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Why does Monster Hunter 4 have to look like shit?

Note: All 3DS games look better on the 3DS screen. I don't know what they use as capture software, but it's terrible. Some of the Luigi 2 screens look like total ass, but then on the system itself, and in motion, it looks beautiful.
240p will never look good no matter the screen you use to view it.


Japanese people don't care, because it is MONSTER HUNTER!!!

So why should CAPCOM care as long as they are making money~~~


Looks like they made the grave mistake of over-texturing. People complain about crappy ground textures in screenshots because they cannot get the scale of detail in a picture, but the more information you add to a picture, the more it draws your eyes or highlights aspects of the image that are not up to that resolution. The texturing and gaudy colors that we're seeing just clash constantly from the imagery we're seeing.

That being said, the 3DS screen is its own beast and trailers on the actual 3DS are more complementary of the game. The shadowing and effects work is also a significant step up from the PSP and stands on its own. It would have been awesome if MH4 was as visually platform-defining as Capcom's own Resident Evil Revelations (looks like nobody else is going to reach for that brass ring on this platform, how sad...) but I feel fairly confident saying that once the full game releases people will be mostly happy with how it looks.
You think it's a talent issue? I mean people seem displeased with how MH3U performs on the WiiU. Which is a Wii/3DS game. How the fuck is that going sub 30 FPS as a retail release when it is using assets that have been around since the PS2 days? Something has to be up. It can't just be making the playable areas a little larger being the whole story.

I don't think it's a talent issue

It's a, "Hey guys, do your best... But remember our budget, okay?"


In Japan, the money is in handhelds, and thats where MH core market is, not here. IPeople who are sick of "handheld" MH games need to wake up and smell the roses. The console MHs are the aberration, not the handheld ones. Once you establish the game is for the Eastern handheld market, the choice is only 3ds vs Vita vs both. They gain more being Nintendo exclusive. Thats really the entirety of the story.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
And upon reflection, the only thing I'd really care about improving in MH currently is Capcom patching the Wii U version to deal with the horribly rushed porting quality - specifically the framerate. There's no reason for that thing to not run at 60fps locked. Or at least cap it at 30fps to eliminate the terrible frame judder it currently suffers from.

Now that looks bad; I'd almost rather play it on the 3DS where the framerate is much smoother.


I USED to play Monster Hunter because it looked amazing ...on the PSP

It looked pretty damn good, sans art direction I didn't care for, on the Wii

It looks okay up-ressed on Wii U, and good on the 3DS

All I want (yeah it's nice to want things) is for the once, the tech to match that art and give the series the visuals it deserves.
That and just bring about a discussion on the unique niche that Capcom's has carved out for itself with the series in regards to it's installments and their regressive visuals.

well that won't happen, because
a) mh players don't care for hd assets
b) if they do care, they will vote with their money
c) capcom knows this so they don't care either, what do they care about you ask? well adding gameplay mechanics for one which is what's more important in a game like this
d) vitabros already have Soul Sacrifice, which imo looks so good on dat oled. :)
e) capcom does care for money
Why do so many japanese games look so horrible? 9/10 times they look absolutely horrible compared to other, western games on the same hardware (especially since HD consoles). That's something I never quite understood...it's one thing to not pay much attention to stunning visuals but can't they at least try?
I can't really think of one really good looking western game on 3DS hardware apart from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which had heavy Japanese supervision.


Why do so many japanese games look so horrible? 9/10 times they look absolutely awful compared to other, western games on the same hardware (especially since HD consoles). That's something I never quite understood...it's one thing to not pay much attention to give the player stunning visuals but can't they at least try?

The biggest factor is probably having lower budgets, closely followed by worse middleware. Their engines have been catching up with stuff like MT Framework, Fox, Crystal Tools, and Phanta Ray, but many studios are still either using not-very-updated versions of old in-house engines or trying multiplatform engines like Phyre or Unreal and having a tough time.


It's all the shitty art direction and those super saturated colors.

Also, textures. But mainly the art direction.

Ultimate looks far better.


For 2004? It looked slightly above average at best. Textures were ass, most of the geometry was pretty low bad, and the monster animations were a good bit worse than later games. The art direction, atmosphere, and skyboxes were pretty, I guess.
The ground textures in the PSP and PS2 games aren't nearly as off-putting as the fluorescent, tie-dye smears that pass as ground textures in MH4. The old games were above average; the new game looks ugly.

I'm almost sure that if it were strictly a 2D game, it wouldn't have to be so ugly.
Honestly a lot of these problems are mitigated by a WiiU port, really anything that just ups the resolution. The texture work I can deal with, but the blurry mess is just horrible. Doesn't help that 3ds Monster Hunter hurts my hands something fierce, but that's beside the point.
And upon reflection, the only thing I'd really care about improving in MH currently is Capcom patching the Wii U version to deal with the horribly rushed porting quality - specifically the framerate. There's no reason for that thing to not run at 60fps locked. Or at least cap it at 30fps to eliminate the terrible frame judder it currently suffers from.

Now that looks bad; I'd almost rather play it on the 3DS where the framerate is much smoother.

I mentioned before in another thread, that I wonder if the game natively rendered at 720p instead, we'd get 60fps?

The game doesn't need to be 1080p and it's merely a press bullet-point. It doesn't help the visuals really at all and really only makes them worse because the framerate is all over the place.


Why do so many japanese games look so horrible? 9/10 times they look absolutely awful compared to other, western games on the same hardware (especially since HD consoles). That's something I never quite understood...it's one thing to not pay much attention to give the player stunning visuals but can't they at least try?

Because "trying" in this case is essentially equivalent to "dumping more money into asset creation". It's a stupid thing to do unless you actually need to do it. Considering the ratio of Japanese dev studios to American/European dev studios that have been shuttered in the last five years for financial reasons, I'd say they've generally got the right idea about this.
The ground textures in the PSP and PS2 games aren't nearly as off-putting as the fluorescent, tie-dye smears that pass as ground textures in MH4. The old games were above average; the new game looks ugly.

I'm almost sure that if it were strictly a 2D game, it wouldn't have to be so ugly.

well said

MHFU on a PSPGo looks damn impressive.


Capcom's been playing it safe with the MonHun franchise since Freedom 2. It will probably look very similar on the next generation of handhelds too.


Maybe they're just budgeting accordingly instead of producing the game with the biggest and best graphics on a home console where it needs to sell 7 million copies to make a profit.

Sorry, I'm just bitter at the industry for slowly killing itself.

You nailed it there... increasing the budget and targeting a more powerful platform would be a lot of risk for little reward. I think this time it was in Capcom's best interests to back the 3DS instead of splitting up the shrinking game-dedicated portable market.

Capcom is probably getting $$$ from Nintendo as well to boot.


Wow, you could have said it came out for the ps1 and I would have believed you.


It is past time to make a HD next gen Monster Hunter. Get on it Capcom. PS4.

It's called Dragon's Dogma, and Capcom seems happy enough with its performance that they're continuing the series.

Portable MH is still faster, easier, cheaper, and safer to make, so they're probably going to keep it that way.


An blind dancing ho
any comparison screens between MH4 and with the PS2 games(MH1/2)? I want to see the graphics improvements since 2004.
It's kind of sad that Japan's two most successful third party franchises look no better graphically than they did ten years ago. I suppose that's what happens when Nintendo handhelds own the market.

Sad? It's nice, instead. It shows that there are still people (a lot of people) that do not care about graphics and they are not pushing the industry into unsustainable budgets, layoffs, and crazy sales projections.
Or compare some games like Kingdom Hearts PSP to Kingdom Hearts 3DS. In fact, there was a part in KH 3DS where they use 3 character models from the PSP game and they stood out like a sore thumb.

Huh? Can you tell me about it?
I don't think I'm that far, but I don't much care for spoilers.


Sad? It's nice, instead. It shows that there are still people (a lot of people) that do not care about graphics and they are not pushing the industry into unsustainable budgets, layoffs, and crazy sales projections.
I'm not even sure how that's a thing. If you play a video game, you are caring about graphics (unless you can play with your eyes closed XD).

And yes, better graphics always means unsustainable budgets. The industry should go back to 8-bit graphics.


1. Create a smash hit franchise

2. Release hella sequels using budget assets



It's this basic principle that has worked so well for a number of Capcom's other franchises, after all.

Today's MonHun fans are last decade's Rockman fans.
Also, I don't understand why people are desperate in asking a MH on HD home console. When it was released on PS2, it did bomb in the West, and the most popular entries are from PSP.
Also, I don't understand why people are desperate in asking a MH on HD home console. When it was released on PS2, it did bomb in the West, and the most popular entries are from PSP.

I think the point is that the OP wants it on Vita lol. When DQ IX was announced for DS were there these many people crying about it?
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