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Vox: A stunning new study shows that Fox News is more powerful than we ever imagined

White people like white people channels that make white people look flawless and blame non-white people for the world's problems.

-Fox News
Isn't Fox News on leased public channels? Why not have a Democrat president take away that concession? Pretty sure I read somewhere that the US government gave them that in exchange of doing accurate news programming, which obviously it's no longer the case with Fox News.


Fox News sells fear and paranoia and it can sink its teeth into people like a drug. It's why those that just 'check it out' end up watching it indefinitely. It's not just news, it becomes personal and a part of their identity.


Yeah, I yelled at my mother for watching it too much. It's fucking scary sometimes. I don't even have problems with decent conservative viewpoints, but Fox is a shitshow of epic proportions.


Correlation is not causality.

Apparently the researches and Vox have never heard of that.

Yes, surely the economists from one of the best departments in the world have never understood causality, and somehow managed to get multiple papers published in the AER and teach years of grad-level Econometrics courses.

But nope, they've never heard of the distinction between correlation and causality.

Some of you guys, smh


FOX news is not an ends but a means. It's fucking minitrue, America has a giant reactionary propaganda media empire. Why that was left to happen I don't know.

Probably a result of the left using everything else has its own propaganda tool. Its a shame it had to come to this because fox news really is gross and scarily effective at brainwashing people.


Probably a result of the left using everything else has its own propaganda tool. Its a shame it had to come to this because fox news really is gross and scarily effective at brainwashing people.
"The Left" did not cause an Australian billionaire to create a propaganda machine.
I wonder if this is after firing O'Reilly.

Also, didn't their affiliate, Sinclair Broadcasting Group, acquire more local stations with Tribune Media which makes FOX even more powerful?

Yes and no. Fox news can reach more people maybe, but their ratings will never increase thanks to online. 2.35m viewers would have been considered pathetic back in 04 for example.


Probably a result of the left using everything else has its own propaganda tool. Its a shame it had to come to this because fox news really is gross and scarily effective at brainwashing people.

What left? There is no left in America, there is a centre right party and a far right party. What are you talking about? You think CNN is the left? Jesus the US is fucked up.


in my state its not surprising. fox and nbc are on local tv. Cnn is part of a package on the 4 competing tv companies.
What kind of Democrat watches Fox News on a regular basis?

The kind that really want social benefits for themselves and people who look like them, but not for other people.

See, this is one of the major issues I have with my own party. Even in a thread about how insanely influential our "opponent" is, Democrats are still fishing for ways to attack other Democrats.

We're becoming way too judgmental, crucifying our own before the other side even lifts a finger.
See, this is one of the major issues I have with my own party. Even in a thread about how insanely influential our "opponent" is, Democrats are still fishing for ways to attack other Democrats.

We're becoming way too judgmental, crucifying our own before the other side even lifts a finger.

I think it's the larger issue of extreme polarization in politics. It seeps into everything.


FOX news is not an ends but a means. It's fucking minitrue, America has a giant reactionary propaganda media empire. Why that was left to happen I don't know.

That's why I call Fox news, Breitbart, Rush, etc the Hate Industry. It is a vast profitable industry with more political influence than any other industry, including big oil and pharma.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
When it shapes the way the president of the united states views the world it affirms to me that it's exactly as powerful as I imagine it to be.

Interesting piece though.


See, this is one of the major issues I have with my own party. Even in a thread about how insanely influential our "opponent" is, Democrats are still fishing for ways to attack other Democrats.

We're becoming way too judgmental, crucifying our own before the other side even lifts a finger.
This isn't about "attacking other Democrats". It's about acknowledging that some Democrats still are the same "Dixiecrat" types (Lets make sure that we get social benefits...but not for those people.) that have been in the party to one degree or another since FDR.

Without acknowledging this group, you won't be able to work around them when they try and warp policy.


Gabriel Knight
Still boils down to being a business.. getting ratings.. and getting ad dollars

Fox found its niche and never looked back .. people also have to separate straight up news reporting and opinion based programs .. the straight up news (think Shepherd Smith) is pretty outstanding compared to others

It will be interesting to see what happens when Breitbart goes into television and also what O'Reilly does .. supposedly will start another broadcast with one of the lesser known conservative channels .. I imagine they will eat into Fox'a base
Fear sells!

There's a few right wing magazines at a Walmart nearby, and they usually have bright red, flashy covers with sensationalist headlines.
Designed to catch your attention and lure you in, and then they get you with propaganda.


Did they have power before they started being a window of bigotry or their power came because of becoming one.


But I swear I read at least a couple threads where MSNBC (and Maddow) were the ratings champ.

What happened?

Maddow has put up some very impressive numbers where she beats out The Five at the 9pm time slot and overall MSNBC has put on a very competitive lineup.

CNN is fake news.


See, this is one of the major issues I have with my own party. Even in a thread about how insanely influential our "opponent" is, Democrats are still fishing for ways to attack other Democrats.

We're becoming way too judgmental, crucifying our own before the other side even lifts a finger.

If you think this is bad, look at the extremely fragmented rhetoric of the right.


I don't really see how FOX is any different from other cable networks. They are all slanted towards one side.

Probably a result of the left using everything else has its own propaganda tool. Its a shame it had to come to this because fox news really is gross and scarily effective at brainwashing people.

You guys have either never watched Fox News, or you watch it all the time and have already been indoctrinated.

It's completely obvious what Fox News is and why it's different from other news networks.




That huge spike after 2007. I wonder what happened around that time. 🤔


My mom started watching Fox News after Donald Trump got elected "to see what the other side is saying", and now she watches Fox News all of the time and occasionally says stuff like "I actually think it's a better channel than CNN" as if it's noteworthy to trod over that bar.

Jesus, that's a horrifying story.


I don't really see how FOX is any different from other cable networks. They are all slanted towards one side.

Lol, no. Unless you're not paying any attention, of course. For one thing, fox straight up lies and makes shit up. The same cannot be said of the other networks.

It doesn't surprise me that you would say this, though.


listen to the mad man

They're very forward and trusting of their own conclusions at least. I'm more inclined to urge caution, and think about correlation versus causation.

The methodology is causal. Your correlation story is "areas that are more conservative watch FOX", but this is not compatible with the study's conclusions. They begin by modeling FOX news popularity on district demographics and with state fixed effects (i.e. modeling how areas that are more conservative watch FOX). They take the residuals (variations in the popularity of FOX not explained by their initial model, in other words the components of popularity NOT attributable to political conservatism) and show a first-stage effect of channel placement. In other words, at the time the study was using data, people were more likely to watch channels with lower numbers, everything else considered. Because channel numberings change, they can even observe how FOX gets less popular in a given area when its channel number is bumped higher, and vice versa. They then rely on the association between channel placement and political outcomes (which cannot be endogneous -- i.e. with backwards causality -- because by definition you've already removed all of the predictor connected to the backwards causality in the instrument stage). This is called instrumental variables, and it is the primary way economists and social scientists establish causality with observational data.

This is also not the first study of this effect. The paper extensively cites the famous DellaVigna and Kaplan study, which looked at how FOX News rolled out to begin with. Basically, getting a channel set up in an area is dependent on a bunch of non-political factors, normally having to do with the availability of a local station to affiliate, media market approvals, etc. So DellaVigna and Kaplan exploit variations in the timing of when FOX News was set up in a given place to show that the entry of FOX News into some markets earlier than others caused those markets to become more conservative than markets otherwise similar without FOX News.

I haven't had a full chance to digest Martin and Yurukoglu or their substantive conclusions, but from briefly reading the methodological section, this is causally identified work using exactly the methods we would want it to to ensure that the claim made is supported causally.

Correlation is not causality.

Apparently the researches and Vox have never heard of that.

You are aware that causality does exist, right? The expression "correlation is not causality" means that it's possible for either true endogeneity, omitted variable bias, or backwards causality to disrupt a causal story being told from observational data, not that it is not possible to make causal claims. The entire basis of this paper is to establish a causal claim, and I am very confident you are not methodologically equipped to evaluate it, certainly without even looking at the paper.

I don't really see how FOX is any different from other cable networks. They are all slanted towards one side.

You might think that, which is why the study, as the OP notes, very specifically looks at the presence of slant in the cable networks over time using a widely recognized and validated methodology for doing so (which, incidentally, is a literature primarily occupied with conservatives trying to prove the Liberal Media is out to get them, so exactly the opposite belief you'd expect to turn up evidence that FOX News has a slant). What do you think they concluded?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I don't really see how FOX is any different from other cable networks. They are all slanted towards one side.
Then your not paying attention.

You can literally watch fox's talking points throughout the day on a given subject then listen to republicans echo the exact same talking points. It's almost as if there is a list serv that gets sent out every day with a break down of talking points by subject.


The methodology is causal. Your correlation story is "areas that are more conservative watch FOX", but this is not compatible with the study's conclusions. They begin by modeling FOX news popularity on district demographics and with state fixed effects (i.e. modeling how areas that are more conservative watch FOX). They take the residuals (variations in the popularity of FOX not explained by their initial model, in other words the components of popularity NOT attributable to political conservatism) and show a first-stage effect of channel placement. In other words, at the time the study was using data, people were more likely to watch channels with lower numbers, everything else considered. Because channel numberings change, they can even observe how FOX gets less popular in a given area when its channel number is bumped higher, and vice versa. They then rely on the association between channel placement and political outcomes (which cannot be endogneous -- i.e. with backwards causality -- because by definition you've already removed all of the predictor connected to the backwards causality in the instrument stage). This is called instrumental variables, and it is the primary way economists and social scientists establish causality with observational data.

This is also not the first study of this effect. The paper extensively cites the famous DellaVigna and Kaplan study, which looked at how FOX News rolled out to begin with. Basically, getting a channel set up in an area is dependent on a bunch of non-political factors, normally having to do with the availability of a local station to affiliate, media market approvals, etc. So DellaVigna and Kaplan exploit variations in the timing of when FOX News was set up in a given place to show that the entry of FOX News into some markets earlier than others caused those markets to become more conservative than markets otherwise similar without FOX News.

I haven't had a full chance to digest Martin and Yurukoglu or their substantive conclusions, but from briefly reading the methodological section, this is causally identified work using exactly the methods we would want it to to ensure that the claim made is supported causally.

You are aware that causality does exist, right? The expression "correlation is not causality" means that it's possible for either true endogeneity, omitted variable bias, or backwards causality to disrupt a causal story being told from observational data, not that it is not possible to make causal claims. The entire basis of this paper is to establish a causal claim, and I am very confident you are not methodologically equipped to evaluate it, certainly without even looking at the paper.

You might think that, which is why the study, as the OP notes, very specifically looks at the presence of slant in the cable networks over time using a widely recognized and validated methodology for doing so (which, incidentally, is a literature primarily occupied with conservatives trying to prove the Liberal Media is out to get them, so exactly the opposite belief you'd expect to turn up evidence that FOX News has a slant). What do you think they concluded?

I came back to add more support to the paper, and I see you've done a fantastic job at it already. Thank you.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Fox News is really getting desperate. Tonight's big story is that Mueller shouldn't be investigating Trump because he has conflicts of interest. /facepalm



People watch Fox News because it's become a cultural part of their house.

They target their viewers and thusly they are loyal as shit.


Quick, easily digestible fear-based and emotional appeals are far more influential than factual, thoughtful news reporting. Not just in the US but in many countries. If MSNBC were as unscrupulous as Fox and went whole hog in the other direction, they'd probably see similar results.
To be frank, no Fox news is not more powerful than we thought. It's been obvious and scary how powerful they were during Obama's presidency.
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