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Wii have a decision to make

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I dont see those great games everybody is mentioning for the PS or Xbox. Sure Gears of War is looking good and Bioshock did catch my attention, but games like lost oddesy or bluedragon are just the same old RPGs weve been playing for years now. Ill wait for the reviews before i believe the hype of all those games.
What i do know though is that i wont be getting a 360 because i dont like US published games, i like Japanese games. Nintendo and PS3 for me all the way.
snatches said:
both. are you going to tell me that FFXIII and MGS4 won't live up to my gameplay expectations? bold move girly.

No. My point is that none of the 3 nextgen consoles(PS3, Wii, and 360) are the perfect machines with the BEST in both graphics & gameplay. You can have one in the "OMG" category, but the other is a big "opinion". After all, an example of that is when you said "MY" gameplay expectations


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
People will buy the Wii eventually if they have games that appeal to them and overall enjoy it. But that doesn't mean they won't be lamenting about what "could" have been.
Branduil said:
Not the only thing that's sterile.

I'm interested in how a genious like you would make the pointer function in SMG work on the 360 gamepad. Seriously.

[sarcasm]Yeah, because SMG is ALLLLL about the pointer function. The entire game revolves around it.[/sarcasm]

SuperPac said:
I like how with Wii everyone is an expert on what Nintendo could have done, for what price, and point blame at Nintendo for "raping the fanbase" as if Microsoft and Sony are any different in what they do. But I guess MS and Sony do it in different ways where you don't realize you're getting screwed.

Ok, let's see what I get with a PS3:

An equivalent of a NVidia GeForce 7900
A CPU with 8 cores
BluRay drive
Wireless controller

All of that is very expensive, and an equivalent PC is much, much more than $600. I don't see how that's a rape.


ivysaur12 said:
What he should have said was do you want great graphics for games that will have extremely high dev costs or would you rather have fun games that don't have as good of graphics, but better games that will come out more often?

oh goddammit you have to be kidding me. have you owned Nintendo consoles? You don't exactly get buried with regular releases of AAA software. They make great games, but not a lot of them, and it looks to continue this gen.

fission mailed


ivysaur12 said:
You mean the same fanbase that went out in DROVES to get the DS, a clearly underpowered system? I don't understand. We're getting (possibly) the best Mario and Zelda games ever. We're getting new FPSs. We're getting the most third party support (thanks to the low-dev costs) than we have since the SNES. I'm sorry if that seems like raping the fanbase to you.

Mario could be done on the PS3. That's true. It would be EXTREMELY hard for Zelda and Metroid. Having the Wii-mote and the analog stick jumbled into one controller would not only be awkward, it wouldn't be fun. Having them seperated feels a a lot more intuitive. MP3 would basically be impossible on the PS3. So would Red Steel. So would WiiSports. Want me to keep going?

This post is so wrong, I was forced to reply to it in this TRAIN-WRECK of a thread. How is the Wii assured a level of third-party support close to the SNES? Have you seen this entire gen pan out with your ALL SEEING ORACLE EYE? The Gamecube also started off with "amazing strong third party support!". Guess what, they drop off if the numbers arent there. And in 2-3 years time when next-gen has really hit it's stride, making Gamecube level games will just feel embarrassing to developers.

Zelda can also be done on the PS3. Its a GAMECUBE game. Get over it! Its a GC game with tacked on gesture control to prop up what would otherwise be a weak launch. FPS's still seem very playable on consoles to me. So I dont see how Prime would be ruled out. All these games you spout offer anything new to actual gameplay, instead just offering gesture controls over button presses. When/if games start appearing with 1:1 wiimote interaction, thats when this "innovation" will become worth it. If that happens! But at launch there just isnt any of that new games design innovation thats being suggested. Rather just the same old mascot roll outs that've been pimped since the 80's.

The reason everyone has suddenly exploded here, is because I think the staunch "graphics dont matter!" crowd have been rather unsettled by recent showings. I dare say they realise what they'll be missing out if Wii is their only system.

On the subject of "given choices" how absurd. For a console launch with an obligatory over-priced pack-in game, that seems absurd! If the Wii had a lot more next-gen power, guess what? The advanced physics and A.I that it would benefit from could deal a lot more with the 1:1 wii-mote interaction. It aint all just about more polygons, kids. Why you defend this stuff is madness.

Well, this was probably the equivalent of sticking my hand into a beehive and dropping a grenade, so I'm out. Enjoy your flaming wreckage fellas!


Logan Cano said:
You are exagerating. Besides, the standard controller has changed. N64 and PSOne introduced rumble and dual analogs. This gen triggers were incorporated and analog buttons. Next gen introduces wireless and motion recognition in PS3.

Am I?


Look familiar? Released in 1997. Everything else you listed was created or standardized by Nintendo, except for analogue face butons, which are almost, but not quite, completely useless.
AniHawk said:
Nothing shitty about MP3 or Excite Truck, but nothing great either. MP3 is also just the same as the previous two incarnations, which use this weird plasticky, videogame-y style when it comes to the in-game models. It's not at all convincing in a game where atmosphere is the big draw.

No it doesn't. The DS was $50 more than what it should've been and the DS Lite is currently $30 more what it should be.

Everything is too damn expensive.
I dunno. At least with the DS you can lie to yourself and say that it must cost Nintendo a fair chunk of money to shrink the architecture down and the touch screen may be a bit pricey. With Nintendo selling the remote at $40, exactly why is the Wii $50 more expensive than a GC despite the fact that it's really old tech?


hyperbolically metafictive
whether nintendo is in fact making a huge profit on every wii sold is, in and of itself, academic -- i just use it as a metric of how little you're getting for your $250. that matters.
I guess if Nintendo did make itself on par with Sony and MS... what would it be like?

If graphical power is the only thing holding Wii back from being the dream system...


drohne said:
whether nintendo is in fact making a huge profit on every wii sold is, in and of itself, academic -- i just use it as a metric of how little you're getting for your $250. that matters.

Well, $270.61 after tax.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Luckett_X said:
Rather just the same old mascot roll outs that've been pimped since the 80's.

Christ, do you have to mention this crap in every thread?


Archie said:
I just got done playing SSBM and every time I ko'ed my opponent I would drop on my knees and break down into tears. What I would give to see individual threads of string on Jigglypuff's headband. Why must Nintendo be so cheap and use such underpowered hardware. :(
That was actually almost really good, although maybe I'm just biased because my name does come from friend/family infamy with SSB/SSBM Jigglypuff, but the comparison ends up not quite working because SSBM is more or less a 2D game where it wouldn't matter.

snatches said:
oh goddammit you have to be kidding me. have you owned Nintendo consoles? You don't exactly get buried with regular releases of AAA software. They make great games, but not a lot of them, and it looks to continue this gen.

fission mailed
Well, they've picked up the slack to almost-alarming degree with first-party DS titles, the pacing of which is absolute ambrosia compared to the N64 and GC combined, and maybe the GBA too to a lesser extent, but it does remain to be seen whether they can pull it off with Wii.
I kind of think they can, though. They're staggering it well enough to start with Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Fire Emblem, and SSBB all probably hitting somewhere in the first year, so it's only after that that's in question.
Campster said:
I am posting in a legendarily stupid thread.

snatches had a good opinion. It's just that threads created on opinion END in opinion. Thus, in the end, whose point was made AND listened to?


As to the graphics versus gameplay thing, the two are very capable of both being a part of one game, but looking at trends, and well next gen console lineups, you'll see that companies won't try something new gameplay wise if they can just continually bump the visuals.

The other deal is if you have trouble going from PS3 graphics to Wii graphics, or backwards, then will you have the same trouble going from Wii control to older control, as in backwards?

It's basically a hedonism per personal bias.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
drohne said:
whether nintendo is in fact making a huge profit on every wii sold is, in and of itself, academic -- i just use it as a metric of how little you're getting for your $250. that matters.

But you get tremendous fun points with wii.

God, I'm a second rate archie. And that's like the name brand's knock off of the store brand.
ivysaur12 said:
What he should have said was do you want great graphics for games that will have extremely high dev costs or would you rather have fun games that don't have as good of graphics, but better games that will come out more often?

Dude, how long did it take RE4 to develop?? How long is it taking Twilight Princess?? Software of that quality takes just as long to develop than a next gen quality title.
GAF is full of the worst flip-flopping, front running phonies. MrBob should be the mascot of these forums.

I'd say 95% of the people here haven't had a chance to use the Wiimote, which is, uh, a big part of the experience. So it seems just a bit early to declare the Wii a failure, or the savior of gaming, when you haven't been able to use the console's selling feature.

As for the PS3, I still want to see more games. The top titles look great, but the great cost necessary to make these games, along with better competition, has me convinced that we'll be seeing fewer AAA titles on PS3 than we did with the PS2. I could've told you before TGS that Level 5, Polyphony and Capcom would make great looking PS3 games.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Y2Kevbug11 said:
You said, "I like games. Wii for me." as if to imply there was some kind of correlation there.

I mean...it isn't the equivalent of saying, "I like food. Pastrami for me."

But I understand what you mean.

Yeh, maybe what he was trying to say is that while you may think you like games, you actually like playable movies. I.e. the most important aspects of a good game for you aren't related to what actually makes it a game. But then that's just assuming.

As for the OP well, anyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm not sure I'll get a Wii anytime soon, I'm very satisfied with DS and PS2, but I'm looking foward to Wii if it evolves like I'm expecting it to. I'm definitely not getting a PS3 or an Xbox 360, the entertainment value just isn't worth it for me, it's more of the same with a clearer picture and less reliability, and I've kind of had enough of that.

Wii is more of a social console, from the Mii channel to the intuitive interface, I don't have to look for hardcore players(online or off) to have a multiplayer section and I don't have to devote time to practice in order to enjoy that either, I can just get anyone to try it out and understand it. That kind of excites me, to be able to show it to people who usually wouldn't be successful with a game and be able to spend time playing with them intead of spending time online with people I hardly care about.

I'm also very up for the Virtual Console, although it's gonna be a while until it's solid enough for me to jump in as a gamer. Not getting it day one, but you could say I'm a strong Wii believer.
dyls said:
Am I?


Look familiar? Released in 1997. Everything else you listed was created or standardized by Nintendo, except for analogue face butons, which are almost, but not quite, completely useless.

Sigh...the guy said nothing changed in the last 10 years. All I was saying is that that isn't true.


hyperbolically metafictive
etiolate said:
The other deal is if you have trouble going from PS3 graphics to Wii graphics, or backwards, then will you have the same trouble going from Wii control to older control, as in backwards?

you might have a point if gestural control were a distinct forward step and not a kind of lateral shuffle. it was definitely hard to go back to tomb raider once i'd played mario 64 -- but to make that kind of claim for any demonstrated implementation of the waggle wand would be pushing it. a lot.

It's basically a hedonism per personal bias.


"that word...i don't think it means what you think it means."


Professional Schmuck
The PS3 version of this thread was killed in less than 2 posts and was met with a threat of mass bannings. And that's just today.

But this one is more fun! Right?


Jiggy37 said:
That was actually almost really good, although maybe I'm just biased because my name does come from friend/family infamy with SSB/SSBM Jigglypuff, but the comparison ends up not quite working because SSBM is more or less a 2D game where it wouldn't matter.

Well, they've picked up the slack to almost-alarming degree with first-party DS titles, the pacing of which is absolute ambrosia compared to the N64 and GC combined, and maybe the GBA too to a lesser extent, but it does remain to be seen whether they can pull it off with Wii.
I kind of think they can, though. They're staggering it well enough to start with Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Fire Emblem, and SSBB all probably hitting somewhere in the first year, so it's only after that that's in question.

The DS is certainly receiving better treatment than the GBA ever did. I was scratching my head at everyone's love for the GBA when the games were really best played on the Game Boy Player (since they were- for the most part- new SNES games or ports). The only two big things lacking are Metroid and Fire Emblem. Other than that you have a good new Mario, a good new Sonic, even better Castlevanias, and other, better software.

The GBA became a dumping ground for the most part. It was the last place developers could make their half-assed 2D games on. The DS is much more of a revival of 2D. It even inspired Square Enix to do something completely out of the ordinary and create a brand new original game.
drohne said:
you might have a point if gestural control were a distinct forward step and not a kind of lateral shuffle. it was definitely hard to go back to tomb raider once i'd played mario 64 -- but to make that kind of claim for any demonstrated implementation of the waggle wand would be pushing it. a lot.

Sure about that? You seem to get more pleasure out of waggling your wand on these forums than you do playing any games.


Catchpenny said:
GAF is full of the worst flip-flopping, front running phonies. MrBob should be the mascot of these forums.

I'd say 95% of the people here haven't had a chance to use the Wiimote, which is, uh, a big part of the experience. So it seems just a bit early to declare the Wii a failure, or the savior of gaming, when you haven't been able to use the console's selling feature.
To be fair, though, supposedly the DS stylus was supposed to usher in a new era of goodness too, yet nearly every great DS game scarcely uses it. So there's at least some precedent here.

AniHawk said:
The DS is certainly receiving better treatment than the GBA ever did. I was scratching my head at everyone's love for the GBA when the games were really best played on the Game Boy Player (since they were- for the most part- new SNES games or ports). The only two big things lacking are Metroid and Fire Emblem. Other than that you have a good new Mario, a good new Sonic, even better Castlevanias, and other, better software.

The GBA became a dumping ground for the most part. It was the last place developers could make their half-assed 2D games on. The DS is much more of a revival of 2D. It even inspired Square Enix to do something completely out of the ordinary and create a brand new original game.
Oh, no doubt. I kind of worded that badly. Meant more that I'm not sure if the DS has gotten a better-paced lineup than the N64 and GC and GBA combined, but at least the first two.


Unconfirmed Member
MegaTen said:
A "hardcore gamer" not being able to handle lesser quality visuals? Does not compute.

Yup, that's basically what I thought, too.


Campster said:
I am posting in a legendarily stupid thread.
Pro-tip: You didn't exactly help.

There was nothing wrong with the premise of the thread or the original post. Posts like yours (and others who take people's opinions personally) are what make console topics painful. I highly doubt any of you who have been looking at Wii screenshots have gone all this time without ever thinking, somewhere in the back of your minds, that at least a little AA, or AF, or a less texture stretching, or a little more resolution wouldn't clear up the picture quite nicely.

People's eyes are becoming sharper and more accustomed to 3D graphics. 3D games that looked incredible on the PS1 to us ten years ago now are almost unplayable - while the state-of-the art 2D games from the same time period look fantastic. The OP is absolutely correct - the 3D platform is coming into it's own. That is, for the rest of the world. The Wii, however, will be left behind. And it is not a matter of taste or gaming philosophy - it's a matter of fact. The visuals look tired and uninspired NOW. Imagine how it will seem just a year into the PS3's lifespan.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Wii is Nintendo's final home console.


I don't like this thread... But I'll still throw in my two cents worth.
I don't get the complaining about Nintendo being all about waggle or Sony all about Blu-Ray and everybody being too expensive etc. I think it's actually good that the consoles themselves are different and not more or less the same thing with slightly different games. If you don't like the approach one company is taking, then don't support them.


hyperbolically metafictive
alas, the "no pictures of girls" rule pretty well ruled out any wand waggling i might have done on this forum. but if you still manage to get your jollies, how nice for you.
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