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Who bought the Xbox 360 HD DVD attachment?


Yup and some HD-DVD's, but then it was discontinued and recalled, so I returned it. Shortly after I got a PS3 though.


Yep, I did.

Totally had no plans to get into the HD format wars, but Circuit City had a coupon and I wound up snagging it for $100, if memory serves.

It was beautiful. I still love the sight and sound of that logo swooping in at the beginning of movies.

I wound up buying a standalone Toshiba player as well, but currently, that's being preserved in its box downstairs.

My Xbox 360 HD-DVD player sits proudly in my current entertainment center, although the only thing it matches is my Wii.

Heck, I'd still be cherry-picking cheap discs off of Amazon but for the fact that I have about all of the titles I want.


Guilty as charged. HD-DVD really had better picture quality and features. Blu-ray did not incorporate a lot of them until HD-DVD was officially dead. I still have mine in storage, but don't need to pull it out. I have a blu-ray burner that reads blu-rays and HD-DVD disc. So if I want to watch King Kong of any of the Fast and Furious that was released for it I can. I remember one of the Fast and Furious titles having Progressive insurance feature that calculated the damage from the stunts.


I had the HD DVD add-on, a D-VHS player, and eventually a couple A3 and A35s. Basically anything to get HD content The D-VHS movies were crazy expensive though.


Still have it in a box somewhere, along with several HD-DVDs. My 360 died a while back and I never replaced it. I ended up selling all my games on eBay, but I either never got around to listing the HD-DVD player and movies, or I didn't get any interest and took down the listing. Don't remember which.
I did! I loved that thing, haha. I remember reading on some hd/bd site that warner bros had signed with bd and thinking "time to sell this shit!" Traded it all in at some used music/movie/games store then bought a PS3.


Yep, I have to admit that I picked the wrong horse in the HD format wars! I got the HD-DVD add on cheap but paid full price for lots of movies! I ended up lending the player to a friend who I no longer see and lost it so just this year bought a standalone Toshiba HD-DVD unit for about $100 just to have a way to play the movies I own. Sadly I have over 100 of them! That's a ton of money that went down the drain!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
1. Fantastic external drive for installing old CD/DVD stuff (or rpping yo choonz) to a laptop with no optical drive.
2. the HD DVD unified interface was faster and better than the basically random collection of nonsense we ended up with on Blu ray, although those have gotten a bit better over the years.
3. I have Dune on five different formats thanks to it.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
I bought one for $100 bucks and a few movies.


There's still a few HD-DVD stragglers that struggle with the facts.

Does the Blu-ray version of the movie 300 yet have the special features in picture-in-picture mode? Last I checked, it didn't. (Just checked again; yes, "The Complete Experience" version came out in summer 2009, about a year and a half after the HD-DVD release.)

Also, some early Blu-ray movies were encoded with shitty codecs, rendering the picture clearly inferior to HD-DVD.

I see the fight lives on, lol.
I sometimes wonder if HD-DVD would have won if it was built into the 360 instead of being an addon. Would have probably made the whole thing cost like $599 though.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Bought one before I got a PS3. Once I did get the Sony machine, I sold the HDDVD drive. I think I only ever watched the Bourne Trilogy in HDDVD as I recall. Also remember the menus having absurd lag and being sluggish overall.
I still have one, along with a standalone HD DVD player and 20 or so HD DVDs... I think mine is in its box next to my matching white 360.

The catch: I bought it at launch for the full price of $200.


Junior Member
Does the Blu-ray version of the movie 300 yet have the special features in picture-in-picture mode? Last I checked, it didn't.

Also, early Blu-ray movies were encoded with shitty codecs, rendering the picture clearly inferior to HD-DVD.

I see the fight lives on, lol.
HD DVD's bottlenecked by a maximum Audio+Video bitrate of 30.24 Mbit/s so with high quality or lossless audio, it eats well into the video quality.

Blu-ray by comparison has a maximum Audio+Video bitrate of 48 Mbit/s and has the disc capacity to support higher quality video with extra features.

It's great that HD DVD got in early on that PiP action though. I love focusing on two video windows when watching a movie!


Never got one, but I remember some people fearing that MS would start putting some 360 games on HDDVD due to space concerns, making the player a mandatory purchase for those who wanted those games. Fortunately that never came to fruition, and HDDVD was allowed to die a quiet unceremonious death.


Still got mine. It's funny because I never got rid of my HD DVDs, but found out that I could actually rip them to my media server a few months ago. I actually own about 30-40 of them (most from the fire sales after it went down).


I still have mine, but it's not always hooked up since it sits by the bigger living room tv, while the gaming systems I actually play a lot (X1 and X360) are hooked up to the smalled tv. Once in a blue moon, I'll watch some of the movies I have on it. I think I have like a dozen? maybe 2? Problem with mine is that for some reason it stopped reading certain discs. I don't know if it's my player or the discs, although the discs look brand new. I ended up throwing a couple away like Blood Diamond. I only paid like 2 dollars for the movie so I don't know if I care too much that it's gone.
I had one and would watch Planet Earth non stop with it. Don't have it anymore though, I gave it to my friend a few years ago.
Yeah man, Planet Earth was so awesome! I should probably buy it again on Blu-Ray again so I'll watch it more often.

Is this thing compatible with later model 360s?

I'm not sure about the "E" but it sure works with an "S." Pretty sure it works with the newest model. I don't have one so I can't really confirm though.
Oh yeah, I still have mine. I had just bought an HDTV, and wanted that aweet HD content. Watched King Kong probably 6 times. I also bought a lot of HD DVDs, some of which are still my go to version of the movie (John Carpenter's The Thing looks WAY better on HD DVD vs the Bluray)

That is until Scream Factory's Blu-Ray gets released next month.


Got mine at launch. First movie I watched was Tokyo Drift. I bought the HD-DVD/DVD hybrid and held on to it for that early November release of the hardware. It actually was released two weeks prior to the PS3, so it was kinda the first mass-consumer HD video player.

I had quite a few HD-DVD releases. I must have bought up nearly every Universal and WB HD-DVD release until that fateful CES where WB went Blue and ended the format war. I'm glad, because we would have never gotten 3D BD and 4K UHD.

But that HD-DVD add-on was magical at the time. I still have mine hooked up and held on to a few titles which never got a BD releases, or those which had better transfers on HD-DVD.
I did- but when it was less than $30 for a unit and pack in movies. Went on Amazon and went on a buying spree- spent an average of $3.50 per movie and got 20-30 movies when many had blu ray equivalents for much, much more $$. Was a neat idea and I don't regret it. I still have the unit and a few movies for it that my kid enjoys. I'll use it until the wheels fall off.
One for $150 a couple weeks after launch. Came with a couple free movies, and I thought it was an amazing deal.
One for $20 when I thought the $150 one stopped working because movies were playing awful after a 360 FW update (It was fixed next update)


I had one. Got it for $50 when they got axed. Used it for keeping TV box sets in while having a game in the main drive.
I did. Still have it hooked into my 360. Have a fairly good collection of videos when they went super discount.

Still not worth it lol.
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