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Toshiba officially ends its HD-DVD support

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On the bright side, HD-DVDs are going to be VERY cheap for the next couple of weeks for those of you that Jumped In.


I'm glad the 'war' has been decided in favour of BluRay. Now, I hope that Transformers will very soon come out on BD! :D


Something like that would be quite funny. I don't think we can take for granted that these studios will jump on the Blu-ray wagon immediately.


*phew* Now I've calmed down, this is just great news. Finally this shit is over. No longer will a movie be Blu-Ray exclusive in the US and HD-DVD exclusive in the UK so I'm screwed.

From now on, every movie that comes out I'll be able to buy on Blu-Ray *sniff* Fuck you format wars!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Children of Men, Eternal Sunshine, Hot Fuzz, Serenity, Stardust, et al....come to me.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
EviLore said:
Children of Men, Eternal Sunshine, Hot Fuzz, Serenity, Stardust, et al....come to me.

That looks just like my list :D


we all knew her
EviLore said:
Children of Men, Eternal Sunshine, Hot Fuzz, Serenity, Stardust, et al....come to me.

Replace Serenity and Stardust with Shaun of the Dead and Batman Begins and that's my list. And Transformers, of course.


Ah, good, hopefully with the officialness of this announcement all of the Blu-Ray proponents will finally get the last bits of adjuration out of their system and go back to their own little corner of GAF.


First tragedy, then farce.
firesale please!

also, Toshiba should put out a dual format player for supporters to transition.


akachan ningen said:
So why haven't Universal and Paramount made announcements yet?

It's still between 6AM and 9AM in NA, usually business decisions are announced after the market closes at 5PM, so there's still time left.
I guess that both Universal and Paramount are ready because they had nearly two months to prepare their shift and they have defintely been warned by Toshiba about the situation.
Paramount could announce something today, Universal pretty soon.
so_awes said:
*looking forward to Lost in Translation on blu-ray*

come on Universal...

As far as that goes, I'm looking forward to nearly all of the Focus Features films. That includes The Big Lebowski, Eternal Sunshine, Lost in Translation, etc.


v1cious said:
so hd-dvd finally dies, and we're supposed to have a calm coffee table discussion about it? BOOOOURNS!!! come on, this kinda stuff is what keeps neogaf alive.
There is a 694 page thread if you REALLY want to post images.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I'm keeping my 360 HD-DVD drive and modest library of movies. One day it will be considered a cute and quirky collector's item sort of thing that both attracts women and a profit on eBay. JUST YOU WATCH.


Junior Member
bune duggy said:
read the OP? who has time for that? ;)

I hope we'll hear from Universal and Paramount by the end of the week about future plans.

I know:lol

Am lurking to see how many people will end up been banned because of that.


I don't care which one won, I'm just glad it's over. It's also nice that the Blu Ray appears to have been the better of the two.


So will all HD DVD exclusives be re released on Blu now? I have a pretty descent HD DVD collection and I dont want to re buy them all on Blu. Getting tons of good deals on them though, Ocean trilogy for 40 bucks sealed, same for Matrix and stuff.

Can't wait to see what the retailers are doing with HD DVD sales.
JB1981 said:
imagine if universal and paramount back XBL Marketplace/iTunes exclusively and shun blu-ray? :lol
Yeah right. If I was Sony, or the collective owners of Blu-Ray, I would penalize Universal and Paramount for their actions. I'd make them pay a much higher license fee than everyone else over the course of three years. I know I'm thinking more on a personal level instead of being business minded, but that's how I feel. They really tried to end Blu-Ray, and harm all companies that are involved exclusivley with it. I'd make them pay.


Well, might as well go out with a bang. I watched The Bourne Ultimatum on HD-DVD yesterday (from Netflix), which was awesome, and I'm gonna blow my Christmas Circuit City gift card on American Gangster this afternoon. It will be my first actual HD disc purchase.

Question is, how low will the firesales go and is it worth it if you have no intention of going Blu in the next few years?


Dark Octave said:
Yeah right. If I was Sony, or the collective owners of Blu-Ray, I would penalize Universal and Paramount for their actions. I'd make them pay a much higher license fee than everyone else over the course of three years. I know I'm thinking more on a personal level instead of being business minded, but that's how I feel. They really tried to end Blu-Ray, and harm all companies that are involved exclusivley with it. I'd make them pay.
Good thing you're not on the Blu-ray board then.
dude said:
Good thing you're not on the Blu-ray board then.
Like, OMG rite?

C'mon lets say someone at your friend's job was trying to get her fired or rotated so she can take her position. You wouldn't have just a little grudge against that person?


First tragedy, then farce.
Just heard some really bad news on AVS.

Some people involved in the remastering of Star Trek:TOS have confirmed work stopped on encoding season 2 and remastering season 3. Evidently Toshiba was bankrolling the remastering completely to make it HDDVD exclusive (which makes sense as Star Trek was HDDVD exclusive before Paramount was) it completely and stopped paying for it.

So, unless someone foots the bill for it, it could be a while before S2 or S3 make it onto HDM.. and even then, they may be less likely for the snazy interactive bells and whistles. Sounds like Toshiba was paying companies to use the snazy HDi stuff.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dude said:
Good thing you're not on the Blu-ray board then.
Yeah, that would be a bad decision. I'm almost thinking Paramount and especially Uni maybe are looking for any excuse to not support BD yet, just so they don't look like complete dumbasses now, crawling back to their 'enemy'.


First tragedy, then farce.
Marconelly said:
Yeah, that would be a bad decision. I'm almost thinking Paramount and especially Uni maybe are looking for any excuse to not support BD yet, just so they don't look like complete dumbasses now, crawling back to their 'enemy'.

I doubt that, but penalyzing them so they may effectively try and push for DD or some other alternative because the BRD board has a vendetta against them is pretty dumb idea too. BRD still needs these guys to get on board with them so people walk into BB and see all their favorite movies on one format. HDDVD may be dead, but BRD still has alot of traction they need to make in regards to HDM in general taking off.

BRD has alot to gain from bringing these companies into the fold as well, its a two way street.
Just hoping that all announced HD DVD titles from several studios are still coming out as planned, and on time.

There will be blood, Sweeney Todd, Charlie Wilson's War (but they could always switch it to Blu-ray).

And I still want my German version of Terminator 2.
Marconelly said:
Yeah, that would be a bad decision. I'm almost thinking Paramount and especially Uni maybe are looking for any excuse to not support BD yet, just so they don't look like complete dumbasses now, crawling back to their 'enemy'.
Blu-Ray has gotten this far without them. Now they REALLY don't need them. Not imediatley anyway. I'd say Par and Uni need Blu-Ray more right now. I'm not saying Blu-Ray should cut all ties, but they have to teach them some kind of lesson. They can't just let them crawl back with a welcoming smile on their face. "welcome back buddy, we missed you!" Hell nah!

But like I said, the business man in me knows the difference between what I feel and how things work. I just wish Sony mixes a little bit of personal with their business when it comes to those two companies. Just this once.

And digital download will not be a significant threat for a long time. I wouldn't worry about that at all if I was Blu-Ray camp. Par and Uni have no where else to go.


JB1981 said:
imagine if universal and paramount back XBL Marketplace/iTunes exclusively and shun blu-ray? :lol
Not fucken funny. If Paramount/Universal do this, I will come after you.

I need Transformers on BR.
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