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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a snowist and proud of it! Down with snow! Takin all our jerbs and don't speak English! Or French! Saint Sacrament! Tabarnak! Motherfuckers!

I just stepped out to get myself an early bday gift, and God is it chilly out there. Traded some stuff in for a Wii U (I'm part of the problem...), MH3U (big of the problem?), and a pro controller (I am the problem D: ).

So far? Jesus fuck why does this thing have so many things connected to it?! Why is there no goddamn LAN port?! Why does it take ages to go into even the settings screen???? Why is it taking so long to DL an update.

I blame you, EM! Ya damn Ninty fanboy! With your collection of goddamn Nintendo fans!


I hate this god damn weather. Two days ago I saw a Jays game and left the stadium in a t-shirt. Now I'm bundling up to take my dog out.
I hate wind. My jays hat blew off my head today and had to chase it into the street. With how much they suck maybe god was telling me not to wear a jays hat and should have let it blow into a sewer.


East Enders. I just went to this awesome burrito joint called Chino Locos. Chow Mein inside a Burrito? YES. It was really good.

Now the floor is open for your favourite mission style burrito place.
Well you guys were right about the food, it sucked. But the show was pretty cool!

There was a sword display and one of the swords in there was the Master Sword. I got to hold it. One nerd dream fulfilled.




Cross-posting GIFs!






And I did go down to the Jays game today. Fucking amazing, hilarious drunk off their ass crowd, but of course our amazing defense managed to fuck it up once again. Also smfh @ Rios/Wells/Overbay coming back to kill us all in one week.
And Raptor fans go and weep in a corner.
Gonna do more than weep once Colangelo gets extended =(


Welp, wish I kept up with the Leafs during the season. Now I guess it's a good time to know who's who on the team. It's been a while since I've kept up with hockey, honestly.

Sadly I must be grouped in with those filthy fairweather fans.


I haven't watched more than 10 minutes worth of NHL games in the last 5 years, and even I'm kind of boarding that hype train. A bit. Well, I booked a ticket, but I may not show up.

it's a long wait until curling season starts up again okay

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
So after a few months, I finally got to try the bacon butty at Rashers. I only live 4 blocks away, but it was always sold out when I asked.

Definitely better than the bacon sandvich at St. Lawrence Market.

Get it with cheese and an egg with brown sauce and you're good. Also wanted to try the boat bacon sandvich, but I'll leave that for another week.
Yes, I hope this shit dies. Can people not use full sentences anymore?

I want to see an entire generation of people just fail out of English because twitter ruined them.

That would assume that teachers were able to assign a #fail -ing grade for such things.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Yes, I hope this shit dies. Can people not use full sentences anymore?

I want to see an entire generation of people just fail out of English because twitter ruined them.
People can barely form sentences as is. And when you correct them, you're a grammar Nazi.

I could also argue that some English teachers can barely form sentences. I remember a time when mine all complained of run-on sentences, but they never clearly explained what the problem actually was and how to fix it.

Here is a big circle and the problem is run-on sentence. Deduct marks. And maybe advise to use a semi-colon but no explanation.

This was even in university except for one of my profs who took the time to explain it all properly.


The Nazi some; in particular, I hate it when you distract from the message because there is a need to write a 6 paragraph explaining why it is wrong when you have the grammar people poor.
How can full sentences replace hashtags? Also, what is so ungrammatical about Twitter or hashtags? I think you guys wouldn't be yelling at clouds if Toronto were more sunny. :p


I like how it goes from complaining about hashtags to complaining about people who complain about the way people write.
I don't use twitter but my favorite twitter moment so far is when I went to a soccer game with my friend and he missed the only goal of the game because he was tweeting something.
He was like "aw shit!"
I asked him why he wasn't watching and he showed me how he was posting "no goals yet..." to twitter.

photo of the day:


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