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When insects attack. Scorpions in my pants.

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This morning I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, as is my normal routine, trying to get ready for work. I haven't been to the dry cleaners in too long so I had to resort to wearing the cleanest of my dirty work pants which happened to be on top of a pile of towels in the laundry room. Brushing them off I quickly ran the iron over them to remove any major wrinkles and slipped them on...

Immediately I felt a small prick on my on, about 3 inches above my knee. My first thought was that it was a small stick or something so I rubbed my leg and moved on. I got about 10 feet down the hall and I felt another, much more painful prick right on my knee. At this point I realized it probably wasn't a stick and started to panic and rip my pants off, knowing what it probably was, but not wanting to believe it.

Low and behold, a fucking bark scorpion, comes crawling out of my pant leg like the little badass that he is. I grabbed the nearest item I could find, a very thin magazine and proceed to smack it. Anyone who's dealt with scorpions knows these little guys can take a beating. The first hit did nothing more than bounce the scorpion into the air and onto my arm. Luckily I think I stunned it enough that it didn't sting me again before I could get it off and finish the job. I think he was extra pissed because I had ironed him so he had vengeance on his mind when I put my leg into my pants.

Here he is after I took his life.

Here's one is in their full glory.

Bark Scorpions are the most venomous scorpions in the United States. Any Arizona resident knows they're a part of living here and it's simply a matter of time before you come across one in your house or yard. I've seen about 7 or so in the last 2 weeks alone. (I need to spray some poison this weekend) The stings feel different than any insect bite I've had before. Initially it felt like a bee sting but whereas a bee sting's pain will decline after 10 minutes or so, the scorpion sting has only gotten worse. It's been about 4 hours now since it happened and it definitely hurts more than before. There's no swelling and barely any redness but an area the size of a softball feels numb. Similar to local anesthetic but with a constant burning tingle that will not go away.

My wife has been stung 3 times by them. First time it was under her pillow and stung her hand in the middle of the night. The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch. It proceeded to sting her 2-3 times. Last time it got her on the finger when she put her hand on the carpet to grab the remote. She thinks my sting is hilarious and I deserved it since I she seemed to have all the bad luck in the household.

Anyone else have any shitty bug bite stories? Any brown recluse spider victims?
I'll just quote myself from another thread, since I am feeling lazy this morning. New Mexico native, we deal with scorpions too, and feel your pain OP.

I will tell you a story gaf, a story I have told here before, but the moral of this story is to always wear footwear in public showers.

I was visiting a lake in New Mexico, when a friend and I decided it was time to start heading back. It was near dusk, and we wanted to get cleaned up before heading home. There was a public shower on the lake, but seeing as this lake isn't very popular, it was hardly ever used. My friend and I had the place to ourselves. It was starting to get chilly, as it happens in the desert at night, so we tried to hurry. I kicked my shoes off and got in the shower. I finished before my friend, and walked over to the mirror, figuring I'd brush my hair and such while she finished up. I took a step back, and felt a sharp pain in my heel. I assumed I'd stepped on a goat head that someone had drug in on their shoes, and paid it no mind. But then it really started to ache.

I looked behind me and saw something black squirming on the floor. "Great," I think to myself. "I stepped on a wasp."

I get closer, and realize that I had instead stepped on a scorpion. At nearly the same time I realized this, there was a loud sound, and another small scorpion fell from the ceiling. And then another. One bounced off my shoulder. Soon it was literally raining scorpions.

By this time, I was in a lot of pain, and honestly, panicking because apparently the apocalypse had decided to start in a tiny public restroom in the middle of the New Mexican desert.

My friend heard my cries of terror and came and carried me out. My brothers then appeared with big stompy boots and destroyed the horrible beasts.

Basically, scorpion mothers carry their babies on their backs. One had climbed into the light fixture in the bathroom to escape the chilly evening. We turned on the light, it heated up, and baby scorpions started bailing.

TL;DR Always wear shoes in a public restroom/shower, otherwise you could be attacked by scorpions raining from the sky.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
I've never lived in areas where scorpions are common. Do you need to see a doctor or is it just some swelling that goes away after a while?


This morning I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, as is my normal routine, trying to get ready for work. I haven't been to the dry cleaners in too long so I had to resort to wearing the cleanest of my dirty work pants which happened to be on top of a pile of towels in the laundry room. Brushing them off I quickly ran the iron over them to remove any major wrinkles and slipped them on...

Immediately I felt a small prick on my on, about 3 inches above my knee. My first thought was that it was a small stick or something so I rubbed my leg and moved on. I got about 10 feet down the hall and I felt another, much more painful prick right on my knee. At this point I realized it probably wasn't a stick and started to panic and rip my pants off, knowing what it probably was, but not wanting to believe it.

Low and behold, a fucking bark scorpion, comes crawling out of my pant leg like the little badass that he is. I grabbed the nearest item I could find, a very thin magazine and proceed to smack it. Anyone who's dealt with scorpions knows these little guys can take a beating. The first hit did nothing more than bounce the scorpion into the air and onto my arm. Luckily I think I stunned it enough that it didn't sting me again before I could get it off and finish the job. I think he was extra pissed because I had ironed him so he had vengeance on his mind when I put my leg into my pants.

Here he is after I took his life.

Here's one is in their full glory.

Bark Scorpions are the most venomous scorpions in the United States. Any Arizona resident knows they're a part of living here and it's simply a matter of time before you come across one in your house or yard. I've seen about 7 or so in the last 2 weeks alone. (I need to spray some poison this weekend) The stings feel different than any insect bite I've had before. Initially it felt like a bee sting but whereas a bee sting's pain will decline after 10 minutes or so, the scorpion sting has only gotten worse. It's been about 4 hours now since it happened and it definitely hurts more than before. There's no swelling and barely any redness but an area the size of a softball feels numb. Similar to local anesthetic but with a constant burning tingle that will not go away.

My wife has been stung 3 times by them. First time it was under her pillow and stung her hand in the middle of the night. The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch. It proceeded to sting her 2-3 times. Last time it got her on the finger when she put her hand on the carpet to grab the remote. She thinks my sting is hilarious and I deserved it since I she seemed to have all the bad luck in the household.

Anyone else have any shitty bug bite stories? Any brown recluse spider victims?

Jezus fucking christ. Is Arizona America's Australia?


In before "Scorpions are not ins..."?

When I was younger, I was running around in my backyard one day. I must have ran right into the butt of a wasp or bee or something. I felt a sharp pain, and my eyebrow area started swelling up. I never saw the actual insect that did the damage.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Gaaaahhahahhahh why did I read this shit!? *shudders*

*crosses Arizona off map*


So what youre telling us is that there was a small prick in your pants? :p

And that story is terrifying. I dont live in an area with scorpions. Id be so paranoid all the time.
I was raised in Arizona, and our house was scorpion-infested. This is exactly why I will never, ever live there again. Maybe I would visit, but never live. I am a total scorpophone (made up word).
In before "Scorpions are not ins..."?

When I was younger, I was running around in my backyard one day. I must have ran right into the butt of a wasp or bee or something. I felt a sharp pain, and my eyebrow area started swelling up. I never saw the actual insect that did the damage.

How was this not the first post?
You guys are such pussies.
I used to have a pet scorpion many years ago. Cute little guy. This thread made me want to go out and acquire a new one.
I live in Arizona. I haven't been stung, but I did see one in my bathroom. It was along the wall, and didn't move the whole time. My dad showed me these long pincer things you can buy to grab them by the tail, and flush them down the toilet. I've also had friends talk about them.

We also sell lights that make them easier to see.


When I was thirteen I lived in fontana, pretty rural for being so close to Los Angles.

Anyway, we were always told be careful since the school I was in regularly had wasps nests in nearly every corner of the school.

One day we were playing dodgeball, as we were finishing up it was my turn to gather all the balls, one of them landed in a bush. I wasnt aware that wasps would or could make their nests in bushes so I strode in pretty confidently. Next thing my classmates and teachers know I'm running through the schools hallways like something out of the texas chainsaw massacre with a swarm wasps screaming behind me. I'm looking behind me and running like a bat out of hell and run face first into a tree and that knocks me out cold.

I managed to get out of it with only one sting underneath my left eye and fucking humongous swollen lump at the top of my head from hitting the tree....I was nick named "Gumby" for the rest of the school year because of how the lump looked.
Why would you even live there.

We used to live in Colorado Springs, but the Wells Fargo office my mom worked at was closing down, and she had to transfer to either Phoenix or Des Moines or leave the company and find another job elsewhere. She couldn't find a job that paid as well, so we wound up moving. The recession had just started around that time too.

Believe me, we wouldn't have moved here if we could avoid it. My dad can't stand the heat.
Here is a biology question (im going up for my exam on tuesday) :

Why does evil dangerrous shit mostly live where its warm? Outside the ocassional Bear or Walrus, a lot of dangerus animals live in very warm places like Africa, South America and South East Asia!


This morning I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, as is my normal routine, trying to get ready for work. I haven't been to the dry cleaners in too long so I had to resort to wearing the cleanest of my dirty work pants which happened to be on top of a pile of towels in the laundry room. Brushing them off I quickly ran the iron over them to remove any major wrinkles and slipped them on...

Immediately I felt a small prick on my on, about 3 inches above my knee. My first thought was that it was a small stick or something so I rubbed my leg and moved on. I got about 10 feet down the hall and I felt another, much more painful prick right on my knee. At this point I realized it probably wasn't a stick and started to panic and rip my pants off, knowing what it probably was, but not wanting to believe it.

Low and behold, a fucking bark scorpion, comes crawling out of my pant leg like the little badass that he is. I grabbed the nearest item I could find, a very thin magazine and proceed to smack it. Anyone who's dealt with scorpions knows these little guys can take a beating. The first hit did nothing more than bounce the scorpion into the air and onto my arm. Luckily I think I stunned it enough that it didn't sting me again before I could get it off and finish the job. I think he was extra pissed because I had ironed him so he had vengeance on his mind when I put my leg into my pants.

Bark Scorpions are the most venomous scorpions in the United States. Any Arizona resident knows they're a part of living here and it's simply a matter of time before you come across one in your house or yard. I've seen about 7 or so in the last 2 weeks alone. (I need to spray some poison this weekend) The stings feel different than any insect bite I've had before. Initially it felt like a bee sting but whereas a bee sting's pain will decline after 10 minutes or so, the scorpion sting has only gotten worse. It's been about 4 hours now since it happened and it definitely hurts more than before. There's no swelling and barely any redness but an area the size of a softball feels numb. Similar to local anesthetic but with a constant burning tingle that will not go away.

My wife has been stung 3 times by them. First time it was under her pillow and stung her hand in the middle of the night. The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch. It proceeded to sting her 2-3 times. Last time it got her on the finger when she put her hand on the carpet to grab the remote. She thinks my sting is hilarious and I deserved it since I she seemed to have all the bad luck in the household.

Anyone else have any shitty bug bite stories? Any brown recluse spider victims?

I can sympathize. A couple summers ago I killed about 50 of those motherfuckers. Literally every night I'd see two or three scurrying about as I turned on a light. They make my skin crawl.

Thankfully I've only been stung once. But it made me jump like three feet. Felt like someone stabbed my foot with a needle as hard as they could.

Anyone who's dealt with scorpions knows these little guys can take a beating

I remember the first time I encountered one I foolishly thought I could just smack it with a paper and it'd die like a spider. Nope. These fuckers have armor.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Anyway, we were always told be careful since the school I was in regularly had wasps nests in nearly every corner of the school.

My parent's house used to get wasp nests in the attic every year until we got the apple tree in our garden removed.

Still, two years ago they got another wasp nest and called out an exterminator to finish the job. Turns out the entire attic was like a deleted scene from Aliens.


Deep into his 30th decade
When I was a kid we used to drink directly out of the wellhouse faucet. In the summer, yellowjackets would sometimes fly into the faucet, so you would have to turn on the water and wait for it to come out before you started drinking.

Well once my sister didn't turn it on first...She got stung inside her throat as it went down.


This morning I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, as is my normal routine, trying to get ready for work. I haven't been to the dry cleaners in too long so I had to resort to wearing the cleanest of my dirty work pants which happened to be on top of a pile of towels in the laundry room. Brushing them off I quickly ran the iron over them to remove any major wrinkles and slipped them on...

Immediately I felt a small prick on my on, about 3 inches above my knee. My first thought was that it was a small stick or something so I rubbed my leg and moved on. I got about 10 feet down the hall and I felt another, much more painful prick right on my knee. At this point I realized it probably wasn't a stick and started to panic and rip my pants off, knowing what it probably was, but not wanting to believe it.

Low and behold, a fucking bark scorpion, comes crawling out of my pant leg like the little badass that he is. I grabbed the nearest item I could find, a very thin magazine and proceed to smack it. Anyone who's dealt with scorpions knows these little guys can take a beating. The first hit did nothing more than bounce the scorpion into the air and onto my arm. Luckily I think I stunned it enough that it didn't sting me again before I could get it off and finish the job. I think he was extra pissed because I had ironed him so he had vengeance on his mind when I put my leg into my pants.

Bark Scorpions are the most venomous scorpions in the United States. Any Arizona resident knows they're a part of living here and it's simply a matter of time before you come across one in your house or yard. I've seen about 7 or so in the last 2 weeks alone. (I need to spray some poison this weekend) The stings feel different than any insect bite I've had before. Initially it felt like a bee sting but whereas a bee sting's pain will decline after 10 minutes or so, the scorpion sting has only gotten worse. It's been about 4 hours now since it happened and it definitely hurts more than before. There's no swelling and barely any redness but an area the size of a softball feels numb. Similar to local anesthetic but with a constant burning tingle that will not go away.

My wife has been stung 3 times by them. First time it was under her pillow and stung her hand in the middle of the night. The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch. It proceeded to sting her 2-3 times. Last time it got her on the finger when she put her hand on the carpet to grab the remote. She thinks my sting is hilarious and I deserved it since I she seemed to have all the bad luck in the household.

Anyone else have any shitty bug bite stories? Any brown recluse spider victims?

The first thing that entered was my mind was: Its rainning scorpions hallelujah its rainning scorpions.

Don't know why I though of this as it is really terrifying

Fox Mulder

I'm not afraid of bees and spiders, but scorpions are just something I've never experienced. I mean holy shit, scorpions dropping out of the air vents,
When I was a kid we used to drink directly out of the wellhouse faucet. In the summer, yellowjackets would sometimes fly into the faucet, so you would have to turn on the water and wait for it to come out before you started drinking.

Well once my sister didn't turn it on first...She got stung inside her throat as it went down.

Oh my god...... ._.
Here is a biology question (im going up for my exam on tuesday) :

Why does evil dangerrous shit mostly live where its warm? Outside the ocassional Bear or Walrus, a lot of dangerus animals live in very warm places like Africa, South America and South East Asia!

Probably because scorpions, spiders & snakes are cold-blooded and therefore more diverse in tropical climates. More species = more chance of having dangerous species among them.
At least that's the first thing that came to my mind.

That being said, the vast majority of scorpions, spiders and snakes are harmless, or may cause some discomfort at worst.


Yikes, OP.

My brother had hornets in his bathingsuit once. It was those bathingsuits with the mesh inside. We were going to the beach as a family. He put his trunks on, got in the car, and like 5 minutes into the ride started screaming. Two hornets flew out of his pants. They didn't sting him! He just heard them buzzing and moving around before they flew out. I think the mesh saved him.

It was a Christmas miracle
I had one crawling on my carpet when I was on floor watching tv a few years ago. Now I spray around my house. I've also had a gecko in my house which scared the shit out of me. It basically didn't move though and I trapped it with a cup and put a paper under the cup and released it.

I'm always scared I will run into something deadly when I go into my garage.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch. It proceeded to sting her 2-3 times

fucking airborne scorpion assault? jesus christ.


This post made me laugh because I lived in AZ for a few years and I had some close calls. I was never stung, but my little brother did get stung once.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm not afraid of bees and spiders, but scorpions are just something I've never experienced.

Same here man.

If I happened to see any scorpion I'd get flashbacks of playing Fallout: New Vegas and run screaming like an underlevelled bitch.
This morning I was playing video games before work, and I heard a light "clack" on my hardwood floor. I looked behind me.

A HUGE cockroach had landed on its back on the floor, its legs wriggling furiously and impotently. I said "Holy shit!" out loud and stomped that fucker flat. I then swept it up and put it in the toilet, only to find that it was too large and buoyant to actually flush.

I had to find a makeshift scooping tool to lift the hellspawn out of the toilet and throw it outside.

It's times like these that I'm thankful for spiders and house centipedes to keep shit like that in check.

I'm going to be paranoid for weeks about finding more of those assholes in my house.


Man listen, if I lived out there my boxer briefs would be made out of kevlar because of things like this.
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