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What is your drug of choice?

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DaCocoBrova said:
Reefer & Beer. Been smoking cigs, but realized yesterday that they're not for me.

I have to stop smoking come December for my trial in January. I need a vice replacement. Any suggestions? My kidney is fucked up ATM (at least that's what I think it is). So drinking needs to be curtailed as well.

Well about no substances? There's nothing I can think of that's a safe alternative than reefer and your health is more important than another vice.



a little leafy and they didn't cure it long enough so it was harsh at first, but this is the best bud I have seen around here for a while :D
I don't smoke weed, but I have in the past.

And, I've had a lot of weed, but until you smoke some Kentucky country weed, you ain't smoked shit. My legs went numb and I passed out... on weed! I swear, smoking Jenkins (KY) weed is like smoking PCP. It fucks you up.

That's it... thanks GAF for inspiring me to smoke pot for the first time in 2 years.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
I've had a raging vicodin habit for at least 6 years. I'm starting to get up into Brett Favre territory these days, unfortunately. It's not uncommon to take 15 or so a day. I think I'm gonna have to start with the Salvia or go back to pot pretty soon before I lose my hearing. Tinnitus FTL...




I'm surprised at all the vicodin. Is that pretty popular in the bigger cities? can't say i know anyone who does that.


Flo_Evans said:

a little leafy and they didn't cure it long enough so it was harsh at first, but this is the best bud I have seen around here for a while :D

That looks great. I'd take a picture of mine but I only have a cell phone camera and it wouldn't do any justice, so I took this pic of what I'm about to go and enjoy.:D

Dank buds.

Ecstasy was cool too, but I hate the day after if you have to do ANYTHING at all.

I remember one day I somehow ended up going somewhere for breakfast with my mom. It sucked. A lot.


BudokaiMR2 said:
Dank buds.

Ecstasy was cool too, but I hate the day after if you have to do ANYTHING at all.

I remember one day I somehow ended up going somewhere for breakfast with my mom. It sucked. A lot.

You get used to the after day if you do it a lot. But the after day of taking one or two E pills is nothing compared to what happens if you're on an all-night E binge. The next day you're so drained, you sleep and sleep... don't eat at all... eating sometimes hurts... then the following day, maybe up to the following week, you just feel totally zapped and don't want to do shit.

It's the worst comedown ever, save perhaps the initial comedown after a two or three day meth binge.
JCX9 said:
I dunno. The big potheads I know were somewhat lazy and unmotivated before they started.
<--Very lazy, no motivation, paranoid, long before I started smoking pot. In fact I'd say it eased up some of my crazies, and made a couple of others apparent.:lol


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
thesoapster said:
I do not do any illegal substances at all. The realizations that I have come to will allow me to do much better things than drugs.
the hell does that mean?
Am I allowed to say it?

Coke. The only thing I hate is the crash afterwards. The high is amazing.

Granted I don't do it anymore, because it ruined my relationship with this girl. We were so in love, and then we started getting fucked up every weekend. I wont get into it, its very recent, but I fuckin loved this girl with all my heart and now we're split, coke was the reason, so don't do it.

Oh and if you do shitty coke, and a ton of it, you'll wake up the next morning in sweat and your bed sheets will smell like baking soda.


I love cannabis. I built a vaporizer out of a light bulb, and it's actually a pretty nice way to get baked. The smell isn't that bad, and it's really efficient. Personally, I'm deathly afraid of cocaine and heroin, so I'd prefer never to get into that. I'll try shrooms one day, but weed is good enough for me.

The occasional alcoholic beverage is good, too. I like when you're a bit drunk but still there; i.e really funny and relaxed but not puking.


Junior Member
I've tried most of the fun drugs. Here's my list:

- E
- Pot
- Coke
- Alcohol

I still want to try LSD, Shrooms, G and K. Everything else isn't on my radar.

Hi Amir0x. <3


I've been livin' clean up here at the beach since August... not even any fucking booze. I'm flushing my system out and gaining mental clarity or some shit...

But I have done and enjoyed booze, weed, acid, shrooms, mescaline, ecstasy and coke. The entire year of 99 is fuzzy but what I remember is faaaaan-fuckingtastic... we lived next door to strippers in a duplex and we had a jacuzzi in our house, so it became stripper/drug central for that summer. One night I came home to find out we were having a party, and then over the course of the night 2 other parties from down the street came to our party... I was told there was an orgy in the hot tub the next day and my roommate who cleaned it out said he found like 15 condom wrappers.

In summation, college was fun.


Nick said:

Do you mean GHB? Because you'd have to be a moron to do GHB for "fun." Also, you told me you did K. Twice. What's the deal here.

As for me, mushrooms or acid all the way. I used to be a coke addict and a MASSIVE e-tard (my god have I taken a lot of E), but I just don't enjoy "pleasure drugs" so much anymore. I need that extra kick that psychedelics give to life. Just tried 2C-I for my first time today which was quite an eye-opening experience and is now a member of my "Fave five."


marijuana for the sake of this thread but it will always just be a plant to me, not a drug.

the amount of people in this country that take pain killers recreationally, from vicodin to hillbilly heroin is staggering. the age at which most start is even crazier although it does seem to vary from junior high school boys to women in their 40's.
Just to list, I've done weed, coke, shrooms, ecstasy, meth and mescaline. Also some vicodin and adderall.

Meth was the worst. While smoking it, and for maybe an hour afterwards I felt like Superman, but then I couldn't sleep for two days, and my heartbeat was pretty irregular. Not arrythmic, but it would speed up and slow down for no reason. That was kind of scary. So no more meth for me.

I don't think I could do shrooms either. I tend to veer into negative states of mind while under the influence of psychedelic drugs. Hell, even weed can get me focused on some pretty bad thoughts, so I don't think I could handle a big dose of shrooms.

Btw, a little pointer, in case anyone does shrooms and thinks they took too much and wants to come back to earth a little bit. Drink some white wine. No joke, it counteracts the hallucinogen. The more you drink, the more the high will wear off.
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