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Trump takes lead over Clinton among likely voters [CNN]

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Gold Member
I'm actually partial to Jim Jefferies' thoughts on this: "There's a little bit of me that thinks "fuck it, let's do it and see how crazy shit can get"."
A single poll? Not in the aggregate? Then who cares.

In a just world, it's not even close, let alone any polls showing a Trump lead or gaining significant favorables. I mean, wtf is wrong with these people, he hasn't changed. People better start caring, and taking this shit seriously, because it's far from being in the bag.


Today's media cycle is going to be nothing but insufferable bed wetting. 😭Please someone just kill me now.
In a just world, it's not even close, let alone any polls showing a Trump lead or gaining significant favorables. And people better start caring, take this shit seriously, it's far from being in the bag.

I mean, that's not how polls work. No matter how just of a world you'd like to imagine, you're going to have times when the subset of people you select is not representative of the population at large. You can't just say "this shouldn't be happening!" This notion of a world where Trump loses every poll, and loses by more each time is just absolutely divorced from how anything works.

The Kree

The Clinton campaign spreading misinformation to scare disenfranchised people into voting for the lesser evil. Wake up, sheeple.


I'm actually partial to Jim Jefferies' thoughts on this: "There's a little bit of me that thinks "fuck it, let's do it and see how crazy shit can get"."
I mean, put yourself in the shoes of a kid who is about to graduate at the top of her class when she's deported along with her whole family. Not so funny when your life is destroyed by some populist shithead's racist policies.


Junior Member
The fucking poll is all over the place

Clinton is winning with:
Young voters
Whites with a college education

Yet she's still losing
I mean, that's not how polls work. No matter how just of a world you'd like to imagine, you're going to have times when the subset of people you select is not representative of the population at large. You can't just say "this shouldn't be happening!" This notion of a world where Trump loses every poll, and loses by more each time is just absolutely divorced from how anything works.

Yeah, you're probably right, still can't help but feel anxious about all this shit, especially with how terrible the media is.

Funky Papa

I'm watching from the European sidelines but reading GAF I had the impression that Trump's campaign was done?

Shinra will probably smack me across the face later, but I'm not ready to call it yet. While minorities hate Trump's guts, he has tapped an immense reservoir of disenfranchised voters, while Clinton is massively disliked across the nation and Democrats are known to be complacent. The current media circus doesn't help one bit.

I'm not sure if it'll be a close race or a landslide, but I think we should ready our butts for some potential randomness.


I'm watching from the European sidelines but reading GAF I had the impression that Trump's campaign was done?


Only it's a lot more than seven times at this point.


Great news, perhaps this will be a wake up call for all of those who think Clinton will win by a landslide and decide not to bother voting.

Although, I partially want Trump to win. Nothing changes for me, except that the internet forums will be a much more interesting read while eating big buckets of popcorn.


Keep in mind that most of these polls are done on landlines. That should say a bit about who is answering the questions.

Skewed polls or something. /s

Most of the electorate has what they believe are legitimate concerns about a Clinton presidency. A majority of these concerns have been debunked, but since these issues voters have with Hillary are now part of the national daily conversation, they're very hard for Clinton and Democrats to erase.

The fact is, the most recent polls directly relate to the decreasing excitement of a Clinton presidency since the convention.

That said, as a Clinton supporter, I have a hard time seeing Trump win each and every swing state on Election Day.


I'm watching from the European sidelines but reading GAF I had the impression that Trump's campaign was done?
Unless he pulls a miracle or gets lucky he won't win.He's struggling with the same issues unpopular conservative parties deal with in elections like the recent federal election in Canada.He can not appeal to anyone beyond his base so he usually polls in a reaĺly low and narrow range in polls.Hilary polls high enough usually to get a clear lead over him in the majority of polls. There have been moments where the race tightens a bit like now but hilary pulls way ahead again eventually.
And to think about the potential of this country.
But instead people rather shout "Yeehaw!" like some fundamentalist and drag the country in a downwards spiral of diarrhea.


Unconfirmed Member
The crying call of Trump supporters the last couple of weeks. We should be better than that.
Well, having a cow over one outlier poll that isn't very productive either. I really don't see how this poll even properly represents demographics when Clinton is winning with minorities and women in this poll but still somehow loses.

Ihyll puts it better:
The fucking poll is all over the place

Clinton is winning with:
Young voters
Whites with a college education

Yet she's still losing
I'm okay with this honestly. i was tired of people going "Well I'll vote for Hillary if it's close, but looking at the polls now it looks like I'm safe to vote Stein!"


The fucking poll is all over the place

Clinton is winning with:
Young voters
Whites with a college education

Yet she's still losing
I know, it's nuts. She's behind by 15 points on honesty and trustworthiness, losing independents by 20 although many of these people are Republicans. Losing married women too


I really despise the state of journalism in this country pushing for a tight election and letting this corrupt demagogue getting this close to the White House. We don't get reports on the truth, we get "reports" to tighten the election.


Lotta unskewing going on itt.

I find it interesting that Trumps winning by 20% with indys - I know they lean republican but mittens only won "independents" by 5% in 2012.
Trump is still a very viable candidate despite suppression of his campaign being done by the establishment. Hillary has done a lot of grave things, which makes her a perfect target for an October surprise. Not to mention her health problems.

Lotta unskewing going on itt.

I find it interesting that Trumps winning by 20% with indys - I know they lean republican but mittens only won "independents" by 5% in 2012.

Romney was a mainstream candidate who didn't bring anything new to the table. Trump is tapping into a larger white base.


Lotta unskewing going on itt.

I find it interesting that Trumps winning by 20% with indys - I know they lean republican but mittens only won "independents" by 5% in 2012.
Right? Can Trump really jump ahead by 15 here? Either the poll is bogus or there are even more Republicans too embarrassed to call themselves that. I'm thinking a bit of both.


who even does these surveys?

I've participated in 2 very detailed phone surveys already via cell phone and both were cold calls. I told both they could call again when they asked if I'd participate.

I went all in for Trump on one and all in on Hillary for another so I guess I'm the "margin of error" on any where Trump is leading because I'm not voting for that bucket of slime.
Trump is still a very viable candidate despite suppression of his campaign being done by the establishment. Hillary has done a lot of grave things, which makes her a perfect target for an October surprise. Not to mention her health problems.

Romney was a mainstream candidate who didn't bring anything new to the table. Trump is tapping into a larger white base.

First off, this is garbage. Secondly, you don't live in the US. Thirdly, he may be tapping into a certain white male demographic, but is also turning off a significant portion of college-educated whites, especially woman, and is dead in the water among minorities, more so than any other candidate ever has been.


When I get these surveys I either hang up, or say fuck off.
Seriously I hate this time of year, and that fact that a person would placate these annoyance calls makes me definitely question their judgement.
I've been saying forever that these poll threads should be banned unless it's something especially credible. They basically exist to fuel the 24 hour media cycle.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Seriously, if you want to follow daily polls, visit PoliGAF in the community OT.
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