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Uncharted 2 direct feed screens


Grimm Fandango said:
Whoa whoa whoa. Amy Hennig of Soul Reaver fame directed Uncharted?

Now I feel terrible for still not owning Uncharted.

You should. It sold well, but deserved to sell much more than it did. There's a reason why it's been a consistent seller ever since it came out. Great word of mouth.


andycapps said:
You should. It sold well, but deserved to sell much more than it did. There's a reason why it's been a consistent seller ever since it came out. Great word of mouth.

I've often thought it would be a great candidate for ab episodic PSN re-release.


Naked Snake said:
I don't know, maybe it's the overly warm color pallet, or the character designs... it feels like it's trying to be realistic in places and stylized in others.

RE5 might be technically inferior, but I find it more pleasing to look at.

Plus, Drake's ass looks really weird. His buttocks don't look anatomically correct.



Yes, I care. And if this was Tomb Raider you would care too.

Drake lost a glute in the train wreck we saw in the trailer.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
FirewalkR said:
Of all the things...

Dude, once you've seen Snakes sexy man ass, theres nothing else you can do, you have to demand a chissled man ass in ALL games, even if its like Spyro, you need to tape a man ass on him.


No butt=no buy

Sorry, but if ND aren't going to put in the effort to realistically portray a mans ass, then I have no business playing the game.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Dude, once you've seen Snakes sexy man ass, theres nothing else you can do, you have to demand a chissled man ass in ALL games, even if its like Spyro, you need to tape a man ass on him.

Ah, now it makes sense!
Onix said:
Nathan does TV and movies :\

To be fair, I did exempt Nathan from my rant. Firefly and Serenity were both great. Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza place on the other hand... at least David Ogden Stiers was funny.


Woah Edge has a huge preview up
we’re shown a real variety of environments, from lush indoor spaces filled with gold leaf and bright colours, to an opulent train with blood red curtains and swinging brass lights, and a desolate Nepalese monastery clinging to the side of a cliff.

A passing glimpse at somebody’s workstation suggests the team may even have found room to include another jungle or two along the way

but recent changes to Naughty Dog’s Uncharted Engine 2.0 allow for a layering of far more detailed animation, and the result is a hero who gives off a palpable air of forever operating on the outer limits of his skills. He gasps as he pulls himself up over ridges, pants with exertion while scrambling out of the way of gunfire, and is constantly muttering under his breath after near-misses

While the first Uncharted would have lobbed a handful of enemies at Drake to be cleared out before putting him up against a bit of lonely clambering, Among Thieves’ real breakthrough is that it can now combine both seamlessly, allowing Drake to climb up behind an enemy stationed on top of a wall and yank him into the street below, or take out distant soldiers while lurching between buildings, using shop signs not only as handholds, but as useful pieces of cover.

Wow Drake new enemy:
A ruthless paramilitary leader and his whole army!


Ploid 3.0

ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Dude, once you've seen Snakes sexy man ass, theres nothing else you can do, you have to demand a chissled man ass in ALL games, even if its like Spyro, you need to tape a man ass on him.



And the enemy AI has made some leaps too – a second playthrough by the developer reveals that if one of the militia gets to the car-door shield before Drake does, the final fight can turn out very differently, and we’re also promised that enemies will be able to scale walls and vault from one rooftop to another just as easily as he can.

Loudninja said:
Woah Edge has a huge preview up

Wow Drake new enemy:
A ruthless paramilitary leader and his whole army!


Nice write-up. I can see where they're coming from in regards to their criticisms of the first, though I don't fully agree with them. I'm very excited about mixing up traversal, stealth and gunplay though, that could be awesome. I'm thinking the opening of Act V of MGS4 but faster.

The improvements to the animation layering sound awesome too. Uncharted's the only game to my mind that's attempted to rip off elements of Ico and SotC but got it right. Drake's animations did make him seem vulnerable and human, just like Ico and Wander. It sounds like it'll be even more pronounced in Among Thieves.

I was also a huge fan of Drake's snarky comments and soundbites in the first game. I didn't think they couyld fuck it up for the sequel and it sounds like they haven't. :D

Even if Uncharted doesn't really sit atop the pile of those all time classic games (there were a couple of things holding it back imo, gimped puzzles mainly but an unhealthy gunplay/platforming balance too), Drake is one of those all time classic characters.


Just got done reading the EDGE preview and was gonna post it here but Loudninja beat me to it, just like he used to do in the PS3Forums.

Damn you Ninja! :p

Anyways, its an excellent write-up and reveals some very interesting stuff:

And the stealth turns out to be far from the stop-start mood-killer you might be expecting. “Stealth is often meticulous, frustrating and boring,” says Straley. “Ours comes back to the cinematic experience – it’s about keeping the pace. On a gameplay level, you want to play one set-piece in a variety of different ways, so stealth just gives you something more in the toolbox – another element, another choice that’s available to you. Suddenly you can try out all different kinds of options. We call it action stealth. It’s not Splinter Cell. It’s choosing when and from where to enter combat.”
Ultimately, it’s this blending of platforming and shooting, in a way no other game has yet managed convincingly, which makes Among Thieves feel like such an exciting prospect, and may help to provide the sense of individuality the first game gently lacked. Tomb Raider stumbled over the combat, Gears never attempted any kind of gymnastics, and even the first Uncharted struggled to get the combination to work. But from what we’ve seen, its sequel promises to be one of the first true action-platformers, a game that, if anything, resembles a more light-hearted, joyous and nimble take on the first few acts of MGS4 than any of the usual reference points.
It’s a time-honoured convention of treasure movies that the hero never finds quite the treasure they were looking for, and in this respect, Among Thieves may prove solidly traditional. No doubt Marco Polo’s lost fleet and the Cintamani stone will elude our hero in the final act, carried away by plot twists, sudden betrayals and selfless last-minute sacrifices. But in its place, there’s every chance that, this time, Nathan Drake may unearth the trophy he needs the most: a confident identity of his own to match the intelligence and wit with which Naughty Dog’s games are constructed.

So 'dynamic' stealth gameplay to allow for different approaches to the same situation, a better blend of platforming and shooting and a better developed Nathan Drake (personality wise)?

Yes please! :D

Can't wait to play this, Fall 2009 is way too far still. =/


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Dude, once you've seen Snakes sexy man ass, theres nothing else you can do, you have to demand a chissled man ass in ALL games, even if its like Spyro, you need to tape a man ass on him.

Because no one does asses like Kojima Productions™.


EDGE said:
While the first Uncharted would have lobbed a handful of enemies at Drake to be cleared out before putting him up against a bit of lonely clambering, Among Thieves’ real breakthrough is that it can now combine both seamlessly, allowing Drake to climb up behind an enemy stationed on top of a wall and yank him into the street below, or take out distant soldiers while lurching between buildings, using shop signs not only as handholds, but as useful pieces of cover.

Oh yes, this was all I really wanted in a sequel. This has climbed way above RE5 and all else (apart from maybe Heavy Rain) on my anticipation list.
Timbuktu said:
Oh yes, this was all I really wanted in a sequel. This has climbed way above RE5 and all else (apart from maybe Heavy Rain) on my anticipation list.

Me too. When the first teaser was shown I was kind of apathetic (don't know why, absolutely loved the first) but as we saw the second trailer, then those screens and now this Edge write-up, my anticipation is rising swiftly.

But nothing is going to get me as excited as I was during Shane's Heavy Rain talk on last weeks 1up yours until the MGS5 reveal or I actually get FFXIII in my hands.


Gold Member
Uncharted 2 seems to be a lot more like what the original 06 (or 05?) teaser trailer hinted at. Hope it's not as linear


Rez>You said:
Is Amy Hennig project lead on this?

Almost sure she is. They mention her name in the (EDGE) preview, and probably what her role is...I'd check but apparently they took down the article. Probably went up too soon or something...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
DeZimatoR said:
Almost sure she is. They mention her name in the (EDGE) preview, and probably what her role is...I'd check but apparently they took down the article. Probably went up too soon or something...
I hope so. Hennig basically is Uncharted to me. :lol



Ultimately, it’s this blending of platforming and shooting, in a way no other game has yet managed convincingly, which makes Among Thieves feel like such an exciting prospect, and may help to provide the sense of individuality the first game gently lacked. Tomb Raider stumbled over the combat, Gears never attempted any kind of gymnastics, and even the first Uncharted struggled to get the combination to work. But from what we’ve seen, its sequel promises to be one of the first true action-platformers, a game that, if anything, resembles a more light-hearted, joyous and nimble take on the first few acts of MGS4 than any of the usual reference points.

And this:

Drake is able to flip over tables and use them as cover.

Make me a very happy camper. That comment about having accomplished the juggle that is platforming and shooting, effectively, just gets me all excited. The first game is an amazingly playable game, thoroughly entertaining. And now we get "action stealth" to vary the game play even more? + AI enemies that will follow across rooftops?

Anticipation is rising.
This, God of War III, Killzone 2, and InFamous will make for one hell of a year. :D

And if Zelda Wii hits next year (and I have a strong feeling it will), I will be in gaming heaven!


That Edge article won't display for me. Says "Access Denied."


Junior Member
makingmusic476 said:
This, God of War III, Killzone 2, and InFamous will make for one hell of a year. :D

And if Zelda Wii hits next year (and I have a strong feeling it will), I will be in gaming heaven!


That Edge article won't display for me. Says "Access Denied."

Hmph InFamous doesn't look all that fun. But I'll give you Killzone 2, GoW3 and this game will make for one amazing lineup.


makingmusic476 said:
That Edge article won't display for me. Says "Access Denied."

Same. It had happened earlier, but then it was working again.

I tried looking for it on the site but couldn't find it...maybe they did take it down?
Looks great. Can't wait to see some gameplay.

I have a question about Nathan Drake and I can't recall if it was answered in the first title:

I know ND likes to position Drake as something of an everyman, fallible hero, but still, he's extremely capable -- whether it's scaling cliffs or taking down multiple trained opponents, armed or unarmed.

Was it ever explained how his skills were developed (his background) or is just a video game reality where if he couldn't do such things, the game wouldn't last beyond the first encounter?


The Nature Roy said:
Looks great. Can't wait to see some gameplay.

I have a question about Nathan Drake and I can't recall if it was answered in the first title:

I know ND likes to position Drake as something of an everyman, fallible hero, but still, he's extremely capable -- whether it's scaling cliffs or taking down multiple trained opponents, armed or unarmed.

Was it ever explained how his skills were developed (his background) or is just a video game reality where if he couldn't do such things, the game wouldn't last beyond the first encounter?
It's not like Drake mastered CQC or anything. His attacks in Drakes Fortune were clumsy at best. You could miss punches, he would latch onto backs in an attempt to strangle people. It really did feel like an average guy who was thrown into a massive mess. The way he took cover and ran also kept th same feel.

Platofrming abilities were learnt from previous expeditions I'd assume, makes sense to.


The Nature Roy said:
Looks great. Can't wait to see some gameplay.

I have a question about Nathan Drake and I can't recall if it was answered in the first title:

I know ND likes to position Drake as something of an everyman, fallible hero, but still, he's extremely capable -- whether it's scaling cliffs or taking down multiple trained opponents, armed or unarmed.

Was it ever explained how his skills were developed (his background) or is just a video game reality where if he couldn't do such things, the game wouldn't last beyond the first encounter?

It mostly has to do with the last sentence. But yes, Drake is an "everyman" in the sense of how acts and thinks, not necessarily in how he performs. It's similar to Indiana Jones. I know it's trite to compare the two, but Jones is a professor and archaeologist who can do all these wonderfully fantastic things that no one else could possibly get away with, yet we still identify with him on an emotional, human level because he shares something in common with the rest of us, the "everyman." Much more than say, a character like James Bond or Superman.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Drake is able to flip over tables and use them as cover. That alone makes this GOTY 2009.

I reeally really want them to look into using that tech from 8 days.

That would be the icing on the cake
Rapping Granny said:
The Edge January 09 scans are out.

A lot of info. plus DRAKE HAS A JACKET!??!!!!!
YUM. he looks more delicious but wtf is my half tuck!!

Needs more ass. Looks like 2 frying pan got stuck inside his back pocket.


Felium Defensor
No new images really. :/
I'm guessing the direct feeds were supposed to be Edge exclusive and got leaked early. Still looks sexy though.


just beat the first one and getting the second one is a no brainer.

teh gameplay and platforming were so fun in the first one


Jacket Drake? idk if I like that.

And his ass better get fixed before the game comes out. Thinking back, Solid Snake's was perfect. ND should borrow that for Drake. :D
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