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What are some of the most emotionally impactful movies you've watched?

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The Llama

One which I don't think many others will list is Kingdom of Heaven. So much good commentary on the middle east situation, whether intentional or not. So good.
jagten the hunt
i am sam
spring, summer, fall, winter...and spring
seven samurai
a beautiful mind
schindler's list
pan's labyrinth
tae guk gi
muro ami


I just broke down sobbing at Furious 7. Other recent ones were St. Vincent, Instructions Not Included, and Toy Story 3. I used to cry all the time at the movies, but nowadays it's super rare.


Definitely others, but in recent memory definitely 12 Years a Slave. I was thinking about that film for weeks after watching it.



This film broke me.


Grave of the Fireflies is the easy answer, but I'll say Mysterious Skin. Watched that for the first time about a year ago after being hesitant for so long. It's a great movie, but it is extremely difficult to watch on many levels. Any film that centers around sexual abuse of children is going to be emotionally devastating.


dancer in the dark - made me depressed for a good couple days
monster's ball - hit some nerve too
mulholland drive - that was surprising but i cried on one particular scene


There are three movies that really brought me to tears, almost uncontrollably so:

Hachi: A Dog's Tale
If you ever had a dog, this movie will destroy you, and I watched it pretty soon after my doggie had died.

The Passion of the Christ
Today I wouldn't identify as being religious, but I guess at the time I still was catholic deep down. If you're a believer, chances are you'll really feel for Jesus' suffering, although it were the Mary flashbacks that did me in.

Schindler's List
How can you not break down at the end alongside Oskar?

grave of the fireflies.

This movie made such an impact on me. Just an incredible movie in that sense.
I laugh that this movie was double billed(shown back to back) with My Neighbor Totoro. Those two movies can't be farther away in how they make you feel.
The dude from "adaptation" who goes off on screenwriter nic cage, that was powerful.

I remember being drunk and watching that flick a few years back and crying when HUGE SPOILER
Nic Cage's hilarious twin died
. Weird part was that I had seen the movie before and that part didn't really hit me that hard. It was one of the first times I cried during a movie. I guess I was in a weird mood.

The first time I cried was Requiem for a Dream though. I was about 12 or 13 and fucked up on all kinds of ridiculous and disgusting drugs with my friend and we watched it cause we thought it would be a "cool drug movie" or something along those lines. When the credits rolled, we stared at the screen in silence for what seemed like a lifetime. When we finally spoke, we went outside to smoke a cigarette and both noticed that the other had been crying too.

The modern day part of The Fountain is also pretty heartbreaking, and the excellent music really helps.

The Orphanage. I went in expecting something, came out of it with an entirely different feeling. I won't spoil anything. Watch it if you want.
Hachi - destroys me every time.
Toy Story 2 - When She Loved Me bit had me sobbing and I can't watch it ever without tearing up
The end of Truly Madly Deeply


Shawshank Redemption What an odd date movie. But it oddly works. We still quote it all the time.
Spirited Away. One of those movies where I can dwell on a different aspect or theme every time I see it.

And if I ever watch Hachi, I know I'll need a day to recover. Just soul-crushing. The love of a dog..


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field of dreams and watched the fault in our stars with my gf, i hate chick flicks but this one got to me. I love my gf and future fiancée so much the thought of losing her to something like cancer made me tear up hard


He touched the black heart of a mod
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, most powerfully at the "[URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTmlNigifSI]Meet me in Montauk[/URL]" scene (I don't recommend clicking the link if you haven't already seen the movie. You'll want the build-up and context first, otherwise the scene won't make sense.)
"She was... just a girl" still gets me a little weepy-eyed.

Movie overall was excellent too, though there were some unnecessary bits that didn't really fit with anything.


I revisited Bicycle Thieves about a week or so back and my god, I dunno if I'm more emotional than I used to be but that film hit me way harder than all the other times I've seen it.

Mulholland Drive didn't make me sad, but its ending definitely placed me in this emotional state of awe. I recall feeling completely amazed when I saw it, unable to really comprehend anything.

Hiroshima, Mon Amour affected me quite a bit as well. The combination of love and loss was well conveyed on Riva's part was very well done.

Synecdoche, New York's ending completely blew me away. When the narrator finished uttering her last word and the screen faded, boy, it hit me super hard. Eternal Sunshine as well, goddamn. Why must you play with my emotions so well, Kaufman?!

Those are the first few that come to mind. More often than not, I tend to be emotionally affected by use of sound and visuals than regular story beats. Kubrick, for example, can emotionally affect me quite well without the usual sentimental fanfare.
Wolf Children. Let Tony from Every Frame a Painting tell you why; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdSKot0psNg < This is one of the best Anime films I have ever seen. I loved The Girl Who Leapt Throught Time, and Summer Wars is probably my favorite, but this one is very emotional. Exceptional film.

It needs to be repeated, over and over. This is a masterpiece by Steve McQueen. Fassbinders finest hour.

Click. Only movie ever to make me cry

This is just another high concept comedy movie with Adam Sandler, but I have met so many who connect with this. A lot more than "A Funny Movie" or "Juno" or other comedies-with-serious-parts.
It's a stupid film but I gotta admit, I was emotionally impacted by it.


Capote's ending when you see
the family getting killed in their beds was a giant horse kick to the gut.
If you've got the dvd be sure to check out the behind the scenes extras.




Miracle in Cell No. 7. One of the biggest tearjerkers in the history of tearjerkers. Watched it in a cinema and literally everyone was sobbing. Fuck, I'm even getting teary eyed thinking about the film.

Seriously, fuck this film.


Off the top of my head, i'd say Twentynine Palms broke me for a week or so.
Many movies had a biug impact tho, so it's hard to list them.


The original Brian's Song has always gotten to me. Maybe because it's also a true story. Actually got me more interested in that type of movie; unlikely friends develop an incredible bond......

Something For Joey
Scent Of A Woman
Shawshank Redemption


The imitation game. I didn't really know about the story of Alan Turing before watching this movie. Filled me with disgust to learn how he was treated for being gay after all he had done for the allied forces.


Every. Single. Time.


Watership Down for those who don't know.

Amazing movie. I loved the Plague Dogs was just as much, if only for that amazing ending.


Memories are only about the past
The present time will never last
The future lies withing your heart


Babel - the final scene
Magnolia - when Tom Cruise's dad dies in his bed and Cruise sobs over his bedside because he was never able to make peace with him
Ikiru - you know the scene
Pretty sure nobody else will say this one;

"I don't want to be sober! It never got better than that night! That was supposed to be the beginning of my life! All that promise and fucking optimism... That feeling like we could take on the whole universe! It was a big lie. Nothing happened."


at last, for christ's sake
I actually remembered another movie called Hunger. It's a '60 Swedish one which is also immensely heart wrenching, depicting poverty and disgrace in such a realistic way I havent been able to watch it a second time. The lead actor is immense




This movie seems so real, you can't watch it without feeling like shite for days. Seriously.
I mean, this stare, I dreamed about it a night or two after and it was horrific.
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