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What's going on with Deathloop and Final Fantasy VII Remake?

In case of FFVII maybe Square thinks it's just not worthwhile to port game to Xbox after so much time passed. Or they are waiting for gamepass check, like why not take a big pile of money for a simple port job.
That's be a pretty fucking stupid strategy leading into the second game.

It's much more likely that Sony renewed exclusivity
I think Final Fantasy is just straight up a Playstation console exclusive now.
I dont even think Final Fantasy XVI or Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will ever touch the Xbox consoles.
Nah I bet it'll come eventually simply because it's too big. The big fable was Kingdom Hearts ever leaving playstation and that happened(10 trillion years later). But I expect SE to take their sweet time waiting for a check from MS.


For FF7R Square probably just doesn't see it being worth the porting costs, for Deathloop Microsoft probably isn't allowed to announce anything until the exclusivity deal ending. I can see it being shadow dropped in the exact day they're able to tho (or maybe they'll just wait a while, as the PS+ announcement just took a lot of oomph from such an announcement)


That's be a pretty fucking stupid strategy leading into the second game.

It's much more likely that Sony renewed exclusivity

Not when they won't even bother porting the second same any time soon anyway. Or IDK, maybe they included an extension of Remake's exclusivity in part 2's deal.
Final Fantasy was extended at the same time the announced the Intergrade deal and FF16 exclusivity.

But don't worry, you'll get the Crisis Core remaster.


Final Fantasy is life time but the other 2 will be on Gamepass by the end of the year.

there are basically no lifetime deals. what is more realistic is that Square sees no potential market that is big enough on Xbox for Final Fantasy VII... which is a self fulfilling prophecy.

japanese devs often not release their games on Xbox, but then they sporadically and without much of a pattern will release some odd installment of their franchises on Xbox, which will then not sell that well and they pause releases again for some time.

and then after doing that shit they turn around and wonder why their games have no fanbases on that system.
you can't just release Final Fantasy XIII out of nowhere on Xbox when previously you didn't release XII or X... but then release XI the MMO, but not XIV, the second MMO...
nothing about this makes any sense...

other publishers aren't better. Silent Hill 2: Xbox + PS2, Silent Hill 3: PS2, Silent Hill 4: Xbox + PS2... like wtf are you doing?

I bet if all japanese publishers, all the big ones at least, would consistently release every single of their games on both systems the sales on Xbox would slowly grow larger and they would basically grow a new audience, but no, can't do that... let's make a weird exclusivity deal, and then after it's over still not release it on Xbox.
but something tells me FFXVII will be multiplat again for some weird reason, and will again sell not well on Xbox, because XVI wasn't there and the VII remake was also absent.


SE WANTED to release FFXIV on Xbox. Microsoft said no if it meant they had to allow cross-play with PS3.

do we have evidence for that? because Square was caught talking nonsense a while back when people asked for an Xbox One release. they said they don't want to release it because Microsoft doesn't allow cross platform chat, which is not true and demonstrably so, as at the time there were games out with cross platform text and voice chat.
do we have evidence for that? because Square was caught talking nonsense a while back when people asked for an Xbox One release. they said they don't want to release it because Microsoft doesn't allow cross platform chat, which is not true and demonstrably so, as at the time there were games out with cross platform text and voice chat.
Yes, lots. Both sides have said as much.


And FFXIV predates Xbox One.




Gold Member
FF7 is a weird one, the initial news always said they had a 1 year exclusivity but clearly Sony and Square extended their deal
it hopped to PC, so timed exclusivity ended already, they never mentioned it would come to xbox or nintendo 🤷‍♂️
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I know it predates the Xbox One, but I also know Square Enix was talking out of their asses when fhey claimed they can't port it to Xbox One because cross platform chat is not allowed there. that was their excuse for not porting it to Xbox One when asked
Show me where they said that. Do you mean voice chat? Because that's not even in the game anyway.


Show me where they said that. Do you mean voice chat? Because that's not even in the game anyway.

it was about text chat


“I have explained this before, but we are prepared to do crossplay at any time. There are two regulations for Microsoft which stand in the way of making cross-play feasible. Simply speaking, an FPS-style game has no issues with those two regulations. If we had made an FPS game then we would already have crossplay.”

“players with different platforms cannot chat with each other in-game.”

“you cannot make a community with plays on a different platform. You can’t form a guild, you can’t enter into a link shell, and no free company.”

all of this is complete nonsense as other games do this and did this when this interview released. and new ones have come out since that can do this.
Apex Legends for example has clubs you can join cross platform... it also has Text Chat now.

and back then I saw people bring up games that were already out at the time but I can't really remember which ones
it was about text chat


“I have explained this before, but we are prepared to do crossplay at any time. There are two regulations for Microsoft which stand in the way of making cross-play feasible. Simply speaking, an FPS-style game has no issues with those two regulations. If we had made an FPS game then we would already have crossplay.”

“players with different platforms cannot chat with each other in-game.”

“you cannot make a community with plays on a different platform. You can’t form a guild, you can’t enter into a link shell, and no free company.”

all of this is complete nonsense as other games do this and did this when this interview released. and new ones have come out since that can do this.
Apex Legends for example has clubs you can join cross platform... it also has Text Chat now.

and back then I saw people bring up games that were already out at the time but I can't really remember which ones
Microsoft did say all that though. They've changed their stance since then.

I'm not sure why you believe SquareEnix is just making that up.
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Microsoft did say all that though. They've changed their stance since then.

nope, there were games on the market with these or similar features.

I think this was either a big communication issue or they are just making shit up.

I saw people post examples of these features implemented in games back when that news dropped. and more came out since
nope, there were games on the market with these or similar features.

I think this was either a big communication issue or they are just making shit up.

I saw people post examples of these features implemented in games back when that news dropped. and more came out since
On PlayStation and Xbox?


On PlayStation and Xbox?

yes. pretty sure someone brought up Fortnite and Dauntless at the time as text chat examples, and there were others.

Dauntless was also something I played at the time and I knew had working cross text chat because I literally played it on PC, my cousin was on One X and a friend of mine on PS4
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are you playing dumb now? what is that comment? the interview I linked was from 3 years ago

And? When they were releasing the game, they went to Xbox. Xbox said, no, you can't put your game on Xbox if it means having to have cross play and cross chat with PlayStation.

That discussion occurred when the game was released for consoles in 2013. The date your article got this information is irrelevant.

After getting destroyed by the PS4, Xbox changed their tune. Square said too bad. And then stated why it wasn't on Xbox, which goes back to what occurred when the game released.

Not sure why this is so confusing for you.
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it hopped to PC, so timed exclusivity ended already, they never mentioned it would come to xbox or nintendo 🤷‍♂️

PC is a separate market that neither Sony nor MS see as a direct competitor to their platform.
Just because the game came out on PC doesn't mean Sony doesn't have a different sort of exclusivity arrangement with Square regarding a release on other consoles.

A lot of recent Ps5 timed exclusives like Stray, Deathloop, Sifu and Ghostwire Tokyo launched day 1 on PC.


It's like the race card for console wars. If you want to make a game that isn't on your console look bad, just call it woke and hope nobody asks you to explain.
Projecting there aren’t we. Not everyone is a living, breathing shock trooper for their favourite company in the console wars. You shouldn’t judge people by your own standards.
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Ever since these were announced as PlayStation console "exclusives", it has been basically taken for granted they were 1-year timed exclusives.

Well, Deathloop was release September 14, 2021. And despite Bethesda now being owned by Microsoft, we still haven't gotten a word about the Xbox release. I thought maybe they couldn't say anything until the 14th of this month and it would go straight into GamePass. And I guess it still could, but it seems really odd that it was announced to be going into PS+ Extra at that time.

And one year went by with no word on Final Fantasy VII Remake. Then another one. Surely, Sony couldn't have paid for three years timed exclusivity, right?

What will happen with Ghostwire Tokyo? Could Sony have somehow really negotiated lifetime deals for any of these games? Will Microsoft use their newly purchased publisher games to negotiate these deals reworked and released on Xbox?
FF VII Remake in on PC...

And the reason why its not on Switch is because the Switch (probably) can't run it.
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FF VII Remake in on PC...
Yes, yes. Everyone knows. That's why we use the term "console exclusive". It's a game that is only on one console. It's a term Microsoft uses in their conferences all the time.

Sony and Microsoft do not view the PC audience as a competing market as they view each other's and Nintendo's. That's why all Microsoft's games go to PC day one and a lot of Sony's go there eventually.

Both also make deals with third-party publishers that a game can go to PC, but it can't go to the other consoles. Look at Street Fighter V, Death Stranding, and, yes, Final Fantasy VII Remake.
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