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Which celebrity or celebrities deaths would affect you the most?


Anthony Hopkins, Dane Judy Dench, Daniel Day Lewis, Cher. But the one that would rip my heart out would be Britney Spears. I pray she out lives me.

The deaths of John Hurt and Alan Rickman affected me.
It's not the ones who lived long, full lives that get to me, barring Bowie. It's the ones you don't see coming, and couldn't predict.
Chris LaForge died this year. He was in a local band, 30footfall, that I've been listening to since I was in middle school. I'm almost 35 now. I'd been to so many shows that I got to hang out backstage a couple times and drink beer and talk shit with them. His death fucks with me pretty bad. I find it hard to listen to their music. That's about it.

The man is an idol of mine. Grew up watching his movies, they mean so much to me. I'll be in a pretty fucking shit place for a few days when he eventually passes.


I don't have any kind of emotional attachment to any celebrities and I find it weird and unsettling that so many people do.
Not a super fan of anyone or their work? You don't feel the slightest emotion when they pass? I find that weird.
Stephen King. He's been my favorite author for over 25 years and when he had his accident I was so upset. I think he's generally pretty healthy right now, but he's getting up there.


Depends on the death. Losing Patrick Stewart, Stan Lee, will make me sad. We won't have them anymore. But I expect them to live out their life and die naturally. It'll be their time.

When I think of Jeff Buckley, Layne Staley, Chris Cornell, Robin Williams, etc, I get legit sad. Deaths like these are the ones I truly fear.
Stan Lee's is going to suck all kinds of ass.

RDJ would be another one but not to the same extent.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler but really those pale due to how far away they likely are.


Not someone you'd call a celebrity but it will really hurt when Noam Chomsky dies. Such a huge influence on my political views.

Joey Ravn

I was deeply saddened by Satoru Iwata's death, so I can only imagine I'll be devastated when Miyamoto dies.

But as far as people I've never met, but who have had a tremendous impact in my life, Ryan Davis's death was something I could never even imagine. One day he was getting married, a week later he wasn't here anymore. Really made me put things in perspective.

I, and many others, really miss you, duder.

Not someone you'd call a celebrity but it will really hurt when Noam Chomsky dies. Such a huge influence on my political views.

Weirdly enough, I've barely come into contact with Chomsky's political views, but thanks to my trade I've been studying him as a linguist for years.


For a personal, Stan Lee. I know England will basically shut down the day and probavbly week following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.


I feel like the people that would affect me most would probably be less the big huge celebrities and more like people I listen to on podcasts. If any of the Giant Bomb guys passed, or one of the Hollywood Handbook boys or Doughboys etc. Then I'd be devastated since I've listened to them for 1-3 hours every week for years and feel like I almost know them.

I still think about Ryan Davis and Harris Wittles sometimes and get bummed out.


I'm never upset initially, but once stories start coming out on how someone was sad and commits suicide, that hurts. A very recent example would be Robin Williams.



Jay dying would be the worst. Besides him, Michael Jackson dying was horrible.
Michael Jackson's death hit me like a block of granite. He was so influential and such a huge part of my childhood. It was like losing a member of family or friend.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Bill Murray.

Only because then I would take down the framed portrait of him I have hanging in my apartment...it's creepier if he's dead.
Almost every 'celebrity' who I really respect has already passed away, so I can't think of anybody that well known. Miyamoto would suck, as would George Lucas and Masahiro Sakurai. Hideaki Anno, Shinji Higuchi, and Shusuke Kaneko would also be pretty shitty. The one death that would hit the hardest will be Haruo Nakajima. He's one of the few people around who worked on the original series of Godzilla films with an acting role.


Any of the big Nintendo Names (Myamoto, Sakura, ect.), Iwata still hurts for me

It's unlikely anytime soon, but a hip-hop world without Kendrick Lamar is one I don't want to think about living in.

Kanye West will never die.


A lot of the Star Trek and Star Wars actors and producers would gut me....

But I dread the day - hopefully decades from now - when Joss Whedon says goodbye.

Any member of my favourite band (Nightwish) going would crush me too. Again, half a lifetime away, hopefully.


I guess celebrities whose future work I'm looking forward to; I don't generally feel an emotional attachment to celebrities so it's more of a practical effect.

I'd be bumbed to not see some of my favorite actors in new roles, or movies by my favorite directors.
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