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UK set to trigger Brexit on March 29

When should the UK celebrate Independence Day?

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Quite the irony considering that the mail is given to prurient shrilldom.

It's like the same argument used when someone posts hot garbage online, gets bad feedback and then screams "censorship!". If you're posting thought-provoking and well-reasoned debate on Brexit, and people try to shut you down, fine, I'll defend you even if your opinion is different than mine. You're adding something worthwhile to a debate.

If your front cover is trying to talk about the legs of two female politicians that has nothing to do with Brexit, let alone anything, nah, take the L. I'll even defend May here. It's rag-tier shitposting by the Mail. Not that anyone should expect better, but this is the newspaper our people buy...


Shoutouts to the Tories for pushing out this despicable referendum with absolutely no assessment of what will happen to the Irish border, and who still have absolutely no answers 9 months later. Almost as if the Tory party, in particular this wing of fucking lunatics on the right of the party, don't give a toss about their so-called UK other than the home counties, as shown by their continuing alienation of Scotland too.

So glad I hold an Irish passport. I can only hope that both Scotland and Ireland can detach themselves fully from the utter travesty that is English politics.


Shoutouts to the Tories for pushing out this despicable referendum with absolutely no assessment of what will happen to the Irish border, and who still have absolutely no answers 9 months later. Almost as if the Tory party, in particular this wing of fucking lunatics on the right of the party, don't give a toss about their so-called UK other than the home counties, as shown by their continuing alienation of Scotland too.

So glad I hold an Irish passport. I can only hope that both Scotland and Ireland can detach themselves fully from the utter travesty that is English politics.

They really haven't discussed this at all? Seems a rather big issue, I'd imagine Ireland is one of NI's bigger trade partners due to their proximity.

EDIT: 33% of exports go to Ireland, goddamn


Yeah, come up to Scotland and try and help us campaign for independence :p

But Miles man, chill a bit going after Quiche. He's already in the vipers den in that he's on the unpopular side, for good reason. Still, the guys at least putting himself out there (posting in this topic) so calling him a coward of a man is a bit much. I've debated with him a few times and that's usually the best change to chance a mind like that.

The best people to aim actual anger at (respectable as you can) right now are MPs saying ridiculous things and our "papers/media" making a mockery of the severity of Brexit. The lies and misinformation passed around in the coming months is probably only going to heighten from some of these rags.

I don't condone what Miles did in singling out Quiche, and to be honest I said something about not taking him seriously last year which in hindsight could've landed me in trouble (I'll get to that point later), but having just heard about him saying about wanting to move to Germany a few days ago, and after reading what he's had to said about Brexit, I can't help but feel like everything he's said over the last nine months has either been one long act of deliberate trolling, or, and this would be worse in my opinion, he's become or has always been hypocritical about wanting the UK to leave the EU, when he intends to move to a country that's within the EU when he voted for the UK to leave in the first place.

I don't understand that second point; You want your country to leave, yet you want to move to within the EU, so that you don't suffer the fallout that takes place at home and maintain the same rights as before (in the best case scenario) while not being a citizen of the EU. That feels like running away from your actions like a child who kicked a football into a window and ducking responsibility after breaking it, so as to not take responsibility for it. It's why after he got temporarily banned last year about the Gypsy remarks I wasn't able to take him seriously for a good while after. Now, after hearing all this, it's only come back with a vengeance.

Anyone who's pro-Brexit is free to comment here, as long as their willing to explain why they do so, just like people who're pro-Remain want to detail damage Brexit will cause as a result. But this hypocrisy is just unacceptable. It undermines your position and causes even further friction and resentment between both sides as a result. Anyway, I've said enough on the matter.


Been a really mixed week so far. On one hand lost two good friends who finalised the move of their agency to Denmark, but on the other hand, landed a juicy Canadian client (bit of a brexit vulture though).

It's going to be heartbreaking to watch what's about to happen to middle England, and the damage the inevitable severe cuts will do to the most vulnerable, but it needs to happen to begin to address the fundamental problems this country has. Brexit is a symptom - the fact so many people thought it was a good idea, despite the warnings and lying, is the larger problem.

This has been my Brexit anthem the last fortnight https://youtu.be/-VBZz307h8w


Unconfirmed Member
Fwiw, I think the EU is good for world stability so I hope the UK gets a serious deep dicking in the negotiations.

My apologies to you UK folk.

how would the UK leaving affect that? is the EU so fragile that it can't work without us? I don't think so. plus there's NATO and about century of history. Are we suddenly going to stop being allies? no.

Don't really see how hoping a nation that was a major contributor to the EU project for over 40 years getting "a serious deep dicking in the negotiations" is beneficial to anyone but okay.


Shoutouts to the Tories for pushing out this despicable referendum with absolutely no assessment of what will happen to the Irish border, and who still have absolutely no answers 9 months later. Almost as if the Tory party, in particular this wing of fucking lunatics on the right of the party, don't give a toss about their so-called UK other than the home counties, as shown by their continuing alienation of Scotland too.

So glad I hold an Irish passport. I can only hope that both Scotland and Ireland can detach themselves fully from the utter travesty that is English politics.


And other similar memes. The UK most certainly "gives a toss" about the union. For what reasons, well, that is the thing which potentially alienates and drives wedges. The propping up of the illusion of grandeur that the UK has carried for generations is most certainly one of the things that is right at the top of the roost, which decent numbers of people just do not feel inclined to feel passionate about in Scotland. This gets misjudged/miscalculated as "problematic nationalism". In reality, it's just people not living in the past, and looking at the UK for what it is today, not what it was 20~60 years ago. Since Thatcher fucked up a lot, and the Tories continued to drift further right it's alienated many up here. Labour had a right kerfuffle with Tony Blair's illegal war too (and selling off lots of our public services to private companies), but in recent years it's more been about them being Tory-lite which has nuked them in the North.

The politics of a country makes up a good part of the indentity of a country. Sure, the people bring the culture, but a union under the banner of the UK means having to live under the politics of Westminster. The UK as a whole has had far too many tragic years as of late with absolute tosspots or utter cunts dragging the "UK name" through the mud and using it as an elite private club to satisfy their own pockets. Brexit is just the next thing in-line, and many people ended up puppets to the puppet masters at the top. At the very least even if you want to say you voted for Brexit, how happy are you with the Conservatives running the UK for the foreseeable future? Fuck knows where the Labour opposition is. Next best thing are the Greens and they stand no chance turning the numbers in England.

I don't condone what Miles did in singling out Quiche, and to be honest I said something about not taking him seriously last year which in hindsight could've landed me in trouble (I'll get to that point later), but having just heard about him saying about wanting to move to Germany a few days ago, and after reading what he's had to said about Brexit, I can't help but feel like everything he's said over the last nine months has either been one long act of deliberate trolling, or, and this would be worse in my opinion, he's become or has always been hypocritical about wanting the UK to leave the EU, when he intends to move to a country that's within the EU when he voted for the UK to leave in the first place.

I don't understand that second point; You want your country to leave, yet you want to move to within the EU, so that you don't suffer the fallout that takes place at home and maintain the same rights as before (in the best case scenario) while not being a citizen of the EU. That feels like running away from your actions like a child who kicked a football into a window and ducking responsibility after breaking it, so as to not take responsibility for it. It's why after he got temporarily banned last year about the Gypsy remarks I wasn't able to take him seriously for a good while after. Now, after hearing all this, it's only come back with a vengeance.

Anyone who's pro-Brexit is free to comment here, as long as their willing to explain why they do so, just like people who're pro-Remain want to detail damage Brexit will cause as a result. But this hypocrisy is just unacceptable. It undermines your position and causes even further friction and resentment between both sides as a result. Anyway, I've said enough on the matter.

No issues with hypocrisy being called out.
how would the UK leaving affect that? is the EU so fragile that it can't work without us? I don't think so. plus there's NATO and about century of history. Are we suddenly going to stop being allies? no.

Don't really see how hoping a nation that was a major contributor to the EU project for over 40 years getting "a serious deep dicking in the negotiations" is beneficial to anyone but okay.

If the UK gets a good deal other countries might follow. A divided Europe was a bad thing in the 20th century. World wars, etc


If the UK gets a good deal other countries might follow. A divided Europe was a bad thing in the 20th century. World wars, etc

Punishing the UK for leaving would only empower anti-EU parties in Europe. There's no benefit to either side in doing so. Britain can have the common market or no free movement. It's their choice.


how would the UK leaving affect that? is the EU so fragile that it can't work without us? I don't think so. plus there's NATO and about century of history. Are we suddenly going to stop being allies? no.

Don't really see how hoping a nation that was a major contributor to the EU project for over 40 years getting "a serious deep dicking in the negotiations" is beneficial to anyone but okay.

This is a frankly bizarre take. The UK will not be allowed to have the same benefits it used to have without a significant cost. That is logic 101. The deep dicking refers to the EU being unmoved in the 'negotiations' - the UK will be forced to take the terms given or GTFO.

For what it's worth the history of this country in the EU is a textbook case of a country acting in bad faith.


Punishing the UK for leaving would only empower anti-EU parties in Europe. There's no benefit to either side in doing so. Britain can have the common market or no free movement. It's their choice.

Eh, it doesn't really matter what they do. The UK has a victim complex in regard to the EU so will frame any hardship as the fault of the EU, they might as well go all out. Likewise any anti-EU party, will spin it as they like, that lot kind of lack any sense of ethics.
Fuck all of this.

God I hate the Tories. God I hate that no other party did enough to stop this (even if it was impossible). God I just hate Brexit.


Punishing the UK for leaving would only empower anti-EU parties in Europe. There's no benefit to either side in doing so. Britain can have the common market or no free movement. It's their choice.

Where is the evidence to support this view? The facts on the ground already establish the narrative that the UK deserves to get taken to the cleaners.


Unconfirmed Member
This is a frankly bizarre take. The UK will not be allowed to have the same benefits it used to have without a significant cost. That is logic 101. The deep dicking refers to the EU being unmoved in the 'negotiations' - the UK will be forced to take the terms given or GTFO.

For what it's worth the history of this country in the EU is a textbook case of a country acting in bad faith.

who said anything about the same benefits? I didn't.

the idea that the EU would look to punish any country is frankly ridiculous. It's literally the opposite reason the EU was set up in the first place.

edit: also negotiations usually means, you know, negotiations. You aren't forced to accept terms or GTFO.
Wow quite a few people believe that someone should get club benefits without paying the club dues huh? That's some craaaaazy shit.

I want to live in your fantasy land where you get to always have your cake and eat it too.


Where is the evidence to support this view? The facts on the ground already establish the narrative that the UK deserves to get taken to the cleaners.

What view, sorry? The view of the anti-EU parties? If it looks like a transnational organization out to punish others when they choose to leave it goes against the common view that the EU is a force for good which I absolutely believe it is, and I hope the UK rejoins one day. I mean by all means bill them for what they owe and show them the door, but if they want into, say, the EEA I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed in - they'll just have to allow free movement like everyone else. Them being kicked back to WTO tariffs is punishment enough., the rising prices will hurt the poor.


No one is advocating punishment. Not even the EU. In fact the Europeans have diligently set out their position on four freedoms and the bills that are due.

If people think that this is punishment it says a lot more about their view of this than anything else.


Wow quite a few people believe that someone should get club benefits without paying the club dues huh? That's some craaaaazy shit.

I want to live in your fantasy land where you get to always have your glutinous chocolate cake, made in Walthamstow and eat it too.



They really haven't discussed this at all? Seems a rather big issue, I'd imagine Ireland is one of NI's bigger trade partners due to their proximity.

Yes, the UK is Ireland's largest trading partner. One of the recent Northern Ireland Affairs Select Committee meetings a couple of months ago was literally a bunch of these people being advised, seemingly for the first time, about how borders work. Like, people being surprised that you will need customs and excise checks to prevent non-EU food items and products crossing into an EU country.

This is before you touch any of the issues surrounding the massive inward investment NI receives from the EU since the Good Friday Agreement, which itself is largely oriented around the EU Charter of Human Rights that Theresa May is hell-bent on stripping away. There are all sorts of existential issues ahead for NI and Westminster can no longer rely on a unionist majority in Stormont that will blindly follow the Tories.


Wow quite a few people believe that someone should get club benefits without paying the club dues huh? That's some craaaaazy shit.

I want to live in your fantasy land where you get to always have your cake and eat it too.
It's some kind of red line that i as a person that only lived for a temporary time in the UK noticed with a lot of people.

Parts of the UK politicians, population and especially the media seem to still believe the UK is gonna get some magical deal which is of course totally unrealistic.
Not sure where this view comes from but it always seems like there is some kind of entitlement because the UK was a great empire 100 years ago.
What view, sorry? The view of the anti-EU parties? If it looks like a transnational organization out to punish others when they choose to leave it goes against the common view that the EU is a force for good which I absolutely believe it is, and I hope the UK rejoins one day. I mean by all means bill them for what they owe and show them the door, but if they want into, say, the EEA I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed in - they'll just have to allow free movement like everyone else. Them being kicked back to WTO tariffs is punishment enough., the rising prices will hurt the poor.
Not sure where the notion to punish the UK comes from because it was the UK government that decided against EEA model before any negotiations were made
What view, sorry? The view of the anti-EU parties? If it looks like a transnational organization out to punish others when they choose to leave it goes against the common view that the EU is a force for good which I absolutely believe it is, and I hope the UK rejoins one day. I mean by all means bill them for what they owe and show them the door, but if they want into, say, the EEA I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed in - they'll just have to allow free movement like everyone else. Them being kicked back to WTO tariffs is punishment enough., the rising prices will hurt the poor.

UK officials have repeatedly stated that they don't want that kind of deal, though? Internally, EU officials are preparing for a hard brexit because they don't expect the UK to cave in on immigration.
UK officials have repeatedly stated that they don't want that kind of deal, though? Internally, EU officials are preparing for a hard brexit because they don't expect the UK to cave in on immigration.

This is the truth of the matter. I'd be shocked if free movement of people is included in the deal... meaning unrestricted access to the single market is out of the window.
UK officials have repeatedly stated that they don't want that kind of deal, though? Internally, EU officials are preparing for a hard brexit because they don't expect the UK to cave in on immigration.

Yeah I was confused. My post had some hyperbole but basically I hope the UK faces some tough choices and they don't get a sweetheart deal.


No one is advocating punishment. Not even the EU. In fact the Europeans have diligently set out their position on four freedoms and the bills that are due.

If people think that this is punishment it says a lot more about their view of this than anything else.

Yeah but in their minds Brexit minded people it's punishment and blame by default because they won't get everything they ask for nothing. Just watch. The EU hate train will be unbearable, everything that goes wrong, everything they don't get, EU is being so unfair. Don't question the greatest country in the world.


It's some kind of red line that i as a person that only lived for a temporary time in the UK noticed with a lot of people.

Parts of the UK politicians, population and especially the media seem to still believe the UK is gonna get some magical deal which is of course totally unrealistic.
Not sure where this view comes from but it always seems like there is some kind of entitlement because the UK was a great empire 100 years ago.

It's two things. One is English exceptionalism - espoused by the cretins. The other is just a typical British 'just shut up and get on with it' attitude. A lot of people are in deep denial.


It's some kind of red line that i as a person that only lived for a temporary time in the UK noticed with a lot of people.

Parts of the UK politicians, population and especially the media seem to still believe the UK is gonna get some magical deal which is of course totally unrealistic.
Not sure where this view comes from but it always seems like there is some kind of entitlement because the UK was a great empire 100 years ago.

Not sure where the notion to punish the UK comes from because it was the UK government that decided against EEA model before any negotiations were made

I'm not sure where the idea of a 'punishment' is coming from either, although some view a bill for unpaid agreements as punishment which is crap, since they signed on for it. Them not wanting free movement? Too bad.

UK officials have repeatedly stated that they don't want that kind of deal, though? Internally, EU officials are preparing for a hard brexit because they don't expect the UK to cave in on immigration.

Then the UK will be on its own, I suppose. Good luck to them. The EEA and the EU should never compromise on their principles.


Is that the marine who executed a Taliban soldier, calling him a cunt who would do the same to him given the chance and then calmly announced that he has broken the Geneva Convention and for the others in his unit to keep it quiet?


Is that the marine who executed a Taliban soldier, calling him a cunt who would do the same to him given the chance and then calmly announced that he has broken the Geneva Convention and for the others in his unit to keep it quiet?

Blue Lou

There's going to be a push to go back to fahrenheit, and pounds, shillings and pence in future from a stuffy MP. I can almost guarantee it.

It's a shame that this is happening.
Please I just want to know I don't want to start something!

So this Brexit is something that mostly the political people want right? Not just the every day people?



Then I wonder what you need to do to be charged as a war criminal in this fucking country. Given we had thousands of soldiers go over there who managed to do tours without brazenly taking a shit on the Geneva Convention by executing prisoners I don't think the stress argument holds.


Please I just want to know I don't want to start something!

So this Brexit is something that mostly the political people want right? Not the every day people?

Oh no. Quite a few want it, with levels of delusion equivalent to Trump voters. Many politicians recognise it is utterly damaging, but they're too craven to do the right thing.
Jumping the gun a bit here guys! They often put out the front page of next day's newspapers the evening before. It only officially happens at 12:30 as far as I'm aware.
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