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What would you like to see in a Persona 5: Crimson? aka Persona 5: Golden

They would need to completely rewrite the game for a female MC. I would rather them not half ass it for crimson and go all in on it for 6.

But lol..If Pstudio is off trying to figure out how to stick social links in a traditional fantasy RPG, who is even making Crimson?

Also, given the idea that the Vita is not a viable platform for a upgrade of their biggest game ever, I suspect a Crimson re release could be done via DLC for PS3/4 for people who already owned the vanilla version of P5.


- Less bed time
- More confidants
- More dungeons
- More voiced dialogue
- Ski trip
- Extra time at batting cages.
P5 is far less about this than P4, and it could even be taken to work with the last development in the game between the two,
where they trust her and the adults with sorting themselves out from there on.
The majority of the game is about how shitty the adults in power are.


I'd LOVE a Vita version.

The install base in Japan is big enough to make a JP version worth while, and Atlus already has the subs from the PS4 version. DO IT!
Let me play match maker with my party members. I can be a sleaze bag and date all the girls myself but I can't help hook Mishima up with Futaba? Or Ann and Ryuji? That's some bullshit!

The only character Mishima could hook up with is Ohya. Let the zeroes have each other.


Let me play match maker with my party members. I can be a sleaze bag and date all the girls myself but I can't help hook Mishima up with Futaba? Or Ann and Ryuji? That's some bullshit!
Number one rule of harems: guy friends can never do better than the MC in romance, and are generally treated like shit by everyone.


Originally, this post was going to be just about a few QoL/story fixes that would improve the overall game. Then it ended up turning in what I'd like to see in a P3:FES-level remake.

-Introduce Haru to the player AND the party waaaaaaaay earlier. I'm talking just after the first dungeon early as both you guys and her frequent the roof. Just because she isn't a Phantom Thief doesn't mean she can't befriend your party by happenstance first, who inadvertently ends up joining later due to Morgana. Hell, it'd make more sense if she went to take care of Morgana if she recognized him as your cat.

-As someone who loves Makoto....chop off Makoto's plot legs. That girl dominates the plot the moment she's introduced, all the way to the very finale. She quite literally overshadows everybody, Joker and Morgana included, and runs the show. She makes all the plans, she's always on point with her plans, she even yells enemy weaknesses over Futaba. Straight up, just halve her lines and make it so that she isn't always the one that dominates every discussion, or if you want to keep her line number intact, make her role as the party's quartermaster shine more over everything else that she does.

-As has been mentioned plenty, get rid of the silly bed time restrictions when covering plot. Morgana should have been telling you to go to sleep early at most, 1/5th of the times that he did.

-Cut out the anime cutscenes, or hire a studio that's actually going to try. The rendered cutscenes were always hands-down better than the poor offerings the anime cutscenes gave.

-Give Joker more voiced lines and stop treating him like a semi-functional mute. We all know he's going to be fully voiced once the Persona 5 Anime rolls around, why gimp him in the main game. For that matter, offer us a default name that can act as a 'canon' name that characters actually voice instead of 'this guy'.

-Let Joker romance (some of) the men already. MC x Yusuke or MC x Akechi felt like it was blatantly demonstrated all game long and needs to be possible. And cut the ridiculous booty raider parodies that appeared in Shinjuku and the beach.

-An alternate path/The Answer-level followup. (Major Spoilers)
A bit of a tangent from MC x Akechi, but I think it'd be interesting if they put some serious effort into providing an alternate route where Akechi doesn't die. Without the character assassination, please. There's a few ways to go about it. One option would be if the Phantom Thieves actually went through with the idea of changing Akechi's heart before tackling Sae Nijima's palace, making it an optional, albeit difficult route. Hell, make it a NG+ only route so that players still experience the original game before this route. Akechi, rather than betraying you in Nijima's palace, joins you fully in carrying out your faked death charade for the purpose of bringing down Shido and taking the targets off of your backs temporarily for plot continuity. Akechi continues to work with you all the way through up until the end of Shido's palace, and takes your place in jail over Joker after the final boss battle.

Now, to be perfectly clear. This would require good writing to not be utter character assassination. Like, really good writing. Like, I don't trust Atlus to write this good writing. But it'd be amazing if they could pull it off. ESPECIALLY if they provide alternate dialogue for an Akechi x MC route that leaves a bitter and unclear taste in the player's mouth in wondering if they really did the right thing changing his personality so drastically; it being one thing to change someone you don't know or actively hate, it being another thing completely to change someone that, to a certain extent, you considered a friend(or lover).

Now, this is where the idea really jumps the shark and goes full out dream scenario: In order to not jump straight to February, have there be a little bit of fallout due to Tokyo becoming a temporary hellscape. A little bit of fallout, like the Phantom Thieves coming into contact with characters from the past Persona games, who come to investigate exactly what went down. Mitusuru's Shadow Operatives, a random member of the Investigation Team who happens to be around Tokyo like Narukami, Naoto, or Rise, hell, if you REALLY want to go for a mindblown.gif superplot, give us a P1/P2 character like Naoya. My personal bet is on Naoto in such a scenario, as she'd have an in with the police to know the identity of the Phantom Thieves while at the same time having a far better understanding of the cognitive world than most policemen due to her experiences in the TV World. Finally, Naoto'd probably be curious/keep tabs on who the new 'detective prince' is and see alarm bells/similarities to the Inaba incident in that the deaths caused by the perpetrator are unexplainable/tied to the supernatural.

Anyways. Have the Phantom Thieves establish contact with Naoto using Sae as a go-between. Naoto will appear in early January and reveal to the Phantom Thieves that even though the cognitive world/app is gone, it's not necessarily the end of their adventures. Queue Naoto pulling out an evoker and summoning her Persona in the real world. Naoto will (hopefully) not infodump on the Phantom Thieves and will instead feed them crumbs alluding to greater things.

I'm not quite sure where to go from here. My current idea is that Naoto offers to tell them more on the condition that they accept some sort of test from her. Naoto gifts you her Evoker but clarifies that it's a crutch until they learn to summon a Persona without one. She then gives you some sort of challenge that has you actually using your Personas in the real world to...hmmm....break Akechi out of prison? I like this idea. More extrapolation:

Naoto's condition is to break Goro Akechi out of prison and refuses to tell you why or what for. This immediately sets most of the party on edge, and some of them into open hostility. In response, Naoto voices a theory aloud: Are the Phantom Thieves certain that the Change of Heart actually permanent? After all, it seems so convenient; steal somebody's treasure, and their entire personality and psyche changes on a switch with seemingly no consequences or side effects. Who's to say that it isn't only a temporary solution, and that those whose treasures were stolen won't slowly normalize their regret and slide back to some middling point between who they were and what they regret doing? Did they keep tabs on those who they'd changed? Who's to say that their minds won't break later? Won't they require some sort of rehabilitation?

Protagonist: TRIGGERED

Naoto's words bring up doubt among Phantom Thieves, even Morgana. The Phantom Thieves tentatively agree to do it with the voiced understanding that Goro Akechi won't be a free man and that he still has debts to repay to society. With Naoto's guidance/provided floor plan/info on guard shifts, and one dungeon later where Akechi argues (somewhat non-convincingly) that they should have left him to carry out his sentence, Akechi is out of prison(but not his handcuffs) in front of Naoto, who begins to interrogate him as the Phantom Thieves watch on. The Phantom Thieves will quietly start discussing among themselves how odd Akechi is behaving; when he first turned himself in, he was melancholic, felt incredibly guilty, and seemed at peace with his fate. But now, while not quite regretting his choice, a bit of his less guarded 'Real Akechi' demeanor is back; he's a bit more sarcastic, more aloof to his crimes, and unlike when he turned himself in, he's sitting with his head held high.

Naoto ends her interrogation of Akechi(including flashbacks to some of his offscreen behavior as the black-mask thief) and asks their opinion on whether Akechi appears to be regressing. Most of the party agrees that he is. Naoto then proposes the following; rather than having him sit behind bars and return into the monster he'd become, Akechi will work to repay his debts to society with his own two hands, and in turn, will be rehabilitated by the Shadow Operatives. The party is torn, but ultimately agree after Haru points out that if Personas can be materialized in the real world, then there's a legitimate chance Akechi will one day escape prison as the monster he once was. The Protagonist introspects that due to Akechi's Wild Card, that possibility is far more likely than she suspects. Akechi seems torn on the possibility, unwilling to deny that emancipation would be tempting, as even he can acknowledge that his disposition is changing over time and that he'd have vehemently disagreed on the day that he turned himself in.

Akechi leaves with Naoto, still in handcuffs with the understanding that Goro Akechi will forever be a wanted man; normal society will never be able to truly prosecute him to the extent of his crimes as they're unprovable. And so Goro Akechi must disappear from normal society forever in order to repay his debts. Meanwhile the Phantom Thieves get Naoto's number and a promise to be in touch soon.

Fastforward to the ending scene of Persona 5. Joker's cellphone rings, it's from Naoto.

"Are you guys ready?"


Sorry for taking up so much space with spoiler tags, but any part of my dream followup scenario is basically end-game spoilers.


No adult character is ever going to be playable in a game whose story revolves around the self development of teens. It goes against what they are aiming for thematically.



I would do ANYTHING for other Persona like Eternal Punishment ;_;
They would need to completely rewrite the game for a female MC. I would rather them not half ass it for crimson and go all in on it for 6.

But lol..If Pstudio is off trying to figure out how to stick social links in a traditional fantasy RPG, who is even making Crimson?

Also, given the idea that the Vita is not a viable platform for a upgrade of their biggest game ever, I suspect a Crimson re release could be done via DLC for PS3/4 for people who already owned the vanilla version of P5.

Nice to know that I'm not the only crazy person.


That's generally the point.

If not as an incentive to replay the game, then for a second chance to right the wrongs and take into consideration what the fans want more of.

Yeah, I wouldn't want just a FeMC with very little changes anyway. Since I highly doubt a new edition would be available as simply DLC, if they want me to buy a brand new, full priced version of the product, I want some hefty new content. Not a handful of new scenes I could watch online.

Ryuji mute function, or remove entirely.

and replace with playable BECKY

Ryuji is pretty great though. Ann confidant spoilers


Why do so many people give a fuck about Hifumi? She's so lame. She plays old people checkers in a church for chrissake.

The game could use better writing, I'm frankly surprised that this many people give it a pass when it barely makes sense within its own established lore.
And the end is about
leaving some of it to them so they can clean up their act after being shown their ways, especially with Sae.

By this point the game is also starting to subtly give the message that
to grow / make real improvement the to yourself / the world around you requires solving your problems without needing to rely on super powered interventions. It's a thing that people must do for themselves under their own power

The powers we have a basically a crutch to support us (metaphorically the teens), because we feel like we have no power to move society. But for those who are already established in society (metaphorically the adults) the end message is "you do have the power to change things". Guess Who wrote an excellent summary in the spoiler thread [HUGE SPOILERS FOR WHOLE GAME] that explains what Atlus were going for – and having any of the adult characters join would go against that.

- it's why the main cast specifically have s.link issues that are resolved without going into the metaverse, and completing that realisation unlocks their "true" power.

It wouldn't work in P5, but there is nothing stopping them from doing it in P6 though
- Gay

- Mementos playlist like the one Tartarus had.

- New Personas, particularly Mephisto, Es, Krishna, Adam, Eve, Nyx, and Izanami. Also
the Kaneko renditions of the Palace bosses, although Soejima or Doi would have to design a new Asmodeus and Leviathan for it to be complete.

- Ex dungeon


More music, please.

P3 and P4 had noticeable "day to day" music changes as important events passed and the seasons changed.
P5 plays the same 2 or 3 songs for the entire calendar, and it starts to make everything feel like a slog.

On the same subject, the Mementos theme is so plodding and terrible that I dread going to Mementos, when the "massive randomly generated dungeon" was one of my favorite reveals about the game before release.
("It's P3's Tartarus, but mostly optional and you can do it at your own pace? Hell yes!")
You spend hours and hours there and the entire time you have to listen to this goofy, meandering almost circus-like music piece that reminds me of that "clown farting in the basement" theme from the original Resident Evil.

Especially weird since the official soundtrack contains apparently dozens of tracks that go completely unused.
I'm all for for Persona 5 "Crimson" but like can we let this game breathe for a minute? it hasn't even been out for a year yet; just bearly a month in the west

took a little over a year to get P3 fes and nealy 4 years for P4G, we all need to calm down! lol

especially you swtich fans :p


Junior Member
-As someone who loves Makoto....chop off Makoto's plot legs. That girl dominates the plot the moment she's introduced, all the way to the very finale. She quite literally overshadows everybody, Joker and Morgana included, and runs the show. She makes all the plans, she's always on point with her plans, she even yells enemy weaknesses over Futaba. Straight up, just halve her lines and make it so that she isn't always the one that dominates

Great post. When I beat the game, it came to a realization that Makoto is the basically 50% of the Phantom Thief group. 20% goes to Joker, 10% to Morgana, 10% to Futaba. Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke and Haru all share 10%. Somebody in the writing team must have really loved Makoto.

Hell I would argue Makoto is the second best party member other than Joker in gameplay terms too. She gets the best weapon and gun, and she can heal and do good magic damage, and marakukaja which is always helpful.
It would be great if they started working on an other Persona game instead of doing a "plus" version... The wait between 4 and 5 nearly killed me :)


Never force the player to go to bed, rebalance the game around this.

Do an editing pass to remove the copious amounts of superfluous text, I'm not just talking about story-related dialogue but stuff like being reminded about needing high Guts for an SLink every time I shop for weapons, or instances in dungeon crawling where characters stop me because they feel the need to comment stuff like "ooh you unlocked this door! Btw what's up with this hallway?".

I also hope they will heavily revise the last quarter-ish of the game because there are instances where it dips very low in terms of gameplay and writing.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Great post. When I beat the game, it came to a realization that Makoto is the basically 50% of the Phantom Thief group. 20% goes to Joker, 10% to Morgana, 10% to Futaba. Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke and Haru all share 10%. Somebody in the writing team must have really loved Makoto.

Hell I would argue Makoto is the second best party member other than Joker in gameplay terms too. She gets the best weapon and gun, and she can heal and do good magic damage, and marakukaja which is always helpful.

That gun she gets is ridiculous. They really loved her on the dev team.

Makoto even managed to get herself included into the August/September Spoilers
lackluster class trip


Neo Member
I have a lot more thoughts on improvements I'd like to see in the game (namely some pacing with the end, a couple of the anime scenes/interactions w/ Ann, Confidant improvements, etc.), but I guess I don't see why an enhanced P5 couldn't have both a Nintendo Switch release and a DLC update for the base game on PS4?

I could understand why the P3/P4 enhanced versions happened the way they did given they were on PS2, but I think Atlus could bring the enhanced game at full retail for Switch, and offer the enhancements in a a $15-$20 DLC for the PS4 version. That way you don't have to pay full retail for the same game if you got it at launch (even if I would probably buy the Switch version too :p)

They did something similar with the Arena games, where you could buy the entirety of P4A as a $10 DLC for Ultimax, even if that should have been the other way around tbh. Given we're not limited by the PS2 anymore and DLC is as common a practice as it is, I don't see any reason why to not offer that as a potential way to get it.


Never force the player to go to bed, rebalance the game around this.

Do an editing pass to remove the copious amounts of superfluous text, I'm not just talking about story-related dialogue but stuff like being reminded about needing high Guts for an SLink every time I shop for weapons, or instances in dungeon crawling where characters stop me because they feel the need to comment stuff like "ooh you unlocked this door! Btw what's up with this hallway?".

I also hope they will heavily revise the last quarter-ish of the game because there are instances where it dips very low in terms of gameplay and writing.

I agree with a lot of this. There's too much text spam and interface clunk. Rebalancing the night session to allow for short bursts of stat development, reading, tools, etc. with streamlined animations would go a long way towards making the game feel more balanced between gameplay chunks and story chunks.


More characters should have portraits. People like Lala Escargot, Kaoru, and Eiko who feature prominently in Confidants really should have them.

That random model in Ann's has one lol.


I agree with a lot of this. There's too much text spam and interface clunk. Rebalancing the night session to allow for short bursts of stat development, reading, tools, etc. with streamlined animations would go a long way towards making the game feel more balanced between gameplay chunks and story chunks.

Every time you come home to LeBlanc and your phone rings and you see it's a group chat:


"Did they say anything interesting? No? Just repeating for the hundredth time how nervous they are about the thing we just did? Cool."


I got grudge sucked!
FemMC, Hifumi playable cast, more Mementos targets, something to break up those long narrative stretches in the second half of the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Copied from the import thread.
- Disable Tutorial option
- Item that unlocks all systems(community fusion, electric chair, etc) from at least the start of May
- Fem MC, so in my honest opinion the game is pretty filled so it doesn't feel like there's a lot of room for content additions ala golden but I might be wrong, that said to me it seems like a Fem MC is a far more organic addition to P5
- Rank 10 Party costume upgrades, so I love the standard thief outfits so much I wore them throughout most of the game only changing them out for different music really. I think it would be neat to have their customes change a little(color, small attachments, etc) after rank 10 to kind or reflect the evolution of their "spirit of rebellion."
- More fleshed out weapon system. Iwai's customizing option is a very small first step to something that's possibly way better. Extend the system to weapons and armor and give more control over the way you customize. Persona is just the most fun when you have more control over how to build out your party.
The dream would be to somehow combine Persona itemification into the idea of customizing where different Persona/Persona skills could add different weapon effects. Like the amp freeze raises the chance to freeze on hit.
- Additional ways to manipulate attribute points of your Persona something like P4G stat cards
- Have the option to gift skill cards to Yusuke so he can reproduce them even if you don't have the card anymore right now he can only duplicate cards you hold. It's a small thing really but it helps for NG+ replayability
- I want to say a difficulty that's exclusively tuned to NG+ but maybe that's unfair given that I'm not far into challenge yet, that said the start of challenge is definitely tuned in a way where you can still succeed on a fresh playthrough.
- Improve Akechi's Slink give option to reform him? <- Feels kind of bad story wise but really I want this for gameplay reasons because the guy learns debilitate would smoothen out party skill rotations a lot.
- Not necessary but 3rd Persona forms for your party? I just like evolving Persona.
- Definitely more Persona as well and hopefully with new type of skills.


Only if they add another great character like Marie and more fanservice into the existing storyline and cutscenes.

I'm all for for Persona 5 "Crimson" but like can we let this game breathe for a minute? it hasn't even been out for a year yet; just bearly a month in the west

took a little over a year to get P3 fes and nealy 4 years for P4G, we all need to calm down! lol

especially you swtich fans :p

I fully expect something to happen by the 1 year anniversary in September with the concerts happening in august and everything. At least another OVA and a couple of announcements.


I think more group events would definitely be good to help build up the bond/friendship between the group. They especially needed some during that big drag in pacing around Okumura's palace. They could also revise the events currently in-game like the Hawaii trip, as that felt pretty lackluster.

Another dungeon before the final one, and moving the final dungeon to February or March would also be good I think. I was finally fusing end-game Persona at the very last dungeon, and pretty much only got to use them on the final boss. I wish there was a full dungeon that I could go through with them. This might also allow for a better Christmas event and also a New Year's events, depending on how the story is reworked to add this new dungeon.


I think more group events would definitely be good to help build up the bond/friendship between the group. They especially needed some during that big drag in pacing around Okumura's palace. They could also revise the events currently in-game like the Hawaii trip, as that felt pretty lackluster.

Another dungeon before the final one, and moving the final dungeon to February or March would also be good I think. I was finally fusing end-game Persona at the very last dungeon, and pretty much only got to use them on the final boss. I wish there was a full dungeon that I could go through with them. This might also allow for a better Christmas event and also a New Year's events, depending on how the story is reworked to add this new dungeon.

I dunno. The ending with the MC in jail and the party members and Confidants helping you leave juvie rounds out the game theme really well. At that point they don't have their powers, but they're able to work together and avoid an unjust situation by making enough noise for the police / prosecutor office to free you.

The ending must stay. Now, if you want to move it a little bit and have the MC
give himself in at a later date
, yeah, it could work.


I dunno. The ending with the MC in jail and the party members and Confidants helping you leave juvie rounds out the game theme really well. At that point they don't have their powers, but they're able to work together and avoid an unjust situation by making enough noise for the police / prosecutor office to free you.

The ending must stay. Now, if you want to move it a little bit and have the MC
give himself in at a later date
, yeah, it could work.
Oh no, definitely keep the ending. I was thinking to just push it back to a later date.


Something to ease the pace of dungeons in the back half. It's a little uneven.

Other than that, they need to re-assess the beach and hawaii scenes. They're just kinda there.


Just finished the game at 138h, so:

1. Phantom Thieves social link and more special team events.
2. A bit better pacing near the end.
3. Introduce Haru earlier, even if she joins late in the game.
4. Hifumi as playable character. Probably my favorite confidant story.
5. Change devil confidant skills to something usefull.
6. Nerf twins rank 10.
7. Put a level cap to network fusion.
8. Futaba victory pose. Position hack >> all out attack should end with a futaba victory pose.
9. Redesign awakened personas (most are a downgrade).

The game can easily add another castle or seasonal events for the team with little tweaking.
Sort out the Menus in the Velvet Room. Annoying to have to go into 3rd person control mode and then talk to Igor again if you want to view the compendium/go to the fusing section.

Let me play match maker with my party members. I can be a sleaze bag and date all the girls myself but I can't help hook Mishima up with Futaba? Or Ann and Ryuji? That's some bullshit!
Man these matches are so so fitting. I never thought of Mishima and Futaba, but I felt like Ann/Ryuji match up well.

Also Yusuke and Haru as the most eloquently spoken two.
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