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Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | September 2013 | Token Indie Thread

Atelier Rorona Remake Vs Original Comparison Video





I delved into Totori yesterday, it is fun, and still really pretty. I gues my major block with it right now is its really slow to pick up, even for a jrpg. Ive pt at least three hours into it and im still in my hometown alcheming the same couple items and fetch questing the same stuff over and over. And when i got a glimmer off hope of going to a new town im immediately whisked back home. My ADD has limits.

Now Soul Sacrifice on the other hand, boy did i misjudge this game. I really didnt give the demo a fair shake, really good and will take up most of my attention now till Batman Blackgate.

Im getting concerned now about my launch vita. Im getting weird battery errors, like a low battery warning when its showing halfway charged and pulling it off the cradle showing 75% charge then a minute later dropping to red. I dont like that new Vita model and am wondering if i should cancel my pokemon 3dsxl LE preorder and getting a spare Vita.

Oh and i just cant play games evil and have been saving everything in SS. Is that going to royally screw me out of anyhing?


Oh and i just cant play games evil and have been saving everything in SS. Is that going to royally screw me out of anyhing?

You'll be much weaker for it. But you can balance it out somewhat with powerful sigils (my personal favorite was one that set you to 1HP but gave you a huge power boost).
You will have to Sacrifice to do the branches in the non-story missions though.
Esoteric’s Guide on Spelunking
I want to start off with basic tips. These are general skills you will employ on occasion to make your life easier.
Always, always, always run! Get used to it. Not only does it allow you to cover greater distances in combination with your jump, but it will also allow you to maximize your efforts in a particular level (before death shows up). Rarely will you pay for not seeing that off-screen arrow trap but the benefits of running definitely outweigh the possible downfalls
You should be completely familiar with jump height as well as jump distances. Also be aware of how jump height/distances changes with the addition of the jump boots. Being able to precisely maneuver your character through the terrain is paramount to all other skills.


The whip is probably the hardest item in the game to use, but when done correctly will save your ass a lot. It will take some time to learn the start time of the whip (time it takes to activate the whip when pushed to the time it’s active). Remember that the whip is active for more than one frame. This means that if your whip is out, it will stay active for some time. This will allow you to run through enemies (hello speed runs) as well as stop arrows from arrow traps (advanced technique).
Bombs are king in this game, even more so than the shot gun. Learning you bomb arc and the different directions it can be through while grappling will make your life very easy. A big part of Spelunky, especially early, is managing your resources. Bombs are absolutely the most important resource in the game. It will dictate how much money you can make (bombing gems, opening vaults) as well as how easy your Olmec fight will be (covered later)
Most people just look at these as a way to back track in a level or save that elusive damsel. While this is the primary use of this item, they can be put to other, valuable work as well. Using them to trigger arrow traps is a very common use if not equipped with a rock/pot/skull. Be aware that the rope can actually kill enemies directly above. Absolutely great for pesky bats are the even more annoying explosive UFOs in the Ice Caves


Those dirty bastards don’t deserve your money. Sure, you could save up your hard earn coin and surrender to them while the inflation of each world sky rockets…
Or instead you could rob them clean, take their possessions, and use their shotgun against their twin brothers!
Obtaining a shotgun

1 heart method

Place yourself in the position showed in the photograph. Whip the shopkeeper. You will be punched (hence the 1 heart method) but will cause him to drop his shot gun at about the third position. Your job is to grab the shotgun as quickly as possible, turn, and continue to fire until he bleeds golden blood all over the floor.
The difficulty in this is being quick with the recovery from being punched. You need to make your way to the shotgun and pick it up fast and fire fast. Spam fire too much and you’ll end up shooting the wrong direction. Take too long or miss the shotgun (most common error) and you’re dead.
This will take practice but will be worth it in the end.
0 heart method

Forgive my shoddy paint skills lol
You need to position yourself close to the shopkeeper. What you’re going to do is jump and hold towards the wall as you ascend. As you begin descending, you want to activate your whip somewhere close to the marked circle. The trick is to make contact with the shopkeeper towards the top of his head, which will “aggro” him. Since you’re still airborne, you still have a hit box at your feet. You want to hold towards the direction of the wall as you make contact with your whip. You will land on his head, spring up into the air and fall right back down on his head again causing stun.
What makes this method harder than the above method is getting used to the fall + whip, but also, as the shopkeeper is stunned, he’ll often land on his gun. If you try grabbing his shotgun to deliver the death blow, you’ll instead grab him. What you need to do is grab and toss him straight up in the air (lengthening his stun) then grab his gun and go to town.
This will obviously take some more time to perfect than 1-heart method, but obviously has its benefits.
Weapon Method (no hearts)
This method will require you to use a weapon for sale against the shopkeeper. It can be done with a shotgun, ice ray, and even a machete. It’s possible to do it with a web gun to immobilize the shopkeeper, but he’ll still be able to shoot (and will eventually break down into the above methods).
With the Ice ray and shotgun, you want to pick it up (Down + whip) and slowly walk it towards the door so the shopkeeper will follow you. Then make an immediate turn and open fire.
You should know by now that you cannot kill with the ice ray alone. It will require a whip, jump, bomb, or some other action to smash the ice.
The machete will require you to walk close to the shopkeeper and go Friday the 13th on him. Remember to continue to slash until he drops the good stuff.
This method is the easiest, but generally renders the least rewards as he’s wasting a slot in his shop for a weapon you’ll get by killing him anyway

Bomb method (not recommended early, at all)
You’ll wind up resorting to bombs in those seemingly impossible situations, but you don’t want to rely on this as you want really have the resources to spend all the time. If you have sticky bombs, it will require you to use one bomb (usually) to make an opening for the shop keeper to escape and then another to actually kill him. Using bombs to create holes for him to fall into and die will eventually work but might require 4 – 10 to do some unless you get real accurate with your jump + diagonal throw timing on your bombs.
Without stickies, it’s possible to bounce a bomb through the one square opening into the shop. This is safer as it will keep him away from you and you away from the swarm of bullets that will surely be flying non- stop.

Taking out shopkeepers
Having a successful run is not only dependent upon the items you collect (hello jetpack!) but also how well you deal with shopkeepers. Again, it’s about resource management. Ideally, you wouldn’t want to use any bombs/ropes and just rely on your trusty shotgun. Fortunately, most situations won’t require you to use bombs and maybe just one rope. Let’s get to some specific examples of how you can approach a situation and come out unscathed.

In this example, you can clearly see the shopkeeper directly below us and blocking our exit. You have 2 ways to approach this situation
Situation #1

Using a rope in this situation only costs the smallest of resources and allows you to get a clear shot on the shopkeeper. By crouching against the edge you can shoot a rope straight down. You can then descend slowly (and safely) and still have a mode of escape if necessary. If you can descend without alerting the shopkeeper, you could actually stand on the same level as him and just open fire with impunity.
Often, you will alert the shopkeeper. He’ll be able to jump anywhere from 3-5 squares high and will follow an almost parabolic curve. Your job is to observe his pattern, wait till he passes, go down the rope slowly, then fire a shot so he’s hit as he reaches the apex of his jump. This will take some patience and practice. You don’t want to get over zealous with the placement of your character and remain safe through the duration of the fight.
You other option for this situation would be to bomb directly above the exit and try to fall onto the exit will mashing the button. This makes almost impossible to rescue the damsel and costs a bomb, but with save you a rope (duh). Depending on your resources or amount of time you, this could also be an option.
Situation #2

In this situation, our shopkeeper is lodge in a tight space guarding the exit. This situation also has 2 possible solutions.
The easiest way to handle this is going to be to stand on the ledge to the left of the exit and fall directly in the middle. This will ensure you will land on his head, causing stun, and can proceed to the exit quickly while taking zero damage. If you have a damsel to save, drop her on this square and she’ll make it to the exit herself with no issues.

The other way of resolving this is to bomb to the right of the 2 red gems, directly under the gold deposit. This will knock out the 2 squares allowing the shopkeeper to escape, but also gives you a clear line to take him out. Ideally, as you lay the bomb you’d want to backtrack to the ladder. This will give you the space you require to get the first shot off. You want to time your shot at that position so, as the bomb explodes, you are filling this space with gun fire.

Black Market
If you’ve executed the above correctly and made the effort to put the key in the chest and received the Eye, you’re half way there. The next step is finding the hidden entrance to the Black Market. It will be located anywhere from 2-1 through 2-4 (random).

As you approach the entrance the eye will blinker faster. You should take notice to the leaves around the entrance. This will give you a visual cue as to where the entrance is located so you can save on bombs.
You’ve made it! Now what?

The main reason for coming here is to grab the ankh, which is in the third level down, usually located above the exit. It costs 50k, but that shouldn’t be a concern cuz we ain’t payin’!
Like the section above, there are a few approaches to take. In the above example, if the shopkeepers remain hidden and unaware you could just enter the shop with guns blazing. This works on occasion but is random and isn’t reliable.
I like to find a place to hide and bomb them a little hole so they fall to the bottom. You can accomplish this with the rope, or if you have the climbing gloves, even better. Scurry yourself to a position where you can be above the shopkeepers and can diagonally throw bombs to clear some space to move them along.
If you successfully get the first set of enemies to clear out, go ahead and collect all the items. I like to fire my gun while walking through the store just to be on the safe side. You’ll want to work your way right and down to the second level. You might have to repeat a similar process for these shopkeepers. I personally like to hold onto the ladder and bomb them a hole so they fall down into the ankh area. A lot of times they’ll help do some of the work for you.

If you have enough bombs, you can continue to throw them from the ladder, or if you’re a bit more skill, you can stand to the right of the ladder leading to the ankh and try to throw a sticky so it falls on the step of the ladder. This will cause the bomb not to stick but to fall straight down. A very good trick if you can perfect it.
Make sure to grab all the power-ups you can before making your way to the exit.

Ghosting Gems

This is a term used to describe purposely waiting for the ghost, then using his innate ability to turn gems into diamonds to get big money. You may not be aware that, if a ghost touches a true gem, meaning the larger blue, red, or green gems, the ghost changes them into diamonds worth 5k a piece!

The trick to this is having increased mobility and being able to safely kite death around the level and touch every last gem until there are none left. This may involve using the bombs or the mattock to expose gems just to convert into diamonds.
The easiest way to illustrate this is with vaults.

My ninja has already made quick work of the shopkeeper and has exposed his precious bounty. I then used my whip to push all the gems into the corner (careful not to touch them) and am now patiently awaiting death to come and turn it to mountains of cash for me.
This technique makes vaults about 4-6 times more valuable depending on the number and quality of gems that exist before conversion.
In the above example, I used a rope to increase my mobility, as well as the shot gun which gives you an added boost in jump height thanks to the shotgun-jump.
It will take some time to get better at kiting the ghost to specific areas of the map to pull him through other areas to get to those hard to reach gems.
You’ll normally want to stand near the most important area of gems before the ghost approaches. You will do this as the ghost will spawn at the closest wall. If you can dictate where the ghost starts, it will make your ghosting that much easier.

I'll be adding some more pictures tonight. I really want to demonstrate some more things, especially in regards to the black market as that can be frustrating to make it all the way there and mess it up. I want to add more sections, like Olmec (with and without the use of bombs), the temple, and hell.

I also want to add more info on the haunted castle and the worm


You'll be much weaker for it. But you can balance it out somewhat with powerful sigils (my personal favorite was one that set you to 1HP but gave you a huge power boost).
You will have to Sacrifice to do the branches in the non-story missions though.

Wow, so there is no benefits to saving? I will admit its throwing alot of info at me but im still trying to get the hang of it. Im not very far along at all,think im about to finish Ordeals part.


Wow, so there is no benefits to saving? I will admit its throwing alot of info at me but im still trying to get the hang of it. Im not very far along at all,think im about to finish Ordeals part.

By weaker, nerdstick means for solo-play it'll take a lot longer to kill things. Divine characters are essentially tanks while Sacrifice characters are glass cannon DPS.



Thanks, EsotericManiac, very informative! I am currently stuck at the Temple, actually, so I'm looking forward to some information about it! If you have some general tips, like the best way to deal with Anubis (I'm supposing a shotgun could do wonders) and the big Mummies, I'm all ears!
Thanks, EsotericManiac, very informative! I am currently stuck at the Temple, actually, so I'm looking forward to some information about it! If you have some general tips, like the best way to deal with Anubis (I'm supposing a shotgun could do wonders) and the big Mummies, I'm all ears!

If you don't have sticky bombs, the shotgun, or an ice ray, you're pretty much reduced to dropping bombs, picking them up, and getting good at throwing them. I've killed anubis this way a half-dozen times, but it takes practice.

2 sticky bombs will kill him. The trick is to pull him in a fashion where hes either in a straight line parallel to you, or below you at a 45 degree angle for a bomb throw. If you're starting right from the temple, taking him out with only 4 bombs might be a problem unless you get the timing correct for a bomb throw.

i did learn how, with the chalice and a mummy, you can farm infinite health last night :p

if you have a weapon anubis is pretty easy, provided you can pull him to an area you can hit him. if you make it to the city of gold, anubis is a joke.

mummies are easier to deal with, provided you have a weapon, spike shoes, or a bomb. you do have to get some distance on them before they'll turn around and give you some space.

The crush traps are really the scariest thing in the temple.

I'd say to anybody, stop using shortcuts unless you want to unlock meat boy and van helsing.
If you have any remote enjoyment with the FPS genre:

You MUST own Killzone Mercenary.

The combination of fantastic graphics, stellar art direction, top notch sound design, and smart enemy AI = a truly brilliant experience. This is the first really enjoyable FPS (handheld or console) I've played in a while, a year or so at least.

You won't believe this is on a handheld, nor will you care - its a fill on console AAA game, on tpur hands. Guerilla Cambridge have raised the bar so high, it's unreal.

I've played the game Tuesday night, and most of the day yesterday - and I'm still not done. Admittedly, I take my time and have stopped to take nearly 300 screenshots, holy shit, this game.
I do have a remote interest in FPS games

After playing the beta I thought the quality of the game was fantastic but I just have no desire to play it. Perhaps this is due to me owning killzone 3 and playing it a good deal before it grew old to me.


Man. This is like the best of everything... Front black, back white and beautiful red buttons!

So Rorona+ is coming? YES

Imo it's horrible.

Has this been posted? Vita is getting a Madoka Magica 3D action game, scheduled to be released this coming winter.

That thing is pretty popular in Japan right? Not One Piece / Naruto level of popularity. Popular like Toriko or Attack on Titans. I'm not quite informed right now, only watching the latter because some friends told me it's pretty good (slow as hell but good).
I do have a remote interest in FPS games

After playing the beta I thought the quality of the game was fantastic but I just have no desire to play it. Perhaps this is due to me owning killzone 3 and playing it a good deal before it grew old to me.

If it was that oceanside beta level, yeah - the single player map is nothing remotely like that. Not even close to the same architecture. I'd say that beta map was inspired by, maybe...barnacles on walls in a cave, and that's it?

The story to KZ:M is actually really interesting (without giving anything away) and everyplace you'll visit is so varied. The color scheme of the art direction actually reminds me a bit of Halo Reach. Halo Reach used the similar rich purple and cream hues/lighting, etc.

The campaign reminds me of Deus EX HR x Goldeneye (N64), in a way. I haven't taken alternate routes or obejective unlocks (haven't beaten the game); yet, I can see how they'll be able to work: security cameras ripe for disabling, as an example.

Also: it's so bad ass to arm a porcupine vanguard and become the zip line of death.
I wouldn't mind playing the single player, but those games are specifically for multiplayer. If you have no interest in that there's little reason to buy the game


That thing is pretty popular in Japan right? Not One Piece / Naruto level of popularity. Popular like Toriko or Attack on Titans. I'm not quite informed right now, only watching the latter because some friends told me it's pretty good (slow as hell but good).


[PSP] Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable - 78,575

It looks like a concept that never made it to production. Notice that the watermark is dated 2011.

Unless it was super limited as I can't find any information on it.

I'm fairly certain that's a fan-made render. Sony didn't release any limited edition Vitas in 2011, and the first Dangan-Ronpa game for the platform (a port of the two PSP games) launches in a few weeks with no bundle announced.


I wouldn't mind playing the single player, but those games are specifically for multiplayer. If you have no interest in that there's little reason to buy the game

It is if you are playing with some friends, like me :)

Going to NY for two weeks, so I won't play as much, but as I come back I want your help on the last SFxT online trophies, like the replay download and the fight request ones.
Ask anyone here, that's all I do!!
Judging by the comments in this thread, you need to do a better job :p

But seriously speaking, since it is coming to both PS3/PSV and since all previous Atelier games have been released in the states, i am sure that this new one will also get released here since the translation work will mostly be the same.

I did a really quick shoop a couple of days ago to show what I would've preferred for the limited FFX/X-2 Vita:

Am I cool now too?
This is loads better than the horrible official special edition VITA
Tough decision between Dragons Crown and Killzone Mercenary....what's the general consensus on the two? I will buy both eventually, but with GTA5 next week I am only purchasing one tonight.


Gold Member
This was my thinking as well, I just always wanted a good FPS on the Vita.

yeah, plus if you play your cards right and want to "rush" you could probably beat SP before GTAV... and therefore just do pick up and play alt routes or quick MP matches for a break from GTA.

Everyone.gif, at least those that have ad-hoc trophies LOL.

But really, if you want to make a quick meetup, gonna stay from 14 till 29. The first VitaGAF meetup? Send PM.

i think that sajj#### guy lives there too. maybe we can get a gaf vita meet up. whoa.
Tough decision between Dragons Crown and Killzone Mercenary....what's the general consensus on the two? I will buy both eventually, but with GTA5 next week I am only purchasing one tonight.

I'd say skip GTAV and get both -- but if you have to wait, wait on DC because there's a new patch coming and you might as well play it *after* the patch hits.


An blind dancing ho
As for Persona 5, I don't see why you wouldn't think it would be a PlayStation game. The real games have never been on non-SCE hardware.

I highly doubt it.

and series being on PlayStation only for years mean absolutely nothing, see Monster Hunter.

Wow that's actually a decent IP to build on.

SCEJ are kinda of stupid, both Legend of Dragoon, Dark Cloud, Demon's Souls were having so much potential to be bigger ips but they abandoned them. (ok, in Demon's Souls case it was SCEA/SCEE fault) they need to revive other ips just like Over my Dead Body remake, why not make remakes of Legend of Dragoon, Alundra, Arc the Lad or even Omega Boost they have so many good stuff that just there.

Did anything ever come of this? bug? fake?



yeah it was posted months ago, it's just a mistake and mean nothing.

and Konami need to hire Hexadrive to fix NLKS framerate (and give us Zoe1/2)
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