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Trump lost my vote

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Was about to post something like this.

It's like some of you guys almost want to push him back to the other side.

I think people aren't feeling terribly magnanimous today what with all the politicians jumping off the Trump train out of pure political calculation.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

You are right, he didn't call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers, just most of them.
And just to walk it back, I'll say that "taking shit" is a bit too far, so apologies for that. I do think it is important to "harshly educate" TC on why he screwed up. To me and others, entertaining the idea of voting for Trump is only something I would forgive family members for doing, and even than only barely (it's just a lot harder to hold a grudge wrt people you see all the time). So yes, 100%, I am glad that TC is not voting for Trump, but I am very disappointed that it took this long.


Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

I honestly hope this country never has another opportunity to elect a man who brags about being a sexual predator, wants to punish women for having abortions, wants to deport millions of people, wants to ban Muslims from living in this country and is racist to the point of not wanting to employ black people or have them "touch" his money.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

It's fantastic that your vote for President won't actually matter.


But we also have to call out the thinking that allowed Trump to be palpable in the first place. To not do that is just treating the symptom, not the cause. And then what will happen in 4 years when we get another Trump in slightly better packaging?

The terrifying thing here, the truly terrifying thing, is that an equally dangerous, racist, hateful man believing everything Trump does could have won by being not-so-visibly ignorant.

And that says nothing about Hillary Clinton (the most decorated politician who ran this election with more votes cast for her than any candidate on either side), and EVERYTHING about the world we live in.
The people who supported Trump because of his more immoral stances on social issues are not going to be found anywhere near this forum. I understand that it is important to fight against this sentiment, and that perhaps attacking me can be used as some sort of outlet for this rage, but explaining to me that racism is wrong is not going to affect those attitudes.
The decision that I and others like me have to make is whether or not we want to sacrifice our opinions on other issues important to us in order to vote against him.
Before he even considered becoming president, before he even started the birther shit, he was already saying racist and sexist shit. I honestly can't believe you think that way.
I didn't pay much attention to the man prior to his candidacy


What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Clinton voters have, understandably, excoriated third party voters. It's more important to do the most good that you can, rather than do the emotionally satisfying thing.

Is this behavior, not just yours here but taken as a trend among Clinton supporters, going to make it more or less likely that she wins the election? Which one makes you feel more righteous? Because it looks to me like you're doing exactly what you accuse third party voters of doing.

This so very much this. Some of the responses in this thread have really soured my experience here but I am a big boy and will get over it cause it's just a forum.

OP don't let anything being said in here deter you from voting for Hillary this Nov 8th. If you'd like to talk over the election or anything just PM me.
Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

Low quality bait.jpg


I dunno. His latest apology seemed genuine.

He was begrudgingly reading a script which he barely spent any time on the apology, he immediately ran away from it and started ranting about bill clinton who isn't even his opponent in this race. He could have at least apologized to the person on that footage.
Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

This is exactly why I'm perfectly fine with the political machine.

In fact, I prefer well-polished, professional and experienced politicians over the racist, bigoted, zealous, misogynist, neo-conservative businessmen/ripoff artists.
The people who supported Trump because of his more immoral stances on social issues are not going to be found anywhere near this forum. I understand that it is important to fight against this sentiment, and that perhaps attacking me can be used as some sort of outlet for this rage, but explaining to me that racism is wrong is not going to affect those attitudes.
The decision that I and others like me have to make is whether or not we want to sacrifice our opinions on other issues important to us in order to vote against him.

I didn't pay much attention to the man prior to his candidacy

You're had 15 month to get caught up. I mean, seriously?
I kinda see where the " I wish we could break the system" idea is coming from, but you guys still have a constitution from the late 18th century, so I don't see even someone with Trump or Hugo Chavez levels of crazy making a dent to the system in the long run.
Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

Glad you support a rapist and bigot

If you have a mother, sister, or daughter, I recommend playing the audio of what he said to them and then explaining that you're voting for that guy

Hope you sleep well at night
Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

Trump has cheated on all 3 of his wives. In moral character he's off the deep end. What's funny is that you know as a matter of fact that Trump has been pandering, lying, flip-flopping and overpromising this entire time to get ahead. So much for not being a politician.


Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

Your choice, you at least have the capacity to explain your view, even if it's terribly narrow and hopelessly misguided.



Also OP I really don't know how you expected this thread to go.
I thought it might get a couple of replies and then go to the second page. In retrospect, I could see how parts of my post were inflammatory to some here, and I regret that. I was really looking for more of a discussion about the American swing vote by giving myself as an example.


This...what took you or anyone else so long?

I'm happy he's lost your vote.

I'm sad it took this long.

I think it's kinda sad the horrible racist stuff wasn't enough but now he's gone too far

So none of his racist, sexist fuckery put you off before this point?

Agreed with every one of you. Anyone who takes this long to change their mind doesn't care about the people Trump was threatening to put under his foot or the people that he regularly denigrated (including women).

As I said, I was under the impression that he was pandering to a certain audience and would not actually carry these ideals with him to the presidential election.
You were banking on him lying to you, consistently trying to mislead you, and thinking that you were a fool.


It doesn't matter how long it took you to come to this conclusion as long as it was before the vote. Trump never had my vote but I feel that there was always a way to argue his racism. Even if it was something as disingenuous as "toning it down" by calling it xenophobia, or just saying that he sucked with words because he wasn't a career politician. This "grab them by the pussy" thing is pretty blatant though and there are really no outs for him here. That was him being %100 himself while under the impression that he wasn't being monitored. It's really fucking damaging because there are really no defenses for it. No sly little ways out.


I mean

Welcome aboard, but that it took so long means that you should catch a lot of shit.
It's good when people share that they jumped off the Trump train. Probably makes those who follow him question their own decision more. But making those people catch a lot of shit because they weren't there day 1 only discourages people from sharing it.
As I said, I was under the impression that he was pandering to a certain audience and would not actually carry these ideals with him to the presidential election.

This is a really, really dumb reason to support a candidate for President of the United States of America. "He's not a racist, he's just pandering to racists!"


I thought it might get a couple of replies and then go to the second page. In retrospect, I could see how parts of my post were inflammatory to some here, and I regret that. I was really looking for more of a discussion about the American swing vote by giving myself as an example.

Still I think it's awesome you were able to see it.


The general responses in this thread would lead to someone like this never having the courage to admit he's a racist and ask for help.


I get the frustration, but it's the way you express it. And some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for using this opportunity to attack rather than try to encourage change.


I thought it might get a couple of replies and then go to the second page. In retrospect, I could see how parts of my post were inflammatory to some here, and I regret that. I was really looking for more of a discussion about the American swing vote by giving myself as an example.

Try not to pay attention to the guys slinging shit, you decided to change your mind and that's what matters.


Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

If you think Trump isn't part of the political machine, then you're being extremely foolish.


You were banking on him lying to you, consistently trying to mislead you, and thinking that you were a fool.
This is a really, really dumb reason to support a candidate for President of the United States of America. "He's not a racist, he's just pandering to racists!"
I had thought he was taking advantage of people who hold xenophobic views, which is a sound, albeit distasteful political strategy. I mean, you can't argue with the results that the strategy has produced.
The general responses in this thread would lead to someone like this never having the courage to admit he's a racist and ask for help.


I get the frustration, but it's the way you express it. And some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for using this opportunity to attack rather than try to encourage change.
Did you guys miss where OP said they only read the headlines and that was how they got their information? That they were that busy for 16 months to do any sort of independent research on this important choice.


I can see how you were conflicted with how to vote before now. I don't see the appeal of Clinton as the president, but the problem is that Trump is liquid shit pretending to be human, so there isn't really much of a choice.

Is there a way to mark a vote with 'none of the above'? I feel like 'none of the above' would become the President of the United States.
How is any of this shocking at this point? The guy is a piece of shit and has been for years now. I find it funny people are just realizing this now thanks to this audio leak.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I had thought he was taking advantage of people who hold xenophobic views, which is a sound, albeit distasteful political strategy. I mean, you can't argue with the results that the strategy has produced.

Those people were always going to vote Republican...he just gave them a bigger voice. If you think otherwise, you are sadly wrong.
I had thought he was taking advantage of people who hold xenophobic views, which is a sound, albeit distasteful political strategy. I mean, you can't argue with the results that the strategy has produced.

And what I'm saying is that somebody who would do that is a shitty person who does not deserve to be President. Pandering to them is just as bad as being racist himself. He gave them a voice, legitimized their views and enabled them. The fact that you thought that was okay up until today speaks volumes about you. I would hope people would be more responsible with their vote, but I guess not. You should do everyone a favor and abstain.
It's good when people share that they jumped off the Trump train. Probably makes those who follow him question their own decision more. Making those people catch a lot of shit because they weren't there day 1 only discourages people from sharing it.

It's not a matter of day one, there have been many opportunities for people to figure out that Trump is a not-good person

So inevitably, TC will have to answer for a lot of the things that did not rule Trump out as an option, especially when they are talking about how they don't understand how someone could make a decision so quickly wrt going for Hillary here.


I had thought he was taking advantage of people who hold xenophobic views, which is a sound, albeit distasteful political strategy. I mean, you can't argue with the results that the strategy has produced.

So you were happy with him lying to you, because you desperately wanted to believe he was lying despite all the evidence, on the basis that he was secretly a very different person with different beliefs that you knew nothing about but only imagined?


Did you guys miss where OP said they only read the headlines and that was how they got their information? That they were that busy for 16 months to do any sort of independent research on this important choice.

I'd imagine that's how the vast majority of voters of any party get their information, as sad as it may be.
Granted I'm not from the US but where I'm from people have precious little spare time and they'd rather not spend it delving into politics. Unfortunately.
So you were happy with him lying to you, because you desperately wanted to believe he was lying despite all the evidence, on the basis that he was secretly a very different person with different beliefs that you knew nothing about but only imagined?
While also saying they assume Hillary is "probably crooked" based on how they imagined her personally.

Like I get what people are saying about not shaming OP, but this is some shameful critical thinking on part of OP that deserves some deconstruction. It feels like they only read the headlines and got sucked into the brainwashing parts of PR and a bit of good old classic sexism.


I thought it might get a couple of replies and then go to the second page. In retrospect, I could see how parts of my post were inflammatory to some here, and I regret that. I was really looking for more of a discussion about the American swing vote by giving myself as an example.

First: I am truly grateful for your change of heart. Your country thanks you.

Second: Can you tell us what we could say to our conservative friends that would maybe help change their minds (you being a swing voter and all)?


Still has my vote. I don't think he's racist...he's said one racist thing during the election and that was the judge remark which was because he was backed into a corner with Trump University. I don't think wanting to uphold the law and deport illegal immigrants is racist and he didnt call all Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers. He also backed down from the Muslim ban a while ago. All the other racist remarks people cite like from the Reddit post are from 20+ years ago. I just dont care. This tape was horrid but it was 11 years ago, in private and obviously put out by competition or collusion with the liberal media, and i will bet you anything in the world that Bill has said and done much worse in private. Bill is not the dem nominee...i'm well aware, but he's her husband and Hillary has defended him and brushed off the accusers as if it was all lies and is therefore complicit. Still voting Trump. This is our only chance to ever elect a president not part of the political machine...i promise you we won't have another opportunity to do this in our lifetimes. That's my opinion on this.

Brought to you by the Onion™


Did you guys miss where OP said they only read the headlines and that was how they got their information? That they were that busy for 16 months to do any sort of independent research on this important choice.

No I didn't. Did you miss the where the part where OPs eyes are actually opening some what, and because they've now realized this there's a chance to work with then and help them understand different ways to digest information and keep opening them?
If you go around blaming, demonizing undocumented Immigrants for our collective problems, you're a fucking racist(and it's completely unfounded). Deporting 12 million people is one of the most inhumane things I can think of, and he did call many Mexicans rapists and murderers, and uses every tragic event to further his anti-immigrant agenda, and calls to target our Muslim population, or to shit on refugees.

He's misogynistic trash with no plans, no ideas, no empathy, no intelligence and has lied to Americans more than anyone in fucking history. Birtherism IS racism, and he still won't back down about the Central Park Five, and his call for them to be executed. He hired Dan Bannon, and plays footsies with that whole movement, and loves himself some dictators.

I could go on and on and on concerning Trump's greatest hits, and yet this Barack Lesner "just doesn't care". I can't think of too many things more deplorable than that. So many poisoned minds in this country.
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