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Why is Sony struggling to reach the next step ?

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Purest 78

Sony has dropped the ball in user experience, but dick measuring nerds were swayed by an extra 5-10 fps or 100 pixels of res so settled on the worse user experience. And now since they're in the lead they don't have any motivation to actually make anything better anyway.

Also they've just never been great at UI / UX to begin with so its not like anything has changed.

Ps4 has a great console UI fast and simple. The irony is MS had to rebuild The x1 entire UI because most hated it. Unless you think MS decided to scrap the original UI just to do it.
Sony has dropped the ball in user experience, but dick measuring nerds were swayed by an extra 5-10 fps or 100 pixels of res so settled on the worse user experience. And now since they're in the lead they don't have any motivation to actually make anything better anyway.

Also they've just never been great at UI / UX to begin with so its not like anything has changed.

The 'p' in '1080p' doesn't stand for pixels. You know that, right?


I see people a lot of people talking about games perspective and I didn't have a PS3 at the time, moving directly from 360 to PS4 so I gladly take some remastered collection that I really enjoyed like TloU or Uncharted collection but for the rest of their IPs released since the beginning of this gen are pretty bad besides Bloodborne and Until Dawn, Killzone is far from being a Halo killer ( but I think it could be a better competitor if doing better ), Forza is the king ( until GT7 ?) and there is no Gears of war like games on Sony PS4 atm...

I don't want to really move on a Microsoft vs Sony type or thread, I'm really focusing about what Sony can do better because I really like my PS4 beside the things I talked about in my first post.

halo killer? what year is it


I think they do, they are listening to their fan base, bring Backward compatibility, new IPs that are looking really great like Scalebound, Quantum Break Sea of thieves etc..., they already released some good games like ori, Forza series, Sunset Overdrive etc... and has their first party studio at full speed, they have a good online service, a great customer service, updates are frequently released and a new UI is coming next.

Well Sony have tried to bring backwards compatibility, they have new IPs and have already released good games too. First party is stacked for next year, both online services have down time (XBL is shocking compared to how it was last gen) and the PS4 updates are coming pretty fast these days.

I really don't see how one is doing better than the other in these regards.


I see people a lot of people talking about games perspective and I didn't have a PS3 at the time, moving directly from 360 to PS4 so I gladly take some remastered collection that I really enjoyed like TloU or Uncharted collection but for the rest of their IPs released since the beginning of this gen are pretty bad besides Bloodborne and Until Dawn, Killzone is far from being a Halo killer ( but I think it could be a better competitor if doing better ), Forza is the king ( until GT7 ?) and there is no Gears of war like games on Sony PS4 atm...

I don't want to really move on a Microsoft vs Sony type or thread, I'm really focusing about what Sony can do better because I really like my PS4 beside the things I talked about in my first post.

Here's the thing:

If you want to play Gears, Halo, and Forza you need to buy an xbox.

Your approach to gaming is a fool's errand.


People never bought Sony consoles for the first party.

This board overrates Sony first party, imo.

Sony has always been about third party support.
I agree with everything regarding the UI and whatnot but games wise are you serious?

What does Microsoft does better regarding games then Sony? What old IP are they bringing back?

Sony has the most diverse and the strongest lineup every year since the gen started, they're bringing back old IPs (Shadow of the Beast) they're creating new IPs (Bloodborne, Rigs, Drawn to Death, KillStrain, What Remain of Edith Finch, Until Dawn) bringing something new on some franchise (Fat Princess, Ratchet and Clack, Gravity Rush) and they're iterating on their strong IPs (Uncharted 4, Infamous, GOW).

Sony is doing a lot of wrong, but their upcoming lineup is far and away the strongest at of the 3.


How we don't have folders yet and customization so I can order my games how I want in the main bar/line and in the library is beyond me. It's one of my least favorite UI's because of it, which sucks because they got it so right with what they did on the Vita. Heck even the 3DS gets this right. For many of us who go digital it's very much needed, and the way physical works on PS4 anyway it's needed. I Want to be able to order games how I want and be able to access stuff better. I have huge problems with the DS4 and how they've handled that as well(or how they haven't done anything), but I'll keep saving that for more specific topic on the subject.

Games lineup is fine, just wish they would care more about whats going on with the controllers, PS1 classic support and UI customizstion
I see people a lot of people talking about games perspective and I didn't have a PS3 at the time, moving directly from 360 to PS4 so I gladly take some remastered collection that I really enjoyed like TloU or Uncharted collection but for the rest of their IPs released since the beginning of this gen are pretty bad besides Bloodborne and Until Dawn, Killzone is far from being a Halo killer ( but I think it could be a better competitor if doing better ), Forza is the king ( until GT7 ?) and there is no Gears of war like games on Sony PS4 atm...

I don't want to really move on a Microsoft vs Sony type or thread, I'm really focusing about what Sony can do better because I really like my PS4 beside the things I talked about in my first post.



Sony has dropped the ball in user experience, but dick measuring nerds were swayed by an extra 5-10 fps or 100 pixels of res so settled on the worse user experience. And now since they're in the lead they don't have any motivation to actually make anything better anyway.

Also they've just never been great at UI / UX to begin with so its not like anything has changed.
User experience? The user experience on the console has been fine. Its not clogged with social media bullshit. And thankfully is nothing like the Xbones UI I have a special hate for that. Though the new Xbone UI is looking a lot better.


So you think Sony walks around with all of its first party studios on a leash, dictating what they develop?

At this point in the PS3's timeline, the only first party exclusives from a legacy IP were Ratchet and Clank Future, Warhawk and SOCOM: Confrontation. The standouts by now? Resistance 1, Uncharted 1, Folklore. Little Big Planet was coming. Most of the new titles were also duds: Heavenly Sword, Lair, Genji.

That's a pretty good list but it also fails your metrics for success, and it fails to understand development cycles. You can't really compare early titles with the late cycle stuff, which is super robust and built on the foundations established previous titles. It's not like MS is doing any better, aside from launching a Halo game in the same window Uncharted 4 was coming, prior to delay.

Red Devil

Most people don't care about the things you mentioned. I hardly do. More games is all I want. Even then I have enough.

The fact is that most people just don't care about this stuff that you mention. From a marketing perspective, games are the most important thing, followed by performance, ease of use, and a functioning online infrastructure (key word is functioning....no need for bells and whistles from most customers' standpoint).The incentive from an ROI perspective is not there when most people are happy purchasing the console as is now.

Exactly, and there're more games on the way and they're doing fine that way, so yeah that pretty much explains it.


Neo Member
I couldn't agree more with this, while I love my PS4 as a console the UI is unbearable. The lack of control you have over the location of apps and games is absolutely appalling in this day and age. It's incredibly inefficient to utilise. I mean both Nintendo and Microsoft have this down pat, it's inexcusable that Sony can't pick up their game in this department.

While I do think they have improved in the online department it's been baby steps and still light years behind where Microsoft is. I was kind of hoping that playstation plus would give them a bit of motivation to nail it, but I'd still say they're behind the eighball on this.

Sony has an amazing console in terms of power and content... But the worst OS that comes to mind in recent times.

Chocolate & Vanilla

Fuck Strawberry
Sony has dropped the ball in user experience, but dick measuring nerds were swayed by an extra 5-10 fps or 100 pixels of res so settled on the worse user experience. And now since they're in the lead they don't have any motivation to actually make anything better anyway.

Also they've just never been great at UI / UX to begin with so its not like anything has changed.

Simple, clean, fast UI. What a terrible user experience.


Here's the thing:

If you want to play Gears, Halo, and Forza you need to buy an xbox.

Your approach to gaming is a fool's errand.

I already have both of them ( the Xbxo One and the PS4 ), why can't we have 2 great series ? Halo and Killzone ? Killzone isn't at it's full potential right now, I don't want it to be a Halo-like game but a better game that can compete with bigger FPS because FPS is what sell console today and it's a genre i really like too.

Stealth PS4 HAZ NO GAMEZ thread?

Stealth PS4 HAZ NO GAMEZ thread.

Clearly not, the PS4 has games I liked and some I will enjoy for sure but I just want to see some old IPs back like Medievil, Syphon filter whipeout etc...

People never bought Sony consoles for the first party.

This board overrates Sony first party, imo.

Sony has always been about third party support.

What you say is really interesting.
You have X amount of money.
You need to spend X on day to day.
You are left with X money for X people to work on PSN, hardware, software etc.

Some of these things just do not have the highest priority

Also legacy from day 1 PSN is so hard and different of what they want it to.
PSN was made in the moment without future vision and XBL was made with LOTS of future ideas and future vision.
I see people a lot of people talking about games perspective and I didn't have a PS3 at the time, moving directly from 360 to PS4 so I gladly take some remastered collection that I really enjoyed like TloU or Uncharted collection but for the rest of their IPs released since the beginning of this gen are pretty bad besides Bloodborne and Until Dawn, Killzone is far from being a Halo killer ( but I think it could be a better competitor if doing better ), Forza is the king ( until GT7 ?) and there is no Gears of war like games on Sony PS4 atm...

I don't want to really move on a Microsoft vs Sony type or thread, I'm really focusing about what Sony can do better because I really like my PS4 beside the things I talked about in my first post.

You say this yet you compare Sony IPs like Killzone and GT7 directly with MS ips like Forza and Halo with no useful comparison just "oh its not a halo killer"

are you really surprised that the original OP has deviated to console war stuff now ?


You already bought the console. They got your money. They are winning the war. So they are complacent. don't give a fuck anymore. If you want Sony to start giving a fuck you have to light a fire under their ass. If every gaffer bought 5 or so The Ones (a platform where the platform holder is actually giving a fuck) that would teach Sony a lesson and maybe make them actually try again.

I mean, just look at the difference in leadership. When Shu goes to panels, he doesn't give a fuck. He just falls asleep. Sony habit. Phil, on the other hand, just oozes hunger and ambition. There is a fire in his eyes. Intense, yet durable. He has muscles like a cheetah in the jungle, ready to strike at any time, and a voice that commands authority and presence. That is ambition. That is willingness to do better.

Great rah rah post, but games still take forever to install. Aren't they giving a fuck? I guess not as long as Live Gold sells.

Am I doing it right?


Well, everyone's entitled to their opinion I guess. Personally, I'm really happy about the PS4 so far.

Sure, I'd love more great first party games, but given the increased dev cost, it's not a mystery why games are fewer and further in between.


I think they do, they are listening to their fan base, bring Backward compatibility,

If you want to play old games on the ps4 the only solution is psnow (or just plug in your ps3). BC isn't possible considering the cell so I think people should really put this issue to bed.

new IPs that are looking really great like Scalebound, Quantum Break Sea of thieves etc..., they already released some good games like ori, Forza series, Sunset Overdrive etc...

Sony has released new IPs and will release new IPs in the future. We're 3 days away from a blowout on Dreams from MM.

and has their first party studio at full speed,
I think all development teams are at full speed. Don't know of a job where you can show up and stand at the water cooler all day

they have a good online service, a great customer service, updates are frequently released and a new UI is coming next.

PSN is a good online service too. I don't understand the great customer service statement and you get frequent updates with the ps4 too? Don't see why that's a positive, an update is just an update...

As for the UI, Sony is not going to make a new one nor do they need to. I would however like custom backgrounds, folders and a way to remove thumbnails.


I play games not menus, lol jk. But seriously as long as it plays games that's all I care about, rarely use any of the ps4s features besides occasionally trophies.


I think they do, they are listening to their fan base, bring Backward compatibility, new IPs that are looking really great like Scalebound, Quantum Break Sea of thieves etc..., they already released some good games like ori, Forza series, Sunset Overdrive etc... and has their first party studio at full speed, they have a good online service, a great customer service, updates are frequently released and a new UI is coming next.

You didn't even checked what PS4 has to offer? Anyway, stupid thread! Do some research first before spew shit.
I wonder if there's some amount of laurel-resting to blame for these problems. Microsoft is losing its' sales lead, and thus has incentive to push back and fix the many flaws of the XBox UI & interface. They need to polish out all of the complaints to make it a more attractive product, ASAP.

Sony's not in that positon. They're more than able to coast on their market leader status, and let the natural network effects of that 1st place spot push the hardware. For the whole generation its' going to have the focus of third parties for ports & marketing, and be the place your friends already play games. What's the point of enhancing the user experience, when the users are coming anyways?


Microsoft updates the Xbox One monthly with features requested by the community, and they have a dedicated section of the website where you can suggest these features and give your feedback. Overall Microsoft has been far more open with what they are doing with their platform, and I would say that's doing better than Sony.

You mean like this? http://share.blog.us.playstation.com/archived-ideas/

In fact, I believe Sony had that first.
One of my favourite UI updates is how we can now fast-forward/reverse through recorded video clips when previewing trimmed footage. (Talking about share button upload not ShareFactory.)


Seems you're in the minority here OP, from the looks of posts here most people don't really care for the things you mention ie software features, first party (again, this is perspective/opinion and tastes). The UI is zippy and the third party output more than meets most people's needs. Sony are cruising at the top.

If this were the case, these consumers would have leaned towards an Xbox One by now. The market will demand better games if they don't meet expectation, I'm sure they have (Sony) a few dynamo's in the pipeline for next year. If not they'll get the stick like 360 did last gen.


Simple, clean, fast UI. What a terrible user experience.

There's more to a good UI the just how clean and fast it is. It's far away from a perfect UI when I have no controls over the location of my games and it sucks when they are just thrown all around without no way to change the order of them or put it in folders. Speed of the UI means nothing to me when I have to take time going through games in the bar or library instead of having everything in set places where I know exactly what I want to look for.

I complain about this exact thing whenever the topic really allows me too, and sorry if people get annoyed by it. I feel it's the only way to get heard and I think it's something that would only further improve the user experience on the UI and take whats an decent UI and make it something truly great. Just look at how the Vita is, it's so quick and easy to use when I have everything labeled and accessable where I want it.


I've seen so many lists of interesting features ( like personalized UI with folders, pinning, favorites or else) asked by the community for months that it's still unbelievable that those top requests aren't still released today, who's in charge of updates development ? why the team is struggling so much to bring something else than stability ? are Japan teams too small to work quickly ? Is the communication between the users and Sony is that bad ? Does Sony even care ? When I see all the work Microsoft teams have done on the Xbox One in such a little amount of time, I'm asking myself why Sony can't do something similar because yes Sony is a software company too.

The pace set by Microsoft seems dictated more by the need to undo previous missteps rather than a pace that's appropriate for software development.
I see people a lot of people talking about games perspective and I didn't have a PS3 at the time, moving directly from 360 to PS4 so I gladly take some remastered collection that I really enjoyed like TloU or Uncharted collection but for the rest of their IPs released since the beginning of this gen are pretty bad besides Bloodborne and Until Dawn, Killzone is far from being a Halo killer ( but I think it could be a better competitor if doing better ), Forza is the king ( until GT7 ?) and there is no Gears of war like games on Sony PS4 atm...

I don't want to really move on a Microsoft vs Sony type or thread, I'm really focusing about what Sony can do better because I really like my PS4 beside the things I talked about in my first post.

Err if its Halo, Gears and Forza that you want, why are you bothering with a PS4? You have Gears Remastered on Xbox One, just like you have Uncharted and The Last of Us Remastered on PS4.

If it's exclusive FPS, TPS and racing that you want, I don't know why you went from 360 to PS4 in the first place. It's not like there will be a Halo or Gears equivalent that's exclusive overnight on the PS4 and yearly releases of GT like Forza. Heck, even Need for Speed isn't yearly anymore like Forza and that series is burning out, fast. It's like complaining about buying an Xbox One but not having games like Bloodborne, Until Dawn and Infamous Second Son that are exclusive to you.

Your comment about the UI is odd too, as I personally prefer the simple UI of the PS4 to the Xbox One. I know, crazy, opinions. Most of your concerns all fall under that. The only thing I would agree with are system updates being rolled out quicker and obvious things like psn name changes being implemented.

I'm not trying to be offensive, but your title doesn't match your body. Yes, Sony are taking longer periods of time to create more games that are of next level, next generational content but so are everyone else. Many games have been pushed back because Sony can afford to do so. Microsoft haven't had a single exclusive for the Xbox One the whole year until Forza 6 last month, so I don't think Sony are the ones struggling here. I would change the wording and you'd have a far better structured opinion to share, which would again fall under "why the PS4 doesn't have any games?".

Best wishes.
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