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WaPo: Only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote (and <1% would change to Clinton)

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Our Mood of the Nation Poll from Penn State’s McCourtney Institute of Democracy provides answers. Conducted by YouGov, the poll tracks the mood of the public through traditional survey questions and numerous open-ended questions that allow citizens to express themselves in their own words. The poll’s methodology is described here.

Our Feb. 23-27 poll asked a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Americans to report on how they cast their vote in November. The results of these reports closely align with other national polls, with Hillary Clinton voters comprising 49 percent of the sample, Trump voters 46 percent, with 3 percent and 2 percent for minor-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, respectively.

Who would vote differently?

On the next screen, we asked everyone, “Suppose you could go back in time and vote again in the November election. What would you do?”

Respondents were presented with the same choices — Trump, Clinton, Stein, Johnson, someone else, or not vote at all. Of the 339 poll participants who originally voted for Trump, only 12 (3½ percent) said they would do something different.

Only three individuals (fewer than 1 percent of Trump voters) said that, could they go back in time, they would cast their vote for Clinton. Seven said they would vote for one of the minor-party candidates.

When we asked why, most regretful Trump voters pointed specifically to his performance as president. (Misspellings are original.)

  • “He has moved kinda fast with the immagration ban, and abortion law.”
  • “I don’t like his decisions so far.”
  • “Trump’s actions since the inaugeration.”
  • “… Trump cannot get out of his own way. He won’t stop running his mouth and has no humility.”

These sentiments echo regrets highlighted in social media. But they are too few to conclude that Trump’s electoral coalition has somehow eroded. Moreover, of the already small number of Trump voters expressing regret, only one in four would have shifted their support to the Democratic nominee.

In short, the 45th president’s electoral coalition remains intact.

We love hearing about regretful Trump voters, but they are the minority.

Misspellings are original, if old .


It's a start. Number might inch up a but as their insurance coverage is yanked out from under their feet, for starters.


People will tell you they never voted for Trump before they'll tell you they voted for him and regretted it.
Well none of their loved ones have died yet. This administration works too slowly.
Even if they do they'll rationalize it as Obama's doing.

Everything that specifically has a negative impact directly on them will be Obama's fault. Everything else is a good thing by default because "lol fuck libruls".


Only 339 participants? With so many trump voters you would think they could find more people to poll. I mean I'm told the man had the biggest turnout since Reagan!
Well according to another poll 80% of Republican voters still approve of Trump, that used to be 90% a while back but yeah it's probably still too early for a mass exodus.


That R by his name guarantees a lot of loyalty. I don't expect them to switch, at most you hope they will just stay home next time


Let's see what the number is in a year or two, when he's had way more time to fuck them over as hard as humanly possible.


People will be more likely to normalize a narrative to keep their views in tact than outright realize they thought wrong.

It's like buying a big, lying lemon that happens to be orange. People around you can tell you it's a dud and will be bad for you, but goddamnit you invested time and money into it, you are getting something out of it.

I wonder how cognitive dissonance and even surprise will occur when people see that the lemon wasn't even a lemon, but an orange con man who actually proposes ideas, ideals, and values that actively strike those supporting him. One can have sympathy for the precariat class that's bitten this turd of a fish, and many of us should be alarmed that people bought it. But I wonder how we can help these people not fall into bullshit again...is that at all possible?
If they're anything like their savior, eventually they will claim that everyone else should thank them for getting to the bottom of America's problem with hate and ignorance.


3% isn't anything to sneeze at, he got almost 63m votes. 2million votes doesn't exactly seem inconsequential considering Clinton lost on the margins in some states. Depending on what states they land in, that would have thrown the election. Anyway, not gonna stress it. That seems like an awfully difficult thing to poll for anyway.
This is what happens in a hyper-partisan landscape, particularly when many Republican voters only get their information from right-wing media sources. When you are convinced that any Democrat -- particularly Hillary Clinton -- might very well be the devil incarnate, then generic Republican is always preferable.


This isn't surprising. Its far too early for them to feel the strains themselves which is the only thing that would change their opinion.
It's depressing, but it's early, and on the bright side, Trump's victory was so narrow at the end of the day, that in 2020 only a relatively few amount of voters really seem to regret it enough to switch over. If the ACHA comes to pass (though I doubt it will), I think the mood is going to shift.
3% doesn't seem like a large number, but consider this, Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Arizona, and Wisconsin by 3% or less. Even if those 3% voted for a third party or simply didn't vote, Trump would have lost those states and Hillary Clinton would be your president.

That said, "only" 3% doesn't surprise me. I think a higher percentage of those polled may be unhappy with the Trump presidency, but not enough to not vote for Donald Trump, or to cast their vote for Clinton
They'll never admit they fucked up, even if everything goes wrong under Trump they will just blame Obama and the previous administration for all of it. Trump sure as hell will.


1% would have made a difference in a few states.

I do think that a large portion of voting Americans just look for Rs or Ds on the ballot, and don't even bother following the issues. The parties are treated like sports teams.
People will tell you they never voted for Trump before they'll tell you they voted for him and regretted it.

The truth in this hurts. A friend of mine was a die hard red hat leading up to and for quite a bit of time after the election and now claims he didn't vote at all... Shit is insane.


At this point, he's basically trying to get all the reprehensible garbage he promised done, so it's not surprising.

It'll take a while, but the coal miners and steel workers will eventually realize they're still unemployed except now they don't have healthcare.


Gallup only recently showed Trump's polling starting to collapse w/ his base, so this isn't all that surprising. The biggest problem was sitouts on the left AND right who wouldn't vote Clinton.


a good bit of evidence for why not to bother trying to reach across the aisle for people who obviously arent going to change their minds


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Of course that number is ridiculously low.

Let's not forget that Trump only got a few more percentage points than Romney. The vast supermajority of Trump supporters still like him, and no matter how bad he gets, they will never vote for a Democrat.


We can't do this every polling thread, can we?
I mean I'm no statistics expert but I don't understand why the initial poll had 1000 participants and then the second had less than 400 if ~45% voted trump in that first poll. But yeah every thread is full of cheap shots at trump
I am probably being dumb but it says 43% for Trump out of 1,000 respondents but also 339 voted or Trump?

And if that's 339 Trump voters who responded to the next question then there's another 90 who didn't want to say whether they'd vote differently for reasons?


Until Trump gets driven to their house and then takes a shit on their doorstep don't expect many Trump voters to admit regret, much less think they should have voted for Hillary. Most of them would claim it was Alec Baldwin trying to make Trump look bad anyhow.

How is Trump of today any different than the one they voted for? He isn't. Liar then, liar now. Nothing much has changed "officially". Why would his base's opinion change?

That base of voters will be the last thing to actually change. Even should best/worst(depending on your point of view) happen some not insignificant portion of his voters will believe he was set up.
And that number is *now*. If it were election day, they'd all loyally vote (R) again.

How many of the same people said they might not vote for Trump? Bullshit.


It's a start. Number might inch up a but as their insurance coverage is yanked out from under their feet, for starters.

It's a start? What is it going to take for people who think like you to realize many Trump voters are just as bad and if they had the power as dangerous and reckless as Trump?


Republicans would vote for a fucking dead horse if it had an R next to it's name. The R is literally the only thing a lot of them care about.


People will tell you they never voted for Trump before they'll tell you they voted for him and regretted it.
Yep. My Facebook feed was filled with people I knew were pro Trump, but they are all silent now and won't go anywhere near politics.
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