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UK set to trigger Brexit on March 29

When should the UK celebrate Independence Day?

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Well now we have a very serious problem, that will require a bunch of talking and negotiating, should independence day be on the 28th the date it was signed or the 29th the day of deliver, thanks brexit.

Also if the EU answer comes in fact on April fools (48 hours later), could that be a potential date for independence day, because I personally think that date is quite fitting.

BTW got to love that the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance is the oldest lasting alliance in the world, while at the same time the treaty of Lisbon (Lisbon being in Portugal aka 1 of the 2 members of the alliance) is how the UK is leaving one of the largest alliances in the world, so you are welcome UK.
And like the we begin the spiral into poverty. I kinda liked getting by being poor and still having room for a little luxury. Hope all you leave voters are happy that you're ruining the country.


It's been approx ~70 years of a post-British Empire time period (arbitrarily choosing 1950 as a date) and still I see this English pride of "we're the best in the world" in almost every Englishman I meet online and offline (note: markedly not the same from Welsh, Scottish or Irish people). Interesting undertones of that in Brexit and comments about Brexit.

Still though, hats off on Independence, hope you understand how your colonies felt back then.

I've been English and lived here all my life and I've never, not once, met someone in person professing this.

Unless you're mixing in very specific circles, I find it very hard to believe what you claim is true.


He mentioned a few days ago that he was thinking about moving to Germany. He knows he will be ok regardless so doesn't give one

Really? That makes his misinformed smugness even worse. More of that "fuck you, got mine" attitude we see so prevalent among brexiters and trumpets.


And so it begins, a completely self-inflicted injury on an already fragile economic recovery that the vast majority of the government think is a disastrous idea and is only being enacted so one political party can pacify a segment of its supporters.

It's already cost the life of one MP.
10 years ago when I left Germany for the UK, I would have never ever, NEVER EVER, thought that Britain would push me into longing to leave again, which I will, even if they finally confirm the status of EU citizens to be secure in the UK.

I feel sorry for the young people of the UK, who will find it so much harder to go out into Europe, who will grow up with adults fever-dreaming of the new rise of the English Empire.


I honestly didn't think this was going to happen. I thought they would have spun their wheels for a few years until eventually they would have thought better of it.

Good luck UK, you're going to need it.


I mean, what, a single Malteser per bag poor or what.

Can you imagine the battles that will be fought once we only get one of each Celebration in a £5 box of Celebrations? Entire dynasties will crumble over who is forced to get the Bounty.


Well now we have a very serious problem, that will require a bunch of talking and negotiating, should independence day be on the 28th the date it was signed or the 29th the day of deliver, thanks brexit.

Also if the EU answer comes in fact on April fools (48 hours later), could that be a potential date for independence day, because I personally think that date is quite fitting.

BTW got to love that the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance is the oldest lasting alliance in the world, while at the same time the treaty of Lisbon (Lisbon being in Portugal aka 1 of the 2 members of the alliance) is how the UK is leaving one of the largest alliances in the world, so you are welcome UK.

If they use Royal Mail it will probably get lost and Independence Day will April 1st.

In a statement in the Commons, the prime minister will then tell MPs this marks "the moment for the country to come together".

200,000 Pro EU protest coming soon.
It's been approx ~70 years of a post-British Empire time period (arbitrarily choosing 1950 as a date) and still I see this English pride of "we're the best in the world" in almost every Englishman I meet online and offline (note: markedly not the same from Welsh, Scottish or Irish people). Interesting undertones of that in Brexit and comments about Brexit.

Still though, hats off on Independence, hope you understand how your colonies felt back then.

So bascially you've met one person who's been like this and applied it to all English people.

You could say that about Americans...


10 years ago when I left Germany for the UK, I would have never ever, NEVER EVER, thought that Britain would push me into longing to leave again, which I will, even if they finally confirm the status of EU citizens to be secure in the UK.

I feel sorry for the young people of the UK, who will find it so much harder to go out into Europe, who will grow up with adults fever-dreaming of the new rise of the English Empire.
Welcome back to the Vaterland!

Can you imagine the battles that will be fought once we only get one of each Celebration in a £5 box of Celebrations? Entire dynasties will crumble over who is forced to get the Bounty.
Maybe I should start a mint chocolate brand called "Aprés Huit".


When I think class, I often think The Sun


Although, I'll hold my horses. What have you got The Daily Mail?


Can you imagine the battles that will be fought once we only get one of each Celebration in a £5 box of Celebrations? Entire dynasties will crumble over who is forced to get the Bounty.
The great Celebrations wars of 2021


I hate that May keeps saying the country needs to "come together" to secure the best Brexit deal. Fuck off, there's shit all we can do, it's up to you and your goons.


May would happily set fire to the Queen to get these sort of front pages from the Sun and Mail. They basically run the government now.
He mentioned a few days ago that he was thinking about moving to Germany. He knows he will be ok regardless so doesn't give one

Really? That makes his misinformed smugness even worse. More of that "fuck you, got mine" attitude we see so prevalent among brexiters and trumpets.

Wait, Quiche is considering a move to Germany? Under the wretched tyranny of the EU?

The fuck? What a cowardly excuse of a man.


If you voted remain and you're able to...leave.

Forget about holding a grudge, look out for yourself while you still have access to freedom of movement.

The thought has crossed my mind but with a 3 month old son the upheaval is just too much for us right now. Breaks my heart that he might not ever experience how good we had it in his lifetime.


If you voted remain and you're able to...leave.

Forget about holding a grudge, look out for yourself while you still have access to freedom of movement.

Yeah, come up to Scotland and try and help us campaign for independence :p

But Miles man, chill a bit going after Quiche. He's already in the vipers den in that he's on the unpopular side, for good reason. Still, the guys at least putting himself out there (posting in this topic) so calling him a coward of a man is a bit much. I've debated with him a few times and that's usually the best change to chance a mind like that.

The best people to aim actual anger at (respectable as you can) right now are MPs saying ridiculous things and our "papers/media" making a mockery of the severity of Brexit. The lies and misinformation passed around in the coming months is probably only going to heighten from some of these rags.
Yeah, come up to Scotland and try and help us campaign for independence :p

But Miles man, chill a bit going after Quiche. He's already in the vipers den in that he's on the unpopular side, for good reason. Still, the guys at least putting himself out there (posting in this topic) so calling him a coward of a man is a bit much. I've debated with him a few times and that's usually the best change to chance a mind like that.

The best people to aim actual anger at (respectable as you can) right now are MPs saying ridiculous things and our "papers/media" making a mockery of the severity of Brexit. The lies and misinformation passed around in the coming months is probably only going to heighten from some of these rags.

I don't think Quiche deserves any coddling given that awful shit he said about "gypsies" that got him banned last year.



The Mail front page isn't nearly patriotic enough, not a single union jack


I quite like these though.

Censored by the left? How about post a shit front cover, get shit feedback.

Ironically, "FREEDOM!" make a good portion of this country think Braveheart :/ .... lol.

I don't think Quiche deserves any coddling given that awful shit he said about "gypsies" that got him banned last year.


Fair enough, but that is unrelated and I didn't know of that.
Yeah, come up to Scotland and try and help us campaign for independence :p

But Miles man, chill a bit going after Quiche. He's already in the vipers den in that he's on the unpopular side, for good reason. Still, the guys at least putting himself out there so calling him a coward of a man is a bit much.

The best people to aim anger at right now are MPs saying ridiculous things and our "papers" making a mockery of the severity of Brexit.

Putting himself out there. He's apparently considering a move to Germany after all the shit he's peddled on here about how Brexit will be a good thing and how people just have to have faith.

Coward sums it up.



You know, looking back I think we did everything we could. We offered the UK concessions that no-one in the EU should've gotten in the first place, we always had to think about how they'd stall EU progress every single time, we had to put up with their weird superiority complex.

We tried.
If you voted remain and you're able to...leave.

Forget about holding a grudge, look out for yourself while you still have access to freedom of movement.

Unfortunately, 22, the degree I'm about to complete is a joint honours in Museum Studies and Archaeology - the former not in too much demand due to budget cuts, the latter undermined by my next point - and I'm not multi-lingual. I could try picking up another language again, especially with this incentive, but I'm not confident given the way in which I struggled with French in secondary school. If I hopped to the continent now, I feel like I'd be the embodiment of Englishman abroad.

My main sliver of hope is that the proposal to offer Brits the ability to retain their EU citizenship - even if for a fee or the like - gains some traction. Then I might at least have a chance to build up what I would need to better my odds of a successful migration.
You know, looking back I think we did everything we could. We offered the UK concessions that no-one in the EU should've gotten in the first place, we always had to think about how they'd stall EU progress every single time, we had to put up with their weird superiority complex.

We tried.
Oh I know...
It will be strange to use my German passport to get into Europe in future though instead of my British one.


If they use Royal Mail it will probably get lost and Independence Day will April 1st.

I never thought anyone would ever utter these words and be sincere, but they should use Royal Mail to deliver this.

Actually, forgot about this beauty from today

The UK MSM and Brexit everyone... "MSM" from the POV these two rags have a good number of readers.

"Newspaper of the year"

In the defense of the daily mail I'm sure the original idea was to make it a competition between women shoes, but animal print is just too fierce for that.
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