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What is venomous, has thirty legs, and was hiding inside my closet? [w/pics]

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Yixian said:
FUCK! I fucking hate millipedes. Not a fan of arthropods in general really, definitely the worst phylum of animal.

Omg wtf, how does that thing even work? Wait, don't tell me, I don't even want to know. Go go global warming kill these motherfuckers!

Why do you hate milipedes? They are herbivores and are really cool. I do hate most arachnids that bite though.


How the hell is anyone suppose to deal with these fuckers? My vacuum cleaner can't suck for shit and I've been sitting in my room crying, uncontrollably, hoping my cat will do something about this. :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I like how we always think, man, what if an alien came and it had like, no notrils, or a ridged forehead. Meanwhile a ruthless and hateful god sprinkles the earth with these things.

Alien Bob

taken advantage of my ass
Stinkles said:
I like how we always think, man, what if an alien came and it had like, no notrils, or a ridged forehead. Meanwhile a ruthless and hateful god sprinkles the earth with these things.

seriously... after watching Discovery or Animal Planet for a few hours I can't help but think aliens won't look that weird... just look at the shit we have here already



Fucking Ew....

I feel shit crawling all over me.

Luckily I'm working the night shift in a computer room with subzero temperatures. No centipedes here.

I hate you all.
I just get heaps of spiders where i live. Normally i don't mind but lately i've been getting ones that are like 4' long which freaks you out if your not expecting it. Plus i keep getting these fairly small black ones which i know are poisonous and generally they don't come out far enough so i can kill them.
I live in Japan and have seen two in my apartment over the course of 1.5 years. The first one came up from the drain and second via a hole in the wall. Scared the shit out of me.


I know this thread is super old, but I'm surprised noone bothered to reply to this:

DopeyFish said:
i am at war with centipedes


blame space said:
Nearly everytime I turn on my bedroom light I'm treated to one of these guys scurrying across the floor. I've killed much bigger than the one in the OP. They're creepy as ****. Even after you kill them, their legs keep on twitching.

Yup. I usually just squish them with a shoe. The legs keeps squirming.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I Push Fat Kids said:
Every one of these threads is frightening, and then they become pants-shittingly freaky once clock-spider shows up.

This is practically an invitation.




I think clock spider should always be quoted with just the first pic. Its way scarier to think about what's hiding under the clock there. That said, Im so happy to live in central Europe. biggest spider I ever saw was proly smaller than my fingernail.


Vic said:
I captured one last year with a plastic cup, went to search for a book so I could put it under the cup in order to observe the bug. When I came back, the bug melted a hole in the ****ing cup and escaped!!! Seems that their venom is no joke.

:O fuck my face

Seriously how is it beneficial to have plastic melting nazi centipedes in your house just because they eat spiders?


LiveFromKyoto said:
Canada has lots of mosquitos, but the bugs there are pretty small. Japan is like living in the ****ing Temple of Doom, especially if you're near any nature/wilderness. Fist sized cockroaches crawling out of the dishes in your sink, grasshoppers as big as a mouse, cellphone sized beetles flying past your head, angry wasps swarming you when you walk outside in the morning because they felt entitled to build a wasp next to your front door overnight, it's nuts.




Ether_Snake said:
Happy to live in Canada. I never even saw a cockroach (not saying they don't exist around here but you get the idea).

Ottawa here. The worse we get are spiders. I've probably seen a few centipedes, but they're like 1 inch long.

edit: wtf....2 years old? WTF.
demon said:
Imagine one of these things waiting for you in your shoe, or your pillow case at night, or hiding under your covers right as you get into bed, or crawling on your face and laying eggs in your mouth in the middle of the night. creepy!



Two months ago, I had one of those veeeerry tiny bugs on my HDTV, I was browsing GAF and it was just crawling along. Well, I have a 42" set, and I'm about 4 to 5 feet away, I got up to shew it away, the little fucker was in my fucking TV:lol :lol I was pissed at first but I went to bed and the next morning it was gone! It would have sucked if it would have permanently died right in the middle of my TV!
Also 3 days ago, my dad sat down on he recliner to watch TV and almost put his forearm on a BLACK WIDOW! o_O


-House centipedes feed on spiders, bedbugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish and other household pests. They kill their prey by injecting venom through their fangs.

You should keep it as a pet!


The only bug that I fear is the cicada, and that's only because they look like giant flies. They have a habit of ramming into your skull at top speeds. Also since their wings are attatched to their heads, if you decapitate them, their flying zombie heads will come after you (not joking)

I can hear them singing their fell song from the treetops even as I type this.



I just encountered one of these in my basement. Probably the tenth one this year. I see them more often during radical temperature shifts (and today was exceptionally warm compared to yesterday). Fuck me, they're so brutally creepy, even though I know they're pretty much eating everything else. In Toronto, for the record.

All I could think of as I first spotted it scurrying by was "ZERG".

I'm glad there are generally no health concerns or anything to worry about with them. They're just enormous and fucking creepy as hell. I still annihilate them with a nearby shoe and/or RAID and/or paper towel, because I just can't stand the thought of letting the fucker go and wondering if it'll be waiting for me the next day. :lol

I am irrational when it comes to bugs. :( :lol
Because they eat household pests, house centipedes are considered among the most beneficial creatures that inhabit human dwellings,

I used to hate them, but now I like'em after I read up on that particular fact above. Although I can still see why ppl are freaked out about'em :lol


Oh dear lawd! I was staying with my grandparents for my last semester in Ny. (Oh how I miss Nyc).

They were gracious enough to allow me to stay in one of the furnished basement rooms in their apartment building in Brookyn. God I swear the whole basement was alive with creatures of all sorts. The door to the back yard was a shitty old metal door that had cracks everywhere. I was always creeped out to go there.

Anyhow, I ended up finding one of those centipedes, pretty close to the OP picture actually.
Boy did that thing freak me out. I did some research as to what it was and after I read up on it, I wanted it out. It ended up being an hour endeavor trying to get that thing out or trap it. I almost had it trapped in a cup before it ran in my direction. Holllyy shit did I jump.

It also lost its leg, which twitched around.. God it was gross. Dunno what happened to it but later that night I felt something touch my leg. I jumped out of the bed turned the lights on only to find one of those giant flying roaches on my bed. FML.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I feel this is as good of place as any to post this.

Two days ago, I woke up on my bed as usual, but I saw something blurry move past my eye. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, there was nothing. I laid there for another minute or two. Then I saw it AGAIN, but it had stopped. I quickly grabbed my glasses and saw that not more than 6 inches away from my face was a fucking HUGE BLACK SPIDER the size of a goddamn half-dollar.

Quickly grabbed some tissue (like 8 or 9 pieces so I wouldn't feel the crunch) and fucked up that little thing. I made it suffer. I'm definitely racist against spiders.
Dacvak said:
I feel this is as good of place as any to post this.

Two days ago, I woke up on my bed as usual, but I saw something blurry move past my eye. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, there was nothing. I laid there for another minute or two. Then I saw it AGAIN, but it had stopped. I quickly grabbed my glasses and saw that not more than 6 inches away from my face was a fucking HUGE BLACK SPIDER the size of a goddamn half-dollar.

Quickly grabbed some tissue (like 8 or 9 pieces so I wouldn't feel the crunch) and fucked up that little thing. I made it suffer. I'm definitely racist against spiders.

You did well.

I kill every bug I see in my home. Fuck em.


Dacvak said:
I feel this is as good of place as any to post this.

Two days ago, I woke up on my bed as usual, but I saw something blurry move past my eye. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, there was nothing. I laid there for another minute or two. Then I saw it AGAIN, but it had stopped. I quickly grabbed my glasses and saw that not more than 6 inches away from my face was a fucking HUGE BLACK SPIDER the size of a goddamn half-dollar.

Quickly grabbed some tissue (like 8 or 9 pieces so I wouldn't feel the crunch) and fucked up that little thing. I made it suffer. I'm definitely racist against spiders.

Yes. Yes you are.
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