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Vin Diesel teases 'Merging of Universes' for Marvel Phase 3

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are you people serious
so you're not only missing out on marvel's films, you think vin would add to them somehow

He has more screen presence than anyone in the MCU except for Robert Downey Stark and The Hulk (when he's used like The Avengers.)

A Riddick crossover or Vin joining the cast as a Marvel character would be a win for the franchise.


Woah, source?

His healing factor is pretty freaking ridiculous if the speed of his regeneration can match the destructive heat generated by being even slightly close to the sun.

He couldn't literally crush the world. But he got to a point where him just moving was going to set off extinction level teutonic events.





He couldn't literally crush the world. But he got to a point where him just moving was going to set off extinction level teutonic events.

Alright thats pretty insane but whats the context here? Him just going off like that to that degree seems unnatural even for the Hulk.


Alright thats pretty insane but whats the context here? Him just going off like that to that degree seems unnatural even for the Hulk.

Well he just found out that one of his best friends set a bomb that blew up his adopted world, along with his wife and unborn child. It was the straw that broke the camel's back on shit that was building for years.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Woah, source?
I don't remember.

However, I checked the Wikipedia article and this is what it says:

The Hulk possesses the potential for limitless physical strength depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger.[57] This has been reflected in the repeated comment, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets." After probing, the entity Beyonder once claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside."[58] Hulk's strength has been depicted as sometimes limited by Banner's subconscious influence; when Jean Grey psionically "shut Banner off", Hulk became strong enough to overpower and destroy the physical form of the villain Onslaught.[59] Writer Greg Pak described the Worldbreaker Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where "Hulk was stronger than any mortal—and most immortals—who ever walked the Earth."[60] His strength allows him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents,[61][62] and he has displayed superhuman speed.[63][64]

And here's the Wikia article.

Class 100+; the Incredible Hulk is one of the physically strongest beings in the Marvel Universe. He possesses vast superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) far in excess of 100 tons easily. In human form Bruce Banner possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in no regular exercise. When the Hulk gets angry his strength increases exponentially. The Hulk has no strength limit, his strength varies from 100 tons to practically unlimited levels. His incredible strength has caused the downfall of supervillains and other superheroes who misunderstood him. In a recent battle with the Mad Thinker he stated that his strength is incalculable.

Don't know how much of all this is BS, but going by those if you get him angry enough, he can play ping-pong with planets.

"Mr. McGee, don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry."


Diesel has more screen presence than anyone in the MCU except for Robert Downey Stark and The Hulk (when he's used like The Avengers.)

A Riddick crossover or Vin joining the cast as a Marvel character would be a win for the franchise.

...did you people see a different Riddick than i did? because mine was one of the worst pieces of crap i'd seen in forever, and featured the same boring machismo Vin i imagine elsewhere unless you can tell me where this "presence" shines through

seriously, this kinda thinking strikes me as how we got Tyler Mane as Sabretooth
for posterity Ray Donavan was fantastic but no one could've saved that mess


Well he just found out that one of his best friends set a bomb that blew up his adopted world, along with his wife and unborn child. It was the straw that broke the camel's back on shit that was building for years.

I see, what issue is this from, I think I want to read this.

Meant in terms of a movie. I can't imagine how complicated it may be for the two to just negotiate budget and how to divide profits. They'd have to agree the individual value of each character or something and I can't imagine DC/Warner Bros accepting any Avenger be equivalent to Batman/Superman in that regard
...did you people see a different Riddick than i did? because mine was one of the worst pieces of crap i'd seen in forever, and featured the same boring machismo Vin i imagine elsewhere unless you can tell me where this "presence" shines through

seriously, this kinda thinking strikes me as how we got Tyler Mane as Sabretooth
for posterity Ray Donavan was fantastic but no one could've saved that mess

It's not "boring" it's aloof. He's works that "distant tough guy" vibe and it works for him. It's okay if you don't agree, hell I've seen people on this site argue that The Rock has no screen presence, which seems crazy to me. It's not someone everyone will feel the same about, obviously.

Still, Diesel playing the Wolverine anti-hero role in The Avengers 3, or working with them on a standalone film that will branch into A3, whatever, it would be a good thing.


Tears in the rain
No. That was from Nitro. He can explode like a bomb. He's the reason the Civil War thing happened.

I loved the part where Nitro is walking back to his truck and spots Wolverine's reflection in the window, and then gets smashed to shit. So good. Dat regen.


Can Anthony beat superman?
Didn't think so.
Why do people act like Batman uses complicated, in depth plans that cannot possibly be replicated against Superman? He just throws kryptonite at him like everyone does. I'm sure Tony could do that. :p


When Vin talks about 'merging universes' he doesn't mean merging the various Marvel IPs dotted around various studios he's talking about merging the Marvel cinematic universe with the 'Vin Diesel universe'. And by that I think he's referring to himself as a brand.

Yeah..., he's like that apparently.
I have to say I love this little touching story,

…to make sure I was on the right track I took the book of conceptual art into the room with my kids and I opened it up to the page where all five Guardians of the Galaxy characters are and I say, ‘who do you think they want daddy to play?’ And my daughter so quickly pointed to Groot. From that moment on I was Groot.”

That's just adorable.


they were both useless. well, black widow had a use and that was more for "after the movie."

obviously the comics are different than the movies.

or are you going to claim that the Deadpool in the X-Men Origins was the real Deadpool, too?

The x-men in the x-men movies aren't even the real x-men.


I just can't, I'm very pro-keep-different-fictional-universe-from-entirely-different-stories-from-entirely-different-authors-and-from-entirely-different-series-separate.

I mean I don't give a shit when it comes to video games and tv shows...

Just don't fuck with my Movies and comics/graphic novels....

Come on man, have you even heard the pitch?


Yeah it's just gonna be Guardians with the Avengers. Guardians while in the same universe is going to take place away from all that.
Saw this idea :

My money is on Vin's comments referring to Spidey being revealed to be part of the MCU. And I think it'll be through a Spider-Man/Daredevil Team-Up, with Vin Diesel starring as Kingpin.

And how much longer can fox screw around with FF before it goes back to marvel?
Saw this idea :

My money is on Vin's comments referring to Spidey being revealed to be part of the MCU. And I think it'll be through a Spider-Man/Daredevil Team-Up, with Vin Diesel starring as Kingpin.

And how much longer can fox screw around with FF before it goes back to marvel?

I thought it lapsed back to them already? Nope.


Saw this idea :

My money is on Vin's comments referring to Spidey being revealed to be part of the MCU. And I think it'll be through a Spider-Man/Daredevil Team-Up, with Vin Diesel starring as Kingpin.

And how much longer can fox screw around with FF before it goes back to marvel?

Well, Sony and Disney were working to try and insert ASM's Oscorp building in to Avengers, I believe. They just didnt have time to in the end.


We gonna start getting multiverses or shit in marvel movies now?

This just makes me more worried that these movies will play with concepts too foreign/convoluted for general audiences like the comics do and will drive people away.
Avengers 3:

Iron Man
War Machine
Captain America
Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Rocket Raccoon

Book it.
We gonna start getting multiverses or shit in marvel movies now?

This just makes me more worried that these movies will play with concepts too foreign/convoluted for general audiences like the comics do and will drive people away.

I think we are more talking about team ups, not time travel and alternate universes.
I don't remember.

However, I checked the Wikipedia article and this is what it says:

And here's the Wikia article.

Don't know how much of all this is BS, but going by those if you get him angry enough, he can play ping-pong with planets.

"Mr. McGee, don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry."

Having read quite a good number of Hulk comics and being friends with someone who has read HUNDREDS of them, I can say without any doubt that what is described here is 100% true. Hulk/Bruce Banner is both the greatest superhero of all time and the most horrific supervillain. He is unstoppable. He is the smartest person in the Marvel universe, despite what some Wiki might say. He got Doctor Doom to lobotomize himself once. He is the strongest. Thanos fears him, and Thanos fears almost no one, not even Celestials. He can outlive the human race. He is more psychotic and devious deep down inside than you can imagine. He once hooked Emil Blonsky to a machine that forced him to relive his most painful moments over and over and over again. You think you know Hulk because of Avengers? You know nothing of Hulk.

And nothing....and I mean NOTHING EVER good happens to him.
Avengers 3:

Iron Man
War Machine
Captain America
Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Rocket Raccoon

Book it.

And thats being somewhat realistic :O

Not to mention villains.
Well, Sony and Disney were working to try and insert ASM's Oscorp building in to Avengers, I believe. They just didnt have time to in the end.

It wasn't meant to imply anything more though to be followed in subsequent movies or whatever, it was just going to be an easter egg.

You can't really say Star Wars and Star Trek are connected because Star Trek had an R2-D2 in it. http://io9.com/r2-d2-spotted-in-star-trek-into-darkness-1273196593
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