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Why is Xbox One doing so badly in Europe?

Just my opinion... more of a rambling of thoughts

This is an interesting topic regarding the XB1 in Europe. The only country I know where MS has any revelance in terms of Europe in the gaming space is actually the UK.

MS did a big one up last gen by lauching the 360 early. People were eager to go online, play in HD and it was definitely the thing to do if you loved games and couldn't wait. Many people I know didn't wait for the PS3.

When the PS3 did launch know many saw it as value... bluray, built in Wifi and HDMI. All the things that had to be added to the 360. Just my opinion... but Europeans tend to pay more for something and are less price sensitive. Also, remember many had PS2s, and the 360 was still being seen as American with countless red ring issues. In fact many I know didn't put up with buying 3 Xbox 360s. Many got a PS3, even though it was a full £150 more. I was one of these people.

This European dominance is what led to the PS3 overtaking the 360 in worldwide sales. the PS3 may be 20 million behind in the US (pulling numbers out of my a$$ here), but in Europe its miles ahead. The good will of the PS2, the negative implication of the MS brandname, and with
PS sponsoring European related sporting events... it just has more mindshare.

The XB1 took this to a whole other level. Kinect on the 360 did not take off in Europe like it did in the US. Kinect 2.0 does did not support many languages at launch. The whole media box thing did not work in many places here. The whole sport focus was a mess...

Europe just doesnt like buying MS products. It's okay with American products.


Sorry but I disagree.

With all the social features of Xbox One, this is the better gaming machine for me.

I get notifications when my friends are online, I have my friends list and leaderboards directly on the dashboard.

PS4 is more graphically capable, but I don´t think its a better gaming machine.

On top of the graphics and better multiplatforms it has more games (108 vs. 69 games with ≥75 score on Metacritic), so yes, I would say it's a better gaming machine. Both of these criterias were valid, when the 360 was deemed the better gaming system during the beginning of the last generation.


Is the social features really that much better on the Xbox?

I don't find the difference to be any better (or worse) on XBone, (not entirely true, I loathe the UI on Xbox but thats personal & the functionality is pretty much like for like).

The PS4 is so nippy you can get back to the "dash" to check friends or compare trophies pretty easily and its easy to find everything on that top bar.

Its true I guess you don't get notifications every-time someone comes online but with larger friends-lists these days it would drive me mad to see everytime a single person comes online, far better to use either a simple group message to let people know you are ready to socialise or better, create a party to generate an alert to all that you're ready to be social and that way you don't disturb those who may be watching netflix or a like.

I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

Really? The main reason PS4 is doing so well in the UK (and the rest of Europe) is because people are too stupid to pick something they want for games & features and rather use blind fanboyism?



I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

I think people are far too caught up in the whole resolution/framerate affairs, negating the fact they should buy a console based on the games and features that appeal to them.

The difference in graphics is marginal at best in the real world, and price point is no longer a factor as deals can be had on both for under £300.

I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.
How do you know that so many people went for the PS4 because resolution/frame rates etc? I doubt most of the people who don't post on gaming forums give two hoots about resolution and framerates, perhaps they just prefer the playstation games. Either way, it's a bit rich to attribute PS4 sales in the UK to people having low IQs and choosing specs, rather than choosing the console that's right for them in the same way that you did.

I'm in the UK too, and the most common reasons for my friends to go from a 360 last gen to a PS4 this gen were price at launch, initial games range, the god-awful reveal focused on American sports etc and zero interest in Kinect. That then snowballed as people tended to buy what their mates have in order to play online together. Today, it's far more split, as you say, the price is now comparable and a greater percentage of the software is multiplat. At no point have any of them mentioned something so trivial as resolution- those that actually care about that stuff tend to have a gaming PC instead.

Topics of conversation on GAF don't always reflect the concerns of the wider market. Seeing as Microsoft's disastrous reveal and later 180s actually made the national press, it's far more likely that word of mouth regarding those issues reaching the wider userbase had a greater effect than fanboy attitudes.
Average European is a smarter consumer than average American. Edit: For clarification I'm not saying Americans are daft, just that they live in a much larger consumption society.

General consensus is that PS4 is the better machine.

It doesn't matter how you edit that. Americans living in a more consumption-oriented society doesn't inherently make them less intelligent as consumers than Europeans. And it really has nothing to do with that. Marketing, brand loyalty, price, and numerous other factors influenced people's decisions (in the US, in Europe, and everywhere else), which is why the PS4 is winning console sales wise (including in the US unless it's changed significantly since last I checked).

The intelligence level of the people buying them, even their 'consumer-related intelligence' or however you're trying to spin that statement, has nothing to do with it.

OT: Same question, different day. This thread could probably be combined with another active one here:


They're basically asking the same question. "Why is the Xbox failing (insert location here)?" and "Why is the PS4 a huge success?". Basically the same question, not to mention having been discussed in dozens of threads on GAF over the past 16 months. The answers are quite obvious, and are the same answers to both questions. But I'm sure there will be a book written about it eventually.


Its true I guess you don't get notifications every-time someone comes online but with larger friends-lists these days it would drive me mad to see everytime a single person comes online, far better to use either a simple group message to let people know you are ready to socialise or better, create a party to generate an alert to all that you're ready to socialise and that way you don't disturb those who may be watching netflix of a like.

Agreed. I prefer to have a single notification to join a party of friends, than have several notifications when each of them is online. Especially when most of my friends don't even play the same games online that I do. I had to turn off the notifications on the PS3, because they started to get bothersome after a while. From my point of view they're useless in a sense, that I'm not going to start a multiplayer session when I'm in the middle of another game. When I played Destiny we used to arrange schedules for gaming sessions on FB, and it worked better that way.
Well, living in the Netherlands, it was delayed for a year for voice recognition, only to not have Dutch voice recognition a year later. Also, the presentation made it look like an american machine for people who only watch tv and sports.

Then there was the focus on Kinect in the beginning... and all the other normal reasons why every gamer in the world thought they fucked up.

There are some games now and some games coming that may eventually make me get one. But they sure fucked up pretty damn bad imo.
Yet in Europe MS fights the NSA a lot more than Google does, sorry I don't own either platform (Happy Wii U owner her), but I do like to play devils advocate. It's quite easy to find these same kind of quotes from Sony and Google... Sony even tried to install rootkits and to change the CD standards. Yes people may go "That is Sony Music not SCEE!!!" but it still is Sony's name in the articles ;).

Actually, no, MS's "fight against the NSA" in Europe is pure bullshit.


Washington Post said:
Congress obliged with the Protect America Act in 2007 and the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which immunized private companies that cooperated voluntarily with U.S. intelligence collection. PRISM recruited its first partner, Microsoft, and began six years of rapidly growing data collection beneath the surface of a roiling national debate on surveillance and privacy. Late last year, when critics in Congress sought changes in the FISA Amendments Act, the only lawmakers who knew about PRISM were bound by oaths of office to hold their tongues.

Yes, you read that correctly. Microsoft was the first to jump in bed with the NSA in 2007.

Since you and others like you are so eager to bring up the Sony rootkit idiocy, I don't suppose that you work in a corporate environment. See, there is this concept known as subsidiaries and corporate divisions and often times, these sub-organizations are given enough rope to hang themselves with.

With the rootkit debacle, it was a subsidiary being retarded.

With the NSA agreement, it was the upper corporate body of Microsoft that got into bed with the NSA and profited from it.


The Guardian said:
The disclosure that taxpayers' money was used to cover the companies' compliance costs raises new questions over the relationship between Silicon Valley and the NSA. Since the existence of the program was first revealed by the Guardian and the Washington Post on June 6, the companies have repeatedly denied all knowledge of it and insisted they only hand over user data in response to specific legal requests from the authorities.

An earlier newsletter, which is undated, states that the Prism providers were all given new certifications within days of the Fisa court ruling. "All Prism providers, except Yahoo and Google, were successfully transitioned to the new certifications. We expect Yahoo and Google to complete transitioning by Friday 6 October."

Also, here's another piece about Microsoft's involvement with mucking around with Skype to fit it into the NSA's routine:

BoingBoing.net said:
The full capture of voice traffic began in February of 2011 for “Skype in” and “Skype out” calls—calls between a Skype user and a land line or cellphone through a gateway to the public switched telephone network (PSTN), captured through warranted taps into Microsoft’s gateways. But in July of 2011, the NSA added the capability of capturing peer-to-peer Skype communications—meaning that the NSA gained the ability to capture peer-to-peer traffic and decrypt it using keys provided by Microsoft through the PRISM warrant request.


I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

I think people are far too caught up in the whole resolution/framerate affairs, negating the fact they should buy a console based on the games and features that appeal to them.

The difference in graphics is marginal at best in the real world, and price point is no longer a factor as deals can be had on both for under £300.

I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.

I guess people in the UK were also stupid for choosing the alternative that offered better multiplatforms during the last gen, and the difference in graphics was marginal then as well?

The system's performance and game library aren't mutually exclusive, they both matter when a purchase decision is being made, like Nielsen's survey showed.



I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

I think people are far too caught up in the whole resolution/framerate affairs, negating the fact they should buy a console based on the games and features that appeal to them.

The difference in graphics is marginal at best in the real world, and price point is no longer a factor as deals can be had on both for under £300.

I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.

So people who buy a PS4 have low IQ and are console warriors, but you bought an xb1 just because of the pad and FH2. O...k...


Personally I chose a PS4 ahead of the X1 for the first party studios and Microsoft's pathetic showing at E3.

I own both a PS3 and Xbox360, but openly admit I prefer to game on Sony platforms, yet I was all prepared to go with whichever console wowed me the most at E3.

After MS unveiled the always on internet, focus on TV, DRM - no pre-owned games, mandatory Kinect and overall price it really was a no-brainer. I just don't think MS has ever recovered from trying to f*ck over the majority of their once-loyal fan base.

I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.

I don't think it's a sign of a low IQ to buy the most capable product on the market. To accuse the "vast majority" of having low IQs for going with the more powerful console is quite frankly insulting. Yes, the decision on which system to buy should be made on more than just specs, but you shouldn't just ridicule anyone who has made that decision based on the console's capabilities alone.

It does come across as a rather fan-boyish attitude.


There are many reasons,

The negative reaction to the initial reveal was probably even more negative in europe than in the US because there is alot of scepticism towards "corporations surveiling us". And when these corporations are foreign it's even more worrying.

Then there's the fact that most advertised features were of little interest to the average european in adition to the kinect being spotty with accents/dialects. It's not that Europeans hate american products, but localized marketing strategies help a lot and i don't think MS does a very good job with advertising Xbox in that regard.

One should also note that MS was in a different position in Europe (sans UK) than in the US. The Playstation was still the default console here. So when MS announces a more expensive console, whose featureset that makes it more expensive doesn't even really work for european consumers as well as their strange "Tier 1, 2 etc." messaging, along with the weaker marketing campaign and concerned mainstream media writing about how MS and the NSA can spy on you through kinect... the writing was on the wall.

There needed to be a big marketing effort tailored to Europe for the Xbox one to gain marketshare. There wasn't. Some exclusive FIFA DLC doesn't cut it.
I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

I think people are far too caught up in the whole resolution/framerate affairs, negating the fact they should buy a console based on the games and features that appeal to them.

The difference in graphics is marginal at best in the real world, and price point is no longer a factor as deals can be had on both for under £300.

I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.

Whoa what an elaborate way of saying people who prefer PS4's are dumber than people who prefer Xbox.


There are many reasons,

The negative reaction to the initial reveal was probably even more negative in europe than in the US because there is alot of scepticism towards "corporations surveiling us". And when these corporations are foreign it's even more worrying.
This was a big point immediately after the reveal. If you're American and didn't like the whole spyware issue, imagine if it was based in a foreign country that was far more powerful and that your government had a habit of bending over backwards for. It also hit at a point when there was some concern here about the extradition arrangement between the US and UK at the time.

It's not an issue anymore (kinect, I mean) but it was bad timing.
I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

I think people are far too caught up in the whole resolution/framerate affairs, negating the fact they should buy a console based on the games and features that appeal to them.

The difference in graphics is marginal at best in the real world, and price point is no longer a factor as deals can be had on both for under £300.

I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.

Are you seriously suggesting that people bought the more powerful, (initially) cheaper console, with more and better critically received games, better premium content, and better historical long term support, over the more expensive, weaker console with fewer, worse reviewed games, built around an unwanted gimmick, American centric media features, and with the worst reveal and intended policies of any console I've ever heard of, because they were stupid???

Bloody hell man.
I always considered that a Windows issue, it didn't affect CD players or other operating systems. Windows was always DRM friendly (secure audio path anyone?). Sony Music went to a DRM vendor and got a flawed DRM implementation. If you accept DRM it comes with the territory.

Yeah, I've never understood when people bring up the Rootkit issue when it comes to Playstation vs. Xbox, since without Microsoft the rootkit wouldn't have even been possible.

Parts of Microsoft have more to do with the Sony rootkit fiasco than Sony's Playstation division does.


I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

I think people are far too caught up in the whole resolution/framerate affairs, negating the fact they should buy a console based on the games and features that appeal to them.

The difference in graphics is marginal at best in the real world, and price point is no longer a factor as deals can be had on both for under £300.

I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.

So consumers who bought the cheaper but more powerful product by the company with a better track record of long term game support are stupid.
But you, who is 95% interested in multiplat titles (which are superior on the stronger system) chose the weaker, more expensive console instead and consider yourself clever? I see.
So consumers who bought the cheaper but more powerful product by the company with a better track record of long term game support are stupid.
But you, who is 95% interested in multiplat titles which are superior on the stronger system chose the weaker console instead are clever? I see.

You're forgetting the symmetrical sticks! How can he ever get used to one of his thumbs sitting in a slightly different position to how he's been used to before?

And let's not forget Forza! There are literally no racing games on Playstation, never have been, never will be. He'd have to be an idiot console warrior to choose the Playstation as a racing fan!



In Europe we have a long history of great games not reaching our shores or comming censored.
  • Most tales of game
  • Xenogears
  • Xenosaga
  • Suikoden 3
  • All final fantasy before 7
  • All Dragon Quest before 8
  • Many other snes gems.
  • Uncensored version of Southpark.
Those are just the most imidiate that come to mind.

Sony consoles from Ps3 and later on are region free.
Given MS focusing to much on digital content, the choice was actually very easy for me.
It would do some people a world of good to sometimes be on the losing team and learn to just get what they like and enjoy. Seriously getting more a more happy that my parents got me SEGA Consoles rather than Nintendo (Oddly enough, they found Nintendo too commercial and violent, SEGA had games like Ecco the Dolphin and other more "Hippie Friendly games" according to them ;)).

Being the only kid with a Master System about 5 years after the system had received games for the last time, really does toughen you up though in "Screw them, I think it is fun, and that is more important". :D
In fact we had only SEGA consoles growing up so he should know better!
The extra TV features don't work here in Europe, like a lot of people already said. If you take that away, not a lot of stuff is left to get excited about.

In the Netherlands where I live there were also a LOT of problems with the 360 (RROD). People haven't forgotten about that. Could be a factor.


Neo Member
Are you seriously suggesting that people bought the more powerful, (initially) cheaper console, with more and better critically received games, better premium content, and better historical long term support, over the more expensive, weaker console with fewer, worse reviewed games, built around an unwanted gimmick, American centric media features, and with the worst reveal and intended policies of any console I've ever heard of, because they were stupid???

Bloody hell man.

Nope, not what im saying at all.

So consumers who bought the cheaper but more powerful product by the company with a better track record of long term game support are stupid.
But you, who is 95% interested in multiplat titles (which are superior on the stronger system) chose the weaker, more expensive console instead and consider yourself clever? I see.

Again, taking my quote a little too literally.

At the end of the day, in my opinion, there is very little difference between the 2 for general gaming (which I consider an hour or so a night at most), so the 2/3 exclusive titles on either side could be the deciding factor for some - as I said, it was pretty much Forza that swayed it for as ive been a fan of the series since the start. (not to mention looks, UI, controller, manufacturer loyalty etc)

Regardless, im in no way launching a defense for the XB1, fully aware it has shortcomings from a technical and marketing level. Both consoles are great and will each have aspects that appeal to some and not others.
Simply put, MS didn't put enough effort in the European market(s).

They don't understand it, therefor don't know how to market their product accordingly and to make things worse, they botched the xbox one launch by selectively delaying it and treating European fans as second-class gamers. When you screw your fans, you lose some.

At the end of the day, in my opinion, there is very little difference between the 2 for general gaming (which I consider an hour or so a night at most), so the 2/3 exclusive titles on either side could be the deciding factor for some - as I said, it was pretty much Forza that swayed it for as ive been a fan of the series since the start. (not to mention looks, UI, controller, manufacturer loyalty etc)
I'd never let 2 or 3 exclusives sway me when it means I'm forced to play lower quality versions of 50-70 other games.
In the Netherlands where I live there were also a LOT of problems with the 360 (RROD). People haven't forgotten about that. Could be a factor.

Tell me about it. I am still amazed how much this is brushed under the rug whenever people talk about MS and the 360. It was that shocking product quality that majorly put me off the 360 for a long time. When the Bone was announced, I knew even if it was going to be the console to go for (unlikely considering that debacle leading up to it's launch) I would not be a day 1 buyer. At the very least I would have let it wait for 6 - 12 months before buying. Just based on the RROD horror show.


Yet in Europe MS fights the NSA a lot more than Google does, sorry I don't own either platform (Happy Wii U owner her), but I do like to play devils advocate. It's quite easy to find these same kind of quotes from Sony and Google... Sony even tried to install rootkits and to change the CD standards. Yes people may go "That is Sony Music not SCEE!!!" but it still is Sony's name in the articles ;).

Holy hell get over yourself. You aren't playing devil's advocate. You are literally just spewing bad arguments and falling back to "no guys, I'm serious, I'm just trying to play devil's advocate" when you get caught with a shitty argument that isn't relevant to the thread.
The 360 had better hardware (at least the graphics card), was available a year earlier, had a lot of great exclusives that appealed to a broad range of people, was cheaper than the PS3, third-party games performed better on it.

The Xbox One has none of those right now except for perhaps the price if you look around in some places and in some occasions, that's why it's doing so badly. Microsoft has a brilliant marketing department but most Europeans just don't buy it, I know I certainly don't at least, neither do any of my friends.


Nope, not what im saying at all.

Again, taking my quote a little too literally.

At the end of the day, in my opinion, there is very little difference between the 2 for general gaming (which I consider an hour or so a night at most), so the 2/3 exclusive titles on either side could be the deciding factor for some - as I said, it was pretty much Forza that swayed it for as ive been a fan of the series since the start. (not to mention looks, UI, controller, manufacturer loyalty etc)

Regardless, im in no way launching a defense for the XB1, fully aware it has shortcomings from a technical and marketing level. Both consoles are great and will each have aspects that appeal to some and not others.
So what exactly was your point regarding your statement about general ignorance in the UK being related to PS4 sales? Can you clarify it if people are missing your point? Or was it just a baseless claim?
I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.


I went for an XB1 purely based on FH2 and the fact my hands were so used the stick layout of the 360 controller, no other reasons! 95% of other games im interested in are cross-platform.

haha, you call UK PS4 owners thick, but apparently you can't even wrap your neuron-deprived spam hands around a slightly different control system. It takes minutes to adjust to a different pad, if that.

So what exactly was your point regarding your statement about general ignorance in the UK being related to PS4 sales? Can you clarify it if people are missing your point? Or was it just a baseless claim?

It's going be be an interesting explanation, that's for sure, because it's one hell of a statement to make.


haha, you call UK PS4 owners thick, but apparently you can't even wrap your neuron-deprived spam hands around a slightly different control system. It takes minutes to adjust to a different pad, if that.

This made me laugh way harder than it should have.
The 360 had better hardware (at least the graphics card), was available a year earlier, had a lot of great exclusives that appealed to a broad range of people, was cheaper than the PS3, third-party games performed better on it.

The Xbox One has none of those right now except for perhaps the price if you look around in some places and in some occasions, that's why it's doing so badly. Microsoft has a brilliant marketing departmen but most Europeans just don't buy it, I know I certainly don't at least, neither do any of my friends.
Not in Europe they don't. Actually I doubt many of Microsoft European subsidiaries deal with marketing internally. Most just outsource some agency. They are barely consumer focused businesses let alone entertainment focused.


So what exactly was your point regarding your statement about general ignorance in the UK being related to PS4 sales? Can you clarify it if people are missing your point? Or was it just a baseless claim?

It's "not console warrior bullshit" from "not a console warrior"


It is just not a very attractive proposition in comparison to the PS4. Even in the US it is struggling to compete with PS4 (bundled with two AC games, NBA2K15 and 3 months of live gold for 349$ on amazon right now and it is still ranked behind the PS4).

Unless you are a dedicated fan of Halo or Forza there just isn't much of a point for choosing the X1 over the PS4. Sony does a much better job in catering for different tastes than MS, 2015 is a very good example of that.


I disagree. I'm old enough to remember playing FF1 on the NES as well as FF4, FF5, and FF6 on the SNES before the switch to the PSX.

I might be late with this post, but I think it's important to note that the first FF to ever release in Europe was FFVII so people clearly associate FF with PlayStation over here. In fact, the first official releases of the NES and SNES titles (except FFIII) in Europe were the PS1 ports.


Personally, it surprisingly doesn't interest me that much. It seems like they are backing away from Kinect games which could have made the platform unique and a party machine, while the whole TV integration won't be as integral as in the US. It seems like a very American-based platform, with us in Scandinavia and most of Europe being referred to as second tier.

Their games haven't caught my curiosity. The closest they have gotten was with Sunset Overdrive which seems like a stylish original IP from Insomniac, but I'm not in the mood for that kind of action game. The next one is Halo 5: Guardian but it remains to be seen, if they have any more interesting games coming up.

I can't see myself buying an Xbox One this year, as nothing else is of my interest. Not even Quantum Break after their latest gameplay reveals and demonstrations. I am also not a fan of Forza, Halo, Fable and Gears of War; thought the latter I'll give another chance after having bought used copies of the original trilogy. I haven't had Xbox Live Gold for years either, and thus my friend list is outdated and inactive. And so am I.

I need cool games on the platform, and I'm not seeing them.

- A Conker by Insomniac Games could have brought me over instantly.
Even a Midtown Madness 4, or a true Banjo & Kazooie 3 would have potential to bring in new buyers.
UK/Europe here,The way i put is:

Playstation is reliable and durable all my consoles lasted more than 5 years of heavy usage of gaming and multimedia between me my wife and friends.

My My xbox consoles tell other stories ugly and unreliable,I had 7 xbox360 and none of them is alive today.SO when Microsoft announced sales milestones i wondered how many of them were re buys.

Too american.

In Europe if an american tv show is too american it puts people of watching it,there is no reference for us to relate the content.

But we all watch Swedish and Danish shows with no problem even with the language barrier.
That is how xbone feels to me and most people i know.

Why would you ever buy 7 of anything? If I had a game console which broke, and it's replacement broke, I'd stop buying them. Luckily none of my consoles have reached that stage but buying 6 replacement consoles is just absurd.


Neo Member
So what exactly was your point regarding your statement about general ignorance in the UK being related to PS4 sales? Can you clarify it if people are missing your point? Or was it just a baseless claim?

The point had nothing to do directly with PS4 sales, it related to the 'my console is better than yours' environment that seems to dominate discussions and sway peoples opinions - instead of letting them decide for themselves.

This is my opinion, based on discussions I have seen and been part of.

haha, you call UK PS4 owners thick, but apparently you can't even wrap your neuron-deprived spam hands around a slightly different control system. It takes minutes to adjust to a different pad, if that.

At no point did I call PS4 owners thick. As a whole I was commenting on how more and more people lack the ability to think for themselves and live by the 'my mate said...' rules to make decisions.

If you go back to my comment I said that some will have simply gone for the most powerful console, without considering other factors that could have been a selling point for them. (this could work both ways)

The comment on social levels and IQ's was a dig at the state of the UK in general, which assuming you live here, you must have surely witnessed...

To clear things up again, im not defending/promoting either console - I dont really care enough.


To clear things up again, im not defending/promoting either console - I dont really care enough.

You obviously care enough to write a lot of words and continually come back to defend those words after people call you out on those words.

Do you mind if I ask you how old you are? Because the too cool to care act and the ironic superiority complex puts you in high school. Am I correct in this assumption?
What is the reason the Xbox brand is doing badly in Europe compared to NA? Is it because the games content is simply unappealing? Is it because of the services ? Is it just the poor marketing? I know there are plenty of Gaffers from various parts of Europe here who would be better able to answer these questions because content wise I feel there is not too much of a difference currently between the next generation consoles. Also I should add this this isnt just about the Xbox One but even X360 did much worse there in the previous gen.

What is the mystery code MS needs to crack to find success in Europe?

I am Spanish. For me is for three reasons.

First starting price of the console. 500 euros vs 400 euros PS4

Second beginning of disastrous start at E3. Always online, not share games ect

And third your hast said, games content is simply unappealing.


The 360 had better hardware (at least the graphics card), was available a year earlier, had a lot of great exclusives that appealed to a broad range of people, was cheaper than the PS3, third-party games performed better on it.

The Xbox One has none of those right now except for perhaps the price if you look around in some places and in some occasions, that's why it's doing so badly. Microsoft has a brilliant marketing department but most Europeans just don't buy it, I know I certainly don't at least, neither do any of my friends.

But the 360 while having all those bullet points still under performed in a lot of smaller European countries. I think brand loyalty goes farther in Europe (minus UK) than any other region.


The point had nothing to do directly with PS4 sales, it related to the 'my console is better than yours' environment that seems to dominate discussions and sway peoples opinions - instead of letting them decide for themselves.

This is my opinion, based on discussions I have seen and been part of.

But why do you assume thousands of others are dumb enough to let their opinions be swayed, while you aren't? Do you realise how arrogant that sounds? Why not credit others with the same level of intelligence to decide what is right for them?

at no point did I call PS4 owners thick.
I think the main factor is the 'console war' attitude that many gamers seem to have (particularly here in the UK, where social levels and IQ's are dropping rapidly) means that the vast majority buy the 'most powerful' console - i.e PS4.

Do you see how your use of 'IQs dropping rapidly', 'vast majority' and 'PS4' gives people the opposite impression?

As a whole I was commenting on how more and more people lack the ability to think for themselves and live by the 'my mate said...' rules to make decisions

If you go back to my comment I said that some will have simply gone for the most powerful console, without considering other factors that could have been a selling point for them. (this could work both ways)

The comment on social levels and IQ's was a dig at the state of the UK in general, which assuming you live here, you must have surely witnessed...

After decades of buying games in the UK, I can't say that people are any less intelligent when buying consoles than they were 30 years ago. People weren't magically brighter in the past, it's just that the internet allows fools to broadcast more easily.

To clear things up again, im not defending/promoting either console - I dont really care enough.
When you don't really care about a subject, why tar the 'vast majority' of people as fools? Most of my friends have been gaming for decades and bought PS4s, and I don't really see how I could be so arrogant as to claim that we are a select group of smart people, while thousands of other people who bought consoles are somehow dumber because reasons.


Neo Member
You obviously care enough to write a lot of words and continually come back to defend those words after people call you out on those words.

Do you mind if I ask you how old you are? Because the too cool to care act and the ironic superiority complex puts you in high school. Am I correct in this assumption?

Surely I am entitled to defend my opinion and clarify my point?

Wrong im afraid, and not too cool, just having a job/business to run means im sitting on the casual side of the gaming fence more these days, so aside from throwing out the occasional opinion or comment (which is all my initial post was; opinion) on here, what console is best isnt top of my priority list.
In fairness a lot of my fellow Brits really are fucking morons.

Of course I'd say that's a massive factor in why the XO is doing much better here than in the rest of the world, despite all it's American centric features not working any better here than on the mainland, but still, he isn't wrong about that how many of us are really dumb fuckers.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Superior taste.


Neo Member
But why do you assume thousands of others are dumb enough to let their opinions be swayed, while you aren't? Do you realise how arrogant that sounds? Why not credit others with the same level of intelligence to decide what is right for them?

Point noted and respected - maybe my OP wasn't worded correctly - im basing my opinion on my experiences, that so many people I speak to/see discussing on FB etc dont appear to be able to do this!
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