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Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp |OT| I want you inside me on July 31st

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WHAS, BoJack, Arrested Development, even The Ridiculous Six are all going for different types of humor and comedic storytelling.


Watched the movie for the first time last night and loved it. It was so unlike anything I had expected. I went in blind not knowing it was satrical and weird and shit. Imagine my surprise, lol.

I have every intention of jumping in and binging the show today.


The making of the movie special was so great. I had no idea it rained most of the time they were there filming. Wain did a great job with what he had


I think I could watch this a dozen times, just like the movie.

I'm so excited that this happened. This group of writers/actors is one of my favorites, but they're very under appreciated (except when they're in huge blockbusters).

Also, I just got my copy of the 7 inch soundtrack record in today.
I finished watching it yesterday. It's a very short run, only about 4 hours, but holy daaamn is it so sweet. Soooo sweet. I enjoyed every moment of it. It managed to hide some of the more awkward not-so-funny comedy stuff that I found in the movie, but it still managed to have the same style.

scene was fantastic.


I was anxious that it wouldn't work. The fact that not only it does, it does so very very well is a minor triumph.

Meloni is fucking phenomenal. He should be doing comedies all the fucking time.

Elizabeth Banks is unreasonably good looking.


Rewatched the movie before the last couple of episodes. I love how they tied off plotlines and left threads to connect to the movie by the end of the TV season. Really enjoyed it.


They have 8 weeks between the series and the movie, so they could really do as many funny new things as they want for any of the days in between.

I was thinking the same thing while watching the series, but the last episode pretty much ties up every end to lead directly into the movie. Almost too well imo. The movie could basically be the very next day. I was hoping there would still be some loose ends or gaps in character arcs.

But still they could totally do something inbetween with how ridiculous the premises are.

Also I think the whole Eric goin to NY at the end is just some joke on twist endings. Is just there as a joke, as he obviously died. But they again could still do something with it if there was any continuation. Even if its an actual sequal tothe movie.


This was the weakest part of the series for me, as well. Chris Pine just isn't funny.

what!? There were definitely some jokes that fell flat but I found Chris Pine to be one of the best new characters in the series. He played an emo rocker really well. Punching plants when mad, trying too look all deep and conflicted. Tossing the Tab cola with angst.


One of my favorite little references is when Molly Shannon's character is carrying around that huge box full of crayons.


Homeland Security Fail
I seen better leaps from a year.

I don't know why that line killed me so much lol.


I just finished the series. It did a good job of keeping consistent with the movie, while introducing some new elements. It was pretty fucking funny.

I'm not sure if I like the direction they took Elizabeth Banks' character, but what the hell, it ties itself up in the end anyway.

Almost everyone looks about the same, especially Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Banks.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Second Day of Camp, but I'm content with how Wet Hot American Summer and First Day of Camp all came together.
Disclaimer: I never watched the movie.

I'm on episode 5 now

Thought the first episode started slow but man things got really fucking weird and AMAZING really fast. I lost my shit at first few Falcon bits


Watching this reminded me to check out They Came Together on Amazon Instant.

Best decision I have ever made. It's so Wain

Did the same thing. I love Wain/Showalter stuff, and I'm sad I skipped over this one until now.

I'm tempted to watch Stella again too. I love that show.


Finished this last night. It felt a little off in the first few episodes, but it really hits its stride by the end. The finale was so good. Everything from the *finale spoilers*
big camp vs. camp fight
until the end was gold.

Other bits I really liked that I can remember:
-Lindsay sneakily pulling out a typewriter under the picnic table and then loudly typing on it.
-Gene's goatee just appearing on him after he changed.
-Gene chasing Victor.
-Josh Charles' character constantly looking over with binoculars and like six popped collars.
-The lawyers making a ridiculous hand wall.
-The two guys shaking aftershave on their junk.
-"I trusted you with my diaphragm."
-The Gene/Falcon fight (Hamm in general was great).

The funniest joke was probably
Abby going into the stall and then walking out as the actress from the movie.

This was a whole lot of fun. So glad they did this!


No One Remembers
Just about to get to the last episode, and I feel dumber for watching this.

No, I haven't seen the movie and not planning on it.


So I went the full circle

- Watched the Movie - WTF is this. This isn't funny! (apart of a few scenes)
- Watched the series - Haha this is great
- Watched the Movie again - Now I get it! Best movie ever!
So I went the full circle

- Watched the Movie - WTF is this. This isn't funny! (apart of a few scenes)
- Watched the series - Haha this is great
- Watched the Movie again - Now I get it! Best movie ever!

It's weird how that is happening. You think it would be the other way around.


This show was fucking brilliant. I went into it absolutely blind, didn't know any details about the movie or show before. Watched the show before the movie (as I'd suggest anyone to do really) and was blown away at how the movie felt like a direct sequel. I mean I don't even understand how some bits of that movie would've been seen as funny without the TV show giving backstory. What a surreal experience this show was. And hilarious. It's suddenly one of my favorite things.


I watched the movie for the first time recently and loved it. Then I had to start watching the series too, which I just finished. Overall, I think it was hit and miss but it mostly hit. I can see why some people would like the movie but be a little disappointed by the series.

The movie was zany and off the wall but it felt like the series was... even more goofy? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's because I only watched the movie once and it wasn't fresh in my mind. That wasn't always a bad thing but it felt like they took it a step further in that regard with the series. I thought the first episode was pretty slow and not too funny but it really picked up with the following episodes. But stuff like
Schwartzman's character getting shot in the head and then giving a little farewell speech
only managed to get a little grin from me. I guess I saw it coming by that point and it wasn't too funny.

To me, it felt like the zany/goofy things that happened weren't as funny as some of the simpler lines were. Without going into spoilers, there were a bunch of one liners that were just great. And simple little scenes that were hilarious too. Those cracked me up a lot more than the goofy/stupid things, which mostly just got a smile out of me. Compared to the movie, where those moments were making me laugh just as much as the lines were. Felt like they just didn't hit as much with those here but who knows, maybe it's just me.

Overall, really good. Enjoyed it quite a bit. Like someone else said, it was always entertaining and it was never bad in my opinion. The only slow part was the beginning with the introduction of the kids but they grew on me a lot as the series went on. They did a great job of connecting pretty much everything to the movie too which I liked, even the lesser characters. I'd recommend anyone to watch the movie and then the series if you liked the movie. And I hope they make another season sometime. They even sort of left the door open for that but I doubt they do it. It's probably too hard to get everyone back together again and I doubt the series is getting the views/buzz that they thought it would. I hope I'm wrong about that though.


Finished the show last night. Didn't get to binge it all in one go this time but I enjoyed taking my sweet time. Show is fantastic. Everything in it is fantastic and I would so love a second season. It just has to happen.
Rewatching the movie.

Dear lord, it's weird seeing Drew, etc. all basically toddlers.

EDIT: Katie's character makes so much sense now. In fact, in context of the TV show, all of the counselors are pretty much dicks.

This show was fucking brilliant. I went into it absolutely blind, didn't know any details about the movie or show before. Watched the show before the movie (as I'd suggest anyone to do really) and was blown away at how the movie felt like a direct sequel. I mean I don't even understand how some bits of that movie would've been seen as funny without the TV show giving backstory. What a surreal experience this show was. And hilarious. It's suddenly one of my favorite things.

That's because they're basically using the same script as the shelved prequel.
i'm 4 episodes in and the humor style seems similar to Adult Swim witty humor and silly dialogue. Only if shows like Children's Hospital and NTSF SUV could afford bigger names in larger quantities
I watched the movie for the first time recently and loved it. Then I had to start watching the series too, which I just finished. Overall, I think it was hit and miss but it mostly hit. I can see why some people would like the movie but be a little disappointed by the series.

The movie was zany and off the wall but it felt like the series was... even more goofy? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's because I only watched the movie once and it wasn't fresh in my mind. That wasn't always a bad thing but it felt like they took it a step further in that regard with the series. I thought the first episode was pretty slow and not too funny but it really picked up with the following episodes. But stuff like
Schwartzman's character getting shot in the head and then giving a little farewell speech
only managed to get a little grin from me. I guess I saw it coming by that point and it wasn't too funny.

To me, it felt like the zany/goofy things that happened weren't as funny as some of the simpler lines were. Without going into spoilers, there were a bunch of one liners that were just great. And simple little scenes that were hilarious too. Those cracked me up a lot more than the goofy/stupid things, which mostly just got a smile out of me. Compared to the movie, where those moments were making me laugh just as much as the lines were. Felt like they just didn't hit as much with those here but who knows, maybe it's just me.

Overall, really good. Enjoyed it quite a bit. Like someone else said, it was always entertaining and it was never bad in my opinion. The only slow part was the beginning with the introduction of the kids but they grew on me a lot as the series went on. They did a great job of connecting pretty much everything to the movie too which I liked, even the lesser characters. I'd recommend anyone to watch the movie and then the series if you liked the movie. And I hope they make another season sometime. They even sort of left the door open for that but I doubt they do it. It's probably too hard to get everyone back together again and I doubt the series is getting the views/buzz that they thought it would. I hope I'm wrong about that though.

Nah this was my issue too and I'd seen the movie ages ago and several times since before watching the series, there was definitely more restraint in the gags and writing in the movie. I guess it just didn't land with me as much as I thought it would. One of my biggest beefs was
Coop's story being a bit underwhelming with the pairing of Lake Bell, his chemistry and awkwardness with Marguerite Moreau in the movie just worked a lot better.
I'll give this a rewatch again though, might see it in a different light a second go around.


I didn't care for the movie but was interested to see what happened in the show. After finishing the show, which I think had a lot of good jokes, I'm hoping the movie is better now.


Nah this was my issue too and I'd seen the movie ages ago and several times since before watching the series, there was definitely more restraint in the gags and writing in the movie. I guess it just didn't land with me as much as I thought it would. One of my biggest beefs was
Coop's story being a bit underwhelming with the pairing of Lake Bell, his chemistry and awkwardness with Marguerite Moreau in the movie just worked a lot better.
I'll give this a rewatch again though, might see it in a different light a second go around.

I think as myself and others have noted, Coop's story works because it contrasts him with Andy. In the film Andy is an irresponsible douchebag and Coop's the guy with hidden depths. The TV shows twists that -
Andy has hidden depths, Coop's fixated on a woman he hasn't seen in a year. And so we learn that Coop went through a love triangle... and then WEEKS LATER, after his 'girlfriend' had cheated on him, tried to get somneone else's girlfriend to cheat on her boyfriend.

It's one of the few prequels I've seen which completely twists every single character from the original, without it feeling fake - we all watched the film first, then the TV show, but if you watch the the film again now it's completely different. And that is some great writing. I mean Lindsey alone is just hilarious because nothing in the original film implies what happens in the TV show, but
essentially, she's a parody of the ridiculousness of adults wanting to remain teenagers forever. I mean it's pretty likely she's a statutory rapist, right?


I want a sequel about the 2nd day of camp. They could make it so everyone goes through some major event in the first episode that would change them so much that they would never end up being who they are on the last day of camp (the movie). Like maybe Katie finds religion and the can of vegetables gets thrown away. Shit like that.

We spend most of the show wondering how they are going to get everything back to the way things are in the movie. The end of the show could be a series of completely asinine events that would logically make each character go back to being who they were and are supposed to be.
I think as myself and others have noted, Coop's story works because it contrasts him with Andy. In the film Andy is an irresponsible douchebag and Coop's the guy with hidden depths. The TV shows twists that -
Andy has hidden depths, Coop's fixated on a woman he hasn't seen in a year. And so we learn that Coop went through a love triangle... and then WEEKS LATER, after his 'girlfriend' had cheated on him, tried to get somneone else's girlfriend to cheat on her boyfriend.

It's one of the few prequels I've seen which completely twists every single character from the original, without it feeling fake - we all watched the film first, then the TV show, but if you watch the the film again now it's completely different. And that is some great writing. I mean Lindsey alone is just hilarious because nothing in the original film implies what happens in the TV show, but
essentially, she's a parody of the ridiculousness of adults wanting to remain teenagers forever. I mean it's pretty likely she's a statutory rapist, right?

This is a good breakdown and I agree the parallels with how the characters changed from series to movie work well, I just didn't find it as funny.


Just watched the movie and show for the first time. Gonna watch the movie again. Hilarious show.

I'm gonna fart my way into that girl's snatch.
I want a sequel about the 2nd day of camp. They could make it so everyone goes through some major event in the first episode that would change them so much that they would never end up being who they are on the last day of camp (the movie). Like maybe Katie finds religion and the can of vegetables gets thrown away. Shit like that.

We spend most of the show wondering how they are going to get everything back to the way things are in the movie. The end of the show could be a series of completely asinine events that would logically make each character go back to being who they were and are supposed to be.

Yeah, let's make this the 24 of comedies.


Watched the movie for the first time to prepare for the show, didn't really like it. Watched the show and loved it! Without having seen the movie I don't think the show would have been nearly as funny to me. Totally worth it to watch both.
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