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Uncharted 4 delayed to Spring 2016

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GOTY is reserved for Witcher 3.
Uncharted trilogy remastered surely then should be coming this holiday.

Again, where is there any proof that this is something being worked on?

As of now, it's more likely that a Mass Effect remaster is being worked on


Welp. No PS4 for me this year.
Sony doesn't need titles. Promises and hype are making people buy things... I can tell I've bought a PS3 for TLG (promises) and a PS4 for... well Sony exclusives (hyped to death).

It's not like there's nothing to play but in the video game industry more than anywhere else it seems that you must wait to see what you're actually buying (no pre order, no day one purchase without reviews or players opinions, no console buying for the "upcoming" games).

Miles X

So exactly what else big does PS4 have coming? I thought PS4 was smashing XB1 in terms of exclusives this year (Still might with QB being delayed) but all I'm aware of is Order, Bloodbourne and No Man's Sky? There has to be more considering all the hype????!
Bloodborne. 2 weeks.

That was supposed to be the game that turned the tide of bad news. I have been excited for this game since the rumors. I can't wait. Its also not going to sell the same NOR move as many systems as Uncharted 4 in my opinion. Anyway, Bloodborne is going to be amazing.


benevolent sexism
I never really let myself believe it would be out this year, so I'm not too upset about this.

I would welcome a remaster collection, though.

As far as whether this is going to hurt Sony over the holidays... well, they didn't launch with any good exclusives, and they were fine. Second Son did fine but wasn't a killer app, and they were fine. Don't know how The Order did yet, but they recently announced 20million+ sales worldwide, so they're probably fine.

I think the PS4 is in a place now where any single game isn't of critical importance. They have breadth on their side. More indies, usually better multiplats, and about the same number of exclusives as MS. Halo will be a big deal, of course, and it might bump X1 sales above PS4 temporarily, but I don't think it will change the prevailing dynamic in the long-term.


Other then Bloodborne, and POSSIBLY Persona 5 (not sure if western release will be this year) theres nothing big for PS4 to my tastes.

Uncharted 4 was the title I was looking forward the most to the platform. I'm trully disappointed with all these delays for PS4 titles and the lack of high quality exclusives in that period... I definitely could have waited one year or two beforing getting it.
I hope I'm not one of those posters you're referring to but I am very disappointed. My case is different than most posters here because they already have PS4's while I'm planning on getting one this December and I really wanted Uncharted 4 to be the first game I play on the PS4. Oh, well, I guess this delay does have a few bright sides. I can spend more time on The Order, Batman Arkham Knight and MGS5 first, then.

Yeh I can't say.

It's either just an overreaction moment for many, or peoples gaming tastes has severely dropped off a cliff. Which, well is kind of true anyway. I am like drowning in games to the point of each night jumping around to 5 different games lol and then I come on the forum and see people talk about how they haven't played anything in months. I'm like ... fuck .... do they realize what they are missing out there?

* shrug *

All I can say is my plate is very much full this year. Uncharted 4 was going to be a great title to play no doubt, but it missing the season doesn't suddenly change the fact that I have 40 other titles I will be working toward purchasing this year alone.


Well shit...

I'm guessing that Until Dawn will be next to get the bump, afaik there is no set release date other than "in 2015", which leaves it ripe to get the bump into next year.


I am okay with this delay. These games are always quality. Guess the TR vs UC4 showdown isn't happening. Will TR come to PS4 the same year as UC4? Kinda defeating the point of timed exclusivity to MS. "TR Exclusive this holiday on xbox"

What will Sony have this holiday season in terms of BIG first party? MS is bringing Halo 5, Forza 6, Fable Legends plus timed TR. Not to mention the marketing deals with AC, COD and The Division. I think Sony must announce something. Do any of their first party studios have anything for holiday 2015? Give us good bundles Sony.... Hopefully they can do something to at least sell 1:1 in North America over the holidays.
It doesn't defeat the point at all. Tomb raider is still something that Ms can hang their hat on as something that you won't be able to experience anywhere else for a period of time.

They can push a first party/exclusive line up of a premier racing game, one of the biggest shooters, and a well acclaimed third person section adventure game.

As well as marketing deals with some of the years biggest games.
And they will probably drop the price and bundle games again

That's not to say that the ps4 is going to stop selling


It was foolish to think a game as big as Uncharted can be developed in 1.5 years on a completely new platform. Hell people, these guys spent a lot of time just porting their engine from ps3 to ps4, since there was no PC version at the back.


God fucking damnit! That means TLOU 2 is pushed back to 2017 :( FML.

Are we going to be stuck with another year of Sony lacking a heavy hitter exclusive for the fall?


If Zelda also slips I could see myself getting a XBox and Tomb Raider this fall.

I don't think Zelda will slip though.


I am having flashbacks to Uncharted 3. Most people complained about the game breaking glitches, the LACK of motion blur (which ND said was a bug), and the off putting shooting mechanics which were all prevalent at launch.

We've seen what Naughty Dog can do when you rush them. I think we should trust the dude's who helped ship the Last of Us AND Uncharted 2.

No doubt the game is going to be better, problem is the huge hole the delay leaves in the PS4 schedule which has to be filled with something else high profile.
Disappointing but I"m not too upset. I've always believed in the Miyamoto saying and there's plenty of other titles to buy this year.

What interests me more is how this will effect a potential Tomb Raider PS4 port. The entire timed exclusivity was to combat UC4 and now UC4 and Tomb Raider PS4 might go head to head.


It's fine, I'll play it when it's done. Not that I wasn't looking forward to it but there's always something else to play.

Edit: Forgot about Zelda. If that ships then hell yeah, I'll be into that for the holidays.
No doubt the game is going to be better, problem is the huge hole the delay leaves in the PS4 schedule which has to be filled with something else high profile.

As part of the group, whom thought the large amount of job postings was odd can't say I'm surprised.

Maybe they will go with Fallout 4 exclusive Knack helmet?


Yeh I can't say.

It's either just an overreaction moment for many, or peoples gaming tastes has severely dropped off a cliff. Which, well is kind of true anyway. I am like drowning in games to the point of each night jumping around to 5 different games lol and then I come on the forum and see people talk about how they haven't played anything in months. I'm like ... fuck .... do they realize what they are missing out there?

* shrug *

All I can say is my plate is very much full this year. Uncharted 4 was going to be a great title to play no doubt, but it missing the season doesn't suddenly change the fact that I have 40 other titles I will be working toward purchasing this year alone.
Well, I guess I am overreacting but after the PSX demo and Gameinformer's articles, I was extremely hyped for Uncharted 4. Mind you, I'm not one of those "PS4 has no games" guys but I do wish Uncharted 4 were released this year. And 40+ games? That's amazing!


This is really disappointing. I really don't care about anything else on the PS4 this year. I've barely had any use for it as is.

I hope Sony has some games up their sleeves for the Fall, and not remasters.
What the fuck? So unless they announce something big at E3 they have nothing for this fall to compete with Halo and this will be their second holiday in a row without a huge exclusive.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if the PS4 version of the new Tomb Raider comes out in Spring and has its sales completely killed by this.


Meh I don't mind so much. I'd rather have a better game and can't say I am so hurt by the delay, Never really looked forward to uncharted that much, I will probably get it day 1 but I can wait.
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