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When insects attack. Scorpions in my pants.

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I was stung for the first time last month while in Mexico. Got me right on my heel, I was walking barefoot to the bathroom. Had slight redness only, and minimal swelling for an hour or so. No other symptoms. Here's a pic I took.


When I was a kid we used to drink directly out of the wellhouse faucet. In the summer, yellowjackets would sometimes fly into the faucet, so you would have to turn on the water and wait for it to come out before you started drinking.

Well once my sister didn't turn it on first...She got stung inside her throat as it went down.


I had one crawling on my carpet when I was on floor watching tv a few years ago. Now I spray around my house. I've also had a gecko in my house which scared the shit out of me. It basically didn't move though and I trapped it with a cup and put a paper under the cup and released it.

I'm always scared I will run into something deadly when I go into my garage.

Geckos are cool, they eat roaches and shit.


I grew up in AZ.

Got stung by scorpions a few times in the house. Painful but not too bad.

I remember camping at the base of Weaver's Needle once (a rock formation in the Superstition Mtns). There were tens of thousands of small scorpions walking around, literally crawling over each other's backs. I've camped a lot in the desert but had/have never seen so many in one spot.

I got bit by a black widow out in tortilla flats by being stupid. That was far more painful and my finger turned into a sausage. Once I stopped holding it, I could feel the poison going up my arm. Insanely painful.

Old co-worker got brown reclused once during the weekend. The next week, her whole arm turned black and she had to keep sitting down. Eventually she had to go home and was out for a whole week. Nasty.


is scorpion venom not that potent then?
It is, it's just all that dangerous for an adult human . It causes burning pain, especially when it's touched (unfortunately I have to wear pants today which constantly touch the spot). For a very young child they can be deadly but to an adult, unless you're alergic, it's just pain for a while.


My wife has been stung 3 times by them. First time it was under her pillow and stung her hand in the middle of the night. The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch. It proceeded to sting her 2-3 times. Last time it got her on the finger when she put her hand on the carpet to grab the remote. She thinks my sting is hilarious and I deserved it since I she seemed to have all the bad luck in the household.

I think maybe you live next door to an evil henchman who practices his James Bond style scorpion dropping assassination technique on you.
Welp, looks like I'll never go to Arizona. Thanks for the PSA!

Although the Arizona tourist industry already hates this thread. Not enough that the racism was turning people away.


First time it was under her pillow and stung her hand in the middle of the night. The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch. It proceeded to sting her 2-3 times.

Jesus christ on a stick! NOPE NOPE NOPE! Never going to Arizona.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
This morning I was playing video games before work, and I heard a light "clack" on my hardwood floor. I looked behind me.

A HUGE cockroach had landed on its back on the floor, its legs wriggling furiously and impotently. I said "Holy shit!" out loud and stomped that fucker flat. I then swept it up and put it in the toilet, only to find that it was too large and buoyant to actually flush.

I had to find a makeshift scooping tool to lift the hellspawn out of the toilet and throw it outside.

It's times like these that I'm thankful for spiders and house centipedes to keep shit like that in check.

I'm going to be paranoid for weeks about finding more of those assholes in my house.

I found my first cockroach of the year in my bathroom yesterday. Doused the motherfucker with Raid but those monsters are like the Borg: the next one after this will take half the can and still be breathing, the one after that you'll need to keep spraying until the can feels light and he'll still be running around like nothing happened.

That said, I've got memories of last year when I was walking to work and a local apartment/building must have been fumigating, as there were literally hundreds of cockroaches on the road - all dead or dying. Cars were just running them over at will and it was like playing an Olympics-level game of hopscotch to get by it.


I live in Phx, I've been fortunate to not see any of these fuckers. But I know they are a potential threat . . .

I found my first cockroach in my bathroom yesterday. Doused the motherfucker with Raid but those monsters are like the Borg: the next one after this will take half the can and still be breathing, the one after that you'll need to keep spraying until the can feels light and he'll still be running around like nothing happened.

That said, I've got memories of last year when I was walking to work and a local apartment/building must have been fumigating, as there were literally hundreds of cockroaches on the road - all dead or dying. Cars were just running them over at will and it was like playing an Olympics-level game of hopscotch to get by it.

I have seen my share of roaches though, fucking disgusting creatures. Make my skin crawl.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
My wife has been stung 3 times by them. First time it was under her pillow and stung her hand in the middle of the night. The second time one fell out of the ceiling vent and landed on her stomach on the couch.

holy shit! so glad there no scorpions where I live. I would shit my pants.


The final nail in the Arizona coffin. Allow some time for refugees to flee then board up the state, plz.


i have seen scorpions inside those light fixtures as well. sometimes they cant get out and you end up with a little scorpion ornament.


my grandpa told me that if you have an ant farm near your house, dont kill it. it can keep all those other bugs away. same goes for spiders inside your house.


One of the benefits of living in Minnesota, half the year there are no bugs of any kind. And by the time they start appearing Autumn is only a few months away.
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