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Uncharted 4 delayed to Spring 2016

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Good, let them take their time. Honestly, is anybody actually suprised?
Games of this calibre, especially with ND's standard, are an excruciating amount of work.

Oh, and I don't believe we'll get Zelda U either.


Disappointed, but looking forward to Tomb Raider on Xbox One in its stead. Should scratch the itch for a cinematic action platformer later this year.

Besides, the last quarter is always overcrowded with releases; plenty of games I'm still looking forward to this year. I for one welcome the decision to release major titles in the Spring.
The QB rumor looks to be BS. And even if it isn't, I did not say they hit every date, they just don't delay every exclusive they have.

Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, and MCC all qualify as big exclusives.

Are you actually suggesting that Microsoft should be commended for hitting their date in regards to the MCC?
As players shouldn't we be more worried about the quality of the games we get, instead of the sales of company X?

I absolutely agree. I'm not bothered by sales of any one company. I'm just acknowledging that constant delays are an issue.

You do know Sony sold more? There are more places in the world than the US

Sony won overall this past holiday season. Microsoft only took the U.S.

Did I insinuate that MS outsold them? When I say they got beat by MS, I'm saying that they did nothing while their competitor did quite a bit. Even if they didn't really need to, it doesn't seem like a smart strategy to replicate going forward.
So, nevermind "reason", you're just going to stick your fingers in your ears. Okay then.

I'm certainly not going to be dictated by someone posting like he's a mod and telling me what to do.

Not even sure where or when you counter argued what I posted. I said it's the same shit every year, with "next year is the best in gaming ever" and you mentioned a few decent looking games coming out this year. So fucking what? That was never my point. My point was the general silly hype for next year, which always deflates.

What happened to being rational?


Not a big deal.

Naughty Dog has earned the right to decide what is best artistically for their games. If Neil and the crew say then need more time to create their vision, then I am in full support.


GAF's most anticipated game of 2015...we jinxed it guys.

Oh well, guess this year belongs to MGSV.
Or Persona 5, at least for me.


im a huge uncharted fan, uncharted 2 was one of the best single player experiences ive ever played. the gameplay scene in december looked horrendous in comparison to that now obviously fake e3 trailer. it looks like what id expect a remaster of the ps3 versions to look like.

That gameplay though!

I think it looked gorgeous.


Persona is not coming to Xbox one loll

As I said, I still have my doubts.

It's developed and published by Atlus and the age of third party exclusives "just because" is long over.
If Sony hasn't paid for it to be a permanent exclusive then the smart thing for Microsoft would be to throw some money at them to get a X1/PC port


Tomb Raider is fucked if the timed exclusivity is 6 months?

This gen is riddled with delays, but i ain't mad. Happy for them to take their time.


The QB rumor looks to be BS. And even if it isn't, I did not say they hit every date, they just don't delay every exclusive they have.
the first delay, not this one.

Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, and MCC all qualify as big exclusives.

i think big exclusives are 90+ not 80+ just saying.
and also do you really think halo Mcc deserves that score?

"Lost" in the sense that they release absolutely nothing and give their competition all the attention and mindshare for three months.

i kind agree and disagree here. business perspective they are good with fifas, cods, assassins creeds and a bunch of 3rd parties that the "casual" gamer prefers.

and in other hand there is that


For this colossal
-up, we demand to know the release date of NMS or announce a new game in development. Your call Sony.


I just bought this thing for the exclusives and the year kicked off so well with The Order,definitely hoping for something more from Sony this year.


As I said, I still have my doubts.

It's developed and published by Atlus and the age of third party exclusives "just because" is long over.
If Sony hasn't paid for it to be a permanent exclusive then the smart thing for Microsoft would be to throw some money at them to get a X1/PC port

Atlus do not have the man power to make a xbone PC port. It's not happening let it go.


Anyone think that they REALLY want to his 60 FPS on this one? Give Corrinne Yu a year, she'll figure this shit out.
I'm not even MAD , ND should take all the time they need to nail that "uncharted" feelign .

^^ if the game has that , then i'm willing to wait as long as it takes.
We figured this might happen, I'm happy that they let us know this early on however.
Aside from Bloodborne it looks like my PS4 will be an indie machine this year, which I'm okay with.
Take your time, it'll be amazing whenever it comes out.


Ok, Sony, now give us Uncharted 1-3 remastered for this holiday.

And to ND: Stop with 60fps and push the graphics at 30fps. Uncharted 1-3 were great and were only 30.


Another year of relying on third parties to win them the holidays I guess.

They gotta get some exclusives for later in the year. It's looking grim.


Really worried about the PS4 in the fall. What are we looking at so far? I can't recall one fall 2015 exclusive for PS4.


well.................shit, whatever, expectations are now raised because they have more time!

This game is just going to blow my face away.


Sucks but personally I'm not affected since I was probably not going to buy it on release.

There's still a ton of good stuff to play this year so it's fine.


How about not announcing a release date/window too early only to disappoint fans? This industry, man. You would think various publishers would learn from seeing others make the same mistake. I understand the need to make an impact and to keep the game relevant until release via hype, but don't announce a date or window far too early when you don't even know--or only have a vague estimate--when the game will be completed.

I'm sure the game will be polished up, though. At least the Uncharted fans have something to look forward to for next spring.

EDIT: From the quote in the OP, it sounds like the story isn't even complete (or at least the specifics).
I absolutely agree. I'm not bothered by sales of any one company. I'm just acknowledging that constant delays are an issue.

Did I insinuate that MS outsold them? When I say they got beat by MS, I'm saying that they did nothing while their competitor did quite a bit. Even if they didn't really need to, it doesn't seem like a smart strategy to replicate going forward.

They got beat? Yet outsold said completion? What?

Their competitor took massive losses to fall even further behind? If I'm Sony I'm loving that.
the first delay, not this one.

i think big exclusives are 90+ not 80+ just saying.
and also do you really think halo Mcc deserves that score?

i kind agree and disagree here. business perspective they are good with fifas, cods, assassins creeds and a bunch of 3rd parties that the "casual" gamer prefers.

and in other hand there is that

I'm not saying the MS exclusives are big from a quality perspective, I'm saying they are big deals. A Halo game, a Forza title, and a big third party title are big from that standpoint. They resonate with any person who casually plays games.
Wouldn't that encourage people to only pick up the console during the holiday season?
Not only, but it's obviously the key season to buy them. That's why there are always deals and price drops around the holidays. It's why they usually release new consoles near the holidays. It's the biggest season for console sales.
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