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Trump: Minnesota has "suffered enough" from Somalian refugees

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Of course we could. In fact, her asshole just told us that she's latina.



Somalian refugees from my experience and knowledge have a reputation of being model citizens.

Apologies but not in my experience sorry, rather have been told. I have heard from many different individuals from different ethics groups, as a group they are very difficult. I live in a very mixed ethic town. I have had no experience of that myself personally but it's the general complaint I have heard observed when taking to say taxi drivers or pressure on the street etc.

I realise this could actually pertain to any individual regardless of skin colour but the observation came from people who were either Roma or Jamaican. I don't know if there is some sort of ingroup /outgroups things going on. I'm just saying what I've been told.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Somalian refugees from my experience and knowledge have a reputation of being model citizens.

Apologies but not in my experience. I have heard from many different individuals from different ethics groups, as a group they are very difficult. I live in a very mixed ethic town. I have had no experience of that myself personally but it's the general complaint I have heard observed when taking to say taxi drivers or pressure on the street etc.

Somali immigrants are like any other community. Vast majority are model citizens, in every society they enter, and like all other communities, you have your bad apples.


Apologies but not in my experience sorry, rather have been told. I have heard from many different individuals from different ethics groups, as a group they are very difficult. I live in a very mixed ethic town. I have had no experience of that myself personally but it's the general complaint I have heard observed when taking to say taxi drivers or pressure on the street etc.

I realise this could actually pertain to any individual regardless of skin colour but the observation came from people who were either Roma or Jamaican. I don't know if there is some sort of ingroup /outgroups things going on. I'm just saying what I've been told.

Why are you passing on hearsay racism? Beyond the fact you say you have no experience with Somali, Somali aren't a monolithic block anymore than any other ethnic group. Suggesting that an entire ethnicity is "very difficult" on the basis of hearsay is just propagating that sort of racism.

I worked with both Somali and Sudanese refugees for years. Some were lazy, some worked harder than a mother fucker. Some were honest, some were dishonest. What I couldn't help but notice was that regardless of their birth place, they were very different people, just like all the people born here are very different people.
Hillary is so adorable

How dare you call Hillary a dog

Ah..those great crusaders..

It sounds like a football team, of racists

Apologies but not in my experience sorry, rather have been told. I have heard from many different individuals from different ethics groups, as a group they are very difficult. I live in a very mixed ethic town. I have had no experience of that myself personally but it's the general complaint I have heard observed when taking to say taxi drivers or pressure on the street etc.

I realise this could actually pertain to any individual regardless of skin colour but the observation came from people who were either Roma or Jamaican. I don't know if there is some sort of ingroup /outgroups things going on. I'm just saying what I've been told.

Curious, what is your response if you heard a lot of friends talk about how black people are in general unintelligent, aggressive, and criminal? Would you assume that maybe, the people who make these claims are racist rather than there being a justifiable reason to make blanket generalizations? If so, what makes it different for Somali-Americans? What's the variable that exists in Somali immigrants that does not exist in the black community?


These cowards always take their rage out on women

Seriously, it's always the women who get this shit the worst. I'm guessing it's because they see them as easier targets.


I didn't know anything about this issue until last week's This American Life. Recommend listening for anyone interested:


This issue in Minnesota was a big focus of the latest This American Life. It was a good listen.

Really hard to feel bad for any of the white people involved, but it is interesting to see how many of them are coming to grips with the culture shock of seeing people unlike them. It's even more interesting to see how those that are OK with the Somalis are dealing with the awful revelation that a lot of people near and dear to them are, in fact, racist after all.

Edit: ah someone was faster than me.

This is a good listen.
Thanks for sharing, you two.


How dare you call Hillary a dog

It sounds like a football team, of racists

Curious, what is your response if you heard a lot of friends talk about how black people are in general unintelligent, aggressive, and criminal? Would you assume that maybe, the people who make these claims are racist rather than there being a justifiable reason to make blanket generalizations? If so, what makes it different for Somali-Americans? What's the variable that exists in Somali immigrants that does not exist in the black community?

Seriously, it's always the women who get this shit the worst. I'm guessing it's because they see them as easier targets.

I have never actually sat and thought about it. But as you say. Yes it's hearsay, but still I can only take it on face value. There is a reason they talked like that. To be honest, I actually don't make a judgement, I listen, say good day and get on with my life. It's only times like this (this post) that it comes to mind and I exchange what I've been told. But on the whole, yes I completely agree with you.
We can be the most model of citizens and these people will still never accept us. We will always be treated as the dangerous other in these communities.

I can take solace in the fact that the racist fucks Trump and the GOP desperately court to will never get what they want. With every election, they will helplessly watch as they get exponentially outvoted by the people they hate. They can go ahead and be the disenfranchised losers they are and let the world go past them.

Just one more day left of this nonsense.


Immigrants are the whole point of America.
Oh yeah, then why do we observe Thanksgiving, the holiday where we mourn the ruthless invasion of 1492, where wicked Native Americans sailed from the UK to wage a war of spite on white people here in the US?


My dad fucking hates the Somalians. Every conversation for thr last 16 years has eventually mentioned how horrible they are.

At first it was how they would sit around the taxi lounge south of the old HHH and only move when they were dispatched. Because this is terrible i guess. Then it was anger that they buy up old police cars from auctions foe their taxi services and drive ip the prices so he "cant afford" one. Now of course its because they are supporting terrorism, due to Minnesota being the home of domestic terrorism and why would you want to move back Ben you live in Florida where there are no Somalians, just a bunch of thug black folk but Trump is going to take care of them by God....
I am so sorry...
A day more before it is repudiated by the electoral system, but don't get too comfortable with the idea that it's all going to suddenly disappear. Bigots won't give up that easy.

Believe me I know this. I just want them to see all their hopes and dreams die while the whole world watches. It will be a fleeting moment but I will enjoy it nonetheless.
My wife teaches a Somali population of 2nd graders in a tough but improving Minneapolis school. Every Somali immigrant I've spoken with are grateful for this country and are busting their ass to make it as Americans. FUCK. HIM.

Also, he is missing the mark even with his own biggoted target voting block. He should've went the "law and order" pro-Police route.

Many racist people I've come into contact with will talk shit all over north Minneapolis and the "lazy" and "violent" African American community there, but very few ridicule the African immigrant community living in Riverside Plaza on the East Side, as they have a reputation amongst the bigoted for "starting businesses" and "getting jobs." This is even in the light of 30 Minnesotan's having left to join ISIS, because the Somali community continues to publically denounce their actions. Also, the Somali community is notoriously socially conservative and although Riverside votes solid blue now, I could possibly see it turned if the Republicans didn't send an idiot like Trump to salt the Earth for generations to come.
When will GAF learn not to entertain trolls....smh. After his first post, yall should of catched the drift. These people probably come from different websites with the bet that they can come into a gaf thread, and say a ridiculous statement and rile + derail the entire thread because we fall for it so easily. Come on guys :(

Trump is an absolute mess for his statement but what's new. It's so great to hear that these refugees are actually making the city better by adding these so called jobs that all the citizens there for all those years failed to do but now want to blame the people who want to make the best of their lives for doing exactly that. There was this great minidoc in YouTube via fusion that focused on Trump Supporters and one of the guys on their blamed all his misfortunes on minorities taking jobs away from him because the place he used to work at got outsourced.... It's like.... Wtf!?
When will GAF learn not to entertain trolls....smh. After his first post, yall should of catched the drift. These people probably come from different websites with the bet that they can come into a gaf thread, and say a ridiculous statement and rile + derail the entire thread because we fall for it so easily. Come on guys :(
What they posted is kinda the point of the thread though. That was the racism that Trump is supporting.
What they posted is kinda the point of the thread though. That was the racism that Trump is supporting.

Yeah but it became trolling and it wasn't hard to see. When people are being willingfully obtuse, disengage and move on with the discussion. It's not productive anymore and it's clear the person is trying to rile. Even if that person is a racist shit bag, how much quoting over and over is going to change that.. It's kind of the point of ignoring them and not giving them air. And like it said, it's likely someone from those subreddits who make these fake accounts on GAF just for the sole purpose of doing this. Its seems to happen all the time in these threads. I mean, the link he posted was jihadwatch.org.... That alone was already..


....lost cause. Then again I'm not a mod so I can't really tell anyone what to do but it's disappointing to see in threads like this.


Why are you passing on hearsay racism? Beyond the fact you say you have no experience with Somali, Somali aren't a monolithic block anymore than any other ethnic group. Suggesting that an entire ethnicity is "very difficult" on the basis of hearsay is just propagating that sort of racism.

I worked with both Somali and Sudanese refugees for years. Some were lazy, some worked harder than a mother fucker. Some were honest, some were dishonest. What I couldn't help but notice was that regardless of their birth place, they were very different people, just like all the people born here are very different people.
I'd imagine that by having the largest Somali community in the US, a very strong support network has formed around it , which places their interests as a priority obviously. So people outside of this network that are still vulnerable in some way don't have such an extensive network to depend on and influence. So one could view how the whole wave of Somali immigration has impacted one's family access to services that they think would have or feel entitled to access.

This would be discrimination but not necessarily racism, even if it's likely to have racist attitudes permeate and affect one's perception and judgement
Donald Trump, you are the embodiment of what we, as Americans, should stand against.

The New Colossus said:
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

It's been quoted up and down during this election, and while I've hesitated traditionally to use it, I find that it fits well here, in particular.

Donald Trump, you do not represent America. You have made a fortune on the labor of people who's backs you have dug your heels into. You have knowingly lied, on multiple accounts, to your would-be constituency, and you have driven a wedge deeper between the people of the United States. You have pinned blame on peoples that seek simply to pursue better opportunity for themselves and their children, in a nation that purports to provide just that.

I sincerely hope that you lose this election, and that you never, ever return to the public spotlight. I hope that your name is used in history books to teach our children of what a would be, power-hungry despot is. And I sincerely hope that the rest of the world shuns you as much as you seek to shun them.


If it wasn't obvious before, trump is basically clarifying that his "extreme vetting of refugees" isn't even about terrorism, it's just about being against (legal) immigrants.


If it wasn't obvious before, trump is basically clarifying that his "extreme vetting of refugees" isn't even about terrorism, it's just about being against (legal) immigrants.

Not legal immigrants, just non-white immigrants.
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