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What's the WORST superhero movie scene of all time?

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Yeah, I think Spider-Man 3 takes the cake.

The whole dark Parker thing was terribad. Like what-the-holy-fuck-were-they-thinking terrible. It was astonishing to see that dance sequence in a big budget mainstream film.


Having only seen this on a BotW episode, that scene with the rocket is egregiously schlocky.

And then the follow-up where the president reveals he photographed him on the rocket that was travelling at mach 5 or whatever? Yeah.
As a comic nerd and trash movie fan who was a teen in the very late eighties early nineties I laugh when people say anything after Blade and X-Men. When I was watching Cap, some of the seventies attempts at spider man shit or anything Hulk where Lou and bixby mixed it up with other characters I could only wish I was watching Catwoman or Daredevil. I mean at least they and BVS and the later Batmans were mostly solid on a technical level.

Just look at Lundgrens punisher, Cannon's Superman or any footage you can find of Corman's Fantastic Four and you start to see how good we have it even when you count the failures.

Before Marvel Studios and Chris Evans came along there was this:


That's what I mean.
Holy shit I forgot about this. Is this the worst death in superhero movie history?

Darwin, the guy who's power is to adapt to anything, dies from a small energy blast.

Fake-Psylock from X3 gets vaporized unceremoniously by Jean Grey.

Talia Al Ghul has the "bleh".

Quicksilver gets shot.

JGL in Sin City 2 considers it a W to get his ass kicked, his gf beheaded, and get shot in the face just because he won a couple of poker games.


I feel bad for people who don't like the Emo Parker scene. It was one of the only good things about Spiderman 3
"Martha", no doubt about it.

There are so many dumb scenes in superhero movies but that this is what defuses the tension between Batman and Superman after two hours of a conflict I couldn't possibly have bought into and the entire premise of the movie makes this number one for me and why I hate the movie so fucking much.


Like someone says above, the movies came out not too long after 9/11.

Hard to have a character showing emotions while wearing a mask.

Don't remember MJ being involved in the first one. It was just a fist-fight between Spider-man and Goblin in abandoned ruins.
Second one was Spiderman trying convincing Octo not to go through with the sun-thingy experiment.
Third one, I dont remember much, but I;m pretty sure MJ wasnt there.

She absolutely was... Sandman and Venom capture her to bait Peter into a fight.


Which extra sucks because the original sequence of events for what was supposed to happen in that movie was so much fucking better. It was originally supposed to be Gwen Stacy trapped in the cab because Eddie saw her with Peter, and Gwen was dating Eddie during that movie... which we only know because it is told to us, but we never actually see them together. Spidey goes to save her, and it was MJ who goes to Harry to convince him to help fight Sandman/Venom.

No fucking clue why they changed it.



It's sort of become such a well-known joke at this point that you just sort of forget how ludicrous this is. How did they come up with it? Why did it stay in the film? Who's responsible? Like, at one point they were plotting out a fight scene, and they asked, "How can Superman beat Non?" and they decided on "He whips out a weird cellophane 'S' and throws it at him and he gets caught and falls."

Baffling. It's not even, like, that big a deal - it doesn't ruin the movie of anything - it's just... takes you out of things for a second.

Why does everybody miss the point of this scene.

Just look at the way the girls react to Peter. He's supposed to look like a cringe-worthy loser.

There are way worse moments in Spidey 3 than this.

I think a lot of people miss the point of Peter Parker in the Raimi films. He's a pretty thoroughly weird, lame, unpleasant dude - he's uncomfortable, he gawks, he pauses for no reason. He's not Hollywood nerd, he's legitimately socially incompetent. You're supposed to be shaking your head at like half of the things he says/does.

In that context it works. He goes from a weirdo to a weirdo with absolutely no self-awareness. It's supposed to be like watching a cringe compilation.
As a comic nerd and trash movie fan who was a teen in the very late eighties early nineties I laugh when people say anything after Blade and X-Men. When I was watching Cap, some of the seventies attempts at spider man shit or anything Hulk where Lou and bixby mixed it up with other characters I could only wish I was watching Catwoman or Daredevil. I mean at least they and BVS and the later Batmans were mostly solid on a technical level.
I will not stand idly by while you mock the Spiderman TV series from the 70s. You have made a powerful enemy today, Matty77.
I don't mind cheesy shit in my superhero movies, so a lot of these are in the "so bad its good" category to me. Peter's dancing and Mr. Freeze's puns are funny to me.
I also won't mention any DCEU scenes because it's too damn easy.

Though if I have to pick, it always bothered me in TDKR when all the cops get trapped underground. ALL OF THEM.
So fucking stupid.


This and the runner up being this hot pile of garbage dumping on an already terrible villain... this is more offensive because Guardians was actually good up until then but Catwoman was terrible throughout...

I completely agree with this. The Carebear state to defeat the bad guy that followed this was bad too. Those parts ruined the movie for me. I wouldn't put it as the worst superhero scene but it was pretty bad.
I'll probably never watch that movie, but who the hell refers to their mother by her first name?

It probably would have worked better if he just said 'mom' too, since the point is that it humanizes him in Batman's eyes. Everyone has a mom, so it works just as well, without the cheesy awkwardness. And then we could have skipped Batman screaming 'Why did you say that name!?' and Louis showing up to explain. There wasn't a need to beat the audience over the head with an interesting bit of trivia. Have Supes cry out for mommy, show the flashback to Bruce's parents, done.
I like the movie but the care bear hand holding scene at the end of guardians is so wack. And suicide squad when harley jumps into the acid holy shit the dialogue was next level cornball with the joker there

Not the worst scenes though in this genre. But those just came to mind because they were pretty recent


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
This and the runner up being this hot pile of garbage dumping on an already terrible villain... this is more offensive because Guardians was actually good up until then but Catwoman was terrible throughout...


lol what. this scene is great
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