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Vigil in 2012: Wii U "has been on par with what we have with the current generation"

It won't bother me too much if the Wii U is on par with the 360/PS3 - playing Nintendo titles at 720p will be just fine IMO.

Price, naturally, will be the sticking point. If they try and flog it for a penny over $300, they're high - I sure as shit won't be buying it. At a price of $250 or below, I think it stands to do quite well and I'll probably grab one at some point after launch.

If the OP ends up being true then $299 looks like a sure thing. That's one positive thing about this news at least. It'll probably be a single SKU as well.


I realize this things relative power is in question but isn't a little farfetched to begin questioning whether or not the thing will even reach the standard put out by Nintendo's own tech demo?

Isn't it farfetched to use a tech demo to gauge the power of the console's capability during gameplay?


I'm done in this thread, nothing I say could be good enough, I'd rather discuss the console with people who don't already know everything about it, and people tech savvy enough to know that Wii U's demos look better technically than that Kara demo.
You mean the tech savvy people that said n64 and dreamcast were on par?
Yeah I guess you should go back talk to them.


Wait... were there actually people who thought Nintendo wasn't going to make a console that would be graphically outdated the moment it was released? Maybe the old Nintendo wouldn't have, but come on the new Nintendo is all about innovation over raw hardware power.

You know, whether or not the Wii U is more or less powerful than any particular person thinks, is anyone else annoyed by the implication that innovation is a less desirable thing?
they said its the same as console now

when before they said it was better

everyone in this thread is doing mental gymnastics to prove that the zelda demo could run on a 360


You know, God Of War 3 in game graphics are more impressive than this tech demo. And yeah, i know you said 360.

boiled goose

good with gravy
The only thing surprising about Wii U being a current gen level machine is that Nintendo claimed the with the WiiU they were aiming to get both core and casual gamers.

The possible appeal of the tablet is clear because of its novelty and accessibility. Are core gamers going to migrate to a new machine that is on par with what they have already? No.

Without core gamers buying the platform, even current gen third party ports wont be guaranteed. See Bioshock.

WiiU might be successful for Nintendo, but I don't see it doing better than the Wii. It will face increased competition in the casual space and not offer enough to take a larger share of core gamers.
Ugh, that's super disappointing if true.

My expectations for the Wii U weren't super high since Nintendo doesn't really push hardware like they used to, but I was at the very least expecting a marginal bump. 3DS is more powerful than the PSP, for instance, but not hugely so.

Still, the prospect of Nintendo quality games on current-gen hardware (finally) is enticing.

on par means it's comparable. Kind of like how the PS2 is on par with the Wii. Even though the Wii is noticeably more powerful than the PS2, the games are comparable.


It does come as a bit of a disappointment that Nintendo seems to have chosen to hold back on console power, but it's what many of us expected anyway. Personally, I'm not going to have much to complain about since this is Nintendo's first HD console and its likely to get way better third-party support than the Wii. The possibilities for the controller still make Wii U very intriguing and in some cases, may very well help make its versions of games the definite ones despite the potentially the issues of comparable current-gen graphics and what Xbox 3 and PS4 will be capable of.I can live with it and looking forward to being able to take advantage of my HDtv.

If the graphics are indeed virtually identical to the 360 and PS3's capabilities, then it just means Nintendo is going to have to do work harder to impress us in other areas of Wii U's features, and rely more on third-party support than they have in the past. Nintendo's got to beef up its software support because the novelty of the controls likely won't be enough to attract core gamers over from Sony and Microsoft's side. Who knows, Wii U may end up being like the Wii in terms of being a viewed as a complimentary console to the next-gen Xbox and PlayStation.


Isn't it farfetched to use a tech demo to gauge the power of the console's capability during gameplay?

Don't prerelease tech demos usually set a low bar for graphics? I remember the early Cube demos being significantly worse than games like RE4 and Wind Waker.
Guys how is this shocking news? I mean, I know there are rumors claiming WiiU will be way more powerful than PS360, but honestly the big 3 have more or less set the their individual patterns/approches that they follow:

  • Nintendo: Quirky machine, with power that's nothing to write home about, but decent pricing.
  • Sony: Expensive at first, but bleeding edge tech with plenty of power.

I like that they both offer totally different approaches. I don't go to Nintendo for top-of-the-line tech. Their underpowered systems still have amazing games and serve as my gateway to the next gen. Then as prices come down more, I grab Sony's beast. It's worked out nicely like this for a while. I don't see why nextgen would be any different.

Would they know more than the Technical Director in their company? Or would they know more than Epic? The problem is enough quotes exist to support both positions(more powerful/exactly the same), until E3 comes around we are all just pissing in the wind.

More powerful and on par are not mutually exclusive terms. On par doesn't mean "exactly the same", it means it's in the same ballpark.

Epic guy said the WiiU is going to have trouble getting ports after the 720/PS4 come out so I'm not sure how that helps your argument.


Also consider this: Wii-U is coming out this year. Both Sony and Microsoft have clearly stated that they will not be even discussing new gaming hardware during E3 this year, which means it's likely that their consoles aren't coming out until 2014 (game consoles don't get released less than a year after their announcement). If Nintendo can be hardware top-dog for over a year, even if it isn't a huge jump, that will get plenty of third party developers used-to developing for it, and give it time to get a large pool of owners, which will keep the games coming regardless of how powerful the competition is.
360 says hello.


Isn't it farfetched to use a tech demo to gauge the power of the console's capability during gameplay?
No, especially when coming from Nintendo who as has been pointed out have put out tech demos that were not only met but surpassed by the actual games on the system. I don't think it's unreasonable at all. We even have people in this thread saying the demo isn't as impressive as that PS3 game trailer.
Guys how is this shocking news? I mean, I know there are rumors claiming WiiU will be way more powerful than PS360, but honestly the big 3 have more or less set the their individual patterns/approches that they follow:

  • Nintendo: Quirky machine, with power that's nothing to write home about, but decent pricing.
  • Sony: Expensive at first, but bleeding edge tech with plenty of power.

I like that they both offer totally different approaches. I don't go to Nintendo for top-of-the-line tech. Their underpowered systems still have amazing games and serve as my gateway to the next gen. Then as prices come down more, I grab Sony's beast. It's worked out nicely like this for a while. I don't see why nextgen would be any different.

Agreed. Each of the big 3 offer something unique & different which is a good thing. Unless your getting one console next gen, or forgoing a gaming PC, I don't see why it matters how powerful Wii U is going to be. As long as it's priced accordingly($249-299) I'm good.


Neo Member
The Wii U might not be that bad graphically. The launch games are going be as graphically good as this gens last batch of games, that means they'll only get better looking, at least i think. Are this year's Wii games better looking than the games it had when it launched?


No, especially when coming from Nintendo who as has been pointed out have put out tech demos that were not only met but surpassed by the actual games on the system. I don't think it's unreasonable at all. We even have people in this thread saying the demo isn't as impressive as that PS3 game trailer.

Coming from Nintendo, eh?

Anyway, you keep using that Zelda non-gameplay tech demo. I'll wait for real gameplay videos.


Is that the pre-rendered Killzone demo?

I seriously don't know jack about the PS3 and its games
No, that is from the first in-game video. All real time, no pre-render.

In case you weren't aware, Drinky is the mod-run troll account
Yeah, i assumed that it was a mod controlled account. Thanks for mentioning it anyway though =) I just wanted to point out that the account is marked as banned (due to the grey text) and it is no longer just the tag that says banned.


I wish I could sit down in a room and just talk to some people in this thread. I imagine such a dialogue would be so much more productive and more closely resemble a respectful back and forth. I think it's far too easy to be callous and dismissive of someone over the internet. People also have an open soap box platform in the text box in which they can't be immediately refuted or interrupted for correction. Of course, some people are impossible to talk to in person as well.
Another Wii/DS/3DS situation where Nintendo throws out the weakest and least innovative hardware they can find, provide lackluster software and support, and lower their heads in shame as they finish in last place for the umpteenth time.


Nintendo kill your dog or something?
It's funny how a positive quote about the Wii U like this from Vigil....

When we asked Bonstead if he thought it was possible that the Wii U version of Darksiders II would be the best version of the game, he said, "Yeah, just because the hardware is more powerful and it will have some extra features that I think will actually be useful to people playing the game. With it’s controller, [the Wii U version of Darksiders II] might be the best version of the game."

...can garner almost no attention. While a negative one has resulted in a ridiculous amount of people jumping to conclusions about the Wii U's power. Also note that this was based on older, presumably less powerful dev kits.
It's funny how a positive quote about the Wii U like this from Vigil....

...can garner almost no attention. While a negative one has resulted in a ridiculous amount of people jumping to conclusions about the Wii U's power. Also note that this was based on older, presumably less powerful dev kits.
More powerful and on par don't really contradict each other.
Ultimately all this matters not until all 3 consoles are actually out. And GAF calls out GAMEFAQS for their console wars armies, jesus.

Frankly I also think it's rather embarassing for the mods themselves to be starting flamebaity threads like this in the first place, especially ones that are A, based on rumor/hearsay, B, for which there is already an ongoing thread, and C, for which there have been rumors to the contrary all over the damned place.
It's funny how a positive quote about the Wii U like this from Vigil....

When we asked Bonstead if he thought it was possible that the Wii U version of Darksiders II would be the best version of the game, he said, "Yeah, just because the hardware is more powerful and it will have some extra features that I think will actually be useful to people playing the game. With it’s controller, [the Wii U version of Darksiders II] might be the best version of the game."

...can garner almost no attention. While a negative one has resulted in a ridiculous amount of people jumping to conclusions about the Wii U's power. Also note that this was based on older, presumably less powerful dev kits.

This point has been explained several times already... like 3 times by me alone.


It's funny how a positive quote about the Wii U like this from Vigil....

...can garner almost no attention. While a negative one has resulted in a ridiculous amount of people jumping to conclusions about the Wii U's power. Also note that this was based on older, presumably less powerful dev kits.

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