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Visually, what is your favorite Gen8 (PC/PS4/720/WiiU) tech demo or game so far?(56k)


Zelda for artistic and thats on early WiiU hardware

X for being real in game huge open world

but the Highest Spec ones Deep Down wins for me

Tho the newest UE4 tech demo was the first UE4 that impressed me artistically


Also, isn't MGSV a 7th gen game? Fox Engine is not on WiiU and the game is as of now only on Ps360, so what is shown is technically not next gen in any way shape or form, right? Even though we know it's a cross gen engine.

Azure J

I didn't know we could mention The Wonderful 101 in here! That style has me so hyped for next generations' stylized graphics, you wouldn't believe. I can't imagine what PS4/720's stuff is going to look like.
Trine 2 in 3D. That game is just jawdropping in 3D.

Followed by Rayman Origins.

Don't forget the Crysis 3 toad tech:

(We need more fantasy/artistic worlds...)


In no particular order: X, Zelda, Deep Down, Agni. Infiltrator was also pretty damn cool, mostly from all the action going on in it, I actually liked the character design on the "Infiltrator" too.

As far as other upcoming games are concerned, I'm a big fan of Wonderful 101's clean and colorful look. All the terrain deformation(for lack of a better term) and stylized attacks give the game a lot of visual variety as well.


Deep Down has my thumbs up. Flame and particle effects used to full effect.

But yeah, I'm just hyped for next gen X VR.

That is... VR with next gen graphics. Phoawr.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
Did we ever find out who made that bird demo? I remember it was rumored to be Epic, but lol. It doesn't look like something EAD or Retro would do. Based on the stereotypical Japanese setting, I would guess that Nintendo hired some outside developer to make it.

My answer to the topic, however, is Agni's Philosophy. The design mixed with the tech is superb. Actual gameplay though, definitely X.


"X" for the Wii U
Probably one of my most watched trailers of all time.
I can see Battlefield 4 tying for first with X once they show multiplayer footage


That Zelda HD thing really gave me dem feels.

I think Deep Down is quite impressive on a technical level though.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Best-looking: Deep Down
Best tech: MGS5 (That's current gen? Damn, son.)
Not impressed in any way: everything on Wii U


Death Prophet
The Zelda demo wasn't very impressive on a technical level, but I have to say that I got pretty excited when I saw it. :p

But I mean I've been pretty impressed with a lot of these. Deep Down, Killzone, the SE one.
I think they all look lovely. I really hope the next Zelda isn't so bright (strangely enough). I like the balance in this demo. I wish I could express why but it reminds me the most of the N64 games. Wind Waker and Skyward Sword are beautiful but I like the more subdued look. Twilight Princess wasn't quite it either (I remember some truly ugly lighting in that game).

I'm not getting my hopes up though. I'm sure it'll look amazing either way just probably not the way I'd most prefer.

Fox Engine is looking great, particularly the lighting (as mentioned countless times before). I enjoyed Agni's Philosophy more for its production but it doesn't look too shabby either. Deep Down is quite possibly king and probably the one I'm most skeptic we'll actually get to play in (quality wise).
Great thread, Nirolak.

From the gifs you put in the OP Deep Down is easily the most impressive, next-gen looking game in the works. It simply shows stuff (fire!) that is nowhere to be found in current gen games.


Neo Member
For me is KZ, since its the only one of the bunch that i can say i will be playing in the quality they showed, or even better, and it looks amazing.

All the other ones that looks better are just promises, and/or will have to played in a super expensive PC, that i'm not gonna have, to display all the beauty.


Also, isn't MGSV a 7th gen game? Fox Engine is not on WiiU and the game is as of now only on Ps360, so what is shown is technically not next gen in any way shape or form, right? Even though we know it's a cross gen engine.

Fox Engine is a cross-gen engine though, like you said. (plus who knows, maybe there's super secret gen 8 versions in the works)


Deep Down was head and shoulders above anything else shown so far. BF4 and Killzone looked embarrassing in comparison.

That is of course, if Deep Down will ever be an actual game.


Killzone Shadow Fall city fly over, blossom trees, blue Final Fantasy esque architecture, city fly through... Just really beautiful and actual gameplay.


Agni's Philosophy. I want a game based on that stat. Or at least within 10 years.

Also the Joakim Mogren CG interview was pretty great.


Star Wars: 1313. But since it's probably dead, I'll go with Battlefield 4. Dat collapsing building set piece, holy shit. Day 1.
Best looking tech demos:
1. Agni Philosophy: Looks reasonably close to SE CG, albeit with far less over the top content. Quite stunning.

2. Deep Down Pretty much everything looks good, but the fire specifically looks so good I have my doubts that they will be able to achieve that in game. While I do believe the demo is running real time on PS4, I don't expect the actual game to look as good. Capcom are good at graphics, but have misled in the past.

3. Infiltrator First Epic next gen demo I have been impressed me. Looks like your typical pre-rendered CG. Very impressive, but of course I am not sure how this will translate in games.

Next gen games

1. Killzone SF Scale and design really impressed me in parts of the presentation. City looks one of the best realized I have seen in a game.

2. Infamous SS If the battle sequence are fairly representative of the kind of visuals we are going to get in an open world game, then it looks pretty spectacular.

Other stuff:

Fox Engine [/B MGS V looks spectacular for current gen. I will hold off judgement here until I see there next gen efforts though. I have high expectations though...

3. Destiny Thought the PS4/PC version looked really great and the art is spectacular

4. Watch Dogs City and animations look great.

5. Knack Trailer look very good visually, along with gameplay snippets in there. But the tiny bit of gameplay they showed left me with a number of questions. Hopefully we will get a better gameplay reveal soon.

6. Battlefield 4 Highly detailed, though a bit drab in parts. Overall very consistant though.


Neo Member
None of them really impress me. Deep down is probably the only one. I'm expecting so much more from next gen. Still waiting for that game ala Gears of War that says "THIS is next gen". Havent seen it yet!


The Wonderful 101, easily


it's just gorgeous (and way better in motion)

thing is that whenever a new generation comes around every tech-demo or graphic intensive game is gonna go for realism, and that just isnt as vissually appealing to me unless it's coupled with a particular art direction when it comes to how you present the mundane, so there's not much out there.

I think watch_dogs look good as far as UI stuff and the whole style the game has going for it, and I think the Zelda WiiU tech thing also looks quite impressive, but neither jumpt out at me as much as 101.

I mean it not only looks great but it also feels very new and original as far as art style goes, specially on an isometric perspective. It's a super distinctive look, just great stuff.

edit: glad to see it was already mentioned


Agni's Philosophy blew me away more than those announcements at the PS4 event. Then again, it's like SE cheated by revealing months before what Sony was keeping in store for the event... But it's still the most impressive one visually because it merges technical and artistic goodness better than the others, imho.


Though I realize that comparing graphical fidelity of deep down to games like Killzone, BF4, or Crysis 3 is a bit unfair because these latter games are situated in much bigger environments, deep down visuals just look a cut above everything else. And it was polite of OP to include WiiU games as an option for most impressive looking tech demo alongside these next gen titles.


For the most part, all the reveals thus far have been from Franchises, developers and/or genres I don't especially care for, so I'll have to go with Knack, since it at least seems like it might be something new, even if it looked more tech-demo than game at this point. Wonderful 101 would be my second choice, I guess.


Even though they showed us only a glimpse, what they showed of Driveclub was simply stunning.

Big 720p GIF alert!


Indeed, but i think Project Cars still looks better.

Though I realize that comparing graphical fidelity of deep down to games like Killzone, BF4, or Crysis 3 is a bit unfair because these latter games are situated in much bigger environments, deep down visuals just look a cut above everything else. And it was polite of OP to include WiiU games as an option for most impressive looking tech demo alongside these next gen titles.
You are a master of subtlety.
Am I the only one who thinks that Deep Down was clearly pre-rendered?

I mean it seems every E3 we get clearly pre-rendered games that are claimed to be running in real-time (Killzone 3) or even as in-game (Halo 3) when its very obviously not true.

Anything is possible but I find it odd that a third party game looks so head and shoulders above the rest.
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