to poison other FF games with his waifu.


disagree a but. SE has been way too insular. looking at what works in western games is a nice start.

I have my doubts about implementation, but it's a good start.

No, she is right. SE should focus on being SE, that is what made them what they were. It's ok to take inspiration or ideas from other games, but SE needs to stop trying to be a "western" game company and go back to making great jrpgs...

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I still can't believe Lightning is in 14

I can't wait for her to show up in 15. The John Cena of video games.
Not getting the hate on this, the game sounds great. An open-world final fantasy. I'd love to play that and would buy a PC version day one (I know there's not one, just saying). This series seems to get a ton of criticism. I haven't played one since FF7.
FF13 must have been truly awful.


The Amiga Brotherhood
If true i could change my mind about this game

Ignored amid all the news of Lightning going from a C-cup to a D-cup in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (don’t ask)
Really? lol
Is there any comparison?


Toriyama’s first instruction was ‘beat Skyrim!’ That may be a tall order with the resources on hand, but as this is FF we decided it might be best to approach it by letting you run about on a chocobo.



Judging by The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Lightning Returns, the RPG inspiration torch has now been passed to Bethesda.

When From and CD Projekt Red start referencing Skyrim I do admit I get a bit worried.

If they take inspiration from the open world provided in that game, then that is ok. The open world is one of the few things they do right.

I really hope the inspiration stops there though.

Bioware and Bethesda are already lost at this point. Its a shame since they have created some of my favorite games of all time, but I have made my peace with that.
Why do these websites always insist on unnecessarily telling us how English words or nouns are pronounced in English?

Seriously, who gives a shit if it's pronounced "sukairimu"??

Also, FFs1-9 all had open worlds. But no, instead of harkening back to their heritage, they had to ape the big name Western RPG instead.

Kohler was right. Final Fantasy is dead.

World Map isn't open world. It's only an unreal freedom, with semi-real exploration only towards the end of the game.


How are the quests like in this game? I remember hearing that you could complete them in order to extend the in-game doom clock. Is it all just Mark battles or is there something akin to Majora's Mask where you get to learn about the lives of the NPCs?


I don't get why this is news since this was said at the same time as the boobs thing but nobody seemed to notice. I guess boobs are more important.
They are going to compete with Skyrim by creating an open world game taking place on a colossal version of Lightning's body. It will be many virtual kilometers larger than Skyrim's world.

To travel from Lightnings giant left pinky toe to her giant right ear will take 5 real world hours on in-game horseback.


Tragic victim of fan death
People want to imitate Skyrim because believe the open world aspect lead to the success of the title. As a result everyone wants to add open world with a ton of shit to do.
Toriyama’s first instruction was ‘beat Skyrim!’

Toriyama, you do know that Skyrim was in preproduction for 2 years and in full production for over 3 years versus your 13/14 months of full production... right? Please tell me you understand why this is an asinine statement.

That may be a tall order with the resources on hand, but as this is FF we decided it might be best to approach it by letting you run about on a chocobo.

...And? I was doing this in Final Fantasy XIII. Hell, I'm doing that now in Final Fantasy VII PC port.

I'll believe they have a fraction of Skyrim's content when they fucking show us some dungeons.
Has there been anything good said about this game? Like objectively good.

There are many good informations about the game. If people only wants to concentrate on Lightning boobs, then it's their problem.
I don't think open world is bad news, but strangely it is on GAF.


I hope they mean in making a memorable world. Then, that won't be difficult at all. If they are going for sheer scope, then that's just a bad move. Skyrim doesn't even need to be as big as it is.


November can't come spoon enough.

First toriyama revolutionized jiggle physics and costumes in vidya now he is revolutionizing open worldness

My 6 preordered copies are now justified
I want to bang Halle Berry from the back. I believe Square and I have equal chances of this happening. Unfortunately, those equal chances are both at 0.000000000012321%.


Sounds like there's going to be a ton of open space in the world with nothing to do at all. They just want to make it big to go "IT'S BIG!"
There are many good informations about the game. If people only wants to concentrate on Lightning boobs, then it's their problem.
I don't think open world is bad news, but strangely it is on GAF.

The game will have 13 months of full production in total by the end and so far it's had about 11 months. 13 months of full production versus the ~40 months they had in Skyrim. It's an asinine goal. There's no way with the resources they were willing to devote to the game that they even came close. And it's especially asinine since the game is built around a timer system and most gamers won't ever experience even a fraction of that content if true. An open world game with a restrictive timer... brilliant.
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