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Vigil: If Darksiders 2 sells 4-5 mil copies, [Updated with dev comments]


It has one.

Also there are different items and different puzzles throughout this game's dungeons. We get to dublicate ourselves, we can control ghosts (!!!), we can create portals like in DT 1 and later on the Voidwalker is updated in a way that the portals do not only influence space but also time!

I'm counting 3 as everything said is in relation to puzzles which normally means key items
Will most likely pick this up for WiiU if impressions are even slightly positive. They could get a lot of Nintendo fans to buy it if they press the Zelda comparison. Here's hoping, the game looks great.
Will most likely pick this up for WiiU if impressions are even slightly positive. They could get a lot of Nintendo fans to buy it if they press the Zelda comparison. Here's hoping, the game looks great.

Have they hinted at any pad functionality? I could wait a couple months for that version if it's something worthwhile and not gimmicky.


Have they hinted at any pad functionality? I could wait a couple months for that version if it's something worthwhile and not gimmicky.
Quite the opposite, they implied quite clearly that they won't bother with something like that.
59.99 plus tax dude. It always comes out to 63 and some change. I'm just saying that I seriously doubt itll sell a million at full price. It's not a megaton show stopping franchise. And yeah its got a fanbase, but clearly the majority of that fanbase was only attracted to the first game when it drastically dropped in price.

THQ was also giving away a free copy of Red Faction for every purchase of Darksiders, if I recall correctly.


THQ was also giving away a free copy of Red Faction for every purchase of Darksiders, if I recall correctly.

Actually the bonus was never calrified.
THen they said you get a free Red Faction out of nowhere.
Which could have possibly helped.

But at the same time Activision tried the same gimmick to boost singularity sales with a free prototype, but that didn't work for that game.

Anyway looks like we aren't getting a third game guys.
Hopefully it doesnt end on to much of a cliffhanger.


I'm counting 3 as everything said is in relation to puzzles which normally means key items

Actually they're all pretty much spoiled in the review images pack they gave to those reviewing the game, so it's not a big deal. I guess in a week or two they're gonna come out and people will realize they're in and what they do. Tried to make my review as spoiler-free as possible even in that regard, anyway.
Hate to be a party pooper, but I think it will do great to sell 1 million copies worldwide in it's lifetime on all systems generously speaking.


Game's gonna do well provided it doesn't flop with critics. Easy marketing plus the preceding game drought make it an interesting product for many.


Membero Americo
Hate to be a party pooper, but I think it will do great to sell 1 million copies worldwide in it's lifetime on all systems generously speaking.

The first Darksiders probably did that. And again, it's coming out during a dead season for gaming.


The first Darksiders probably did that. And again, it's coming out during a dead season for gaming.

There is also a reason why big games don't came out in July-August. It's not a dead season because every publisher is dumb and doesn't release games during that time, it's a dead season because less people spend money on games compared to other times of the year.
Vigil seems to really have some problems in the PR department. Back before E3, they kept flip-flopping about the WiiU all over the place and *updated comments* constantly needed to address past things they had said.

And now their backtracking and doing damage control on this. Also, comments like, "Maybe we have TOO much scope, and TOO much ambition...maybe we should focus down on our next project" seems to almost be bracing to the fact the game might be sloppy or unpolished. :/


Membero Americo
There is also a reason why big games don't came out in July-August. It's not a dead season because every publisher is dumb and doesn't release games during that time, it's a dead season because less people spend money on games compared to other times of the year.

It's better than releasing it in the Fall clusterfuck in between the Halos and Call of Duty.

And now their backtracking and doing damage control on this. Also, comments like, "Maybe we have TOO much scope, and TOO much ambition...maybe we should focus down on our next project" seems to almost be bracing to the fact the game might be sloppy or unpolished. :/

It looks fine, judging from previews. It HAS been in development for 2 years, after all.


This game seems like Borderlands. The first game didn't sell gangbusters at launch, but since it has build up a big fanbase through good word to mouth and I'm sure Borderlands 2 will sell tons better than the first game. I'd anticipate Darksiders 2 to do the same.


The first Darksiders probably did that. And again, it's coming out during a dead season for gaming.

Yep, but the first Darksiders probably did 3/4 of that after a HEAVY cut price. I have no real doubt it will move a couple of millions over its life, but the real matter here is moving a good number early on.

There is also a reason why big games don't came out in July-August. It's not a dead season because every publisher is dumb and doesn't release games during that time, it's a dead season because less people spend money on games compared to other times of the year.

Don't forget Deus Ex pulled it in the exact timeframe. You're right in saying people spend less, but a single, quality game can make good numbers, and DS2 perfectly fits the profile.
And now their backtracking and doing damage control on this. Also, comments like, "Maybe we have TOO much scope, and TOO much ambition...maybe we should focus down on our next project" seems to almost be bracing to the fact the game might be sloppy or unpolished. :/

All the previews have mentioned how polished it is.


Hes words got me worried for Darksiders 2. It sounds like the world is too big in Darksiders 2 for what the team could handle. As in there not Rockstar or Ubisoft with 400 people and multiple teams on the same project to help make a big world detailed and polished. If Darksiders world is less polished and detailed then the first game I'd be pretty disappointed. They shouldnt of sacrificed size for detail and polish.

There's really nothing special about this situation. Even Rockstar and Ubisoft suffer greatly with regards to quality of content because of the size of the world. You always need to sacrifice detail and polish for size. You don't have unlimited resources, and there's no limit to quality either. The smaller the game and scope of the world, the more resources you can devote to iterate and improve on those lesser assets.


That quick look was great, definetly made me want it more. Oddly enough it did make me consider waiting for the Wii U version even though I had planned on getting it next month for 360/PS3. They said at E3 the Gamepad would be used for item/equipment management, and seeing that item wheel and stuff like that makes me curious to try that out with a sub-screen. I'm hyped for the game so I might not be able to wait, We'll see, it looks great.


Don't forget Deus Ex pulled it in the exact timeframe. You're right in saying people spend less, but a single, quality game can make good numbers, and DS2 perfectly fits the profile.

And Batman: Arkham Asylum (also Madden XX but that is a different crowd).

I agree that Darksiders 2 could do as well as Deus Ex: HR if it gets the same kind of reviews and positive impressions, but while Deus Ex sold well but it was "only" ~2M and not 4-5M copies.

Fortunately it seems the 4-5M number is not a true sales expectation.
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