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Trump v. Bernie Debate

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As a European I'm looking forward to it, hoping for a good show.
Plus I don't see how debating can be seen as a bad thing, it's the basis of democracy. If it hurts the chances of another candidate it just mean that candidate was not strong enough in the first place.


Hillary deleted e-mails before turning them over to the state department, and the state department found e-mails that she did not turn in to them. Hillary supports pretty delusional themselves if they think this investigation isn't going to be terrible for her.
Adding to this, today's news proves she is guilty of perjury.

"I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:
While I do not know what information may be “responsive” for purposes of this law suit, I have directed that all my e-mails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or potentially were federal records to be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done."


"For example, the Department and OIG both determined that the production included no email covering the first few months of Secretary Clinton’s tenure—from January 21, 2009, to March 17, 2009, for received messages; and from January 21, 2009, to April 12, 2009, for sent messages. OIG discovered multiple instances in which Secretary Clinton’s personal email account sent and received official business email during this period. For instance, the Department of Defense provided to OIG in September 2015 copies of 19 emails between Secretary Clinton and General David Petraeus on his official Department of Defense email account; these 19 emails were not in the Secretary’s 55,000-page production."


you can't put a price on sparks
This is a chance for Bernie to take Trump down a peg and give a large audience to his progressive values and put them directly up against Trump's rhetoric. If Bernie succeeds, this will help the Democratic nominee, probably. Plus it's something a lot of people would want to see. Which coincidentally translates into money. Which would then be given to charities.

Still don't want to take that chance?

The only commonality between them is they are both running against Hillary.


The report just came out today, give it time.

...to do what, exactly?
the report that waved its finger at clinton, powell and the state department as a whole: are you expecting it to evolve into something resembling a charge?

That's going too far.

i'm certain i'm going to hate myself for this, but:

a) how exactly does asexual discrimination work? are you not allowed to marry all the people you don't want to?
b) do you really look at the trans community's escalating suicide rates/current struggle and unironically call them "privileged"?
c) you do realize endorsing a candidate based on something as terrible as flat tax pretty much rules out whatever centrist unicorn you're shooting for here, right

Skyline Owl

Neo Member
Lolololol. Jesus Christ, Bernie. Save yourself the embarrassment and stop. It's over, you lost.

Fucking clown shoes happening right now.


Adding to this, today's news proves she is guilty of perjury.

"I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:
While I do not know what information may be “responsive” for purposes of this law suit, I have directed that all my e-mails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or potentially were federal records to be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done."


"For example, the Department and OIG both determined that the production included no email covering the first few months of Secretary Clinton’s tenure—from January 21, 2009, to March 17, 2009, for received messages; and from January 21, 2009, to April 12, 2009, for sent messages. OIG discovered multiple instances in which Secretary Clinton’s personal email account sent and received official business email during this period. For instance, the Department of Defense provided to OIG in September 2015 copies of 19 emails between Secretary Clinton and General David Petraeus on his official Department of Defense email account; these 19 emails were not in the Secretary’s 55,000-page production."
Why do so many people ignore this!
Jesus, I still can't believe that happened.

That's going too far. Look, if you don't like how someone votes, that's fine, but in a forum, we can all have differing opinions without having to resort to personal attacks. It's true, when to comes to issues that matter to me, social/civics issues aren't quite as high as other issues because though I am queer, I am not privileged enough to be LGBT or feel secure with current protections; the fact that but a single state in our 50 has queer people like myself listed as a legal, protected class from discrimination is sad and concerning. In a single state in this nation am I able to be myself and live as myself, as many other queers due in many other states. How dare you purposefully put me down, simply because I am not privileged enough as other fellow queers when it comes to legal protections. Not cool.

It's funny I've heard of fuck you got mine, but I've never thought I'd see fuck you since I can't get mine.

And dude do not play the Queer oppression olympics.

Not while you're talking about not giving a shit about what happens to LGBT rights, 11 states are suing the Obama government for the right to oppress trans people, Trump wins and there goes the Obama order protecting trans folk.

He's already walked back the indifference to trans people tonight by saying it should be up to the states.


Rodent Whores
If he doesn't hurt or attack Hillary this would be the best outcome. His recent negativity makes this entire proposition a risk though.

Has he really been going negative? His stump speeches still sound like the same thing he always talks about. But it's not like I've been listening to everything he says.
Adding to this, today's news proves she is guilty of perjury.

"I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:
While I do not know what information may be “responsive” for purposes of this law suit, I have directed that all my e-mails on clintonemail.com in my custody that were or potentially were federal records to be provided to the Department of State, and on information and belief, this has been done."


"For example, the Department and OIG both determined that the production included no email covering the first few months of Secretary Clinton’s tenure—from January 21, 2009, to March 17, 2009, for received messages; and from January 21, 2009, to April 12, 2009, for sent messages. OIG discovered multiple instances in which Secretary Clinton’s personal email account sent and received official business email during this period. For instance, the Department of Defense provided to OIG in September 2015 copies of 19 emails between Secretary Clinton and General David Petraeus on his official Department of Defense email account; these 19 emails were not in the Secretary’s 55,000-page production."

Jesus christ, didn't we have a fucking thread over these Patreaus e-mails like 6 months ago? Yes, they were not part of the 55,000 page production because this was during the transition process but they were discovered because they were on government servers in some capacity regardless. Clinton likely did not have copies of them because she transitioned away from the system being used after this period.


As a European I'm looking forward to it, hoping for a good show.
Plus I don't see how debating can be seen as a bad thing, it's the basis of democracy. If it hurts the chances of another candidate it just mean that candidate was not strong enough in the first place.
Shhh, Europeans don't know about 'mocracy.


Has he really been going negative? His stump speeches still sound like the same thing he always talks about. But it's not like I've been listening to everything he says.
As someone who's listened to most of his speeches lately, the idea that he's suddenly gone negative is media spin.
Of course I don't think Sanders is plotting with Trump. Why would I think that?

However, if they both get up on stage and if at any point Sanders attacks Clinton, Trump will agree with whatever attack Sanders made and run with it.

At that point, yes, I believe Sanders has helped the Trump campaign.

Let's be real, do you honestly think Trump is taking this to debate the merits of free college with Bernie Sanders?

Whatever Bernie's intentions, if the end result of the debate causes even a handful of on-the-fence voters to sit the elections out or god-forbid vote for Trump against Hillary, would you not say Bernie's approval of the debate ended up aiding Trump? Whether you think Hillary should've earned those votes in the first place or whatever, it wouldn't change the fact that Bernie helped Trump by "costing" Hillary votes.

Of course this is all hypothetical, and the debate will probably not even occur. Hopefully that kind of clears up why someone would be frustrated at this happening in the first place.
I know why they're upset. People have been upset at Sanders not falling in line since the moment he jumped in the race. It's just that he's not capable of making any significant distubances at this point in the game. It's all purely symbolic, and any affect is so negligible as to be nill. Those people on the fence at this point aren't going to be swayed by one Sanders v Trump debate. Everyone will get in line by November, bar some kind of world ending cataclysm.
It's funny I've heard of fuck you got mine, but I've never thought I'd see fuck you since I can't get mine.

And dude do not play the Queer oppression olympics.

Not while you're talking about not giving a shit about what happens to LGBT rights, 11 states are suing the Obama government for the right to oppress trans people, Trump wins and there goes the Obama order protecting trans folk.

He's already walked back the indifference to trans people tonight by saying it should be up to the states.

And this guy is gonna vote for Trump.


Maybe Bernie has a message he wants to spread and LOTS of people happen to agree with his views. If he gets a platform for a large audience to get impacted by his message then it's a good thing.

Ya know, just a thought.

I am a fan of Bernie's message. The problem I have with him now is, he ran for the dem nomination, went further than people expected -- but lost --, and is now saying and doing all kinds of erratic shit that undermines the actual future democratic nominee. That doesn't help his cause, that helps Trump's cause.

It's not just this debate thing, which again, I doubt it actually happens. Bernie just said this week that he thinks the dem convention will be "messy." What the hell does that mean? Clinton is easily going to have more delegates than she needs to win at the convention, so he's just stirring shit to stir shit at this point, which is making people mad (see: this thread, or the Entire Internet) and turning super liberal voters against sorta liberal voters. That helps...conservatives. I mean, hell, the DNC just said they would increase his say over the party platform which was a huge olive branch and his response is that he wants to do an unsanctioned 1v1 debate with Trump? It's just off-the-rails type stuff.

I wish he would keep rallying for liberal causes and hammer Trump 24/7, but I can't tell what he's going for at all lately. The only thing that makes sense regarding his continuing antagonism toward Clinton and the whole party right now is what I said earlier, that I think he can't stand the thought of losing the limelight he's had all year. And if he values that over his issues...that's gross. There's really more at stake here than "lol get rekt establishment." I've been trying really hard to stay patient with him, but if he doesn't accept that it's over after California I'm done.
Wow. So, uh, you do realize that white people are not a hive mind, right? Just because the government is mostly white doesn't mean life is sunshine and rainbows for white people. That we can't have legitimate grievances against the government. White people disagree with each other. Often, and vigorously.

This seriously feels like a strawman post. It's the exact sort of thing conservatives think the concept of privilege is about. Yeah, I'm white, I've got loads of privilege, but that doesn't mean my interests are represented in politics.

Nobody's interests are fully represented in politics, that's the point. So stop bitching about how your conscious won't let you vote for anyone other than Bernie cause he's the only one who you feel represents you. And by you I mean any chucklefuck who falls back on that (which is A LOT of Bernie bros). Bernie lost, get over, move on, it's over. Yes it sucks when it's your first time voting or even knowing that America has a political system and the candidate you want to win doesn't it does. Honestly I wouldn't know the feeling tbh, because I'm not white so none of these geriatrics have ever been my "hero" they've all been a bunch of lesser evils from 1776 to 2016. Bernie is no different, and since he lost I just move on to the next lesser evil. That's all it's ever been, which of these geriatric fuckers will screw Americans like me whose equal rights are nothing more clauses over the least. It was Bernie, but he lost, so now the next lesser evil is Hilary. Yea yea I know, I know Benghazi, emails, hawk, your conscious, integrity, corrupt system, delegate math.

You guys should try it instead of this whole "Bernie must keep fighting teh evilz!" "Bernie or Bust" shtick so many of you are sticking to. It's not endearing, it's not admirable, it's not patriotic. It's remedial and elementary as fuck more than anything, doubly so considering how Bernie, his supporters, and his team have been acting, because at this point Bernie and his supporters clearly no longer care about his platform or issues he fights for (and let's be real here, a good portion of Bernie supporters don't/never give a fuck about dude's platform or ideology outside of their delusional belief that he's going to erase their student loans, and many others just hopped on the bandwagon that is the latest fad).


Bernie Sanders would get eaten alive by Donald Trump in a debate.

Hell, I don't even like Trump, but Bernie isn't very quick and he's shown a complete inability to modulate his message and think on-the-fly in debates. If you've seen one Sanders debate, you've seen them all. He also tends to freeze up when he gets hit with a potent point (see the Univision debate when they pulled out those Castro receipts). He's a terrible debater.

He may be able to stand up against Hillary because she's handling him with kids gloves, but that won't be Trump, who'll be flinging insults and loaded accusations like a chimp flings shit.


I really hope Trump wins the presidency. After all the racist, mysoginistic, chauvinistic, ignorant statement, fear and hate mongering he has done over the past year, polls show that half the people are willing to vote for him.
It is shameful that the poll number is even in double digits, let alone 40-50%.

It is baffling to me, as an outsider looking in, that people are willing to choose hate and fear over free healthcare and college.

I really hope that Trump wins, he will be the president America truly deserves.
Sucks for all decent, intelligent, loving, caring, honest Americans. It sucks when you are in a minority.
I sympathize with you, because I know the exact same feeling, being in a very similar situation

Which is why we dont go by popular vote in elections. I mean we do, but the Electoral College ensures smaller, more liberal states arent overpowered by the giant conservative states like Texas.

Look at the last 2 elections. The popular vote was fairly close, but the Electoral votes were extremely one sided. Obama cleaned up, it wasn't even close really.


Has he really been going negative? His stump speeches still sound like the same thing he always talks about. But it's not like I've been listening to everything he says.
It's his constant attacks (or up until recently) and insinuations on Hillary that's she's corrupt, accusations of voter fraud and refusing/being unable to provide the receipts. And of course the recent, and weak condemnation he made of the shenanigans from Nevada days ago.


Why do so many people ignore this!
More info today from Bloomberg, contrary to what Hillary has been saying:

"Clinton declined to speak with investigators, according to the report, as did at least three key aides: former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, former Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan, who is now a top aide on the campaign, and former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, who now serves as the campaign vice chairwoman."

What Clinton had claimed:

"We understand that members of her State Department staff were recently asked to assist the Department in its record-keeping by providing any work-related emails they may have on personal accounts. They have received requests from Rep. Gowdy as well.
Clinton is proud of the work of all the dedicated public servants that were part of her team at the State Department. She was proud of her aides then and is proud of them now, as they have committed - as she has - to being as helpful as possible in responding to requests."
Has he really been going negative? His stump speeches still sound like the same thing he always talks about. But it's not like I've been listening to everything he says.

He's accused her of money laundering, and of voter fraud in every state he lost basically, also he's been going after the Democratic Party more than the GOP


I really hope Trump wins the presidency. After all the racist, mysoginistic, chauvinistic, ignorant statement, fear and hate mongering he has done over the past year, polls show that half the people are willing to vote for him.
It is shameful that the poll number is even in double digits, let alone 40-50%.

It is baffling to me, as an outsider looking in, that people are willing to choose hate and fear over free healthcare and college.

I really hope that Trump wins, he will be the president America truly deserves.
Sucks for all decent, intelligent, loving, caring, honest Americans. It sucks when you are in a minority.
I sympathize with you, because I know the exact same feeling, being in a very similar situation
Nah, that's literally wishing for people to die, for education, health care, and science to be derailed, and for women, ethnic minorities, and LGBT people to get fucked. To say nothing of the havoc his foreign policy could wreak overseas. And his Supreme Court appointment(s).

A lot of people who want nothing to do with Trump would suffer under his policies. No way is that a desirable outcome, even if it meant every moron in the US would see the error of their ways.


He's accused her of money laundering, and of voter fraud in every state he lost basically, also he's been going after the Democratic Party more than the GOP
It's amazing how Bernie Sander's "message" seems to be "fuck the party I'm running for."


Nobody's interests are fully represented in politics, that's the point. So stop bitching about how your conscious won't let you vote for anyone other than Bernie cause he's the only one who you feel represents you. And by you I mean any chucklefuck who falls back on that (which is A LOT of Bernie bros). Bernie lost, get over, move on, it's over. Yes it sucks when it's your first time voting or even knowing that America has a political system and the candidate you want to win doesn't it does. Honestly I wouldn't know the feeling tbh, because I'm not white so none of these geriatrics have ever been my "hero" they've all been a bunch of lesser evils from 1776 to 2016. Bernie is no different, and since he lost I just move on to the next lesser evil.

You guys should try it instead of this whole "Bernie must keep fighting teh evilz!" "Bernie or Bust" shtick so many of you are sticking to. It's not endearing, it's not admirable, it's not patriotic. It's remedial and elementary as fuck more than anything, doubly so considering how Bernie and his team have been acting, because at this point Bernie and his supporters clearly no longer care about his platform or issues he fights for (and let's be real here, a good majority of Bernie supporters don't give a single fuck about dude's platform or ideology outside of their delusional belief that he's going to erase their student loans).

I don't get this "people should stop speaking out for what they believe in" mentality. It's obvious he is fighting a losing war but to fault people who support him on the basis that they refuse to align with another candidate when he is still out there speaking to their political sensibilities is a bit myopic.
More info today from Bloomberg, contrary to what Hillary has been saying:

"Clinton declined to speak with investigators, according to the report, as did at least three key aides: former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, former Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan, who is now a top aide on the campaign, and former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, who now serves as the campaign vice chairwoman."

What Clinton had claimed:

"We understand that members of her State Department staff were recently asked to assist the Department in its record-keeping by providing any work-related emails they may have on personal accounts. They have received requests from Rep. Gowdy as well.
Clinton is proud of the work of all the dedicated public servants that were part of her team at the State Department. She was proud of her aides then and is proud of them now, as they have committed - as she has - to being as helpful as possible in responding to requests."

Given that you're so hung up on the indictment that's coming any minute, I think you'll be happy to know that she and her aides have been cooperative with the FBI aka the organization that actually has the ability to indict anyone. All the State Department report did is criticize her for bad decision making. That's a not a crime though now is it?


And this guy is gonna vote for Trump.
The word "hypocrite" comes to mind.

Rainbowize an avatar one year, vote to throw minorities into the GOP's woodchipper the following year. All for the delusion that Trump is going to touch a few pet financial issues.

Vote for trump, Huelen, that's fine. But own the fact that you're willing to enable bigotry, and that you're willing to judicially enshrine it for decades.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Ah...at the very least, i wanted to see Bernie dance all over Trump in a debate, and now hopefully i get my wish
I don't get this "people should stop speaking out for what they believe in" mentality. It's obvious he is fighting a losing war but to fault people who support him on the basis that they refuse to align with another candidate when he is still out their speaking to their political sensibilities is a bit myopic.
What's myopic is pretending that you can't "speak out for what you believe in" regarding the message while simultaneously accepting that the messenger-candidate-turned-old-man-yelling-at-fraud literally would not have any shot even if every Californian south of San Jose died tomorrow.


Why is it so difficult for Hillary to provide the Wall Street transcripts?

i hear ya! it's like b-rock's birth certificate all over again, bruh
we're still waiting on that...what's he got to hide, but the truth?

The word "hypocrite" comes to mind.

Rainbowize an avatar one year, vote to throw minorities into the GOP's woodchipper the following year. All for the delusion that Trump is going to touch a few pet financial issues.

Vote for trump, Huelen, that's fine. But own the fact that you're willing to enable bigotry, and that you're willing to judicially enshrine it for decades.

can't get any clearer than that, really
I know why they're upset. People have been upset at Sanders not falling in line since the moment he jumped in the race. It's just that he's not capable of making any significant distubances at this point in the game. It's all purely symbolic, and any affect is so negligible as to be nill. Those people on the fence at this point aren't going to be swayed by one Sanders v Trump debate. Everyone will get in line by November, bar some kind of world ending cataclysm.

I agree that this won't change the endgame in November. I was just expressing my exasperation over these stupid decisions that his campaign keeps making.

Like you said, Bernie and Hillary are nearly identical in their outlook for the country, even if the path is different. So now that the game is almost done, the focus should be on working together to defeat Trump, but it's not. If any votes are swayed, it wouldn't be from this one debate. True. It would be the culmination of Bernie's crazy attacks over the past few weeks. This debate is just a continued pattern of incompetence that's become infuriating.


Given that you're so hung up on the indictment that's coming any minute, I think you'll be happy to know that she and her aides have been cooperative with the FBI aka the organization that actually has the ability to indict anyone. All the State Department report did is criticize her for bad decision making. That's a not a crime though now is it?
Clinton refused to cooperate with the state department prove which was closely linked to the FBI investigation and she didn't comply with the policies.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

There is a criminal investigation going on and we will have to wait and see whether the FBI decides she is criminally guilty.

Democrats should hope she's indicted because this controversy will be so damaging to her in the GE.


What's myopic is pretending that you can't "speak out for what you believe in" regarding the message while simultaneously accepting that the messenger-candidate-turned-old-man-yelling-at-fraud literally would not have any shot even if every Californian south of San Jose died tomorrow.
I like how you resorted to calling him names.
I don't get this "people should stop speaking out for what they believe in" mentality. It's obvious he is fighting a losing war but to fault people who support him on the basis that they refuse to align with another candidate when he is still out their speaking to their political sensibilities is a bit myopic.

Are you incapable of both or something? Is that a condition that afflicts a certain segment of America? Can you not vote for a candidate who is obviously going to be the nominee while still spreading Bernie's message?

Of course the answer will always go back to "integrity, my conscious, doesn't truly represent me, won't be able to sleep at night (amazing how they made it this far in life!)" and to that I'll just be like must be nice have such a privileged position in life. *Zzzzz*


The Autumn Wind
Sad that Bernie supporters are now hoping Clinton gets indicted because they think Bernie will then become the nominee.

He wouldn't, btw.
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