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Why does Microsoft not just end this generation earlier than planned?


It genuinely surprises me that people think selling a new minecraft only on Xbox, would outweigh the profit from selling a hundred million copies of the new game across all systems.

Because it wouldn't. At all. They will make considerably more money from the franchise being multiplat, than any number of consoles that game would sell.


It genuinely surprises me that people think selling a new minecraft only on Xbox, would outweigh the profit from selling a hundred million copies of the new game across all systems.

Because it wouldn't. At all. They will make considerably more money from the franchise being multiplat, than any number of consoles that game would sell.

I could them making a new Minecraft exclusive to them for 6-12 months before expanding it across all platfiorms.


It genuinely surprises me that people think selling a new minecraft only on Xbox, would outweigh the profit from selling a hundred million copies of the new game across all systems.

Because it wouldn't. At all. They will make considerably more money from the franchise being multiplat, than any number of consoles that game would sell.

You could say the same thing about Halo ;)
It genuinely surprises me that people think selling a new minecraft only on Xbox, would outweigh the profit from selling a hundred million copies of the new game across all systems.

Because it wouldn't. At all. They will make considerably more money from the franchise being multiplat, than any number of consoles that game would sell.

Much like how they should have put Halo on PS2, seeing as every Xbox sold lost them money.
Dammit Briguy!


I could them making a new Minecraft exclusive to them for 6-12 months before expanding it across all platfiorms.

Sure, but there is way to much proven money on the table to not have it on every other platform.

You could say the same thing about Halo ;)

Not really, because it's never been on every other platform. I know they have that mobile game (spartan assault?) or something, but the game is known as an Xbox game. There is no suggestion that it would do anywhere near the same sales on each other platform, where as with minecraft, they have that data.
Not really, because it's never been on every other platform. I know they have that mobile game (spartan assault?) or something, but the game is known as an Xbox game. There is no suggestion that it would do anywhere near the same sales on each other platform, where as with minecraft, they have that data.

Tomb Raider then.

Either way, I don't see the Minecraft acquisition as an Xbox thing, I think like others have said it'll go towards PC and Mobile strategy more than anything. How they plan to get strong in mobile I don't know, but they need all the help they can get.
I know we all act like Microsoft's just got billions of dollars to burn without care, but let's not forget that they invested (and are continuing to invest) an enormous amount of money into this platform. They're not just going to pull the plug without at least attempting to earn some of that back.

Also, many of you need to stop and consider what the actual goal is for Microsoft here. I know a lot of you only think in 'console war' terms, but I'm yet to see any reason why Microsoft would continue to pump billions of dollars into a brand - just to prevent a limping, flagging Japanese company from controlling a potentially declining market.

In its original form, you could see an end goal for the Xbox One. All of this talk about resurrecting Rare and creating a Nintendo-esque first-party portfolio - what does any of that investment actually achieve, other than impeding Sony?


Are you serious?
What would be the "huge" effect this would have for MS?
Sell more Windows 10 upgrade licenses at 29€ each, while taking away reasons to buy a 399€ console plus Live subscription.

(if all X1 games would have to run on Win 10, many people would not be able to upgrade to it, because a 300€ notebook won't run Horizon2)

Windows 10 upgrades cost MS effectively nothing to produce, other than a few cents in data hosting.

The Xbox One costs it's full MSRP and then some to produce, package, ship, and letting retailers have a small taste.

The Xbox One selling well isn't good enough for MS as the hardware is simply a trojan horse for the software and (more importantly) Xbox Live plus the attached marketing.

Finding a way to avoid the hardware trojan horse to instead go straight to selling software is MS' dream scenario. The only reason they won't embrace that is the realities of how the core game buying audience plays their games now: on a couch via console.

As for the OP - I think there is a better chance that the Xbox One is Microsoft's last system than MS launching a new platform early. Microsoft is a company lacking in flagships. Coming in second to a damn near bankrupt Sony after coming in second to the Wii isn't flagship. Microsoft can invest the billions they've poured into the console race into a lot of other projects if the best they can get from the video game sector is #2.

Honestly, my guess is that in ten years well have the following landscape:
1. Sony bought by Disney, Playstation becomes the only hardware product left from the company and PSN is used to push Disney's various media holdings directly to consumers. The catalog of IPs held by Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony Pictures, and Sony Music will be too appealing or Disney to let fall into someone else's hands and Hirai has already trimmed most of the fat away. A successful Playstation 4 ensures it sticks around as a platform, but more than anything serves to bring consumers into the walled garden for all Disney content that PSN would be converted into.
2. Microsoft eschews the dedicated home console for a full court press on a new fully connected home network hub. Basically a super-router. Streams video to every compatible device including TVs, tablets, phones, etc.. Plays games, video, music, etc. anywhere, any time with a synced device.
3. Nintendo is relegated to only handhelds, maybe a handheld with TV out though.
4. Every smartphone will be wireless HDMI capable and all three of Amazon, Google, and Apple will have their own competing HDMI dongle plus services marketplace where the vast majority of consumers access their music, video, and gaming needs. The dedicated home console will be about where the dedicated handheld is today, with Playstation as the 3DS and maybe a Nintendo or Samsung home console attempt as the Vita.

Mr Lakitu

Are you serious?
What would be the "huge" effect this would have for MS?
Sell more Windows 10 upgrade licenses at 29€ each, while taking away reasons to buy a 399€ console plus Live subscription.

(if all X1 games would have to run on Win 10, many people would not be able to upgrade to it, because a 300€ notebook won't run Horizon2)

Its an option for pc gamers... I think a lot of pc only guys would be involved in halo collection/gears collection/forza horizon etc if they could... The servers are already there ready and waiting. Not everyone wants a pc in their living room either so what's the problem?

I think building a long term eco system across console/pc/phone/tablet is the aim for Microsoft here... Buy a digital game and play it across all ur windows 10 devices (arcade games on tablet/phone)

As for Xbox live fees and game prices... Well that's up to Microsoft to weigh up... One thing for sure is that when I build my pc next yr I will have no problem paying the yearly live fee to be able to play xbone games with better performance. I also would love a pc client/programme of the xbone UI with kinect & xbone pad support, that just sounds too good for my preferences, the whole party and friends system with my xbone friends. Id have my pc to boot straight into Xbox live UI... All my entertainment stuff is there.

Id even contemplate in buying an xbone for downstairs just to extend my gaming/entertainment experience... Something that is the complete opposite of what U was saying in that pc would hinder console sales


Tomb Raider then.

Either way, I don't see the Minecraft acquisition as an Xbox thing, I think like others have said it'll go towards PC and Mobile strategy more than anything. How they plan to get strong in mobile I don't know, but they need all the help they can get.

I think it's just a straight numbers vs gamble thing, personally.

You can take any other franchise, look at it's sales on each system, and get an idea of what sort of area that is going to end up in. If you compare minecraft with any other game in this way, the outcome is clear I think. Minecraft, a game with proven huge sales across all platforms, has a larger fanbase that any other game. Any other game could potentially come out better, but there is no suggestion that it will. I would like to think a company like MS goes with the numbers over the gamble.
I think it's just a straight numbers vs gamble thing, personally.

You can take any other franchise, look at it's sales on each system, and get an idea of what sort of area that is going to end up in. If you compare minecraft with any other game in this way, the outcome is clear I think. Minecraft, a game with proven huge sales across all platforms, has a larger fanbase that any other game. Any other game could potentially come out better, but there is no suggestion that it will. I would like to think a company like MS goes with the numbers over the gamble.

Mojang's profits might continue to rise forever, but at the current level it will take well over a decade for MS to see a return on their investment via revenue. It's seems like a strategic purchase, for reasons which aren't clear yet.


Mojang's profits might continue to rise forever, but at the current level it will take well over a decade for MS to see a return on their investment. It's seems like a strategic purchase, for reasons which aren't clear yet.

For sure, it was a huge amount of money to spend for - as far as we know - a single game. I will watch with interest how they deal with it, and what uses they have in mind. It may be they want to make it a new platform in itself, perhaps a subscription model to access the MC world on any platform. We will find out, and it should be good.

Mr Lakitu

Mojang's profits might continue to rise forever, but at the current level it will take well over a decade for MS to see a return on their investment via revenue. It's seems like a strategic purchase, for reasons which aren't clear yet.

I think Microsoft strategy here will be cross platform multiplayer between pc/xbone/upcoming windows 10 phones & tablets... Basically to help boost the windows 10 ecosystem and contribute to sales of windows 10 licenses/phone & tablet/console
I see. Well I imagine I was confuse about the thing they haven't announced to work exclusively for the xbone platform.

Because there has been no such announcements. We do not know what Mojang will do in the future. But if Microsoft wants to act like they've been acting lately, they'll release Minecraft 2 through Microsoft platforms only. Not that I care, but that would be utterly evil for people who like Minecraft and despise the company.
Thinking about it, and where I think MS are headed, it's more likely that this is the company's last console than it is to launch a quick successor.

Why would they commit billions more into a new console, when the market is shrinking, and their focus is going to be increasingly on software where they have massive margins, as Drek alluded to above?

It makes no sense for them to produce another console. This is going to be their last.
Thinking about it, and where I think MS are headed, it's more likely that this is the company's last console than it is to launch a quick successor.

Why would they commit billions more into a new console, when the market is shrinking, and their focus is going to be increasingly on software where they have massive margins, as Drek alluded to above?

It makes no sense for them to produce another console. This is going to be their last.

This is exactly what I'm thinking. Xbox has been bleeding billions in the last years. They can't justify more money being pumped into a console which isn't selling as good as 360 and is losing to its competitor by a huge margin. Soon investors will become vocal about it.

Mojang deal was for PC and mobile. Maybe Microsoft is trying to move their gaming business into mobile (and PC), just the way how Japan moved from consoles to handheld gaming?

I have no idea if Microsoft gains anything from spinning it out. Maybe they're trying to sell the branch if 2015 goes south as well? I don't know. They have the money, but can they justify using it?
Please. Don't act like Microsoft bought Mojang for their talent. Their leader even flew the coop before the ink even dried. MS paid $2 billion for Minecraft, period. Do you know how many games of various budgets could have been funded with $2 billion? Instead, they buy the rights to a game that was already on every system except Nintendo's. $2 billion could subsidize a $100 price cut on the next 20 million Xbones sold, by which time manufacturing processes could improve to reduce the cost of building Xbones. In fact, the Minecraft purchase was probably to bolster Windows phones and tablets more than helping Xbox, because there are far better ways that $2 billion could be used to bolster Xbox than buying Minecraft.

Why are you talking about investing that 2 billion instead into XBOX One games when you just said it was also to bolster Window phones and tablets? It's not like they have a certain cap to spend on games for the XBOX One and that 2 billion for Minecraft was from resources for XBOX One games.

Why is everyone so worried about MS? The Xbox One is here to stay and will get games for it till the end of this gen. Updates are coming on a monthly basis. MS is still buying 3rd party exclusives by the boatload. They have plenty of exclusives being developed by internal studios.

Only time anyone should worry about their Xbox One is if MS stops doing any of these things. Even then multiplats will still be released for it.

Unless sales dip to 5 figures, then might be a problem. But man what is up with all the doom and gloom? The X1 will sell fine over the holidays.

It's because some people want to focus most of their attention on a villain. They are likely the same people who tend to ignore how the WiiU is doing worse because they simply don't like Microsoft.

I'm pretty sure that is illegal. You know the whole monopoly thing lol

360 sold 6 million units first year. This holiday season will easily push the XB1 over that mark.

How can you have a monopoly when we have more players now than during the Sega and Nintendo era? I'm not saying this will ever happen because it won't. The funny thing is Sony's market cap is 20 billion while Microsoft's is 360 billion.

Frankly the reason most seem to be worried in this thread is that the Xbone might be successful. Of course first place is best but a profitable second place isn't a failure.

It's true, there are a few who want them to fail so they will continue to post the most bleak outlook as possible. While again focusing more on how the XBOX One is doing and less on the WiiU.

Success? I mean global sales are comparable to WiiU sales so far. Dont think anyone would call that a success. The thing is dead outside of NA and US.

I believe the WiiU sold 7 million by August, you really think the XBOX One will have only sold 7 million by August 2015, the same length of time?

Thinking about it, and where I think MS are headed, it's more likely that this is the company's last console than it is to launch a quick successor.

Why would they commit billions more into a new console, when the market is shrinking, and their focus is going to be increasingly on software where they have massive margins, as Drek alluded to above?

It makes no sense for them to produce another console. This is going to be their last.

Nintendo is probably the only one who will continue to make another console. Both Sony and Microsoft are likely to adopt a more cloud based system where the actual hardware is irrelevant.

MC Safety

What a shortsighted idea, that Microsoft should abandon its console to create another one so early in the cycle.

It shows absolutely zero understanding of the mechanics and costs involved in making a new system, or what the new technology means for consumers, retailers, developers, and publishers.


I know we all act like Microsoft's just got billions of dollars to burn without care, but let's not forget that they invested (and are continuing to invest) an enormous amount of money into this platform. They're not just going to pull the plug without at least attempting to earn some of that back.

Also, many of you need to stop and consider what the actual goal is for Microsoft here. I know a lot of you only think in 'console war' terms, but I'm yet to see any reason why Microsoft would continue to pump billions of dollars into a brand - just to prevent a limping, flagging Japanese company from controlling a potentially declining market.

In its original form, you could see an end goal for the Xbox One. All of this talk about resurrecting Rare and creating a Nintendo-esque first-party portfolio - what does any of that investment actually achieve, other than impeding Sony?

It gives them revenue streams namely. Halo generates money every release, as does Gears. The more brands they create, the more money they generate.

There is a reason why Nintendo can still exist without multi plats and it's because of how much revenue they make through thier first party's. MS will be hoping to do the same hence Phils comment.


No way this will be a 10 year generation.In 10 years the difference in graphics/computing/physics will be the same with the difference between the SNES and the current generation.Technology advances too fast.I expect the next generation to come before 2018 with nintendo launching around 2017 or even earlier.


It genuinely surprises me that people think selling a new minecraft only on Xbox, would outweigh the profit from selling a hundred million copies of the new game across all systems.

Because it wouldn't. At all. They will make considerably more money from the franchise being multiplat, than any number of consoles that game would sell.

MS will continue to make money through the first MC, but the sequels or spin offs wont be on the PS or Nintendo consoles. MC sold 11m before the PS version even existed, so I don't think MS will bother about the PS4 port.

Edit. They'll make more then enough money just by releasing on Xbox, PC, Mobile etc.
No way this will be a 10 year generation.In 10 years the difference in graphics/computing/physics will be the same with the difference between the SNES and the current generation.Technology advances too fast.I expect the next generation to come before 2018 with nintendo launching around 2017 or even earlier.

It's not, Sony and Microsoft are saying it's 5-6 years, because hardware is evolving so fast. 4K is next and it's already coming out.
It genuinely surprises me that people think selling a new minecraft only on Xbox, would outweigh the profit from selling a hundred million copies of the new game across all systems.

Because it wouldn't. At all. They will make considerably more money from the franchise being multiplat, than any number of consoles that game would sell.

I think they might decide to do a short timed exclusivity. Like 3 months. It would certainly give the console a shot in the arm.


MS will continue to make money through the first MC, but the sequels or spin offs wont be on the PS or Nintendo consoles. MC sold 11m before the PS version even existed, so I don't think MS will bother about the PS4 port.

Edit. They'll make more then enough money just by releasing on Xbox, PC, Mobile etc.

I honestly find that incredibly unlikely, though it is surely possible.

I think they might decide to do a short timed exclusivity. Like 3 months. It would certainly give the console a shot in the arm.

This on the other hand, it pretty much a certainty.


Are you serious?
What would be the "huge" effect this would have for MS?
Sell more Windows 10 upgrade licenses at 29€ each, while taking away reasons to buy a 399€ console plus Live subscription.

(if all X1 games would have to run on Win 10, many people would not be able to upgrade to it, because a 300€ notebook won't run Horizon2)

It would turn every caperble PC into an X1, increasing there install base. It would be very interesting especially with these console sized PC's becoming more popular.

And even a notebook could run win10, just not be able to run DX12 which would be needed to run Xbox games.

Though I doubht it will be straight up compatibility, maybe if a dev has a plan to release on win10 and x1 they could develop with that in mind by only using DX12.

Surely this is going to part of there strategy, With the forza 5 DX12 port and all.
Last gen with sales talk it was reverted to exclusive games... this gen when talking about games it goes to consoles sales. :) Lol, this gen is seriously 180'd. It's awesome.

Mr Lakitu

It would turn every caperble PC into an X1, increasing there install base. It would be very interesting especially with these console sized PC's becoming more popular.

And even a notebook could run win10, just not be able to run DX12 which would be needed to run Xbox games.

Though I doubht it will be straight up compatibility, maybe if a dev has a plan to release on win10 and x1 they could develop with that in mind by only using DX12.

Surely this is going to part of there strategy, With the forza 5 DX12 port and all.

Im praying

Hopefully the pc titanfall controller with aim assist support is a taster of things to come

Imagine halo collection on pc... In a party with mix of xbone/pc friends, some on controller some on k&m

It sounds incredible... Azure servers are ready
Windows 10 upgrades cost MS effectively nothing to produce, other than a few cents in data hosting.

The Xbox One costs it's full MSRP and then some to produce, package, ship, and letting retailers have a small taste.

The Xbox One selling well isn't good enough for MS as the hardware is simply a trojan horse for the software and (more importantly) Xbox Live plus the attached marketing.

Finding a way to avoid the hardware trojan horse to instead go straight to selling software is MS' dream scenario.

Developing and marketing for Win 10 cost effectively nothing too?

Age of Empires, Flight Simulator and Midtown Madness were all released for PC by MS Studios before that.
If MS wanted to be a software publisher they would simply not have gotten into home consoles in 2002.
But there are more important reasons why MS is moving business away from the PC into consumer electronic markets and not going the other way around.

You might not have noticed, but
a) the Desktop PC is vanishing from many homes and is replaced by tablets, phones and TV consoles. Do you think it is a coincidence that MS is so aggressive with Lumia, Surface and Xbox?
b) console gaming is just more lucrative than PC. Thats the reason MS got into it in the first place.

If Xbox went away people would move on to PS4, Wii, Google Player etc.
Anybody can get a gaming PC today if he wants to, you obviously can't play the console exclusives but you get many games that are not out on consoles.
MS wouldn't sell more Windows licenses because they release Forza and Halo on PC.


When 4k tv hits mainstream, everyone has one, 4k blu Rays and cable supports 4k then release a new system that can play 4k games and movies.


MS will continue to make money through the first MC, but the sequels or spin offs wont be on the PS or Nintendo consoles. MC sold 11m before the PS version even existed, so I don't think MS will bother about the PS4 port.

Edit. They'll make more then enough money just by releasing on Xbox, PC, Mobile etc.

I'd disagree, particularly since microsoft describe Minecraft as "an open world platform" as well as:

"Microsoft plans to continue to make “Minecraft” available across all the platforms on which it is available today: PC, iOS, Android, Xbox and PlayStation.

“‘Minecraft’ is one of the most popular franchises of all time,” said Phil Spencer, head of Xbox. “We are going to maintain ‘Minecraft’ and its community in all the ways people love today, with a commitment to nurture and grow it long into the future.”"

To do that will require all platforms and the community that currently exist. Also note that MS specifically refer to 'Minecraft' the franchise, rather than just the game.


I'd disagree, particularly since microsoft describe Minecraft as "an open world platform" as well as:

"Microsoft plans to continue to make “Minecraft” available across all the platforms on which it is available today: PC, iOS, Android, Xbox and PlayStation.

“‘Minecraft’ is one of the most popular franchises of all time,” said Phil Spencer, head of Xbox. “We are going to maintain ‘Minecraft’ and its community in all the ways people love today, with a commitment to nurture and grow it long into the future.”"

To do that will require all platforms and the community that currently exist. Also note that MS specifically refer to 'Minecraft' the franchise, rather than just the game.

I lean towards MS core principles as reason for this purchase. Products and services. I'm thinking they want it as the latter. A service anyone can be a part of. They have found success with subscription models, things such as XBL and Office. I believe Minecraft will go the same way.
It would turn every caperble PC into an X1, increasing there install base. It would be very interesting especially with these console sized PC's becoming more popular.

And even a notebook could run win10, just not be able to run DX12 which would be needed to run Xbox games.

Though I doubht it will be straight up compatibility, maybe if a dev has a plan to release on win10 and x1 they could develop with that in mind by only using DX12.

Surely this is going to part of there strategy, With the forza 5 DX12 port and all.

Maybe you are too young to remember but MS has been publishing PC games since MS-DOS days and even had nice games like Age of Empires and Flight Simulator.
PC gaming is simply not a good business. Consoles are. So MS got into consoles and probably will only even consider getting out of if this Xbox PLUS the next one fail really big, like 10% market share or less.


Way too soon to be putting the nails in this thing. Especially over a few fps or a few dots per inch on a tv in games that look to most peoples' eye, by and large on par with the competition.

Xbox is just hitting its stride with games and the OS ability.

Mr Lakitu

Developing and marketing for Win 10 cost effectively nothing too?

Age of Empires, Flight Simulator and Midtown Madness were all released for PC by MS Studios before that.
If MS wanted to be a software publisher they would simply not have gotten into home consoles in 2002.
But there are more important reasons why MS is moving business away from the PC into consumer electronic markets and not going the other way around.

You might not have noticed, but
a) the Desktop PC is vanishing from many homes and is replaced by tablets, phones and TV consoles. Do you think it is a coincidence that MS is so aggressive with Lumia, Surface and Xbox?
b) console gaming is just more lucrative than PC. Thats the reason MS got into it in the first place.

If Xbox went away people would move on to PS4, Wii, Google Player etc.
Anybody can get a gaming PC today if he wants to, you obviously can't play the console exclusives but you get many games that are not out on consoles.
MS wouldn't sell more Windows licenses because they release Forza and Halo on PC.

better versions of forza and battlefield whilst still partying up with my xbone buddies... Using the xbone dashboard with kinect and a pad on pc

Sign me up tomorrow

The real 10yr life cycle... Not these underpowered consoles we have today

Mr Lakitu

Maybe you are too young to remember but MS has been publishing PC games since MS-DOS days and even had nice games like Age of Empires and Flight Simulator.
PC gaming is simply not a good business. Consoles are. So MS got into consoles and probably will only even consider getting out of if this Xbox PLUS the next one fail really big, like 10% market share or less.

Pc gaming is not good business?

well maybe if what U are saying is remotely true lol... This is like Microsoft putting a console into ur pc then no?
It gives them revenue streams namely. Halo generates money every release, as does Gears. The more brands they create, the more money they generate.

There is a reason why Nintendo can still exist without multi plats and it's because of how much revenue they make through thier first party's. MS will be hoping to do the same hence Phils comment.

You're not wrong, but how much do you think that Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark matters to an organisation that has Windows and Office in its stable?

Nintendo is a company that exists solely because of games, but Microsoft is a firm that operates in far bigger sectors. Again, how does it benefit from investing millions into the abovementioned brands?

The Xbox One, in my opinion, made more sense in its original guise. At the moment, it appears to be competing with an increasingly irrelevent Sony for the sake of it.

Mr Lakitu

You're not wrong, but how much do you think that Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark matters to an organisation that has Windows and Office in its stable?

Nintendo is a company that exists solely because of games, but Microsoft is a firm that operates in far bigger sectors. Again, how does it benefit from investing millions into the abovementioned brands?

The Xbox One, in my opinion, made more sense in its original guise. At the moment, it appears to be competing with an increasingly irrelevent Sony for the sake of it.

Its not just about games... Its entertainment as a whole... Its all tied into the windows eco system, they see a future where U buy windows phone, windows tablet, xbone, pc. Imagine Sitting in ur living room playing minecraft on xbone, go on the bus and continue playing on ur windows phone, go into ur bedroom and continue on ur windows 10 pc before bed

Keeping people in the windows eco system and selling hardware at the same time


If you ask me, we've lost a lot more creativity and innovation due to the limits of Sony just building a "faster PS3" than folks on the PS4 side have lost due to the slower GPU on Xbox One.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong obviously.

That being said:

Scrolling past the first comment you see a lot of people blatantly favoring the XB1 or saying going with the PS4 was a regretful decision:


And here you can see people lamenting the lack of things apps and TV related stuff, that they say the XB1 has:



CRTL + F: Xbox or XB1



And this is in the PS4 sub for Christs sake. You can see a lot of envy or regret. Microsoft is making money, that's all that matters to them and a there's a decent amount of people who aren't content with the PS4 and like what the XB1 offers over it.

It's not as simple as OP and some people make it out to be. And let's be honest, it's doing better then the PS3's first two years. If you want to talk about ridiculously stupid decisions and statements and the resulting sales, 2006 was far worse for Sony then 2013 was for Microsoft.
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