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What's the last movie that truly scared you?

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I didn't get to catch Horrorfest... the preview looked pretty awesome but I don't think it reached any theaters near me (shock).
I'm thinking of starting a list of horror movies that most of us have praised in this thread; maybe some rules though, I may not list "popular" films like Halloween or The Exorcist. But a list of lesser known horror films that a lot of you have listed. I kind of want to do it so I can personally remember to check them all out at some point because I know there has to be better horror movies out there that I've yet to watch.

Suggestions? I'd say Suspiria should wind up on the list, as well as some of the Horrorfest features, if not all of them. Hopefully those will be available sometime shortly.


1982...I was 9.



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Favre4435 said:
Signs gave me shivers....

When the first alien footage is shown at that birthday party... the way that damn thing looks at the camera and strange 9/11-like mood that had been set up to that point all combined to make my spine crawl.

That scared the shit out of me.
A lot of people found that scene stupid, since it was unlike any other kind of alien movie. To me, the scene conveyed that the aliens knew humans had no chance against them, so they didn't even have to bother with sneaking in people's houses at night. The body language of the alien was almost as if it was screwing around. That made it even more terrifying.

I got finished watching the movie at around 2AM and then walked my dog. I was living in a condo complex with tons of bushes and trees. It was dreadful. Just as I was about to go back inside, someone walked right behind the buildings just like the movie. :(


Jake XXX said:
i have come to the conclusion you are all a big bunch of a girls. LET ME PROTECT YOU!
I have generally found that most people who don't find movies scary have no suspension of disbelief.

Blair Witch Project is a great example of this. It can be totally lacking in the fear department if you don't really try to believe that it is "real footage".

It's like reading the spoilers to a spy thriller before you go to the movie. The joy is putting yourself in the movie and truly believing.

This may not apply to you, just wanted to throw that out there.


Junior Member
BigGreenMat said:
So Halloween is the next to last scary movie you have ever seen? I disagree... Oh wait you think that penultimate means like 'the all time high or best'.
I'm still a teenager.
It's like getting teary eyed in a movie or book or something... sure anyone could bypass it and not take it seriously, but that's what they're there for. If you can't allow yourself to get into the story and relate and sympathize with the characters, there's really no reason to approach it in any way unless it's purely for entertainment or to blow some time, and there's a good chance that movies or stories like that lack any real substance to begin with.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
The last movie that freaked me out was that Kevin Bacon one where he got hypnotized and then could see the future or some shit


Grave Dancers has a couple of good monsters but that's about it for scares. I don't even think they were trying to be scary most of the time, it's very campy.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Jake XXX said:
wolf creek is the biggest joke of a 'film' i have ever seen. some you guys are crazy.

yeah - wolf creek wasn't so much scary as just depraved. i don't mind gory stuff - but it just had this really depressing, nasty feel to it, so i walked out. i should really have known what to expect going in :p
I think it was Ring 0 or maybe Ring 2, the Japanese version. There was one scene where the main character goes to Sadako's house and her mother has this deranged look on her face, looking through a mirror at the main character. Freaked me out hard. :(


Blair Witch gets my vote. At the release, me & the group I went to see the movie with were under the belief that it was actual footage and the movie was about to be ripped from theaters due to a joint lawsuit by the familes of the "victims". Untill I saw the three of them on an MTV awards show about 2 weeks later, I was seriuosly creeped.


DoctorWho said:
Exorcist is the only movie that has ever "scared" me.

Yup. Some people think it's hokey watching it now, but believing in God really makes that movie a LOT scarier.

Also, I watched Dark Water last night, that was pretty cool too.


Bud said:
I couldn't sleep for days without thinking some creepy underage japanese girl would crawl up from under my blanket.

You still fap to that though, don't you?

gollumsluvslave said:
Just watched A Tale of Two Sisters again last night.

Yup. One sequence in particular in that movie is very scary.

Great film as well.

A Tale of Two Sisters is a great movie, I wouldn't consider it a horror movie, though, rather a weird mix between slice-of-life and a thriller.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Signs creeped me out.

I couldn't get to sleep the night after watching it.

I need to watch this. I freakin' own it. :X

Haha, that makes me laugh.

Exorcist is the only "shocking" horror movie i have seen.


good credit (by proxy)
The Gate scared me for years afterwards when I was a kid, the whole eye in the hand thing, and that giant lumberjack who busts through the wall got me. Arachnophobia also made me afraid of spiders when I wasn't before. After that nothing has scared me though.
Is Suspiria really worth tracking down? I had always assumed Argento would make my kind of films, but then I saw Tenebrae, which was on par with what you'd get by wandering through the Horror section of an ancient video rental store and picking up a VHS at random. Worst moving POV shots ever.
Well after reading this thread I went and watched Event Horizon, hoping to be scared. You have failed me GAF. At least the movie wasn't bad. It just wasn't scary.
Scullibundo said:
Well after reading this thread I went and watched Event Horizon, hoping to be scared. You have failed me GAF. At least the movie wasn't bad. It just wasn't scary.

It's hard to be scared by Sam Neill. He's always going to be the Dino doctor from Jurrassic Park.
buckfutter said:
Is Suspiria really worth tracking down? I had always assumed Argento would make my kind of films, but then I saw Tenebrae, which was on par with what you'd get by wandering through the Horror section of an ancient video rental store and picking up a VHS at random. Worst moving POV shots ever.

I'd say Suspiria is better than what you saw. It just depends. Technically the movie is awesome. It has a decent story too, probably better than most other horror stories. Nothing complicated, just... weird and disturbing.


The King Kong movie was scary; there was a scene where there are some huge monsters and insects attacking everyone.


brandonh83 said:
:lol Was a bit too long.
a bit too long? more like a bit too ****ing terrible. i once wanted to make a youtube video with all the scenes of "people in awe" cut together but going through the whole movie again... i just couldn't take it anymore and just gave up eventually.
jarosh said:
a bit too long? more like a bit too ****ing terrible. i once wanted to make a youtube video with all the scenes of "people in awe" cut together but going through the whole movie again... i just couldn't take it anymore and just gave up eventually.

Well I don't let such things hamper my enjoyment of a movie, but to each his own. It's expected though, I mean put a bunch of people on an island with a giant gorilla, dinosaurs, and creepy crawlies. There'll be a lot of "people in awe" faces. :lol It's a movie, sure, and we don't have to see that everytime... I'm just saying I somewhat expected it. Jurassic Park kinda had the same thing but to a lesser extent.


Brats: The Movie...

I realized at that point no matter how I raise my child... if she watches that... she will be a whore.


brandonh83 said:
Well I don't let such things hamper my enjoyment of a movie, but to each his own. It's expected though, I mean put a bunch of people on an island with a giant gorilla, dinosaurs, and creepy crawlies. There'll be a lot of "people in awe" faces. :lol It's a movie, sure, and we don't have to see that everytime... I'm just saying I somewhat expected it. Jurassic Park kinda had the same thing but to a lesser extent.
the scenes lasted for MINUTES sometimes. MINUTES of people just LOOKING at things. and the writing... WORST dialogue EVER. terrible TERRIBLE acting. i watched it with my brother and we were pulling our hair out after two hours. i think the last movie i saw so full of self-indulgence and self-adulation was LOTR. oh wait, same director. i'm starting to see a pattern here. although king kong is still much worse than lotr


Jewbacca said:
Brats: The Movie...

I realized at that point no matter how I raise my child... if she watches that... she will be a whore.

I'd say Jacob's Ladder. It's been more than a few years since any film scared me.
jarosh said:
the scenes lasted for MINUTES sometimes. MINUTES of people just LOOKING at things. and the writing... WORST dialogue EVER. terrible TERRIBLE acting. i watched it with my brother and we were pulling our hair out after two hours. i think the last movie i saw so full of self-indulgence and self-adulation was LOTR. oh wait, same director. i'm starting to see a pattern here. although king kong is still much worse than lotr

Well, I've come to realize that people have complaints about the writing and acting in everything ever, so I guess it just boils down to taste. :lol

The ONE part that I didn't like though, off the top of my head, was



brandonh83 said:
:lol Ridiculous.

But the T-rex/Kong fight made up for it. For the most part.
the only redeeming part for me was the segment with the freaky skull island natives. they looked so awesome and creepy. the cg fights: yuck, all of them. worst stylistic choice ever: motion blur frame skipping slow motion in key scenes. WTF?
jarosh said:
the only redeeming part for me was the segment with the freaky skull island natives. they looked so awesome and creepy. the cg fights: yuck, all of them. worst stylistic choice ever: motion blur frame skipping slow motion in key scenes. WTF?

Yeah, the slow motion crap was horrible. For some great slow motion shots though, watch Resident Evil Apocalypse. :lol :lol

Mau ®

The Grudge II was scary and very underappreciated IMO. Its far better than the first one and probably the last movie that scared me.

On a side note, I just watched an American Haunting an I gotta say that movie is full of plotholes and just bad overall is not even funny.
I was thinking Grudge II HAD to be better than the first one, just based on pure logic and probability. So I might check it out.


brandonh83 said:
Yeah, the slow motion crap was horrible. For some great slow motion shots though, watch Resident Evil Apocalypse. :lol :lol
oh sorry i just realized that i'm derailing YOUR thread. lol. let's get it back on track. no more king kong talk.
jarosh said:
oh sorry i just realized that i'm derailing YOUR thread. lol. let's get it back on track. no more king kong talk.

Oh no it's alright, I never really thought you were, King Kong does have, arguably, some minor horror elements.


jarosh said:
the scenes lasted for MINUTES sometimes. MINUTES of people just LOOKING at things. and the writing... WORST dialogue EVER. terrible TERRIBLE acting. i watched it with my brother and we were pulling our hair out after two hours. i think the last movie i saw so full of self-indulgence and self-adulation was LOTR. oh wait, same director. i'm starting to see a pattern here. although king kong is still much worse than lotr

i cried when kong died though :(
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