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Twitter has just banned Milo Yiannopoulos permanently

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Because I don't read celebrity twitter wars? Is that a pre-requisite for getting along socially?

This isn't just about celebrity twitter wars, Milo has been being an abusive shitfuck for YEARS on Twitter and has been temporarily suspended TWO other times.


Mile is a complete dick, but that's practically his entire shtick.
But there's still thousands of pro-ISIS Twitter accounts spreading hatred and attracting youths.

Isis accounts are banned on the reg.

The person you're tacitly defending has been a catalyst for wide spread harassment for years.

Not sure why you think excusing it as shtick is supposed to mean anything. Whether or not someone is a bigot or is just pretending to be one to curry the favor of other "real" bigots it doesn't matter if the end result is the same.

Also I'm glad he's gone but let's not pretend this isn't the easiest thing in the world to spin. He can martyr up in a hot minute.

Maybe. You know what a definite result is? He can no longer signal boost harassment campaigns.
Why some more than others?

Sometimes it seems that being a queer Republican is too much of a threat for the liberal media.
There's no such thing as the liberal media. There's the media, and there's the conservative propaganda media. Why do you think the right just straight up calls it "the mainstream media" now? They know what they are; what they have become. There's no hiding it.

And Milo isn't a threat. He is a person whose desire for attention is so great that it has warped his entire personality. That he happens to be gay is just another tool he can use. Every aspect of his identity just becomes another way to be noticed; every piece of him orbits around that central goal. He doesn't even believe what he says, or disbelieve it either. It is just noise to him. He has just found the most effective combination of words to summon the hordes. He knows his contrarianism is a great way to stand out. He is nothing but a shell of a human being. A hollow container of rhetoric and vitriol. I know his type.

It is disgusting. I would say he should be ashamed but I doubt that is something he is even capable of any more. When you are how he is for too long you eventually lose sight of your real personality. You don't have anything left.


provides useful feedback
Thank fucking god. Every single facet of this slimy shitweasel makes me want him locked up and have the key thrown away. Banning him from Twitter was long overdue.

Now we just need a way to ban Breitbart from the internet and we'll all be set.

fastkilr said:
Because I don't read about celebrities on Twitter? There's so much more important bullshit going on in the world these days. So many real issues like people dying all over.

Milo has been orchestrating vile Twitter attacks on people for years, causing traumatic psychological damage to many people and spreading outright lies in order to hurt people and their reputations.

Harassment. H-a-r-a-s-s-m-e-n-t. It's not talking about what fucking iPhone Kim Kardashian bought this week.
At least one good thing happened during the RNC.

I really hope twitter doesn't fold on this, especially after seeing him harass people I follow, all it takes is a tweet and his followers pounce on whoever he wants.


wish it had come sooner though, like 2 years ago
Don't communities work both ways? It should be our job to at least unantagonistically educate these people rather than cast them out wholeheartedly when their opinion is extremely ignorant.

I know Milos is a bit different given his history of doxxing, but his fans should not be banned (as some of you have wished).

A bit of a quick anecdote. A few years ago, there was that former LAPD officer who decided to go postal on his coworkers and then burned to death in a cabin in the mountains outside of LA after law enforcement "unintentionally," set the place ablaze. At the time, I was convinced justice had been served, because here was a guilty man, who died a quick death at the hands of the police.

I was ripped apart in the thread for posting about my extremely ignorant view of the justice system. I could and probably should have been banned, but instead a few posters went out of their way to explain why my belief that it was okay for police to kill a man without due process was shitty. Within a few pages I understood and apologized. Had I not been taught that, I likely would have been a Blue Lives Matter supporter today.

The world certainly does not work that way always, but I believe there should be more of an attempt to educate these people rather than cast them out to the cold with the rest of the ignorant people. There's more of a chance they'll reflect on their views in a crowd of educated people than in a mass of dullards.

The difference is that you probably showed signs, even back then, that you were open minded enough to be reasoned with.

Milo and his fans are beyond reasoning with. They are at the point where they are swimming waist deep in the mud and drinking the mud. They don't want to hear the facts they just want to wallow in their bigotry and hatred.

With people like that, your best avenues are to humiliate, shame, silence, and prosecute them.


Because I don't read celebrity twitter wars? Is that a pre-requisite for getting along socially?

Agreed, no place for that in the discussion.

He's been begging for this for days and now can re-start his movement to leverage his brand. These reactions are the reason for doing this obviously.

What are they supposed to do?

People were spamming tweets calling her a coon / nigger / harambe, along with sending her porn and gore pics. Then when she responds, he decides to call her illiterate, and starts posting fake racist tweets with her name on it to keep the circus going. The shit that was done would break any ToS anywhere.


semen stains the mountaintops
Because I don't read about celebrities on Twitter? There's so much more important bullshit going on in the world these days. So many real issues like people dying all over.

Then why are you speaking about this as if you do know what you're talking about?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Fix your shit, Twitter.

And do more, and don't just move when only high-profile people are being attacked. There are other people that are trolled that deserve your attention too, not just famous people.
Twitter have realised that they are no longer growing as long as they stand aside and pretend to be neutral. In fact what is going on has been actively damaging their platform.

So now they're switching gears and are going to try to clean up. Otherwise most of their highly valued celebrity and other high profile accounts will be driven away leaving just the assholes or people with unusually thick skins.

The mainstream liberal media bias and political correctness etc might actually just be the way society has to function lest we tear each other to pieces.


Meh, Twitter has been dying for a long time.

This just gives his followers more ammo to cry censorship/they banned a gay man/ I have nothing better to do with my life than troll twitter.

They're just going to point to the other side and say, "see they also did the same, why are they not banned".

It's all just a mess.


Hallelujah. About god damn time, now everyone ignore the cunt. Don't even get mad at anything he does, the only reason he has a career is because we gave him outrage.

We need to deny it to stop cunts like him.
A while back they took away his verified mark for being a douche, probably because they felt pressured to punish him somehow but didn't feel like he did anything that was clearly wrong enough to do so. Or maybe they just didn't have the balls. Regardless, they probably should have just prema'd him then.

No no no no no.

This is not how you handle people with horrible views. Pushing them away only validates their beliefs and solidifies their fan base further.

He wasn't banned for his right-wing doucheabg views, though, he was banned for all but asking his followers to dogpile on her. This wasn't even like the recent Notch incidents where people @'d him calling him an asshole, he responded defending himself rather than just absorbing it, and his followers dogpiled on. While Milo probably didn't start it, he very obviously went out of his way to draw attention to it and add fuel to the fire around her.

I mean, yeah, there are shitloads of other incidents of people from all across the political specturm doing this same shit and not getting punished (or just getting a slap on the wrist,) and the politics and celebrity of both of the major parties involved here are very clearly the reason why Twitter took action here and not in those other cases. But just because Twitter is biased and lazy about enforcing their rules doesn't mean they're wrong to actually do it when they should once in a while.

But yeah, while your point is generally right (because if we don't allow douchebags to state their douchebag opinions in public spaces then how do we know who the douchebags are?), when it comes to criticizing people in a space like Twitter there's a pretty big grey area between "legitimate expressions of opinion"/"participating in a discussion/argument" and "harassing/telling people to harass someone." This case was pretty clearly on the latter side, though.


Lol. I just reported some of his tweets from yesterday which used screen caps of fake tweets from Leslie to suggest they were real so his crazies would harass her. Was just an hour ago. Along with some others missed in the mass bans from yesterday. You're welcome

watch him be back in less than a week
Because I don't read about celebrities on Twitter? There's so much more important bullshit going on in the world these days. So many real issues like people dying all over.

So if you don't care to educate yourself on the subject, then why do you feel the need to defend him? This wasn't a case of some innocent guy just posting his opinion on something, he was breaking the site's terms of service repeatedly.
About 3-4 years ago, Milo was a kind of interesting tech-lite personality.

Sucks that he completely abandoned the pseudo high road for whatever the hell he does now.


I truly envy those with the misguided belief that having calm, rational and sensible sit down conversations with all these people spewing bigotry and hate and vitriol will actually change them.

Guess what.

It won't.


You are never going to change these people.

So we use other means to minimize their effect and power in society. And honestly, I don't believe we do enough.

There was a recent study which disagrees with your opinion. Talking to people face to face about their controversial opinions did in fact change their views.


The initial study turned out to be a fraud, but the one linked above has been verified as a credible study.


Because I don't read about celebrities on Twitter? There's so much more important bullshit going on in the world these days. So many real issues like people dying all over.

So you completely missed all of his hate campaigns he's made over Twitter and how he's used Brietbart as a way to coordinate attacks with his hateful, racist, non-ethical articles?
Are there any actual tweets of Milo pointing his supporters to go harass Leslie? Or did he start trashing the actress and his followers started to do so as well?

There are no "directing harassment" tweets in the OP nor the article. That pretty much determines my stance.
I do have to say how hilarious it was that GamerGate members fell in love with a man who before GamerGate talked about how gamers were basement-dwelling losers and that video games were responsible for mass shootings.
There was a recent study which disagrees with your opinion. Talking to people face to face about their controversial opinions did in fact change their views.


The initial study turned out to be a fraud, but the one linked above has been verified as a credible study.
That's the problem though. The worst of these people don't get any human interaction outside of a web browser at all. That's why they are the way they are. It won't work online.


semen stains the mountaintops
There was a recent study which disagrees with your opinion. Talking to people face to face about their controversial opinions did in fact change their views.


The initial study turned out to be a fraud, but the one linked above has been verified as a credible study.

Twitter isn't face to face, you're not going to change the minds of people who like to spend their time spamming minorities horrible shit 140 characters at a time.


He rode a wave of gamergate alt-right horror onto innocent people all for some shitty fame. The fuck shouldn't even have internet.
Why some more than others?

Sometimes it seems that being a queer Republican is too much of a threat for the liberal media.

Your "gay friend" has been against gay marriage, thinks that homosexuality is an aberration and hopes he doesn't have any LGBT children.

If you still consider him a good person, then get fucked.


Twitter have realised that they are no longer growing as long as they stand aside and pretend to be neutral. In fact what is going on has been actively damaging their platform.

So now they're switching gears and are going to try to clean up. Otherwise most of their highly valued celebrity and other high profile accounts will be driven away leaving just the assholes or people with unusually thick skins.

Like reddit they've finally realised the bullshit of libertarianism that is infecting through silicon valley.


Too little, too late; he should have been banned years ago.

Twitter have allowed this problem to fester for far too long and just banning the wankstain in chief because the worldwide press has picked up this story isn't going to fix it. They need a good harassment policy and they need to enforce it.
Hallelujah. About god damn time, now everyone ignore the cunt. Don't even get mad at anything he does, the only reason he has a career is because we gave him outrage.

We need to deny it to stop cunts like him.

Yeah, he's basically a professional troll who gets his money by pissing off one side to entertain the other. While Twitter made him a martyr in the short term now that he's b& he'll probably fade from relevance now that his primary platform is gone.


That's the problem though. The worst of these people don't get any human interaction outside of a web browser at all. That's why they are the way they are. It won't work online.

There hasn't been a study that I know of which refutes your claim, but I would speculate that it would still be possible although more difficult to reach out to someone.


Can someone point to a tweet from Milo directing people to harass Leslie? Nothing I have seen posted fits that description.
I do have to say how hilarious it was that GamerGate members fell in love with a man who before GamerGate talked about how gamers were basement-dwelling losers and that video games were responsible for mass shootings.

Remember that Gators also defended Jack Thompson, a man who said that those who played games like COD and GTA basically turned into psychopathic killers
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