If they can get near 4k with 60fps they should easily be able to give rt mode at 1080p or something for anyone who wants it. But yeah, i doubt this 4k claim
People have been hit over the head with marketing 4K so much they've started to believe it. In reality even a 3090 still buckles in hitting 4K 60 fps WITHOUT RT in some games (eg Cyberpunk). Consoles were never going to get native 4K for heavy hitting AAA titles.
next gen tech sounds good but has any game used hybrid ray-tracing before?what does it look like ?
Here's a comparison from me (this is with UE4 TAAU at 50% of 4K, with an RX 6800) :
Full photos:
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51501926010_6e723c0470_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51501926105_9f3d24cd8d_o.png
Any game that is not 60 FPS with RT and dynamic 4k on current gen is a big LAZY fail imo. Won't get my money.
No adjustable FOV on NG consoles... not good.
This is by far the biggest problem with consoles imo.
Then again, the game doesn't look very good graphically, and their RT looked like shit in Watch_Dogs so eh...
lol WD:L RTR was actually state of the art on PC. Not that it has anything to do with this, different teams & engines & games & environments.
I guess next 4k will be exclusive for one platform for a certain time.
You get what you pay for.
So it's native 4K 60 on new consoles... why not half 4K CB 60 with RT then? Unless it's super demanding and only few top cards can do 60fps RT, which is very likely and would explain why they opted out on consoles, but could have at least 30 RT option for masochist individuals like our local spazmio.
Would look bad. You can already see how grainy & noisy it looks for 4K PC. Jungle environment + hybrid RT is worst case scenario for CB, and also likely wouldn't be enough.
Ubisoft cannot optimize games.
What a fucking bullshit, so at 1440P 60fps RT they see the 6900xt equall to RTX 3070 but at 4K 30 RT the 6800XT is equall to the RTX 3080? Don't take this recommendation to serious, they just put some random specs.
Specs are not random. How it works is like this: They have a couple of test systems that they use to see how they do, and then they put each of them in a category (eg 4K 30fps RT). This is just to give you an idea of how the game runs on some systems, it's not meant to be the definitive guide to performance. It doesn't do anything more than that, so attempting to read comparisons between GPUs or CPUs based on it is foolish and misguided.
Refl and shadows, no lighting. We need to wait for game release , but right now looking at those req that hybrid RT sounds like much more demanding solution then Nvidias propritery tech as that even has lighting in some games.
RT shadows can be turned off instantly for nice fps gain potentialy with no discernable dif.:
RT shadows are actually really cool and are more evident in motion & in fullscreen while playing particularly for foliage/vegetation-heavy games. Most people won't care though as they're used to raster shadows.
Ray tracing is a marketing tool on consoles the same way 4k has been.
Think the best of this generation is that finally we can play most of games at 60fps..and some at native 4k.
Of course. And 4K on consoles remains a marketing tool, as is now also happening on PC with reconstruction techniques. After all, why not - are PC users en mass any smarter than console ones? Don't think so. it's_free_real_estate.meme
This Gen aint even started and PC has already eclipsed it and it's only going to get worse. Just like every other generation before it.
Once next gen graphics cards get released, these boxes will be even further in the rear view mirror when it comes to true next gen shit like Ray Tracing.
Fun fact: A high-end PC with a 2080 Ti bought at its release will have already paid for itself 2x over just by mining during your sleep (8hrs/day). By the time next gen of consoles is here that PC could end up making 4x its original value easily. PC will always be cheaper.
Think of this generation as the most boring generation ever. Nothing really groundbreaking, just PS4 graphics with a pixel boost. YAWN.
Guess the dream of advanced physics/lighting/destructible environments are gone because GOTTA HAVE 60FPS!!! OMG! SO PRETTY FRAMES! MORE FRAAAAAAAAAMMMMEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS
Gimme a break. Let's see what these machines can really do.
Can't wait for cross-gen to be over.
Those things are not only much harder to do on a technical level but it's also riskier from a gameplay point of view. Much easier to develop games like those that have already been made & are successful. I'm sure we'll get another Red Factionesque try this gen but don't expect that to be common. It's not only a matter of the hardware being able, you also need the devs to KNOW what to make, and be ABLE to make it, and for the gamers themselves to WANT it. It's a tall order. Expect more destructible buildings in BF and the like but not much past that.
It's on its way, just give it 3-4 years. This will be a 10 year console gen for sure.