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What are you reading? (June 2014)

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Nelo Ice

Read through A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. Very short read - maybe two hours long - and quite good. It's the sort of novel I'd make my children read, if I ever had children.
Then, once they were done, I would tell them solemnly that I had cancer.

It's a cancer novel, about a thirteen year old boy dealing (and not dealing) with the impending death of his mother. It's about the inexorability of it - the grief, the loss - and honesty associated with being true to the feelings you have about it, which isn't all going to be saintly stuff. For people who've ever felt this sort of grief, the trapped, doomed feeling of it, it might resonate a bit. For me it did.

Thanks for posting this. Just finished it yesterday and wow. I knew exactly how the kid was feeling since I went through the same scenario 4 years ago. Really good book and it perfectly described alot of things I went through.

Going to start this. Completely different to what I'd normally read, but after going through some of her columns online I was very intrigued.


Finished 'The Long Mars' over the weekend, The last 2 books the individual character stories ran parallel and tied together nicely for the conclusion, this book with the exception of the final few chapters (which seemed a little forced) the characters stories seemed to have little to do with one another. That said it was still enjoyable but it still felt like this book was more of a setup for the next books (apparently they have 3 more planned).
Finished Brilliants by Markus Sakey. Overall I thought it was pretty good. The overall story was kind of predictable but the possibilities it leaves open(whether those get expanded on or not is up in the air) made it pretty interesting. Bought the second book in the series, but it will probably be a couple weeks until I jump into it.


I started listening to Gone-Away World over the past week. The constant shifts and near ADD level of digressing are a little confusing at first, but so far I'm really liking it.


I'm loving the series so far. I do miss the simple post-apocalyptic western tone of the first book somewhat, though. It's pretty clear that King is just making this stuff up as he goes along, but the series isn't any less entertaining or engrossing because of it!

The bolded is actually one of the things I love about this series. I don't think there's any other well known writer who's worked in the huge, multi-volume, epic fantasy genre with a less organized approach to his work than King. George Martin considers himself more a "gardener" than "architect" but he's clearly got a better Idea of what's coming down the line than King does at any given time.

With the Dark Tower books you can tell pretty quickly that King only had the vaguest notion of where he was going at the start, and changed his mind several times along the way. Consequently, the books take all sorts of random turns, and are very unpredictable. Some people dislike some of the directions the story takes in the later volumes, but I basically loved all of it. The series is really bizarre.

Finished it last night at 4am.

Her prose is outstanding all the way around and there are constant small and large mysteries about the character that get revealed at a fairly welcome pace.

The one flaw is that alternating chapters tell alternating stories of the main character (one going forward and the other about her past) and towards the end of the book, there were a few past chapters that felt more perfunctory then I think they otherwise would because, by that point, some of the plot points they have been more or less revealed. I'm not sure seeing those things happen was better than the ideas I conjured myself--but at the same time they were necessary chapters and everything else going on is more than enough to keep reading.

Super solid 4/5, I'd say. The flaws I found weren't enough to bring it down too much--if I even re-read it, I may put it up to 5/5.


Halfway through - its a bit slow, but I think things are picking up. I mean, I'm still enjoying it simply because I love the characters and the banter and the general universe that's been set up(not literal universe, but story universe), but it feels a bit more straightforward than previous books in terms of style. The other books all felt like there was a definable style, like Leviathan Wakes big on the 'who dunnit' aspect while Caliban's War had heavy action and horror. Abbadon's Gate was bigger on mystery and political aspects.

I suppose I'm getting the impression that this one is going for a more philosophical route, delving a bit into the nature of humanity. We'll see. Things have been getting very interesting now.

This just about sums up my thoughts as well as I get past the 50% mark. Given the focal point, it feels scaled back. Still really enjoying it and yeah, the crazy stuff is now happening.
Just finished this series..


Really enjoyed it. MJ Sullivan was born to write as he wrote these on his spare time as a hobby. Can't get enough of the two character. Reminds me of the duo Robert Redford and Paul Neuman in the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
jonathan strange and mr norrell has quickly escalated from the most perplexing read of all time to the spookiest fantasy novel I've ever read. For the first few hundred pages I was powerless to explain what was so enjoyable about it, but now.... fairies are some creepy bastards.


Finished the first Monster Hunter International book yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by how good it turned out to be. Don't know what I'll be starting next, guess I'm going through this thread and look for something interesting.

Edit: I'm starting Under the Skin by Michael Faber.
Just finished this series..


Really enjoyed it. MJ Sullivan was born to write as he wrote these on his spare time as a hobby. Can't get enough of the two character. Reminds me of the duo Robert Redford and Paul Neuman in the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Read the two prequels. They are equally entertaining.


Finished the first Monster Hunter International book yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by how good it turned out to be. Don't know what I'll be starting next, guess I'm going through this thread and look for something interesting.

Edit: I'm starting Under the Skin by Michael Faber.

Fantastic choice. I hope you enjoy it.


Finished up The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl tonight. Thought the first 2/3 was really good, but the last bit sort of felt rushed and disneyfied. Still an eye opening read.

Gonna go with The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde now.



Cibola Burn has its hooks in me. All I think about is what will happen next and just want to keep reading. Nearing 80% done.


The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt -

Ended up being good rather than great. Boris is lovable. Boisterous read. Didn't deserve the prize, but then, deserving novels never win and caring about it is stupid. I'm stupid.

The Storm of War, Andrew Roberts -

A necessarily swift history of WWII. No real insight unless Hitler being a shit strategist is a revelation to ye.

Flash Boys, Michael Lewis -

A story of high frequency trading, the creation of the IEX & of several folks associated with it. Also features a profile of Sergey Aleynikov, who Lewis did a piece on for Vanity Fair. Fast, flashy read.

Memory of Light, Brandon Sanderson & Robert Jordan -

So many apo'sto'ro'phes. Women no longer caricatures, thanks to Sanderson. Many characters are given perfunctory introductions and outros; they appear, they disappear. Still damned entertaining. Glad to see another too-long series from my childhood/teen years wrap up; looking forward to the end of Game of Thrones when I'm forty.

Way of Kings, Brandon Sanderson -

One day Sanderson will write a story where Every Word Is Capitalized. Gave up on this a few years ago. Reading again, surprised to be enjoying it. Will finish; purchased the second book already; you win this time, Mr. Sanderson.

Also reminds me that my problem with the man was never his prose, but rather his tabletop worldbuilding.

Boy, Snow, Bird, Helen Oyeyemi -

Only read a few pages of, so far, but they were wonderful, as expected. Oyeyemi is the best.

Dead Souls, Nikolai Gogol

The novel I told myself I would read this Summer. Not too far in. I will finish as soon as I get to a few other books and before I know it my reading of those other books will spill over and somehow, summarily, I will have read it without knowing it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The eternal mountain of weed and ebooks.
Finished Prince if Fools. was great as expected.

also done with The girl who loved tom gordon. pretty good.

and finally almost done with old man's war moments of brilliance but overall just good to ok


I need to join the team. It's sitting on my Kindle, but for some reason I decided to finish up the last book of the Black Company series first.

First world problems.


Will probably buy it after I finish up Eternity's End, which I ALSO picked up not knowing it was part of a bigger universe but which is supposedly a fine jumping on point and so far has been [and been pretty good]
Currently reading The Churn (Expanse 3.5) to get me ready for Cibola Burn (Expanse 4).

Hoping it takes a step up from Abaddon's gate, which was the weakest in the series.

Also, love the covers:


I literally just started Abbadon's Gate yesterday... I actually think it has one of the strongest starts of the series so far. Hope it doesn't drop that much down in quality.


Cibola Burn has its hooks in me. All I think about is what will happen next and just want to keep reading. Nearing 80% done.

Same here. Really enjoying it so far.

I literally just started Abbadon's Gate yesterday... I actually think it has one of the strongest starts of the series so far. Hope it doesn't drop that much down in quality.

I didn't find Abbadon's Gate bad, it just contained quite a few frustrating elements.


With all the Expanse talk, is there anyway to get the novellas in physical format? I keep looking but only see it in digital.

I don't have an e-reader, so I would really rather have a physical copy over reading it on my phone/laptop.


I just ordered all the Harry Potter books as I have never read them. Hopefully I will like them more than the movies.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet

by Nina Teicholz


Everyone who cares about what they eat needs to read this, especially if they have ever paid any heed to a government organization's recommendations. It really exposes just how ludicrous and scientifically unfounded the crusade against fat and animal products that has dominated nutrition recommendations for all of our lives has been.


So guys, I'm currently putting together a to read list for my vacation.

Thing is, Cibola Burn keeps popping up here. I've read Leviathan and didn't enjoy it that much. I didn't like Millers chapters at all. I hear that the sequels are stronger..

Should I give the Sequel a shot or should I let this series rest?


With all the Expanse talk, is there anyway to get the novellas in physical format? I keep looking but only see it in digital.

I don't have an e-reader, so I would really rather have a physical copy over reading it on my phone/laptop.

You could print them :) But other than that, you'll have to wait, I think they've said they want to release the novellas in book form at a future date, when they have more novellas put together.

Otherwise, pretty much any smartphone or tablet has e-readers, actually read half of The Churn on my Lumia 1020, had ok contrast and all, not comparable to reading it to the kindle, but it works.

I literally just started Abbadon's Gate yesterday... I actually think it has one of the strongest starts of the series so far. Hope it doesn't drop that much down in quality.

It was pretty different in the tone, and as someone else put it, parts of it got frustrating. Still a good book though, just not on par with the 2 prior imo.

So guys, I'm currently putting together a to read list for my vacation.

Thing is, Cibola Burn keeps popping up here. I've read Leviathan and didn't enjoy it that much. I didn't like Millers chapters at all. I hear that the sequels are stronger..

Should I give the Sequel a shot or should I let this series rest?

Well there aren't any Miller-type chapters in the next book, but I don't know, if you didn't get caught by the world and the other characters, might not be worth it for you. Personally, one of my favorite new book series, so I'd recommend reading all of them, and the novellas, and the writers twitter feeds, and watch the show on SyFy when it gets released, and the eventual graphic-novel adaptation that is bound to come.



Translates to "The Great War: The Kingdom of Belgium during the First World War"

Incredibly good history book that tells the broad lines of the war in Belgium, at the front in Flanders Fields and in the occupied country. Sometimes a tad to densly written (first chapter was difficult to get trough), but once the chapters about the war itself begin it's loaded with anecdotes that are haunting.

It's also a great way to learn more about my country, as lots of our current day grievances date back to the war (the Flemish-Walloon conflict especially. There are myths Flemish-nationalists still use this book just straight debunks, and it was very enlightning to learn that the idea of Flemish independence was something that wasn't alive before the war, untill the German occupants instated the idea in their propaganda and Flamenpolitik)

Halfway trough now. Great stuff.


So guys, I'm currently putting together a to read list for my vacation.

Thing is, Cibola Burn keeps popping up here. I've read Leviathan and didn't enjoy it that much. I didn't like Millers chapters at all. I hear that the sequels are stronger..

Should I give the Sequel a shot or should I let this series rest?
If you didn't like Leviathan Wakes, its unlikely you'll like the rest of the series. Not that its all the same, but there isn't any jump in quality or anything like that. Leviathan Wakes isn't a 'weak' book in the series, basically.

About the novellas, I wouldn't worry about missing them too much. Only one is even worth reading(The Churn) and even then, it wasn't a *must-read*.

Also, minor Cibola Burn spoiler, safe for people past 60%:

Deathslug Patrol would be a great deathmetal band name


Full werewolf off the buckle
Don't know if this has been posted elsewhere or even in this thread but its a pretty great deal if you like audible.

Go here http://www.audible.com/at/redeem?AID=10273919&PID=552179&SID=d5facf242e054a53a002db1d9cdc8f30

And use code TZ2014

Edit: I should probably say what it gives you. It's $1.95 each month for 3 months of Audible after that it goes back to $14.99.

That's really an amazing deal! Thanks a ton. Seems like I'm going to get to listen to N0s4a2 soon!


Continuing my Haruki Murakami binge after finishing 1Q84. South of the Border seems to be a thematic prologue to many of the elements in 1Q84, although perhaps I'll find out it's the general theme of his entire oeuvre.


Friend sent this to me for my birthday, I have shockingly only read one small short story by PKD, so time to start in on that.


So guys, I'm currently putting together a to read list for my vacation.

Thing is, Cibola Burn keeps popping up here. I've read Leviathan and didn't enjoy it that much. I didn't like Millers chapters at all. I hear that the sequels are stronger..

Should I give the Sequel a shot or should I let this series rest?

Someone mentioned earlier similar thoughts. Apologies for forgetting who that was, but they did not like LW at all, and continued with Caliban's War and thought it was terrific.

Certainly if you feel compelled to continue on, I'd recommend it. But everyone is different, so who knows!

I'm reminded why I do like sci-fi/fantasy after having been away for a while, I just love the sense of escape. Getting completely lost in another universe.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Very awesome! I just joined Audible for less than $2 the first three months and just downloaded N0s4A2. Can't fucking wait to get it started. Gotta study a little bit and then I'm going to enjoy a nice bit of cycling and a cup of pumpkin spice coffee while digging into it!

Man, that really is a tremendous deal.
Don't know if this has been posted elsewhere or even in this thread but its a pretty great deal if you like audible.

Go here http://www.audible.com/at/redeem?AID=10273919&PID=552179&SID=d5facf242e054a53a002db1d9cdc8f30

And use code TZ2014

Edit: I should probably say what it gives you. It's $1.95 each month for 3 months of Audible after that it goes back to $14.99.

Awesome deal. Thanks for posting.

So guys, I'm currently putting together a to read list for my vacation.

Thing is, Cibola Burn keeps popping up here. I've read Leviathan and didn't enjoy it that much. I didn't like Millers chapters at all. I hear that the sequels are stronger..

Should I give the Sequel a shot or should I let this series rest?

I didn't like LW, but ended up giving the sequel a go because everyone was talking about it in here. Still didn't like it.

Just gonna wait for the TV show now, think I might enjoy it in that form.


Finished up Cibola Burn earlier on my lunch break. Will give it a 4/5 when I write a little blurb review when I update Goodreads later. Not that I liked it any less than the others which I all gave 5/5, I think just maybe I’m getting more picky about the 5s, and it did seem a little different than I was expecting. Still though, what a great time getting back to these characters I love.

It never really felt like a rollercoaster ride like the first 3 did at various points. Definitely some crazy moments, it just never hit the highest of highs. Was worried as all hell about Amos at the end though!! Given the fact of the gates and so many possibilities, it felt so odd to have it still feel so small scale, which is what I like about the series actually, but in this context now, it just felt limiting. The prologue sets up things nicely for the next book.

Now to see what is next to read.




Continuing my Haruki Murakami binge after finishing 1Q84. South of the Border seems to be a thematic prologue to many of the elements in 1Q84, although perhaps I'll find out it's the general theme of his entire oeuvre.


Friend sent this to me for my birthday, I have shockingly only read one small short story by PKD, so time to start in on that.

South of the border actually otiginated as a deleted chapter of wind up bird. I count both as his best novels (read every one of them, exveot his untrandlated first two)


I read A Fire Upon the Deep earlier this month. Great novel, and I guess I especially appreciated it since I am a programmer.

Currently I am reading War and Peace. I should be done in a few days. I always wondered how people could say a specific novel was probably the best ever written, but now I understand. It's just that good.
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