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vegan mock meat restaurants

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itxaka said:
wait what? No milk? WTF that is a goddam crime for your health for sure. So what is the reason they don't? Because it comes from a cow?

Vegans cannot use leather. Extreme vegans can't even have honey. Don't exploit the bees!


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
OnPoint said:
That, and for some it's how they treat the cows/get them to produce the milk. I have heard chocolate milk refered to as "chocolate cow rape"

Delicious chocolate cow rape.

Jake. said:
mock chicken > real chicken.



There are also milk substitutes on the market - Soya milk and rice milk. The latter is the best option all round, in my honest opinion. I stopped drinking dairy products because my fiancee is lactose intolerant, yet my calcium intake has probably gone up given the amount of rice milk I drink now.


face_777 said:
There are also milk substitutes on the market - Soya milk and rice milk. The latter is the best option all round, in my honest opinion. I stopped drinking dairy products because my fiancee is lactose intolerant, yet my calcium intake has probably gone up given the amount of rice milk I drink now.

I love soya milk. Rice milk not so much, but I think it tastes better than it used to.

Asian cultures also treat things like tofu and soya milk as their own foods, rather than a product substitute.

Coconut milk (beverage) is nice too, but is pretty high in saturated oils.


Vegetarians that think they're doing it for nutrition are kidding themselves.

Small amounts of meat is good for your diet. There's nothing wrong in eating clean cuts of chicken, fish and the occasional steak.

Certainly better nutritionally than cutting it out altogether.

Agent Ghost

aka MAJIKdR46oN
but shrimp have feelings too!

Fuck off, I understand a person who wants to avoid eating meat for health reason, but this isn't carebear land. Having emotions does not entitle an animal to anything. That's an emotional appeal you you have. Not everyone shares your subjective emotions, certainly not the shrimp. Shrimp are barely sentient. Emotions in general are fallible though, they never reflect truth. The only truth in the Universe is mathematics, the emotions we have are nothing more than a survival tool we evolved to have. Mostly so we can care for eachother. So its not logical to put the survival of shrimp above our own. Some people make a living fishing for shrimp. Not everyone in the world has unlimited opportunities, where they have the freedom to make more moral career choices.


I'd rather not eat lots of soya, its a big gender bender chemical as such not good for all the men out there...


Crotchety Old Man
I like tofu and vegetarian foods, but fuck mock meat. It's bland and pointless when you could be cooking something better in its place.


Since the thread's here, I'll ask. What is the best mock pork/ham/bacon (Whichever tastes the best) product that taste damn close to the real thing? I am curious...

Masked Man

I said wow
OnPoint said:
Most vegetarians I know admit that freely. Taste isn't the reason the stop eating it.

I've honestly never really liked the taste of steak or pork roast, and even now the thought of eating either one kind of kills my appetite. Frankly, I've never been terribly fond of meat in general: I've always been more interested in the combinations of flavors and such.


HUELEN10 said:
Since the thread's here, I'll ask. What is the best mock pork/ham/bacon (Whichever tastes the best) product that taste damn close to the real thing? I am curious...

i bought some quorn bacon a few months back. it wont really simulate the exact look of bacon, but it tastes similar to (what I remember anyway) bacon tasting like.

also, i think that quorn bangers (sausages) are pretty tasty. the ones with brambley apple in them are my favorite i think


i eat poultry and seafood, but i think its fun to experiement with these kind of foods. they're not for everyone i suppose


If one doesn't like the taste of the meat, why would he want to eat tofu that tastes like meat?

And to the guy who pretends tofu is cheap; yeah right, not in my country. It's a bobo elitist shit here.
i don't understand this stuff. if i want to eat something vegetarian, i don't want to have fake meat. if i want meat, i'll eat meat.

however i do like those boca brand faux chicken nuggets, they are so good.
Zaptruder said:
Vegetarians that think they're doing it for nutrition are kidding themselves.

Small amounts of meat is good for your diet. There's nothing wrong in eating clean cuts of chicken, fish and the occasional steak.

Certainly better nutritionally than cutting it out altogether.

Being vegetarian you'll never stop hearing this kind of shit, but it's mostly from my 85 year old great aunts. It's especially great when they say it after asking you what you want from McDonald's.

And Prince Dalton I agree that factory farming is raping our environment in any shape, but you're being flat-out misleading by blaming it on folks eating tofu and tempeh. Forty percent of factory-farmed corn is being shoved down the gullet of millions of livestock and the runoff from the processing of livestock is a much bigger environmental hazard. I understand you have your pro-meat, caveman, body-building lifestyle to push, but don't make shit up.

And I can't speak for the rest of the vegetarians here, but I generally only eat veggie burgers or such at family gatherings, BBQs or parties. Eating food can be an incredibly social ritual and instead of excluding my girlfriend and I or changing the entire menu swapping a veggie burger in makes things easier.


The amount of times I've tried to explain to grandparents that just because ham is wafer thin does not magically make it non-meat. :lol Apart from the ice creams, I haven't eaten at a McDonalds in almost 20 years. Bloody typical I pass one almost daily on the way to uni which always smell semi-rancid. Blerg.

@Shoogoo - what country are you from? And which shops? Vegan produce follows the same rules as other foodstuffs on the arket - if you've been looking at speciality vegan food shops, that is akin to looking at an expensive deli. in Glasgow we're lucky to have a couple of such speciality shops and supermarkets stocking a decent range of products, such as Linda McCartney stuff, at very cheap prices,


I don't really get all the misunderstanding here.

I'm a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons. I think it's wrong to eat meat. However, I also think meat tastes good. Therefore, I eat cruelty-free meat substitutes that taste like the real thing. There are thousands of vegetarians like me, keeping companies like Morningstar Farms in business.

Is it really that hard to understand?


reggieandTFE said:
Being vegetarian you'll never stop hearing this kind of shit, but it's mostly from my 85 year old great aunts. It's especially great when they say it after asking you what you want from McDonald's.

And Prince Dalton I agree that factory farming is raping our environment in any shape, but you're being flat-out misleading by blaming it on folks eating tofu and tempeh. Forty percent of factory-farmed corn is being shoved down the gullet of millions of livestock and the runoff from the processing of livestock is a much bigger environmental hazard. I understand you have your pro-meat, caveman, body-building lifestyle to push, but don't make shit up.

And I can't speak for the rest of the vegetarians here, but I generally only eat veggie burgers or such at family gatherings, BBQs or parties. Eating food can be an incredibly social ritual and instead of excluding my girlfriend and I or changing the entire menu swapping a veggie burger in makes things easier.

If this thread tells us anything it's that there are a lot of different type of vegetarians.

I can understand the whole moral stand on eating cruelty free products, but I don't understand eating only vegetables on the basis of better nutrition and health. Because it's flat out bullshit.

Balanced diet and all.


"Cruelty-free" always makes me laugh.
I imagine a vegetarian tasting meat and going like "ARRRRRGG I CAN TASTE THE SUFFERING!"

Anyways, wouldn't it be more cruel to hunt wild animals rather than killing those that we raise only for that purpose? I mean I know it's not nice to kill an animal, but still, they were born for that sole reason. And yet, wild animals hunt each other, no one says it's cruel. Some of those zebras sure look to be in pain to me when there's 3 lions on it.
mattoz85 said:
I don't really get all the misunderstanding here.

I'm a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons. I think it's wrong to eat meat. However, I also think meat tastes good. Therefore, I eat cruelty-free meat substitutes that taste like the real thing. There are thousands of vegetarians like me, keeping companies like Morningstar Farms in business.

Is it really that hard to understand?
morningstar farms! not boca. Morningstar Farms makes the best fake chicken nuggets. i prefer them to just about all other chicken nuggets, meat or not.


itxaka said:
wait what? No milk? WTF that is a goddam crime for your health for sure. So what is the reason they don't? Because it comes from a cow?

Sure.. for some it may be because it comes from a cow, and they don't want to support those industries because of it, but then on the flipside some avoid it for health reasons (there are more healthful ways to get calcium and so on without the negative side effects of cows milk).

People could have debates for a long time about whether or not humans are supposed to eat meat (other animals do it so why not humans, etc), but I can't see how dairy is all that natural.

Humans are really the only ones who have milk when they're no longer babies, and on top of that take it from another species altogether. If you did it in the most natural way possible it would mean getting down on the ground and sucking on a cows teat. Whoever thought of getting a calf out of the way and doing that in the first place, I've always wondered.


Foodswings in Brooklyn is the greatest vegan "fast food" restaurant I've been to, ever. Phenomenal, cheap, omgsogood... Had me a chicken parmigan sandwich that was almost better than the real thing. Their menu is massive and the specialize in southern soul food. Can't wait to go back, it's been about four years.


I'm not a vegetarian at all, but we regularly use quorn in our Japanese curry, just so much easier than real meat, and tastes great. I used to love quorn sausages too - they don't really taste like pork but they just taste good.

I don't get the mock meat either. For standard vegetarians sure, who just don't want to eat the actual meat. But I thought Vegans were generally much stricter, and didn't want any connection to animal cruelty. So no leather etc.

I'd have thought anything mimicking the taste of meat can only do so by using the slaugther of animals to use as a comparison, therefore shouldn't be supported by vegans.

oh, and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKTsWjbjQ8E


Giard said:
"Cruelty-free" always makes me laugh.
I imagine a vegetarian tasting meat and going like "ARRRRRGG I CAN TASTE THE SUFFERING!"

I'd pay extra to taste the suffering. I think it's what lamb chops are missing.
I don't understand people that hate on vegetarians/vegans. it's their choice, let them do what they want.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love meat. if someone said "you can either never have cheeseburgers again, or trade in your legs and eat all the cheeseburgers you want" i'd be on my way to buy a hoveround right now. that being said, looking down on vegetarians/vegans because they don't eat meat is just as annoying as those vegetarians/vegans that look down on meat-eaters because they DO eat meat.

long story short, vegan/vegetarian or not, way too many people are jerks for no reason. let people do what the hell they want to do.


In the irongaf thread some vegetarians post what they cook/eat occasionally. It's always looking neat and tasty. I could never EVER swear off severed dead animal pieces, but if vegans manage to make the sidedish look appetizing too I'm all for it. I mean, everybody wins that way.


I'm not understanding all the vegetarian and vegan hate by those who eat meat. Do you guys not understand? It just leaves more delicious animal for us!!!! Time to see if there's any bacon in the fridge...


There is a place in San Diego called VegNout in San Diego and it was pretty much my dream come true. They have basically every meat meal you can imagine, vegan style. I got a Bacon/ranch chicken sandwich, was amazing.

I'm also a huge fan of the fake meat at Chinese restaurants, Monk's General Tso's Chicken is godly.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Chinese vegetarian places rock the house, though I'm sure they overload the food with MSG. I ate at a Buddhist temple in Hong Kong and it had some of the best food I've ever eaten.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I was at a company get-together last year and since I couldn't eat meat (religious dietary laws etc.) I had to eat the veggie burger. I thought it would be all mushy and gross and I would start to swell up because of my allergies to legumes, but no, this was actually a firm meat like burger and it was really really good. Obviously it didn't have the taste of meat, but it was still good in it's own right.


BorkBork said:
Chinese vegetarian places rock the house, though I'm sure they overload the food with MSG. I ate at a Buddhist temple in Hong Kong and it had some of the best food I've ever eaten.

good to see this thread getting back on track.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Natetan said:
good to see this thread getting back on track.

I don't even want to get into the desserts. The things they do with beans and lentils to turn it into sweet treats is ridiculously awesome, and I don't even have much of a sweet tooth.


Crotchety Old Man
JodyAnthony said:
I don't understand people that hate on vegetarians/vegans. it's their choice, let them do what they want.
Because they say shit like "cruelty-free" and they're always so militant about their ethos to people who do eat meat. I eat less meat than most who do, but vegetarians often drive me up the wall. They're such cunts about it.


One of my favourite vegetarian restaurants is called ChuChai. It's in Montreal so every time I go I make sure to eat there at least once. So damn good. The mock duck is amazing.


Jealous Bastard
the best vegetarian dishes are the ones that understand that vegetables will never be meat, and focus instead on delicious things like slow-cooked bean soups, the way broccoli gets that awesome char on its exterior when you roast it at high heat or sear it in a pan, mushroom risottos, etc. etc. etc.

so many great ways to eat vegetarian food, but this is not one of them.
RevenantKioku said:
Mock-meats are the worst of the vegetarian food world. The higher quality stuff is a bit better but it's the stuff that doesn't try to replace meat that tends to be the best.

It's true. It's way better when people just made dishes that are made of non-meat things and taste good than when they try to simulate meat.

The Buddhists are a lot better at it than the people who make packaged food in the US, though, or at least that's what I hear tell.

pjberri said:
Because they say shit like "cruelty-free" and they're always so militant about their ethos to people who do eat meat.

Something like 5-10% of the country is vegetarian. It's silly to draw conclusions about the entirety of vegetarians from a small group of loud, obnoxious people who other vegetarians also find annoying. If you look at any GAF thread about PETA you'll see post after post of shit like "I'm a vegetarian but I fucking HATE these people" because they are indeed hyper-annoying.

I mean, I could be like "omg I hate meat-eaters because they always react to me saying I'm vegetarian with the retarded 'mmmm, bloody steak, I love to eat baby animals, yum yum' routine" but I wouldn't because in reality a few rude people do that but most people are very respectful! It's just not nice to say things like that about whole groups of people, y'know?


GoutPatrol said:
And a mushroom is...?

all mushrooms are fungus, but not all fungus, including quorn fungus, are mushrooms

consumers will eat mushrooms, but if you tell them quorn is made of fungus they won't
I don't even want to get into the desserts. The things they do with beans and lentils to turn it into sweet treats is ridiculously awesome, and I don't even have much of a sweet tooth.

yeah, i do like bean sweets. i mostly only know japanese ones, what are chinese ones like?

one of my favorites is zunda mochi, which is bean paste made from edamame. the texture of the beans and the sweetness is addicting (to me anyway)


there are apparently even zunda mochi kit kats! :O......

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