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Trump takes lead over Clinton among likely voters [CNN]

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Anfony O

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the race to November 8 on essentially even ground, with Trump edging Clinton by a scant two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll.

Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party's Jill Stein at just 2%.

More at the link


The Jason

State polls are a different story, and Hillary is still ahead in key states.

The media does want it to be close though. They want the drama


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My doomsday bunker will have a plentiful supply of Surge and almost every major romantic comedy released in the last 20 years if anyone is interested.


So is it still impossible for that cunt Trump to become President, like a lot of Gaffers have assured me for the last year?


"independents give Trump an edge, 49% say they'd vote for him while just 29% of independent voters back Clinton."

im telling you guys, people reacted badly to her Alt Right speech, probably thought she was calling Trump a racist (which is is!) and didnt like it


The media has a vested interest in making this race seem closer than it may be.

In addition, a general poll of the nation is worthless in terms of determining who would actually win, you need a state by state breakdown to really find the state of the race.

As George W proved, you can easily lose the popular vote but still win the presidency, although such a case may mean Clinton would start out a wounded animal.


I just can't see a way for Trump to win. He would have to run nearly the whole table in every swing state.


People who call themselves independents are generally more republican-leaning than democrat.
Or rather, most people who identify as independent are generally consistent Republican or Democratic voters. The amount of independents whose vote is actually up in the air in an election is relatively small.


Against my better judgement, I check in on CNN and the like once a day, and it feels like it's been literal weeks since I've seen a Clinton headline. It's all Trump, all the time, and mostly positive if you don't read into the stories too closely ("oh, he met with a black church? See, he's reaching out!").

Hillary has been a complete non-issue, except for her involvement Clinton Foundation ("pay to play!) and round 12 of those dastardly emails ("corrupt and incompetent!"). She's essentially resting on her laurels letting Trump define himself, but the problem is that he's also out there defining her, with a bigger megaphone and an all too complicit media helping him spread the word.


What the hell? Just days ago, Clinton has an extremely large lead on Trump. How did it drop to that overnight?


Yikes! Missed that, welp.... Guess if he wins we just watch it all burn?
Well the NBC poll this morning had Clinton +4. So this poll is either just noise or a sign of things to come. Who knows. This CNN poll in particular will probably attract more attention because it shows a Trump lead.


This is a horse race you guys. Pls believe we've got a horse race on our hands.

Neither choice is good but it's insane that trump is ahead, absolute insanity.
Hillary is in fact a great choice if you look at her voting record (93% identical to Bernie) and experience (senator, First Lady, Secretary of State. Achieved great success in a man's game, at a time when women in politics had to put up with way more bullshit than they do today).
Hillary is in fact a great choice if you look at her voting record (93% identical to Bernie) and experience (senator, First Lady, Secretary of State. Achieved great success in a man's game, at a time when women in politics had to put up with way more bullshit than they do today).

Yea that's great if you ignore all the other shitty stuff she's done.


Poll taken over Labor Day weekend so would probably skew older since younger people more likely to be out or not available


She has many paths to 270 electoral votes. This election is Clinton's to lose.


I agree
Well two other polls released this morning had Clinton +3 and Clinton +4. So this poll is either just noise or a sign of things to come. Who knows. This CNN poll in particular will probably attract more attention because it shows a Trump lead.

All within the margin of error. Basically Trump is drawing even.
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