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Which celebrity or celebrities deaths would affect you the most?

Michael Jackson and Prince already died. I don't think I can think of anyone that will hit the highs those two did for me.

Kind of off topic, but I kinda wish the Undertaker could tap into some arcane shit that would keep him young forever.
I'm glad someone else said it first so I didn't feel weird in a thread filled with big time celebs. Following a site like Giant Bomb is like having another friend group, in a weird way. It's why losing Ryan Davis sucked so much. That's why this first came to mind.

Hey, I posted the McElroy brothers (Polygon, MBMBAM, etc...). I completely get what you mean.

Celebrity deaths don't affect me and shouldn't affect you, either.

This is an awful post. Celebrities aren't beloved for random reasons; Robin Williams being the man behind Patch Adams, John Keating, Sean Maguire (to say nothing of roles for kids like the Genie) is a big reason his suicide affected people. Creative works have power.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
I don't think that I will be affected by any celeb death in the same way as Ayrton Sennas did. That one was hard and 20 years later, when I visited the statue in Imola that they made for him, felt as much as the day it happened.


James Cameron. All of my favourite movies has the man's name attached. I have The Futurist on my night stand, and read it at least once a year. When I read that headline, it means no more James Cameron movies, no more films made by an insanely dedicated man pushing the envelope because it's there to be pushed. I'm not sure how it'll impact me, i just know it'll hurt.


Carrie Fisher passing already wrecked me hard so I can imagine it'll be just as hard with Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford.


Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen from ones who are getting up there in age. I dunno, they've just been a big part of some of my favorite entertainment and even outside the actual movies they've been such an admirable force of positivity that it'll be really sad to have a world without them.


I'm sure Miyamoto will hit me when it happens. Lots of games/characters that have been with me since I started playing games that go back to him one way or another. In some ways we are a little lucky that not too many creative minds in the industry are reaching a very elderly age. Lots of people who started in the 80s were so incredibly young.
Eddie Vedder and Dave Grohl will suck for sure. As for deaths that will happen sooner rather than later Harrison Ford and Patrick Stewart and I have been mentally prepping myself for Ian Mckellen for the last couple please years or so.


Hoffman and Williams were two of the biggest ones I can think of and they actually happened. IDK anymore to be honest. A favorite directorr, writer, actor/actress, et cetera.
I don't think I'll be worse than when Prince or MJ died. And one probably won't shock me the way Aaliyah's did. But the day Schwarzenegger goes, I'm going to be a mess.

Stephen King, Dario Argento, and Stallone would also greatly bother me.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Out of all of the possible famous who could die (politicians aside), I'm guessing the one that would get the biggest reaction from me would be George RR Martin because A Dream of Spring almost certainly won't be out when I read that thread on GAF.


Honestly, I can't really think of anyone. Celeb deaths to me are like "That's too bad, I liked their [piece of media]" but I don't personally know them so... hard for me to get emotionally distraught about it.

Pretty much. I don't really react to celebrity deaths any further than "wow damn that's a shame".

I'm trying to really think of some examples and I guess the only ones that could bum me out for a couple of hours are Tarantino cause I fucking adore his movies and Nomura cause KH has been one of my favorite game series as a teen and it'd be a shame to never get (proper) closure.

But Tarantino's death wouldn't make all of his earlier films suddenly disappear and I've lived the last 10 years of my life just fine without KH3, so...

There aren't even any bands I love that I have yet to see live either I think.

I'm glad someone else said it first so I didn't feel weird in a thread filled with big time celebs. Following a site like Giant Bomb is like having another friend group, in a weird way. It's why losing Ryan Davis sucked so much. That's why this first came to mind.

Oh shit, that's a good one. I was thinking of big name celebrities only. I'd definitely be sad if someone from RLM or GB died. I watch so much of their content when I'm bored that, like you said, they feel like another friend group in a weird, lonely nerd way lol.


This is an awful post. Celebrities aren't beloved for random reasons; Robin Williams being the man behind Patch Adams, John Keating, Sean Maguire (to say nothing of roles for kids like the Genie) is a big reason his suicide affected people. Creative works have power.

Robin Williams hurt more than most because not only did he bring so much joy to people, he was obviously in pain at the same time. Makes you wish you could have given him back the joy he gave us.

Hell, I actually remember the first time I saw him as Mork on Happy Days when it aired in 1978 (yes, i'm old). I was 10 years old and totally blown away by it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Elvis when I was a kid. David Bowie recently. The fact that he released one of his best, most poignant and in retrospect, prescient albums just months before he died makes it all the more striking. A lot of singers die and are Hagified in the press, but Bowie's final album was receiving surprised, rave reviews while he was alive, and as far as we knew, healthy.

So listening to Lazarus, for example, in that context was chilling and moving.

Robin Williams too, because I would see him every now and then riding my bike over the Golden Gate Bridge. We were both doing the same thing, so it felt like a connection.


Any of the big 6 Simpsons voice actors (Castellaneta, Kavner, Cartwright, Smith, Shearer, Azaria)... especially if it happens before they properly close out the series.

That show deserves a proper finale and retrospective with them all still alive and kicking.


Nick Cave. A living legend and the greatest musician alive today imo. His passing will leave a gaping hole.

Jim Carrey. I was a huuuge fan back in the day and still hope he'll make a grand return to acting like I know he can. He always seems so sad for some reason. He's my Robin Williams.

/edit: to be clear: I'll only be truly affected if they die before their time. If they die of natural cuses in their 80's or 90's, it'll be sad of course, but then it wouldn't exactly affect me anymore; their lives have been lived and it's not like we're getting any more creative works out of them anymore. It may sound a bit harsh, but in a weird way, I'd be more thankful than sad.


I think Paul McCartney will be tough only because we lost John so early. So many what-if's could have happened. But I think Paul has done a good job with the Beatles legacy. Hell, he even uses some of the same instruments from the studio sessions in his live shows. Gives you a connection to an amazing time for music.


Stevie Wonder
Janet Jackson
Mariah Carey

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Aaliyah and MJ were the ones that really affected me.


Professional Schmuck
My very favorite bands and singers
Scott Weiland
Chris Cornell
Chester Bennington
Nick Hexum / S.A. Martinez (311)
Brandon Flowers (Killers)

Keanu Reeves
Tom Hanks
Leonardo Dicaprio
Patrick Stewart

Other people I care about
Dre / Snoop / Eminem

surprised not one person has said


Without trying to sound edge or anything I don't think there's any celebrity death that would really affect me beyond feeling some superficial sadness for a couple of hours


I don't have any kind of emotional attachment to any celebrities and I find it weird and unsettling that so many people do.
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