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Which actor is the poor man's version of another actor?

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Billy Zane


Arnold Vosloo


Not sure who is a poorer man's who


This is some Berenstein Bears shit. I need to seriously reexamine everything about my life, apparently.


This is a very good shout, in the UK we have a magazine called Viz, and for a long time they called Michael Ironside "the guy from Robocop that looks like Jack Nicholson but is loads cheaper"
That's Kurtwood Smith, who is definitely a poor man's Michael Ironside



The Miz and Michael Biehn, although I'm not sure who is currently the poor man's version.


who the fuck is that ?

There is hope for a Terminator movie ?!

I don't care if that guy can't act, just have him read lines and get a real actor to voice act him.


This thread is like take a picture of an actor that vaguely resembles some other actor's picture but otherwise they don't look, sound, or act alike and wouldn't be used in one another's roles.



who the fuck is that ?

There is hope for a Terminator movie ?!

I don't care if that guy can't act, just have him read lines and get a real actor to voice act him.

claim to fame was being on The Real World and various spin offs on MTV and then became a pro wrestler in the WWE


Dan Fogler is the poor man's Jonah Hill.

But I'm pretty sure there is someone who's a poor man's Dan Fogler but he's hard to remember


He once said that pissing off Fincher by not allowing him to use his likeness in Alien 3 was a very bad choice.

I'd like to see the receipts on that, since Biehn got paid his entire salary from Aliens over again from Fox's unlicensed use of his image in that movie, and Fincher hated the whole project so I don't see why it would have affected anything going forward anyway.

Biehn's disappearance in the '90s had a lot more to do with substance abuse issues than anything else.


Andy Lau and Jet Li (dunno which is the poor version though)

Toby Maguire is poor man's Jake Gyllenhaal

Thandi Newton is poor man's Zoe Saldana

Hugh Jackman is young man's Clint Eastwood


Gold Member
hemsworth brothers are on a sliding scale, cheapest to most expensive.


when you cant get the pope to play the high sparrow you settle with Jonathan Pryce

I consistently get Dennis Quaid and Kevin Costner mixed up. They seem to have the exact same kind of roles playing miserable old bastards. At least Quaid was in Innerspace. Cannot recall a Kevin Costner movie that I have ever enjoyed.


For me Helen Hunt and Jodie Foster always looked very similar.
I like them both though, but definitely Jodie Foster was/is more expensive star.


I consistently get Dennis Quaid and Kevin Costner mixed up. They seem to have the exact same kind of roles playing miserable old bastards. At least Quaid was in Innerspace. Cannot recall a Kevin Costner movie that I have ever enjoyed.
You didn't like Dances with Wolves? Robin Hood Prince of Thieves is also pretty good, in spite of Costners poor attempt at a british accent.


Jeremy Renner is the poor man's actor for any white generic male actor.

Haha absolutely. I always find him incredibly.. well generic I suppose. Don't know why he's ended up in so many biggish films outside of the Avengers (and he's bland in that role too). Just don't care for him though I'm sure he's an alright guy.

nel e nel

I don't think Benicio would be doing commercials for Mulino Bianco biscuits and snacks and talking Rosita the chicken while pretending to be the baker.


The rest of the world doesn't place the same stigma on big stars doing commercials as the US does.



Rutger Hauer is a good choice when you want that Anthony Hopkins aura on a budget.

Lol what? Hopkins and Hauer probably both do the same amount of trash equally, and Hopkins was never really a stranger to trash even when he was really popular.

They both really had thst one amazing movie (blade runner, silence of the lambs) that got them any job they wanted for a paycheck, and they both rode that train for all it was worth. I'd say their career path is pretty equal all things considered.


Unconfirmed Member
Lol what? Hopkins and Hauer probably both do the same amount of trash equally, and Hopkins was never really a stranger to trash even when he was really popular.

They both really had thst one amazing movie (blade runner, silence of the lambs) that got them any job they wanted for a paycheck, and they both rode that train for all it was worth. I'd say their career path is pretty equal all things considered.

Hopkins is almost certainly better paid, and just a quick google search reveals a massive difference between them in networth. Given the big popularity difference between the two, with Hopkins being a household name, i think its very safe to say that you could get Hauer cheaper than hopkins, and i find them to be quite alike. I dont think the OP specifically wanted instances where one actor was swapped for another due to budget reasons, thats a very weird take on this thread. Im not sure why you brought up the quality of their respective movies.


When you get a Sheen or Estevez that isn't named Martin.

When you can't afford Jennifer Lawrence, you get Haley Bennett.


If we were still in the late 90's early 00's pop age then Christina Aguilara would be the poor man's Britney Spears.

But I guess Ashlee Simpson works as the poor man's Jessica Simpson. Seems mean to say so.


Neo Member
You get Jessica Alba when you can't get Natalie Portman.

I remember reading somewhere that Jessica herself mentioned this.


Jamie Kennedy is a poor man's Jim Carrey.



You get a 2008/2009 Ford Shelby GT500KR when you can't get a 1982 Pontiac Trans Am


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