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WaPo: Only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote (and <1% would change to Clinton)

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“He has moved kinda fast with the immagration ban, and abortion law.”

"He is doing the things he said he would. Things that I dismissed as things he wouldn't actually do while simultaneously attacking Clinton for being untrustworthy and a liar."


It's too early for the mindless masses, that Trump conned, to realize what they did.

Give them a few years. They'll realize then.
Yeah, you've really got to give people time to come to terms with being conned.

It's embarrassing to admit that you thought the emperor was wearing clothes. That takes time.


That's because Trump voters are a mostly willfully ignorant cult of dumb people. It's very difficult to pierce through the layers of ignorance, right-wing conspiracy brainwashing and low IQ.


This poll was conducted a month ago also, let's see how things are once this health care bullshit hits home
The poll was done at the wnd of Feb. Shit has gone real bad the last two weeks. Would be really interested in seeing next months version of this.


I wanna agree with the whole "give it time" but the republicans have been fucking over people like these for so long and still they give them votes.


Because of the Dynamics of the electoral college this flat %1 doesn't mean much.

That 1% if it's in the right state could mean the difference in the election.


reasoning or appealing to a lot of these folks is much harder than some think



Not surprising, it's still far too early for a pole like this, but it will be good as a benchmark for when they do it again 1, 2, and 3 years from now.
reasoning or appealing to a lot of these folks is much harder than some think


It sucks that the onus is now on us to track down every lie he's said. I honestly can't remember the ammo to use against this man because he's a walking disaster and in my mind obviously so.


It's a start. Number might inch up a but as their insurance coverage is yanked out from under their feet, for starters.


But I doubt people who voted for Trump in the first place often allow things like negative ramifications and reason get in the way of letting the emotions and feelings that make them feel safe, secure, comfortable, and powerful decide things for them.


This is interesting research.

I would like someone to research another question: How many voters who voted for neither Trump nor Clinton - those who wrote in another candidate or abstained altogether - regret that choice now?


reasoning or appealing to a lot of these folks is much harder than some think


As long as they're convinced letting women choose to not be pregnant anymore is equivalent to slaughtering entire battlefields full of defenseless, squirming five-month-year-olds with a rusty halberd, we've got our work cut out for us.


To add to what I said, here is some polling YouGov did about whether or not you opposed the Iraq war in 2003 as remembered in 2015.



I could imagine something similar in 10 years regarding Trump.


disapproval =/= regret

hillary was so unpopular i don't think trump folk will ever 'regret' their vote. reminds me of the market crash at the end of bush's term... "well... it would've been much worse with gore or kerry"


That's all it would take to change the outcome.. let's revote!

The more interesting question would be how many sat home because they thought Hillary would win that would now get off their ass..?
I think that for a lot of people, it's very hard to admit a mistake. And for people who were legitimately torn between Clinton and Trump (a position I will never understand, but whatever), they went in on Trump and are waiting to see what he will do.

A lot of people know that Trump is a bad guy, and still voted for him anyway. So everything that's happened so far? Not too surprising. He's a shit. But they expect him to deliver jobs and "be different". Unfortunately for them, the worst is probably yet to come. Starting with the AHCA.

That's all it would take to change the outcome.. let's revote!

The more interesting question would be how many sat home because they thought Hillary would win that would now get off their ass..?

This is probably a better question. My guess is that the younger voters who voted Johnson/Stein/didn't vote might switch to Hillary if we had to do a revote. Or not. Again -- it's hard to admit you were wrong. And if you accuse someone of being wrong, people tend to dig their heels in.


Considering Trump won PA, MI, and WI by less than 1% margins, a re-vote would literally make Hillary President.



People will tell you they never voted for Trump before they'll tell you they voted for him and regretted it.

Absolutely this. People hate to admit they got something badly wrong, even when the admission is anonymous. It's causes an uncomfortable amount of introspection which is easier dealt with by doubling down on the initial choice. The same thing is happening with Brexit over here - over 50% in my constituency voted for it, but you'd think is about a dozen judging by how little people admit to it.


Trump will probably win in 2020.

Absolutely this. People hate to admit they got something badly wrong, even when the admission is anonymous. It's causes an uncomfortable amount of introspection which is easier dealt with by doubling down on the initial choice. The same thing is happening with Brexit over here - over 50% in my constituency voted for it, but you'd think is about a dozen judging by how little people admit to it.

Maybe they haven't changed their view, they just don't want to be thought of (in their view wrongly) as an idiot or a racist.
Trump will probably win in 2020.

Considering that we have no idea what the state of the economy will be in 2020, this feels like a prediction for predictions sake without actually understanding how much uncertainty we have going into the next election.
Real talk, very few Trump voters are ever going to admit that they fucked up to the point that they would have rather voted for Clinton.

The hope is that in 2020 they're so mad at Trump and we run a candidate with less baggage that we get enough of them to cross over (or ramp up turnout with non-voters), but they'll still hem and haw about how Clinton was worse.

John Kerry would have been an infinitely better president than Bush, and I'd even say Obama. But the perception is always going to be that he lost 04 because he was a worse option than Bush.
Considering that we have no idea what the state of the economy will be in 2020, this feels like a prediction for predictions sake without actually understanding how much uncertainty we have going into the next election.

Given his age, health, and Russian friends I'd say it's equally likely that he croaks before 2020


Considering that we have no idea what the state of the economy will be in 2020, this feels like a prediction for predictions sake without actually understanding how much uncertainty we have going into the next election.

incumbents usually win, we'll probably be at war again and wartime presidents have never lost, and we'll be counting on the hilariously incompetent democratic party to oppose him
Given his age, health, and Russian friends I'd say it's equally likely that he croaks before 2020

incumbents usually win, we'll probably be at war again and wartime presidents have never lost, and we'll be counting on the hilariously incompetent democratic party to oppose him

We can't say, "he'll probably win in 2020" because we literally have no idea how 2020 will look! He has incumbency advantage, but now much worse job approval than Carter and HW Bush. So, like, who the fuck knows? I'm not ready to make any statement on 2020. No one should!

There's no point in being unnecessarily defeatist over something that's so far in the future that we don't really have context for it.
We can't say, "he'll probably win in 2020" because we literally have no idea how 2020 will look! He has incumbency advantage, but now much worse job approval than Carter and HW Bush. So, like, who the fuck knows? I'm not ready to make any statement on 2020. No one should!

There's no point in being unnecessarily defeatist over something that's so far in the future that we don't really have context for it.

Did you actually read my post? Lol

I wouldn't call that defeatist...


May contain jokes =>
This does not in any way mesh with my personal (anecdotal) experience with Trump voters. Then again, I do not regularly associate myself with cognitive deficients, so the sample is limited.

This poll is also from a month ago.
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